925 resultados para UAS Collision Avoidance
To master changing performance demands, autonomous transport vehicles are deployed to make inhouse material flow applications more flexible. The socalled cellular transport system consists of a multitude of small scale transport vehicles which shall be able to form a swarm. Therefore the vehicles need to detect each other, exchange information amongst each other and sense their environment. By provision of peripherally acquired information of other transport entities, more convenient decisions can be made in terms of navigation and collision avoidance. This paper is a contribution to collective utilization of sensor data in the swarm of cellular transport vehicles.
The currently proposed space debris remediation measures include the active removal of large objects and “just in time” collision avoidance by deviating the objects using, e.g., ground-based lasers. Both techniques require precise knowledge of the attitude state and state changes of the target objects. In the former case, to devise methods to grapple the target by a tug spacecraft, in the latter, to precisely propagate the orbits of potential collision partners as disturbing forces like air drag and solar radiation pressure depend on the attitude of the objects. Non-resolving optical observations of the magnitude variations, so-called light curves, are a promising technique to determine rotation or tumbling rates and the orientations of the actual rotation axis of objects, as well as their temporal changes. The 1-meter telescope ZIMLAT of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern has been used to collect light curves of MEO and GEO objects for a considerable period of time. Recently, light curves of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) targets were acquired as well. We present different observation methods, including active tracking using a CCD subframe readout technique, and the use of a high-speed scientific CMOS camera. Technical challenges when tracking objects with poor orbit redictions, as well as different data reduction methods are addressed. Results from a survey of abandoned rocket upper stages in LEO, examples of abandoned payloads and observations of high area-to-mass ratio debris will be resented. Eventually, first results of the analysis of these light curves are provided.
Space debris in geostationary orbits may be detected with optical telescopes when the objects are illuminated by the Sun. The advantage compared to Radar can be found in the illumination: radar illuminates the objects and thus the detection sensitivity depletest proportional to the fourth power of the d istance. The German Space Operation Center, GSOC, together with the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern, AIUB, are setting up a telescope system called SMARTnet to demonstrate the capability of performing geostationary surveillance. Such a telescope system will consist of two telescopes on one mount: a smaller telescope with an aperture of 20cm will serve for fast survey while the larger one, a telescope with an aperture of 50cm, will be used for follow-up observations. The telescopes will be operated by GSOC from Oberpfaffenhofen by the internal monitoring and control system called SMARTnetMAC. The observation plan will be generated by MARTnetPlanning seven days in advance by applying an optimized planning scheduler, taking into account fault time like cloudy nights, priority of objects etc. From each picture taken, stars will be identified and everything not being a star is treated as a possible object. If the same object can be identified on multiple pictures within a short time span, the trace is called a tracklet. In the next step, several tracklets will be correlated to identify individual objects, ephemeris data for these objects are generated and catalogued . This will allow for services like collision avoidance to ensure safe operations for GSOC’s satellites. The complete data processing chain is handled by BACARDI, the backbone catalogue of relational debris information and is presented as a poster.
