650 resultados para Tubos - Soldagem


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En el año 2008 la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la empresa Gas Natural Fenosa firmaron un acuerdo por el que se creaba el Aula José Cabrera en el Departamento de Ingeniería Nuclear de la UPM. Dicho aula cuenta con el simulador gráfico interactivo de la central nuclear José Cabrera, que es un simulador de alcance total de una central nuclear PWR de un lazo. El objetivo de la ponencia es demostrar la gran aplicación didáctica que tiene dicho aula. El simulador es una herramienta de uso interactivo para trabajo individual o en grupo con los alumnos. Dentro de la asignatura de “Fiabilidad y Análisis del Riesgo” del Máster Ciencia y Tecnología Nuclear de la ETSII-UPM, se propuso la realización de un árbol de eventos para un accidente propuesto por los alumnos. El trabajo que se presenta en esta ponencia ha consistido en el análisis del accidente de rotura de tubos en el generador de vapor usando el simulador gráfico interactivo.


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En este trabajo se han evaluado analítica y experimentalmente, bajo cargas estáticas, sistemas provisionales de protección de borde (SPPB), fabricados con barandillas de sección tubular de acero y con barandillas de tablas de madera de pino silvestre. En ambos casos los postes de sección tubular de acero se han separado 2400 mm. Los resultados muestran que SPPB fabricados con barandillas de tubo de acero necesitan una sección de 40·1,5. Si el SPPB está fabricado con barandilla de madera de pino silvestre de altura 150 mm, la tabla de espesor 22 mm de cualquier calidad es válida como rodapié. Como barandilla principal se necesita utilizar un espesor de 30 mm para poder garantizar que con cualquier clasificación de la madera se pueden superar los requisitos establecidos por la norma UNE-EN 13374 para la evaluación de SPPB.


