878 resultados para Treinamento de resistência. HIV. AIDS. HAART. Frequência cardíaca. Lipodistrofia
Against a background of rising adult mortality and morbidity in the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa, this paper provides both quantitative and qualitative evidence for the existence of a largely neglected group of young people with increased responsibility for caregiving. Using questionnaire surveys, focus groups, storyboards and in-depth interviews in three studies across Southern and Eastern Africa some young people in Lesotho, Tanzania and Zimbabwe are found to devote considerable time and energy to caring for sick members of their households. Examination of the tasks carried out by these youngsters finds them to be burdened beyond usual familial and societal expectations of children's 'normal' contributions to the reproduction of households via domestic chores and suchlike. It is concluded that these young people can be described as 'young carers'. The three studies are presented to illuminate different sociospatial aspects of caregiving by young people. First, using qualitative data from Lesotho the range of caring tasks young caregivers; perform for care recipients - usually a grandmother, parent, or sibling - is identified. Second, the impact caregiving responsibilities have on children's primary school attendance is examined using survey data from Tanzania. Third, the wider negative and positive impacts of caregiving including loss of friends and gaining of emotional maturity for young carers and their households is explored with in-depth individual interviews from Zimbabwe. Finally, suggestions are made for further research to deepen understanding of the geographies of caring within the context of the population geographies of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Within development communication, gaps remain in theory and practice: communication innovations are taking place which either do not incorporate theory or fail to challenge the assumptions of development communication and HIV/AIDS theory. This can lead to the implementation of unsuccessful interventions that lack theoretical frameworks or to uninformed practice, making it difficult to replicate. Further, research has demonstrated that Entertainment Education (EE) interventions have a measurable impact on behaviour in areas such as HIV/AIDS prevention. Given the transitions in EE practice and evidence of its impact, EE theory and practice can contribute insight into these challenges. A pilot study investigated these dilemmas within the context of the monitoring and evaluation of development communication. Framing this discussion is the concept of South-North dialogue, using comparative analysis of EE interventions to distil lessons through contrasting experiences in two diverse settings. It holds as a principle that lessons from the experience of EE in the Southern context can inform lessons for the North. Further, comparison of the case studies can generate insights for the broader development communication field. We present four case studies, informed by key informant interviews, of EE interventions in the UK and South Africa. We address how communication is defined in planning, implementation and evaluation, highlighting how it often misses the importance of 'listening'. The case studies show that HIV/AIDS communication, and development communication more broadly, has not internalised ideas of evaluation and listening in communication. Successes in the case studies can be partially attributed to responsiveness and context-specificity rather than following rigid planning templates, such as those found in some development communication literature. This indicates the importance of flexibility and responsiveness to context for both development communication and HIV/AIDS communication.
This paper explores the identities projected in advertisements directed towards HIV positive individuals and people with AIDS. Fifty such advertisements were collected from three popular American magazines for gay men over a period of seven months. Analysis of the ads reveals a paradoxical presentation of people with HIV/AIDS, which offers simultaneous conflicting images of hope and fear, power and weakness, innocence and guilt. An interactive sociolinguistic model through which this contradictory discourse might be understood is presented, drawing on Goffman’s insights on stigma management and the presentation of the self in social interaction. Advertisements directed towards people with HIV/AIDS, it is suggested, present a contradictory discourse in which the advertisers are positioned as ‘the wise’, offering to mediate the conflicting identities of the stigmatized. The identity values enacted in this contradictory discourse are further measured against American conceptions of communication and the self as observed by Carbaugh and others. The possible consequences of these positionings on the roles made available to people with HIV/AIDS in the wider social context are discussed.
