944 resultados para Tuberculosis in animals.


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Screening for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is an integral component of an effective tuberculosis control strategy, but one that is often relegated to the lowest priority. In a state with higher than national average rates of tuberculosis, due consideration should be given to LTBI screening. Recent large scale contact investigations in the middle school of Del Rio, Texas, raised questions about the status of school screening for LTBI. An evidence based approach was used to evaluate school screening in high risk areas of Texas. A review of the literature revealed that the current recommendations for LTBI screening in children is based on administration of a risk factor questionnaire that should be based on the four main risk factors for LTBI in children that have been identified. Six representative areas in Texas were identified for evaluation of the occurrence of contact investigations in schools for the period of 2006 to 2009 and any use of school screening programs. Of the five reporting areas that responded, only one utilized a school screening program; this reporting area had the lowest percentage of contact investigations occurring in schools. Contact investigations were most common in middle schools and least common in elementary schools. In metropolitan areas, colleges represented up to 42.9% of contact investigations. The number of contact investigations has increased from 2006 to 2008. This report represents a small sample, and further research into the frequency, distribution and risk for contact investigations in schools and the efficacy of screening programs should be done. ^


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The purpose of this study is to evaluate characteristics of tuberculosis (TB) in diabetics and persons infected with HIV from 2004 to 2008 in Houston, Texas. This analysis will allow us to identify demographic trends. Previous studies have shown that in general, there is a higher risk for HIV+ persons to develop active TB, or to re-activate latent TB, as they progress in their HIV infection. In addition, similar to HIV, diabetes mellitus (DM) weakens the immune system so that persons with DM have also been shown to have a tendency to develop TB. This analysis will examine three areas of research: (a) to explore existing TB trends in Houston/Harris County and associated characteristics, (b) to ascertain the common risk factors of DM and HIV that are correlate with TB infections, and (c) from the analysis of the data, to determine if subsequent TB prevention programs are needed for specific subgroups.^


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Early and accurate detection of TB disease in HIV-infected individuals is a critical step for a successful TB program. In Vietnam, the diagnosis of TB disease, which is based predominantly on the clinical examination, chest radiography (CXR) and acid fast bacilli (AFB) sputum smear, has shown to be of low sensitivity in immunocompromised patients. The sputum culture is not routinely performed for patients with AFB negative smears, even in HIV-infected individuals.^ In that background, we conducted this cross-sectional study to estimate the prevalence of sputum culture-confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), smear-negative PTB, and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) in the HIV-infected population in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), the largest city in Vietnam where both TB and HIV are highly prevalent. We also evaluated the diagnostic performance of various algorithms based on routine available tools in Vietnam such as symptoms screening, CXR, and AFB smear. Nearly 400 subjects were consecutively recruited from HIV-infected patients seeking care at the An Hoa Clinic in District 6 of Ho Chi Minh City from August 2009 through June 2010. Participants’ demographic data, clinical status, CXR, and laboratory results were collected. A multiple logistic regression model was developed to assess the association of covariates and PTB. ^ The prevalence of smear-positive TB, smear-negative TB, resistant TB, and MDR-TB were 7%, 2%, 5%, 2.5%, and 0.3%, respectively. Adjusted odds ratios for low CD4+ cell count, positive sputum smear, and CXR to positive sputum culture were 3.17, 32.04, and 4.28, respectively. Clinical findings alone had poor sensitivity, but the combination of CD4+ cell count, sputum smear, and CXR proved to perform a more accurate diagnosis.^ This study results support the routine use of sputum culture to improve the detection of TB disease in HIV-infected individuals in Vietnam. When routine sputum culture is not available, an algorithm combining CD4+ cell count, sputum smear, and CXR is recommended for diagnosing PTB. Future studies on more affordable, rapid, and accurate tests for TB infection would also be necessary to timely provide specific treatments for patients in need, reduce mortality, and minimize TB transmission to the general population.^