En esta tesis se aborda la detección y el seguimiento automático de vehículos mediante técnicas de visión artificial con una cámara monocular embarcada. Este problema ha suscitado un gran interés por parte de la industria automovilística y de la comunidad científica ya que supone el primer paso en aras de la ayuda a la conducción, la prevención de accidentes y, en última instancia, la conducción automática. A pesar de que se le ha dedicado mucho esfuerzo en los últimos años, de momento no se ha encontrado ninguna solución completamente satisfactoria y por lo tanto continúa siendo un tema de investigación abierto. Los principales problemas que plantean la detección y seguimiento mediante visión artificial son la gran variabilidad entre vehículos, un fondo que cambia dinámicamente debido al movimiento de la cámara, y la necesidad de operar en tiempo real. En este contexto, esta tesis propone un marco unificado para la detección y seguimiento de vehículos que afronta los problemas descritos mediante un enfoque estadístico. El marco se compone de tres grandes bloques, i.e., generación de hipótesis, verificación de hipótesis, y seguimiento de vehículos, que se llevan a cabo de manera secuencial. No obstante, se potencia el intercambio de información entre los diferentes bloques con objeto de obtener el máximo grado posible de adaptación a cambios en el entorno y de reducir el coste computacional. Para abordar la primera tarea de generación de hipótesis, se proponen dos métodos complementarios basados respectivamente en el análisis de la apariencia y la geometría de la escena. Para ello resulta especialmente interesante el uso de un dominio transformado en el que se elimina la perspectiva de la imagen original, puesto que este dominio permite una búsqueda rápida dentro de la imagen y por tanto una generación eficiente de hipótesis de localización de los vehículos. Los candidatos finales se obtienen por medio de un marco colaborativo entre el dominio original y el dominio transformado. Para la verificación de hipótesis se adopta un método de aprendizaje supervisado. Así, se evalúan algunos de los métodos de extracción de características más populares y se proponen nuevos descriptores con arreglo al conocimiento de la apariencia de los vehículos. Para evaluar la efectividad en la tarea de clasificación de estos descriptores, y dado que no existen bases de datos públicas que se adapten al problema descrito, se ha generado una nueva base de datos sobre la que se han realizado pruebas masivas. Finalmente, se presenta una metodología para la fusión de los diferentes clasificadores y se plantea una discusión sobre las combinaciones que ofrecen los mejores resultados. El núcleo del marco propuesto está constituido por un método Bayesiano de seguimiento basado en filtros de partículas. Se plantean contribuciones en los tres elementos fundamentales de estos filtros: el algoritmo de inferencia, el modelo dinámico y el modelo de observación. En concreto, se propone el uso de un método de muestreo basado en MCMC que evita el elevado coste computacional de los filtros de partículas tradicionales y por consiguiente permite que el modelado conjunto de múltiples vehículos sea computacionalmente viable. Por otra parte, el dominio transformado mencionado anteriormente permite la definición de un modelo dinámico de velocidad constante ya que se preserva el movimiento suave de los vehículos en autopistas. Por último, se propone un modelo de observación que integra diferentes características. En particular, además de la apariencia de los vehículos, el modelo tiene en cuenta también toda la información recibida de los bloques de procesamiento previos. El método propuesto se ejecuta en tiempo real en un ordenador de propósito general y da unos resultados sobresalientes en comparación con los métodos tradicionales. ABSTRACT This thesis addresses on-road vehicle detection and tracking with a monocular vision system. This problem has attracted the attention of the automotive industry and the research community as it is the first step for driver assistance and collision avoidance systems and for eventual autonomous driving. Although many effort has been devoted to address it in recent years, no satisfactory solution has yet been devised and thus it is an active research issue. The main challenges for vision-based vehicle detection and tracking are the high variability among vehicles, the dynamically changing background due to camera motion and the real-time processing requirement. In this thesis, a unified approach using statistical methods is presented for vehicle detection and tracking that tackles these issues. The approach is divided into three primary tasks, i.e., vehicle hypothesis generation, hypothesis verification, and vehicle tracking, which are performed sequentially. Nevertheless, the exchange of information between processing blocks is fostered so that the maximum degree of adaptation to changes in the environment can be achieved and the computational cost is alleviated. Two complementary strategies are proposed to address the first task, i.e., hypothesis generation, based respectively on appearance and geometry analysis. To this end, the use of a rectified domain in which the perspective is removed from the original image is especially interesting, as it allows for fast image scanning and coarse hypothesis generation. The final vehicle candidates are produced using a collaborative framework between the original and the rectified domains. A supervised classification strategy is adopted for the verification of the hypothesized vehicle locations. In particular, state-of-the-art methods for feature extraction are evaluated and new descriptors are proposed by exploiting the knowledge on vehicle appearance. Due to the lack of appropriate public databases, a new database is generated and the classification performance of the descriptors is extensively tested on it. Finally, a methodology for the fusion of the different classifiers is presented and the best combinations are discussed. The core of the proposed approach is a Bayesian tracking framework using particle filters. Contributions are made on its three key elements: the inference algorithm, the dynamic model and the observation model. In particular, the use of a Markov chain Monte Carlo method is proposed for sampling, which circumvents the exponential complexity increase of traditional particle filters thus making joint multiple vehicle tracking affordable. On the other hand, the aforementioned rectified domain allows for the definition of a constant-velocity dynamic model since it preserves the smooth motion of vehicles in highways. Finally, a multiple-cue observation model is proposed that not only accounts for vehicle appearance but also integrates the available information from the analysis in the previous blocks. The proposed approach is proven to run near real-time in a general purpose PC and to deliver outstanding results compared to traditional methods.
