277 resultados para Turing, Maquinas de
We introduce the perspex machine which unifies projective geometry and Turing computation and results in a supra-Turing machine. We show two ways in which the perspex machine unifies symbolic and non-symbolic AI. Firstly, we describe concrete geometrical models that map perspexes onto neural networks, some of which perform only symbolic operations. Secondly, we describe an abstract continuum of perspex logics that includes both symbolic logics and a new class of continuous logics. We argue that an axiom in symbolic logic can be the conclusion of a perspex theorem. That is, the atoms of symbolic logic can be the conclusions of sub-atomic theorems. We argue that perspex space can be mapped onto the spacetime of the universe we inhabit. This allows us to discuss how a robot might be conscious, feel, and have free will in a deterministic, or semi-deterministic, universe. We ground the reality of our universe in existence. On a theistic point, we argue that preordination and free will are compatible. On a theological point, we argue that it is not heretical for us to give robots free will. Finally, we give a pragmatic warning as to the double-edged risks of creating robots that do, or alternatively do not, have free will.
We investigate the behavior of a single-cell protozoan in a narrow tubular ring. This environment forces them to swim under a one-dimensional periodic boundary condition. Above a critical density, single-cell protozoa aggregate spontaneously without external stimulation. The high-density zone of swimming cells exhibits a characteristic collective dynamics including translation and boundary fluctuation. We analyzed the velocity distribution and turn rate of swimming cells and found that the regulation of the turing rate leads to a stable aggregation and that acceleration of velocity triggers instability of aggregation. These two opposing effects may help to explain the spontaneous dynamics of collective behavior. We also propose a stochastic model for the mechanism underlying the collective behavior of swimming cells.
By modelling the average activity of large neuronal populations, continuum mean field models (MFMs) have become an increasingly important theoretical tool for understanding the emergent activity of cortical tissue. In order to be computationally tractable, long-range propagation of activity in MFMs is often approximated with partial differential equations (PDEs). However, PDE approximations in current use correspond to underlying axonal velocity distributions incompatible with experimental measurements. In order to rectify this deficiency, we here introduce novel propagation PDEs that give rise to smooth unimodal distributions of axonal conduction velocities. We also argue that velocities estimated from fibre diameters in slice and from latency measurements, respectively, relate quite differently to such distributions, a significant point for any phenomenological description. Our PDEs are then successfully fit to fibre diameter data from human corpus callosum and rat subcortical white matter. This allows for the first time to simulate long-range conduction in the mammalian brain with realistic, convenient PDEs. Furthermore, the obtained results suggest that the propagation of activity in rat and human differs significantly beyond mere scaling. The dynamical consequences of our new formulation are investigated in the context of a well known neural field model. On the basis of Turing instability analyses, we conclude that pattern formation is more easily initiated using our more realistic propagator. By increasing characteristic conduction velocities, a smooth transition can occur from self-sustaining bulk oscillations to travelling waves of various wavelengths, which may influence axonal growth during development. Our analytic results are also corroborated numerically using simulations on a large spatial grid. Thus we provide here a comprehensive analysis of empirically constrained activity propagation in the context of MFMs, which will allow more realistic studies of mammalian brain activity in the future.
Neural field models of firing rate activity typically take the form of integral equations with space-dependent axonal delays. Under natural assumptions on the synaptic connectivity we show how one can derive an equivalent partial differential equation (PDE) model that properly treats the axonal delay terms of the integral formulation. Our analysis avoids the so-called long-wavelength approximation that has previously been used to formulate PDE models for neural activity in two spatial dimensions. Direct numerical simulations of this PDE model show instabilities of the homogeneous steady state that are in full agreement with a Turing instability analysis of the original integral model. We discuss the benefits of such a local model and its usefulness in modeling electrocortical activity. In particular, we are able to treat “patchy” connections, whereby a homogeneous and isotropic system is modulated in a spatially periodic fashion. In this case the emergence of a “lattice-directed” traveling wave predicted by a linear instability analysis is confirmed by the numerical simulation of an appropriate set of coupled PDEs.