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Esta tesis pretende contribuir al fomento y utilización de la energía solar como alternativa para la producción de agua caliente en el sector agroindustrial. La demanda de agua caliente es un aspecto clave en un gran número de agroindustrias y explotaciones agrarias. Esta demanda presenta una gran variabilidad, tanto en los horarios en que se solicita como en la temperatura del agua del depósito requerida (TADr), difiriendo del perfil de demanda habitual para uso doméstico. Existe una necesidad de profundizar en la influencia que tiene la variación de la TADr en la eficiencia y viabilidad de estos sistemas. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es caracterizar el funcionamiento de un sistema solar térmico (SST) con captador de tubos de vacío (CTV) para producir agua a temperaturas superiores a las habituales en estos sistemas. Se pretende determinar la influencia que la TADr tiene sobre la eficiencia energética del sistema, cuantificar el volumen de agua caliente que es capaz de suministrar en función de la TADr y determinar la rentabilidad del SST como sistema complementario de suministro. Para ello, se ha diseñado, instalado y puesto a punto un sistema experimental de calentamiento de agua, monitorizando su funcionamiento a diferentes TADr bajo condiciones ambientales reales. Los resultados cuantifican cómo el aumento de la TADr provoca una disminución de la energía suministrada al depósito, pudiendo superar diferencias de 1000 Wh m-2 d-1 entre 40 ºC y 80 ºC, para valores de irradiación solar próximos a 8000 Wh m-2 d-1 (la eficiencia del sistema oscila entre 73% y 56%). Esta reducción es consecuencia de la disminución de la eficiencia del captador y del aumento de las pérdidas de calor en las tuberías del circuito. En cuanto al agua suministrada, cuanto mayor es la TADr, mayor es la irradiación solar requerida para que tenga lugar la primera descarga de agua, aumentando el tiempo entre descargas y disminuyendo el número de éstas a lo largo del día. A medida que se incrementa la TADr, se produce una reducción del volumen de agua suministrado a la TADr, por factores como la pérdida de eficiencia del captador, las pérdidas en las tuberías, la energía acumulada en el agua que no alcanza la TADr y la mayor energía extraída del sistema en el agua producida. Para una TADr de 80 ºC, una parte importante de la energía permanece acumulada en el depósito sin alcanzar la TADr al final del día. Para aprovechar esta energía sería necesario disponer de un sistema complementario de suministro, ya que las pérdidas de calor nocturnas en el depósito pueden reducir considerablemente la energía útil disponible al día siguiente. La utilización del sistema solar como sistema único de suministro es inviable en la mayoría de los casos, especialmente a TADr elevadas, al no ajustarse la demanda de agua caliente a la estacionalidad de la producción del sistema solar, y al existir muchos días sin producción de agua caliente por la ausencia de irradiación mínima. Por el contrario, la inversión del sistema solar como sistema complementario para suministrar parte de la demanda térmica de una instalación es altamente recomendable. La energía útil anual del sistema solar estimada oscila entre 1322 kWh m-2 y 1084 kWh m-2. La mayor rentabilidad se obtendría suponiendo la existencia de una caldera eléctrica, donde la inversión se recuperaría en pocos años -entre 5.7 años a 40 ºC y 7.2 años a 80 ºC -. La rentabilidad también es elevada suponiendo la existencia de una caldera de gasóleo, con periodos de recuperación inferiores a 10 años. En una industria ficticia con demanda de 100 kWh d-1 y caldera de gasóleo existente, la inversión en una instalación solar optimizada sería rentable a cualquier TADr, con valores de VAN cercanos a la inversión realizada -12000 € a 80 ºC y 15000€ a 40 ºC- y un plazo de recuperación de la inversión entre 8 y 10 años. Los resultados de este estudio pueden ser de gran utilidad a la hora de determinar la viabilidad de utilización de sistemas similares para suministrar la demanda de agua caliente de agroindustrias y explotaciones agropecuarias, o para otras aplicaciones en las que se demande agua a temperaturas distintas de la habitual en uso doméstico (60 ºC). En cada caso, los rendimientos y la rentabilidad vendrán determinados por la irradiación de la zona, la temperatura del agua requerida y la curva de demanda de los procesos específicos. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the development and use of solar energy as an alternative for producing hot water in the agribusiness sector. Hot water supply is a key issue for a great many agribusinesses and agricultural holdings. Both hot water demand times and required tank water temperature (rTWT) are highly variable, where the demand profile tends to differ from domestic use. Further research is needed on how differences in rTWT influence the performance and feasibility of these systems. The main objective of this thesis is to characterize the performance and test the feasibility of an evacuated tube collector (ETC) solar water heating (SWH) system providing water at a higher temperature than is usual for such systems. The aim is to determine what influence the rTWT has on the system’s energy efficiency, quantify the volume of hot water that the system is capable of supplying at the respective rTWT and establish whether SWH is feasible as a booster supply system for the different analysed rTWTs. To do this, a prototype water heating system has been designed, installed and commissioned and its performance monitored at different rTWTs under real operating conditions. The quantitative results show that a higher rTWT results in a lower energy supply to the tank, where the differences may be greater than 1000 Wh m-2 d-1 from 40 ºC to 80 ºC for insolation values of around 8000 Wh m-2 d-1 (system efficiency ranges from 73% to 56%). The drop in supply is due to lower collector efficiency and greater heat losses from the pipe system. As regards water supplied at the rTWT, the insolation required for the first withdrawal of water to take place is greater at higher rTWTs, where the time between withdrawals increases and the number of withdrawals decreases throughout the day. As rTWT increases, the volume of water supplied at the rTWT decreases due to factors such as lower collector efficiency, pipe system heat losses, energy stored in the water at below the rTWT and more energy being extracted from the system by water heating. For a rTWT of 80 ºC, much of the energy is stored in the tank at below the rTWT at the end of the day. A booster supply system would be required to take advantage of this energy, as overnight tank heat losses may significantly reduce the usable energy available on the following day. It is often not feasible to use the solar system as a single supply system, especially at high rTWTs, as, unlike the supply from the solar heating system which does not produce hot water on many days of the year because insolation is below the required minimum, hot water demand is not seasonal. On the other hand, investment in a solar system as a booster system to meet part of a plant’s heat energy demand is highly recommended. The solar system’s estimated annual usable energy ranges from 1322 kWh m-2 to 1084 kWh m-2. Cost efficiency would be greatest if there were an existing electric boiler, where the payback period would be just a few years —from 5.7 years at 40 ºC to 7.2 years at 80 ºC—. Cost efficiency is also high if there is an existing diesel boiler with payback periods of under 10 years. In a fictitious industry with a demand of 100 kWh day-1 and an existing diesel boiler, the investment in the solar plant would be highly recommended at any rTWT, with a net present value similar to investment costs —12000 € at 80 ºC and 15000 € at 40 ºC— and a payback period of 10 years. The results of this study are potentially very useful for determining the feasibility of using similar systems for meeting the hot water demand of agribusinesses and arable and livestock farms or for other applications demanding water at temperatures not typical of domestic demand (60ºC). Performance and cost efficiency will be determined by the regional insolation, the required water temperature and the demand curve of the specific processes in each case.