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It has been well documented that inmates incarcerated in prisons and correctional facilities exhibit higher incidence and prevalence of mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) disease than the general population. This has public health implications because correctional systems may serve as reservoirs for TB disease that can lead to TB outbreaks in the facilities or can be spread to the general public once inmates are released. Although Texas has one of the largest correctional systems in both the US and the world, little is known about TB prevalence and incidence among Texas inmates. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the relationship between TB incidence and incarceration in Texas correctional facilities and investigate differences in various demographic factors. ^ The study used the national TB database from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to calculate and compare the overall incidences of TB disease among correctional facility inmates and similar non-inmates in Texas during 2005–2009. Data were also stratified by age, gender, race/ethnicity, birth status, and HIV status and compared between inmates and non-inmates using chi-squared analysis and relative risks with 95% confidence intervals to assess any significant differences. ^ Results suggest that the overall TB incidence among Texas correctional facility inmates per year (88.6 per 100,000) was significantly higher than that of Texas non-inmates (6.3 per 100,000); a 14 fold difference. Relative risk analyses by gender, race/ethnicity, and those with HIV infection found that the TB incidences for all these demographics were significantly and consistently higher in inmates compared to non-inmates. In particular, Hispanic inmates were more likely to develop TB than their non-inmate counterparts by a relative risk of 23.9 (95% CI 19.4–29.4). Likewise, both male and female inmates were more likely to develop TB than non-inmates (RR = 10.2, 95% CI 8.5–12.2; RR = 20.8, 95% CI 12.2–25.3, respectively), although female inmates unconventionally exhibited a higher TB incidence and relative risk than males inmates, which has not been shown. Among those with HIV infections, correctional facility inmates were 2.6 times were likely to develop TB disease than non-inmates (95% CI 1.5–4.4). ^ Inmates in Texas correctional facilities have a higher incidence of TB than non-inmates. Part of this higher risk may be because a large proportion of inmates come from populations already at high risks for TB, such as foreign born immigrants, those infected with HIV, and low SES groups such as many racial/ethnic minorities. Thus, these results may be used as a basis for more controlled and detailed research in the area, and to further characterize incarceration as a risk factor for TB incidence. They may also bring much needed attention about this health disparity to public health officials, legislators, and health administrators to expand and improve TB control in Texas correctional facilities, particularly among inmates released to the community, and reduce the risk of TB transmission to the general population.^


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A series of samples of inhabitants of hydrothermal vents were collected during the 12-th cruise of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in Guaymas Basin (the Gulf of California) and the Axial Seamount area (Juan de Fuca Ridge). Concentrations of trace and heavy metals in the tissues of Ridgeia piscesae, Riftia pachyptila, and Paralvinella palmiformis were analyzed. Neutron-activation analysis revealed significantly higher concentrations of uranium in tissues of Paralvinella palmiformis as compared to ambient seawater. Possible reasons for such phenomenon are discussed. The data obtained by neutron-activation method are compared with those obtained by atomic-absorption method for the same tissues analyzed.


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Objectives: To document the existence of drug resistance in a tuberculosis treatment programme that adheres strictly to the DOTS principles (directly observed treatment, short course) and to determine the extent of drug resistance in a prison setting in one of the republics of the former Soviet Union.


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Objective: To determine whether preventive treatment for tuberculosis in adults infected with HIV reduces the frequency of tuberculosis and overall mortality.


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Cytochrome P450 14α-sterol demethylases (CYP51) are essential enzymes in sterol biosynthesis in eukaryotes. CYP51 removes the 14α-methyl group from sterol precursors such as lanosterol, obtusifoliol, dihydrolanosterol, and 24(28)-methylene-24,25-dihydrolanosterol. Inhibitors of CYP51 include triazole antifungal agents fluconazole and itraconazole, drugs used in treatment of topical and systemic mycoses. The 2.1- and 2.2-Å crystal structures reported here for 4-phenylimidazole- and fluconazole-bound CYP51 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTCYP51) are the first structures of an authentic P450 drug target. MTCYP51 exhibits the P450 fold with the exception of two striking differences—a bent I helix and an open conformation of BC loop—that define an active site-access channel running along the heme plane perpendicular to the direction observed for the substrate entry in P450BM3. Although a channel analogous to that in P450BM3 is evident also in MTCYP51, it is not open at the surface. The presence of two different channels, with one being open to the surface, suggests the possibility of conformationally regulated substrate-in/product-out openings in CYP51. Mapping mutations identified in Candida albicans azole-resistant isolates indicates that azole resistance in fungi develops in protein regions involved in orchestrating passage of CYP51 through different conformational stages along the catalytic cycle rather than in residues directly contacting fluconazole. These new structures provide a basis for rational design of new, more efficacious antifungal agents as well as insight into the molecular mechanism of P450 catalysis.