Motivated by the growing interest in unmanned aerial system's applications in indoor and outdoor settings and the standardisation of visual sensors as vehicle payload. This work presents a collision avoidance approach based on omnidirectional cameras that does not require the estimation of range between two platforms to resolve a collision encounter. It will achieve a minimum separation between the two vehicles involved by maximising the view-angle given by the omnidirectional sensor. Only visual information is used to achieve avoidance under a bearing-only visual servoing approach. We provide theoretical problem formulation, as well as results from real flight using small quadrotors
Los arrays de ranuras son sistemas de antennas conocidos desde los años 40, principalmente destinados a formar parte de sistemas rádar de navíos de combate y grandes estaciones terrenas donde el tamaño y el peso no eran altamente restrictivos. Con el paso de los años y debido sobre todo a importantes avances en materiales y métodos de fabricación, el rango de aplicaciones de este tipo de sistemas radiantes creció en gran medida. Desde nuevas tecnologías biomédicas, sistemas anticolisión en automóviles y navegación en aviones, enlaces de comunicaciones de alta tasa binaria y corta distancia e incluso sistemas embarcados en satélites para la transmisión de señal de televisión. Dentro de esta familia de antennas, existen dos grupos que destacan por ser los más utilizados: las antennas de placas paralelas con las ranuras distribuidas de forma circular o espiral y las agrupaciones de arrays lineales construidos sobre guia de onda. Continuando con las tareas de investigación desarrolladas durante los últimos años en el Instituto de Tecnología de Tokyo y en el Grupo de Radiación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, la totalidad de esta tesis se centra en este último grupo, aunque como se verá se separa en gran medida de las técnicas de diseño y metodologías convencionales. Los arrays de ranuras rectas y paralelas al eje de la guía rectangular que las alimenta son, sin ninguna duda, los modelos más empleados debido a la fiabilidad que presentan a altas frecuencias, su capacidad para gestionar grandes cantidades de potencia y la sencillez de su diseño y fabricación. Sin embargo, también presentan desventajas como estrecho ancho de banda en pérdidas de retorno y rápida degradación del diagrama de radiación con la frecuencia. Éstas son debidas a la naturaleza resonante de sus elementos radiantes: al perder la resonancia, el sistema global se desajusta y sus prestaciones degeneran. En arrays bidimensionales de slots rectos, el campo eléctrico queda polarizado sobre el plano transversal a las ranuras, correspondiéndose con el plano de altos lóbulos secundarios. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un método sistemático de diseño de arrays de ranuras inclinadas y desplazadas del centro (en lo sucesivo “ranuras compuestas”), definido en 1971 como uno de los desafíos a superar dentro del mundo del diseño de antennas. La técnica empleada se basa en el Método de los Momentos, la Teoría de Circuitos y la Teoría de Conexión Aleatoria de Matrices de Dispersión. Al tratarse de un método circuital, la primera parte de la tesis se corresponde con el estudio de la aplicabilidad de las redes equivalentes fundamentales, su capacidad para recrear fenómenos físicos de la ranura, las limitaciones y ventajas que presentan para caracterizar las diferentes configuraciones de slot compuesto. Se profundiza en las diferencias entre las redes en T y en ! y se condiciona la selección de una u otra dependiendo del tipo de elemento radiante. Una vez seleccionado el tipo de red a emplear en el diseño del sistema, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo de cascadeo progresivo desde el puerto alimentador hacia el cortocircuito que termina el modelo. Este algoritmo es independiente del número de elementos, la frecuencia central de funcionamiento, del ángulo de inclinación de las ranuras y de la red equivalente seleccionada (en T o en !). Se basa en definir el diseño del array como un Problema de Satisfacción de Condiciones (en inglés, Constraint Satisfaction Problem) que se resuelve por un método de Búsqueda en Retroceso (Backtracking algorithm). Como resultado devuelve un circuito equivalente del array completo adaptado a su entrada y cuyos elementos consumen una potencia acorde a una distribución de amplitud dada para el array. En toda agrupación de antennas, el acoplo mutuo entre elementos a través del campo radiado representa uno de los principales problemas para el ingeniero y sus efectos perjudican a las prestaciones globales del sistema, tanto en adaptación como en capacidad de radiación. El empleo de circuito equivalente se descartó por la dificultad que suponía la caracterización de estos efectos y su inclusión en la etapa de diseño. En esta tesis doctoral el acoplo también se ha modelado como una red equivalente cuyos elementos son transformadores ideales y admitancias, conectada al conjunto de redes equivalentes que representa el array. Al comparar los resultados estimados en términos