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O transporte de gás e derivados de petróleo é realizado pelo uso de tubulações, denominadas de oleodutos ou gasodutos, que necessitam de elevados níveis de resistência mecânica e corrosão, aliadas a uma boa tenacidade à fratura e resistência à fadiga. A adição de elementos de liga nesses aços, Ti, V e Nb entre outros, é realizada para o atendimento destes níveis de resistência após o processamento termomecânico das chapas para fabricação destes dutos, utilizando-se a norma API 5L do American Petroleum Institute, API, para a classificação destes aços. A adição de elementos de liga em associação com o processamento termomecânico visa o refino de grão da microestrutura austenítica, o qual é transferido para a estrutura ferrítica resultante. O Brasil é o detentor das maiores reservas mundiais de nióbio, que tem sido apresentado como refinador da microestrutura mais eficiente que outros elementos, como o V e Ti. Neste trabalho dois aços, denominados Normal e Alto Nb foram estudados. A norma API propõe que a soma das concentrações de Nióbio, Vanádio e Titânio devem ser menores que 0,15% no aço. As concentrações no aço contendo mais alto Nb é de 0,107%, contra 0,082% do aço de composição normal, ou seja, ambos atendem o valor especificado pela norma API. Entretanto, os aços são destinados ao uso em dutovias pela PETROBRÁS que impõe limites nos elementos microligantes para os aços aplicados em dutovias. Deste modo estudos foram desenvolvidos para verificar se os parâmetros de resistência à tração, ductilidade, tenacidade ao impacto e resistência à propagação de trinca por fadiga, estariam em acordo com a norma API 5L grau X70 e com os resultados que outros pesquisadores têm encontrado para aços dessa classe. Ainda, como para a formação de uma dutovia os tubos são unidos uns aos outros por processo de soldagem (circunferencial), o estudo de fadiga foi estendido para as regiões da solda e zona termicamente afetada (ZTA). Como conclusão final observa-se que o aço API 5L X70 com Nb modificado, produzido conforme processo desenvolvido pela ArcelorMittal - Tubarão, apresenta os parâmetros de resistência e ductilidade em tração, resistência ao impacto e resistência a propagação de trinca em fadiga (PTF) similar aos aços API 5L X70 com teores de Nb = 0,06 % peso e aqueles da literatura com teores de Nb+Ti+V < 0,15% peso. O metal base, metal de solda e zona termicamente afetada apresentaram curvas da/dN x ΔK similares, com os parâmetros do material C e m, da equação de Paris, respectivamente na faixa de 3,3 - 4,2 e 1.3x10-10 - 5.0x10-10 [(mm/ciclo)/(MPa.m1/2)m].


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Materiais compósitos são projetados e fabricados para várias aplicações de alto desempenho, incluindo componentes para os segmentos automobilístico, aeroespacial, aeronáutico, naval, de defesa, de óleo e gás, energia eólica e até equipamentos esportivos. Porém, a união por soldagem de Compósitos de Matriz Metálica de Alumínio (Al-CMM) ainda é um grande obstáculo para a maior disseminação desta classe de materiais estruturais. As mudanças microestruturais decorrentes do ciclo de soldagem e/ou do tratamento térmico afetam sensivelmente as propriedades mecânicas e físico-químicas finais da junta e do metal base nas proximidades de mesma, daí a importância de se estudar a evolução microestrutural que prospera nestas etapas. O presente trabalho caracterizou a microestrutura do compósito liga-A356/SiCp soldado por laser de fibra de Itérbio, empregando-se nessa tarefa técnicas de microscopia óptica, radiografia e microscopia eletrônica de varredura, assim como difração de raios-X e de elétrons retroespalhados, ensaio instrumentado de dureza e microtomografia computadorizada. O foco das análises realizadas restringiu-se à geometria dos cordões de solda, à expulsão de SiC particulado da zona soldada, à volatilização de elementos químicos da poça de soldagem, à formação de precipitados fragilizantes de Al4SiC4 em formato de agulhas no cordão de solda e à determinação das regiões com concentração de poros, todos estes fenômenos tendo efeitos nocivos, em maior ou menor extensão, no desempenho global da junta do Al-CMM soldada a laser, notadamente em suas propriedades mecânicas e eletroquímicas.