In homogeneous environments, by overturning the possibility of competitive exclusion among phytoplankton species, and by regulating the dynamics of overall plankton population, toxin-producing phytoplankton (TPP) potentially help in maintaining plankton diversity—a result shown recently. Here, I explore the competitive effects of TPP on phytoplankton and zooplankton species undergoing spatial movements in the subsurface water. The spatial interactions among the species are represented in the form of reaction-diffusion equations. Suitable parametric conditions under which Turing patterns may or may not evolve are investigated. Spatiotemporal distributions of species biomass are simulated using the diffusivity assumptions realistic for natural planktonic systems. The study demonstrates that spatial movements of planktonic systems in the presence of TPP generate and maintain inhomogeneous biomass distribution of competing phytoplankton, as well as grazer zooplankton, thereby ensuring the persistence of multiple species in space and time. The overall results may potentially explain the sustainability of biodiversity and the spatiotemporal emergence of phytoplankton and zooplankton species under the influence of TPP combined with their physical movement in the subsurface water.
Computational formalisms have been pushing the boundaries of the field of computing for the last 80 years and much debate has surrounded what computing entails; what it is, and what it is not. This paper seeks to explore the boundaries of the ideas of computation and provide a framework for enabling a constructive discussion of computational ideas. First, a review of computing is given, ranging from Turing Machines to interactive computing. Then, a variety of natural physical systems are considered for their computational qualities. From this exploration, a framework is presented under which all dynamical systems can be considered as instances of the class of abstract computational platforms. An abstract computational platform is defined by both its intrinsic dynamics and how it allows computation that is meaningful to an external agent through the configuration of constraints upon those dynamics. It is asserted that a platform’s computational expressiveness is directly related to the freedom with which constraints can be placed. Finally, the requirements for a formal constraint description language are considered and it is proposed that Abstract State Machines may provide a reasonable basis for such a language.
In this paper the authors consider natural, feigned or absence of emotions in text-based dialogues. The dialogues occurred during interactions between human Judges/Interrogators and hidden entities in practical Turing tests implemented at Bletchley Park in June 2012. The authors focus on the interactions that left the Interrogator unable to say whether they were talking to a human or a machine after five minutes of questioning; the hidden interlocutor received an ‘unsure’ classification. In cases where the Judge has provided post-event feedback the authors present their rationale from three viva voce one-to-one Turing tests. The authors find that emoticons and other visual devices used to express feelings in text-based interaction were missing in the conversations between the Interrogators and hidden interlocutors.
In this paper the architecture of an experimental multiparadigmatic programming environment is sketched, showing how its parts combine together with application modules in order to perform the integration of program modules written in different programming languages and paradigms. Adaptive automata are special self-modifying formal state machines used as a design and implementation tool in the representation of complex systems. Adaptive automata have been proven to have the same formal power as Turing Machines. Therefore, at least in theory, arbitrarily complex systems may be modeled with adaptive automata. The present work briefly introduces such formal tool and presents case studies showing how to use them in two very different situations: the first one, in the name management module of a multi-paradigmatic and multi-language programming environment, and the second one, in an application program implementing an adaptive automaton that accepts a context-sensitive language.
As empresas, cada vez mais, buscam a redução de custo, para serem mais competitivas. A necessidade de aumentar a vida útil dos equipamentos, através de técnicas apropriadas é prioritário para manutenção dos ativos. Neste trabalho estudou-se o método para implantação da análise e monitoramento da vibração em equipamentos rotativos, com base nos conceitos da manutenção centrada em confiabilidade, usando técnicas preditiva e pró-ativa de manutenção pela condição, com foco na tarefa. Primeiramente foi analisado o comportamento dos componentes em relação ao processo de falha, como as falhas atuam, os tipos de modos de falha, falhas funcionais e seus efeitos. Após foram analisados e selecionados os critérios de níveis de vibração para os equipamentos rotativos em função da potência e rotação. Também, foi determinado em que condições os espectros seriam analisados em função da amplitude e freqüência de rotação. Então, foram preparados os locais para coletas dos dados de vibração. Assim, os níveis de vibração global foram coletados em função das amplitudes, em cada posição específica do equipamento em seu plano. Isto faz com que, análise dos níveis globais de vibração e o diagnóstico através do espectro e a forma de onda, permitissem encontrar a causa do problema. Finalmente, são apresentados os resultados em níveis de amplitude, espectro após ações, a correção da causa do problema e os tipos de defeitos de tendência de falhas e a implementação do método.
Esta pesquisa busca determinar se a película cinematográfica Blade Runner pode ser entendida como mito segundo a concepção de Joseph Campbell, bem como procura desvendar qual o significado do filme enquanto mito. Para o primeiro tópico, foi usado o método de análise textual, amparado no paradigma indiciário. Para o segundo tópico, foi feita uma comparação do Teste de Turing e do programa de conversação ELIZA, de Joseph Weizenbaum com Blade Runner. Nossa conclusão final remete à idéia da máquina como espelho simbólico do ser humano.
