287 resultados para Ulisses


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The epidemiology of temporomandibular disorders varies widely in the literature. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of TMD in dental students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte assessed by different indexes. The sample consisted of 101 individuals selected by a randomized process, whose general outline was systematic sampling. For evaluation of the signs and symptoms of TMD, an anamnestic index, Fonseca s protocol, and two clinical indexes, the RDC/TMD (Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders), or standard index, and the Helkimo s Clinical Dysfunction Index were applied. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and kappa, besides verifying the sensitivity and specificity (5% significance). The diagnosis of TMD by different indexes showed a variation in the prevalence between 72.3% (Helkimo s Clinical index), 64.4% (Fonseca s anamnestic index) and 35.6% (RDC/TMD). There was no statistical difference between the sexes for the RDC/TMD, although this difference was found for Fonseca s and Helkimo s indexes (p<0.05). The most frequent type of TMD were joint disorders (Groups II and III), and the subtypes disc displacement with reduction (17.8%) and arthralgia (15.8%). Most individuals showed a mild TMD (45.5%) for both indexes, Fonseca and Helkimo. When comparing the types of diagnoses, RDC/TMD with Fonseca and Helkimo, low agreement was found (k=0.17 and k= 0.35, respectively). A moderate correlation between the severity of TMD was obtained (kw= 0.53) for Fonseca s protocol and Helkimo s index. High sensitivity and low specificity were seen for both diagnoses compared to standard, resulting in excessive false positives. Within the limitations of the study, it was concluded that the prevalence of TMD can vary widely, depending on the index used for its diagnosis


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The aim of this controlled trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of counseling in pain, function and well-fare outcomes on the management of patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Therefore, 51 consecutive patients were allocated to one of the research groups. In Group I, was instituted counseling therapy for Group II was conducted treatment as usual with occlusal splint. Patients were followed for returns at 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after baseline. At baseline, all patients were examined and assessed RDC/TMD form, which was administered by a single trained and calibrated examiner, in addition, the patients were referred for specific treatment according to the group to which belonged. The clinical and functional impairment was assessed at each visit through the Temporomandibular Index (TMI). In each session, the patients were also surveyed about pain intensity using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). To analyze the impact of pain on quality of life, OHIP-14 questionnaire was used. The results showed 26 patients in Group I with a mean age of 35.15 ± 10.79 years. 25 patients were allocated to Group II. The mean age was 27.36 ± 10.34 years. The counseling was effective in reducing the intensity of pain (VAS), with significant improvement observed at 7 day follow-up (p <0.001). The functional impairment (TMI) showed significant results at 15 days follow-up (p = 0.002). Counseling was also responsible for significant improvement in the impact of TMD on quality of life (OHIP-14) at all times of the analysis (p <0.001). When comparing research groups, no significant difference was observed for any of the analyzed indices (p> 0.05) nor in the short term (7 days) neither in long term (60 days). It was concluded therefore that, for the studied sample, counseling consisted in an effective treatment option for the control of signs and symptoms of TMD, with results in the short and long term similar to the usual treatment group.


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The evaluation criteria of the cases treated with dental implants are based on clinical and radiographic tests. In this context it is important to conduct research to determine prognosis of different types of prosthetic rehabilitation and determination of the main problems affecting this type of treatment. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the prosthetic conditions of individuals rehabilitated with implant-supported prosthesis. In this cross-sectional study 153 patients were treated, accounting for a sample of 509 implants. The failures were observed by clinical and radiographic examination. The results showed that the fracture (0.2%) loss (0.4%) and loosening of the screws (3.3%) were failures are less frequent. The fracture structures as the resin (12.4%), porcelain (5.5%) and metallic (1.5%), loss of resin that covers the screw (23.8%) and loss of retention overdentures on implants (18.6%) had a higher occurrence. The failure of adaptation between the abutment and the implant (6.9%) and especially between the prosthesis and the abutment (25.4%) had a high prevalence and, when related to other parameters showed a significant association, particularly with the cemented prosthesis (OR = 6.79). It can be concluded that to minimize the appearance of failures, protocols must be observed from diagnosis to the settlement and control of prostheses on implants, particularly with respect to technical steps of the making of the prosthesis and care in radiographic evaluating the fit between their components