de pérdidas de retorno y radiación con aquellos obtenidos a partir de programas comerciales populares como CST Microwave Studio se confirma la validez del método aquí propuesto, el primer método de diseño sistemático de arrays de ranuras compuestos alimentados por guía de onda rectangular. Al tratarse de ranuras no resonantes, el ancho de banda en pérdidas de retorno es mucho mas amplio que el que presentan arrays de slots rectos. Para arrays bidimensionales, el ángulo de inclinación puede ajustarse de manera que el campo quede polarizado en los planos de bajos lóbulos secundarios. Además de simulaciones se han diseñado, construido y medido dos prototipos centrados en la frecuencia de 12GHz, de seis y diez elementos. Las medidas de pérdidas de retorno y diagrama de radiación revelan excelentes resultados, certificando la bondad del método genuino Method of Moments - Forward Matching Procedure desarrollado a lo largo de esta tésis. Abstract The slot antenna arrays are well known systems from the decade of 40s, mainly intended to be part of radar systems of large warships and terrestrial stations where size and weight were not highly restrictive. Over the years, mainly due to significant advances in materials and manufacturing methods, the range of applications of this type of radiating systems grew significantly. From new biomedical technologies, collision avoidance systems in cars and aircraft navigation, short communication links with high bit transfer rate and even embedded systems in satellites for television broadcast. Within this family of antennas, two groups stand out as being the most frequent in the literature: parallel plate antennas with slots placed in a circular or spiral distribution and clusters of waveguide linear arrays. To continue the vast research work carried out during the last decades in the Tokyo Institute of Technology and in the Radiation Group at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, this thesis focuses on the latter group, although it represents a technique that drastically breaks with traditional design methodologies. The arrays of slots straight and parallel to the axis of the feeding rectangular waveguide are without a doubt the most used models because of the reliability that they present at high frequencies, its ability to handle large amounts of power and their simplicity of design and manufacturing. However, there also exist disadvantages as narrow bandwidth in return loss and rapid degradation of the radiation pattern with frequency. These are due to the resonant nature of radiating elements: away from the resonance status, the overall system performance and radiation pattern diminish. For two-dimensional arrays of straight slots, the electric field is polarized transverse to the radiators, corresponding to the plane of high side-lobe level. This thesis aims to develop a systematic method of designing arrays of angled and displaced slots (hereinafter "compound slots"), defined in 1971 as one of the challenges to overcome in the world of antenna design. The used technique is based on the Method of Moments, Circuit Theory and the Theory of Scattering Matrices Connection. Being a circuitry-based method, the first part of this dissertation corresponds to the study of the applicability of the basic equivalent networks, their ability to recreate the slot physical phenomena, their limitations and advantages presented to characterize different compound slot configurations. It delves into the differences of T and ! and determines the selection of the most suitable one depending on the type of radiating element. Once the type of network to be used in the system design is selected, a progressive algorithm called Forward Matching Procedure has been developed to connect the proper equivalent networks from the feeder port to shorted ending. This algorithm is independent of the number of elements, the central operating frequency, the angle of inclination of the slots and selected equivalent network (T or ! networks). It is based on the definition of the array design as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem, solved by means of a Backtracking Algorithm. As a result, the method returns an equivalent circuit of the whole array which is matched at its input port and whose elements consume a power according to a given amplitude distribution for the array. In any group of antennas, the mutual coupling between elements through the radiated field represents one of the biggest problems that the engineer faces and its effects are detrimental to the overall performance of the system, both in radiation capabilities and return loss. The employment of an equivalent circuit for the array design was discarded by some authors because of the difficulty involved in the characterization of the coupling effects and their inclusion in the design stage. In this thesis the coupling has also been modeled as an equivalent network whose elements are ideal transformers and admittances connected to the set of equivalent networks that represent the antennas of the array. By comparing the estimated results in terms of return loss and radiation with