Trata das modificações ocorridas na organização da produção e na organização do trabalho em função da introdução de tecnologia de base microeletrônica em empresas industriais. Estas modificações são associadas aos fatoreseconômicos, políticos e sociais que as determinam, a partir de urna dada base tecnológica potencial. No estudo da situação brasileira dá-ênfase à introdução e difusão de máquinas-ferrarnenta de comando numérico, hem como aos possíveis impactos causados por este processo
Este trabalho versa sobre a avaliação da compressão de dados e da qualidade de imagens e animações usando-se complexidade de Kolmogorov, simulação de máquinas e distância de informação. Complexidade de Kolmogorov é uma teoria da informação e da aleatoriedade baseada na máquina de Turing. No trabalho é proposto um método para avaliar a compressão de dados de modelos de animação gráfica usando-se simulação de máquinas. Também definimos formalmente compressão de dados com perdas e propomos a aplicação da distância de informação como uma métrica de qualidade de imagem. O desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para avaliar a compressão de dados de modelos de animação gráfica para web é útil, a medida que as páginas na web estão sendo cada vez mais enriquecidas com animações, som e vídeo, e a economia de banda de canal tornase importante, pois os arquivos envolvidos são geralmente grandes. Boa parte do apelo e das vantagens da web em aplicações como, por exemplo, educação à distância ou publicidade, reside exatamente na existência de elementos multimídia, que apoiam a idéia que está sendo apresentada na página. Como estudo de caso, o método de comparação e avaliação de modelos de animação gráfica foi aplicado na comparação de dois modelos: GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) e AGA (Animação Gráfica baseada em Autômatos finitos), provando formalmente que AGA é melhor que GIF (“melhor” significa que AGA comprime mais as animações que GIF). Foi desenvolvida também uma definição formal de compressão de dados com perdas com o objetivo de estender a metodologia de avalição apresentada Distância de informação é proposta como uma nova métrica de qualidade de imagem, e tem como grande vantagem ser uma medida universal, ou seja, capaz de incorporar toda e qualquer medida computável concebível. A métrica proposta foi testada em uma série de experimentos e comparada com a distância euclidiana (medida tradicionalmente usada nestes casos). Os resultados dos testes são uma evidência prática que a distância proposta é efetiva neste novo contexto de aplicação, e que apresenta, em alguns casos, resultados superiores ao da distância euclidiana. Isto também é uma evidência que a distância de informação é uma métrica mais fina que a distância euclidiana. Também mostramos que há casos em que podemos aplicar a distância de informação, mas não podemos aplicar a distância euclidiana. A métrica proposta foi aplicada também na avaliação de animações gráficas baseadas em frames, onde apresentou resultados melhores que os obtidos com imagens puras. Este tipo de avaliação de animações é inédita na literatura, segundo revisão bibliográfica feita. Finalmente, neste trabalho é apresentado um refinamento à medida proposta que apresentou resultados melhores que a aplicação simples e direta da distância de informação.
The popularization of the Internet has stimulated the appearance of Search Engines that have as their objective aid the users in the Web information research process. However, it s common for users to make queries and receive results which do not satisfy their initial needs. The Information Retrieval in Context (IRiX) technique allows for the information related to a specific theme to be related to the initial user query, enabling, in this way, better results. This study presents a prototype of a search engine based on contexts built from linguistic gatherings and on relationships defined by the user. The context information can be shared with softwares and other tool users with the objective of promoting a socialization of contexts
The concept of information is analyzed starting from Adams' hypothesis in The Informational Turn in Philosophy, according to which there has been a far-reaching turn in Philosophy following the publication of Turing's article "Computing Machinery and Intelligence". Adams maintains that new guidelines are being indicated in philosophical research, having the concept of "information" as the basis for treatment of classical problems, such as the relationships between mind-body, perception-action, and the nature of knowledge, amongst others. Partially agreeing with Adams, we believe, however, that his hypothesis faces difficulties, the most fundamental of which concerns the different meanings given to the concept of information. We argue that even though the concept of information underlying the mechanicist proposal of Turing, according to which "to think is to compute", is indeed being employed in Philosophy, this is not because of its mechanistic nature, but mainly due to the representationist presupposition dominant in this area. From this point of view, the informational turn in philosophy would not provide any great novelty, given that since the earliest days philosophical approaches to the nature of mind have always been mainly representationist. The novelty would not lie specifically in the Turing thesis, but in reflections on the nature of information, especially ecological information, and its relation to action.