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OBJETIVO: comparar duas metodologias para o cálculo do volume placentário em gestações normais de termo: a do princípio de Arquimedes e a do volume do cilindro, para estimar a densidade absoluta da placenta. Definir a metodologia mais adequada para o cálculo do volume e densidade placentários, que se relacione com o peso e classificação do recém-nascido. MÉTODOS: foram estudadas 50 placentas provenientes de gestações de termo sem complicações e calculados o volume e a densidade absoluta placentários: a) pelo princípio de Arquimedes e b) na suposição de que a placenta seria uma secção de cilindro com duas alturas diferentes do bolo placentário: com a altura média e com a altura da média aritmética do centro e extremidades. As densidades absolutas placentárias foram calculadas pelo quociente entre o peso ao ar da placenta e os diferentes volumes. RESULTADOS: a maioria das gestantes eram multíparas, idade média de 25,4 anos, volume placentário médio entre 547,8 e 610 cm³ e densidade média entre 0,94 e 1,14 g/cm³, dependendo da metodologia empregada. CONCLUSÕES: a metodologia mais adequada para estimar o volume placentário no termo foi a do princípio de Arquimedes, pela melhor correlação com o peso dos recém-nascidos, o índice placentário e a classificação do peso dos recém-nascidos em relação à idade gestacional.


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Stelmann U.J.P., Silva R.C., Langoni H., Borges A.S. & Amorim R.M. [Antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii in horses with history of ataxia]. Anticorpos contra Toxoplasma gondii em equinos corn historic de ataxia. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 33(4):200-202, 2011. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Departamento de Clinica Veterinaria, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Botucatu, Distrito de Rubiao Junior, s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618-970, Brasil. E-mail: stelmann.ppgctia@gmail.comThe frequency of antibodies in blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid against Toxoplasma gondii in horses with a history of ataxia from the state of São Paulo, Brazil was carried out. Modified agglutination test was used to determine antibodies against T gondii, considering as positive samples with titers >= 2. of the blood samples tested, only 8 of 23 (34.78%) were positive, while CSF samples were negative when used the same technique. According to the negative results obtained for CSF, we concluded that T gondii was not the etiological agent of the myeloencephalitis in studied horses with neurological manifestation of ataxia, while the blood serological results indicated a previously exposure to T gondii.


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Stelmann U.J.P., Silva A.A, Souza B.G., Oliveira G.F., Mello E.B.F.R.B, Souza G.C.J. & Hess T.M. Dermoid cyst in sheep - A Case Report. [Cisto dermoide em ovino - Relato de Caso]. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 34(2):127-130, 2012. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao em Agropecuaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E-mail: stelmann.ppgctia@gmail.comA dermoid cyst is a non-neoplasic, benign dermatologic injury. This article describes the finding of a dermoid cyst that was surgically extracted in a nine months aged ewe. The patient was admitted to the Large Animal Veterinary Hospital Department at the Federal Rural of Rio de Janeiro University, with a history of a non-healing wound that also contained fur. The ewe was referred to the surgical service and the histopathologic analysis of the lesion revealed a structure lined by stratified epithelium containing hair follicles, sudoriparous and sebaceous glands, which are conclusive for a dermoid cyst diagnosis.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Geofísica terrestre (magnetometria e radiometria) foi utilizada como ferramenta de apoio ao mapeamento geológico em uma área de pesquisa mineral da Companhia Mineradora de Minas Gerais (COMIG), denominada Alvo Bueiro, localizada a sudeste da cidade de Morro do Pilar, na Serra do Espinhaço, Estado de Minas Gerais. A integração de informações de geologia de superfície com os dados geofísicos correspondentes permitiu definir quatro zonas: A, B, C e D. A Zona A, caracterizada por altos valores de susceptibilidade magnética e baixos valores de radiometria, é composta por itabiritos do Grupo Serra da Serpentina. A Zona B, pertencente ao mesmo grupo, é constituída por filitos cinza e metassiltitos e mostra baixa susceptibilidade magnética; interrupções nas linhas de contorno foram interpretadas como decorrentes de falhas de empurrão. A Zona C, relacionada à Seqüência Vulcano-Sedimentar Rio Mata Cavalo, é caracterizada por uma expressiva anomalia do campo magnético total em xistos máficos e ultramáficos com lentes de formações ferríferas e filitos carbonosos negros; esta zona hospeda as mais importantes anomalias geoquímicas de ouro conhecidas na área em estudo. A Zona D, correspondente a ortognaisses cisalhados do Complexo Dona Rita, mostra os mais elevados valores de radiometria do Alvo Bueiro e baixas respostas magnéticas.