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A tremendous wealth of data is accumulating on the variety and distribution of transposable elements (TEs) in natural populations. There is little doubt that TEs provide new genetic variation on a scale, and with a degree of sophistication, previously unimagined. There are many examples of mutations and other types of genetic variation associated with the activity of mobile elements. Mutant phenotypes range from subtle changes in tissue specificity to dramatic alterations in the development and organization of tissues and organs. Such changes can occur because of insertions in coding regions, but the more sophisticated TE-mediated changes are more often the result of insertions into 5′ flanking regions and introns. Here, TE-induced variation is viewed from three evolutionary perspectives that are not mutually exclusive. First, variation resulting from the intrinsic parasitic nature of TE activity is examined. Second, we describe possible coadaptations between elements and their hosts that appear to have evolved because of selection to reduce the deleterious effects of new insertions on host fitness. Finally, some possible cases are explored in which the capacity of TEs to generate variation has been exploited by their hosts. The number of well documented cases in which element sequences appear to confer useful traits on the host, although small, is growing rapidly.


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Phylogenetic analyses of asymmetry variation offer a powerful tool for exploring the interplay between ontogeny and evolution because (i) conspicuous asymmetries exist in many higher metazoans with widely varying modes of development, (ii) patterns of bilateral variation within species may identify genetically and environmentally triggered asymmetries, and (iii) asymmetries arising at different times during development may be more sensitive to internal cytoplasmic inhomogeneities compared to external environmental stimuli. Using four broadly comparable asymmetry states (symmetry, antisymmetry, dextral, and sinistral), and two stages at which asymmetry appears developmentally (larval and postlarval), I evaluated relations between ontogenetic and phylogenetic patterns of asymmetry variation. Among 140 inferred phylogenetic transitions between asymmetry states, recorded from 11 classes in five phyla, directional asymmetry (dextral or sinistral) evolved directly from symmetrical ancestors proportionally more frequently among larval asymmetries. In contrast, antisymmetry, either as an end state or as a transitional stage preceding directional asymmetry, was confined primarily to postlarval asymmetries. The ontogenetic origin of asymmetry thus significantly influences its subsequent evolution. Furthermore, because antisymmetry typically signals an environmentally triggered asymmetry, the phylogenetic transition from antisymmetry to directional asymmetry suggests that many cases of laterally fixed asymmetries evolved via genetic assimilation.


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The activation of plant defensive genes in leaves of tomato plants in response to herbivore damage or mechanical wounding is mediated by a mobile 18-amino acid polypeptide signal called systemin. Systemin is derived from a larger, 200-amino acid precursor called prosystemin, similar to polypeptide hormones and soluble growth factors in animals. Systemin activates a lipid-based signaling cascade, also analogous to signaling systems found in animals. In plants, linolenic acid is released from membranes and is converted to the oxylipins phytodienoic acid and jasmonic acid through the octadecanoid pathway. Plant oxylipins are structural analogs of animal prostaglandins which are derived from arachidonic acid in response to various signals, including polypeptide factors. Constitutive overexpression of the prosystemin gene in transgenic tomato plants resulted in the overproduction of prosystemin and the abnormal release of systemin, conferring a constitutive overproduction of several systemic wound-response proteins (SWRPs). The data indicate that systemin is a master signal for defense against attacking herbivores. The same defensive proteins induced by wounding are synthesized in response to oligosaccharide elicitors that are generated in leaf cells in response to pathogen attacks. Inhibitors of the octadecanoid pathway, and a mutation that interrupts this pathway, block the induction of SWRPs by wounding, systemin, and oligosaccharide elicitors, indicating that the octadecanoid pathway is essential for the activation of defense genes by all of these signals. The tomato mutant line that is functionally deficient in the octadecanoid pathway is highly susceptible to attacks by Manduca sexta larvae. The similarities between the defense signaling pathway in tomato leaves and those of the defense signaling pathways of macrophages and mast cells of animals suggests that both the plant and animal pathways may have evolved from a common ancestral origin.