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For contain beneficial properties, aluminum alloys are gaining more importance in different industrial areas, becoming the subject of study in several academic fields. When related to welding these alloys have some peculiarities that may hinder the union, such as microscopic oxide layer present on the metal surface. The MIG welding process, also known as GMAW, has developed versions that can be effective for welding aluminum. Knowing this, for this paper, two versions of pulsed MIG (CC + and CA) were chosen to evaluate which best suits pass by filling bevel on AA5083 aluminum sheets with 8 and 12 mm thick respectively. Furthermore, two types of wire, ER5087 and ER5183 were evaluated. To evaluate the process and versions of the wires, the high-speed cameras and thermal were used to monitor the metal transfer and the thermal behavior respectively, and the metallographic analysis for macrographic view of the weld beads and non-destructive testing by radiography for observation of possible discontinuities. It was found that the technique of MIG-P CA showed better results ahead of another technique both welding conditions imposed. When connected to the wires, they showed similar results, with uniform cords and seamless


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This study offers an analytical approach in order to provide a determination of the temperature field developed during the DC TIG welding of a thin plate of aluminum. The non-linear characteristics of the phenomenon, such as the dependence of the thermophysical and mechanical properties with temperature were considered in this study. In addition to the conductive heat exchange process, were taken into account the exchange by natural convection and radiation. A transient analysis is performed in order to obtain the temperature field as a function of time. It is also discussed a three-dimensional modeling of the heat source. The results obtained from the analytical model were be compared with the experimental ones and those available in the literature. The analytical results show a good correlation with the experimental ones available in the literature, thus proving the feasibility and efficiency of the analytical method for the simulation of the heat cycle for this welding process.


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This paper suggests modifications in coating of electrodes providing an alternative for execution of welding with low hydrogen electrode AWS E7018 without having to dry it, reducing thus the cost and time of manufacturing of high resistance welds. The welds in this research were developed with basic coated electrodes (hygroscopic) – SMAW process – externally painted with aluminum spray paint for high temperatures or wrapped with thin plastic films (PVC) and aluminum foil films used commonly for food protection. The basic premise is that establishing a barrier between the atmosphere and the electrode coating could reduce the effects of high hygroscopicity presented by coatings of low hydrogen, minimizing this way the main source of supply of hydrogen to the fusion pool during welding. It is also expected that the addition of new materials from the electrode coating to the fusion pool would induce metallurgical changes in the deposited metal and, as a consequence, modifications in its mechanical properties. This research dealt with measuring the dissolved hydrogen in the deposited metal after welding with modified electrodes, evaluating the influence of these changes in the produced microstructures and in the mechanical properties of the resulting weld, and comparing the obtained results with the standard welding procedures and with the recently developed waterproof electrodes. The results obtained in most samples welded with modified electrodes showed increased mechanical resistance and increased tenacity due to the increased percentage of acicular ferrite in metal deposited without significant elevation of hardness, when compared with the traditional welding with AWS E7018 electrode and with ELBRÁS BRH4R waterproof electrode. The diffusing hydrogen measured in the modified electrodes was kept inside the parameters defined by international codes.


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This paper suggests modifications in coating of electrodes providing an alternative for execution of welding with low hydrogen electrode AWS E7018 without having to dry it, reducing thus the cost and time of manufacturing of high resistance welds. The welds in this research were developed with basic coated electrodes (hygroscopic) – SMAW process – externally painted with aluminum spray paint for high temperatures or wrapped with thin plastic films (PVC) and aluminum foil films used commonly for food protection. The basic premise is that establishing a barrier between the atmosphere and the electrode coating could reduce the effects of high hygroscopicity presented by coatings of low hydrogen, minimizing this way the main source of supply of hydrogen to the fusion pool during welding. It is also expected that the addition of new materials from the electrode coating to the fusion pool would induce metallurgical changes in the deposited metal and, as a consequence, modifications in its mechanical properties. This research dealt with measuring the dissolved hydrogen in the deposited metal after welding with modified electrodes, evaluating the influence of these changes in the produced microstructures and in the mechanical properties of the resulting weld, and comparing the obtained results with the standard welding procedures and with the recently developed waterproof electrodes. The results obtained in most samples welded with modified electrodes showed increased mechanical resistance and increased tenacity due to the increased percentage of acicular ferrite in metal deposited without significant elevation of hardness, when compared with the traditional welding with AWS E7018 electrode and with ELBRÁS BRH4R waterproof electrode. The diffusing hydrogen measured in the modified electrodes was kept inside the parameters defined by international codes.