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The ovarian remnant syndrome (ORS) is defined as the persistence of ovarian activity in surgically spayed females, in which part or the entire ovary remains after the surgical procedure. ORS is characterized as a neo-vascular formation that promotes the organ's functions again, and may occur in cats and dogs. This condition causes the return of all undesirable signs of estrus, like male attraction, vaginal secretion (proestral bleeding), anxiety, pseudocyesis, among other symptoms. The recommended treatment is the surgical removal of the remaining ovary tissue. However, this procedure should be performed at the estrogenic stage of the cycle, when the remaining ovary tissue is enlarged due to the presence of follicles, which facilitates its location. Apparently there are no papers on the consequences of an undesirable breeding. Thus, the objective of this article was to report a case of peritonitis in a bitch with ORS after natural breeding, referred to the Hospital Veterinario da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia da UNESP, campus Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil.


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Purpose: The aim of this paper was to analyze the influence of incorporation of disinfectants during the cast die stone-setting time. Setting time, linear dimensional stability, and reproduction details on casts were measured.Materials and Methods: Die stone type IV specimens with disinfection solutions (sodium hypochlorite 1%, glutaraldehyde 2%, chlorhexidine 2%) were incorporated in two concentrations (50%, 100%). The detail reproduction, dimensional stability, and setting time were tested in accordance with ADA recommendations.Results: Disinfecting solutions promoted an increase in setting time compared to control; sodium hypochlorite was responsible for the highest setting time. The addition of undiluted sodium hypochlorite 1.0% led to contraction during setting, but the groups with 50% diluted sodium hypochlorite 1.0% and undiluted chlorhexidine 2.0% resulted in intermediate values compared to the other groups, thus matching the control. The others did not demonstrate any effect on expansion. For detail reproduction, it was observed that the control group presented results similar to the others, except those where sodium hypochlorite was added.Conclusions The addition of sodium hypochlorite in both dilutions significantly altered, negatively, all the evaluated properties. But the addition of glutaraldehyde and chlorhexidine did not promote any significant alterations in the evaluated properties.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Alginate is a biopolymer used for a variety of industrial applications, for example, in the textiles, cosmetics, foods, agricultural and biotechnological industries. This biopolymer is traditionally extracted from some brown seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) and can be produced by bacteria isolated from soil, as Azotobacter vinelandii, like capsular polysaccharide using glucose, sucrose, among others as carbon sources. The main difference between the alginate of seaweed and the bacterial ones, is the biggest degree of acetylation of this last one, with great influence in the gel force. These chemical characteristics and production of bacterial alginate are presented in this work.


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Objective. To examine the histomorphologic and histomorphometric features of tissue from 3 unrelated families with hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF).Study design. Twelve affected individuals from 3 HGF families and 3 control subjects were evaluated. Gingival samples were fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin for hematoxylin and eosin stain to count the number of fibroblast and inflammatory cells. Sirius red staining was performed to quantitate the amount of collagen present.Results. Histomorphologic analysis of HGF showed extension of epithelial rete ridges into the underlying lamina propria and the presence of collagen bundles in the connective tissue. Analysis of the mean area fraction of collagen showed that there were significant increases in the collagen fraction for all HGF types compared with control subjects (P < .05). There were significant increases in the number of fibroblasts for HGFa and HGFb compared with control subjects (P < .05). The number of fibroblasts for HGFc were similar to that for control subjects.Conclusions. The collagen fraction was significantly greater in all HGF types compared with controls. The number of fibroblasts was significantly increased in 2 of the 3 HGF types compared with controls. These data indicate that different mechanisms may be responsible for tissue enlargement in different forms of HGF.


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Thoropa megatympanum, sp. n., is described from the Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brasil. The new species is related to T. miliaris (Spix), from which it is readily distinguished by its smaller size, broader head, larger tympanum, shorter legs, and dorsal pattern mottled. The eggs and the tadpole are also described.


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Crossodactylus bokermanni, sp. n., is described from Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brasil. The new species is characterized by the small size (20-27 mm), slender build, long legs, narrow head, long and acuminate snout, rounded but fairly defined canthus rostralis, and small tympanum. Also, notes on its habits are made and its tadpole is described.