those obtained from popular commercial software as CST Microwave Studio, the validity of the proposed method is fully confirmed, representing the first method of systematic design of compound-slot arrays fed by rectangular waveguide. Since these slots do not work under the resonant status, the bandwidth in return loss is much wider than the longitudinal-slot arrays. For the case of two-dimensional arrays, the angle of inclination can be adjusted so that the field is polarized at the low side-lobe level plane. Besides the performed full-wave simulations two prototypes of six and ten elements for the X-band have been designed, built and measured, revealing excellent results and agreement with the expected results. These facts certify that the genuine technique Method of Moments - Matching Forward Procedure developed along this thesis is valid and trustable.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) industry is a fast growing sector. Nowadays, the market offers numerous possibilities for off-the-shelf UAVs such as quadrotors or fixed-wings. Until UAVs demonstrate advance capabilities such as autonomous collision avoidance they will be segregated and restricted to flight in controlled environments. This work presents a visual fuzzy servoing system for obstacle avoidance using UAVs. To accomplish this task we used the visual information from the front camera. Images are processed off-board and the result send to the Fuzzy Logic controller which then send commands to modify the orientation of the aircraft. Results from flight test are presented with a commercial off-the-shelf platform.
The operational advantages of electrodynamic tethers of moderate length are becoming evident from studies of collision avoidance. Although long tethers (of order of 10 kilometers) provide high efficiency and good adaptability to varying plasma conditions, boosting tethers of moderate length (- 1 kilometer) and suitable design might still operate at acceptable efficiencies and adequate adaptability to a changing environment. In this paper we carry out a parametric analysis of the performance of 1-km long boosting tethers, to maximize their efficiency. We also discuss the possible use of multiple, parallel such tethers for keeping thrust high when length is decreased. We then estimate the survivability of short tethers to micrometeoroids and orbital debris. Finally, a few considerations are made on the dynamic stability of electrodynamic tether systems versus length.
Video-based vehicle detection is the focus of increasing interest due to its potential towards collision avoidance. In particular, vehicle verification is especially challenging due to the enormous variability of vehicles in size, color, pose, etc. In this paper, a new approach based on supervised learning using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is proposed that addresses the main limitations of existing methods. Namely, in contrast to classical approaches which train a single classifier regardless of the relative position of the candidate (thus ignoring valuable pose information), a region-dependent analysis is performed by considering four different areas. In addition, a study on the evolution of the classification performance according to the dimensionality of the principal subspace is carried out using PCA features within a SVM-based classification scheme. Indeed, the experiments performed on a publicly available database prove that PCA dimensionality requirements are region-dependent. Hence, in this work, the optimal configuration is adapted to each of them, rendering very good vehicle verification results.
A operação de veículos autônomos necessita de meios para evitar colisões quando obstáculos não conhecidos previamente são interpostos em sua trajetória. Algoritmos para executar o desvio e sensores apropriados para a detecção destes obstáculos são essenciais para a operação destes veículos. Esta dissertação apresenta estudos sobre quatro algoritmos de desvio de obstáculos e tecnologia de três tipos de sensores aplicáveis à operação de veículos autônomos. Após os estudos teóricos, um dos algoritmos foi testado para a comprovação da aplicabilidade ao veículo de teste. A etapa experimental foi a realização de um programa, escrito em linguagem de programação Java, que aplicou o algoritmo Inseto 2 para o desvio de obstáculos em uma plataforma robótica (Robodeck) com o uso de sensores ultrassônicos embarcados na referida plataforma. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em ambiente fechado (indoor), bidimensional e horizontal (plano), fazendo o Robodeck executar uma trajetória. Para os testes, obstáculos foram colocados para simular situações variadas e avaliar a eficácia do algoritmo nestas configurações de caminho. O algoritmo executou o desvio dos obstáculos com sucesso e, quando havia solução para a trajetória, ela foi encontrada. Quando não havia solução, o algoritmo detectou esta situação e parou o veículo.
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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Mode of access: Internet.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.