Introduction Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a serious disease which can be associated with various activity limitations and participation restrictions. The aim of this paper was to describe how HIV affects the functioning and health of people within different environmental contexts, particularly with regard to access to medication. Method Four cross-sectional studies, three in South Africa and one in Brazil, had applied the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a classification instrument to participants living with HIV. Each group was at a different stage of the disease. Only two groups had had continuing access to antiretroviral therapy. The existence of these descriptive sets enabled comparison of the disability experienced by people living with HIV at different stages of the disease and with differing access to antiretroviral therapy. Results Common problems experienced in all groups related to weight maintenance, with two-thirds of the sample reporting problems in this area. Mental functions presented the most problems in all groups, with sleep (50%, 92/185), energy and drive (45%, 83/185), and emotional functions (49%, 90/185) being the most affected. In those on long-term therapy, body image affected 93% (39/42) and was a major problem. The other groups reported pain as a problem, and those with limited access to treatment also reported mobility problems. Cardiopulmonary functions were affected in all groups. Conclusion Functional problems occurred in the areas of impairment and activity limitation in people at advanced stages of HIV, and more limitations occurred in the area of participation for those on antiretroviral treatment. The ICF provided a useful framework within which to describe the functioning of those with HIV and the impact of the environment. Given the wide spectrum of problems found, consideration could be given to a number of ICF core sets that are relevant to the different stages of HIV disease. (C) 2010 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background This study sought to assess the diet quality of individuals living with HIV/AIDS who were receiving antiretroviral therapy in Sao Paulo Brazil,. Methods This cross-sectional study involved 56 HIV-infected adults. Demographic and anthropometric data were collected, and diet quality was measured using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI), modified for Brazilians, which included ten components: adequacy of intake of six different food groups, total fat, cholesterol, dietary fibre and dietary variety. Results Among the individuals assessed, 64.3% of the participants had a diet needing improvement, while 8.7% had a poor diet. The overall HEI score was 68.3 points (SD = 14.9). Mean scores were low for fruits, vegetables, dairy products and dietary fibre; and high for meats and eggs, total fat and cholesterol. The overall HEI score was higher among individuals who were not overweight (P = 0.003), who were also more likely to achieve dietary goals for dairy products (P = 0.039) and grains (P = 0.005). Conclusion Most of these adults living with HIV/AIDS had diets that required improvement, and being overweight was associated with poorer diet quality. Nutritional interventions aimed at maintaining healthy body weight and diet should be taken into account in caring for HIV-infected people.
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vårdpersonalens kunskap och attityder till personer med hiv/aids samt hur omvårdnaden av dessa patienter påverkades.Datainsamlingsmetoden var datoriserad och manuell sökning. Kravet på de artiklar som studerades var att de skulle ha vetenskapligt värde, vara skrivna på svenska och engelska samt vara publicerade 1997 eller senare. Totalt studerades 19 kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar för att belysa detta ämne. För att kunna bedöma kvaliteten i artiklarna användes två olika granskningsmallar. Studien visade att vårdpersonal överlag har goda kunskaper om hiv/aids beträffande högriskgrupper, sjukdomsförlopp, överföringsmetoder samt betydelse av skyddsåtgärder. Kunskap om hiv och aids spelade en avgörande roll i vårdandet av patienten och dennes anhöriga, samt för att kunna skydda sig själv i den nära vården med patienten. Attityder som var vanligt förekommande hos vårdpersonalen var rädsla, osäkerhet, ovillighet att vårda, samt avsaknad av empati i mötet med hiv/aids patienter. I vår studie framkom vidare att vård av aids sjuka patienter var en bidragande orsak till stress och utbrändhet hos vårdpersonal och påverkande därmed omvårdnadshandlingarna negativt.
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att ur ett globalt perspektiv undersöka ungdomars kunskaper om HIV/AIDS och vilka faktorer som påverkar kunskapsnivån. Syftet var vidare att ur ett globalt perspektiv undersöka ungdomars attityder till HIV/AIDS samt deras sexuella beteende. Sökning av artiklar har skett via databaserna Blackwell Synergy, ELIN@dalarna samt EBSCO Host. Övrig litteratur söktes manuellt på Internet och bibliotek. Inklusionkriterier var att artiklarna skulle vara publicerade mellan år 2000-2006, ha ett vetenskapligt värde, vara skrivna på det svenska eller engelska språket samt vara primärstudier. Vidare skulle deltagarna i artiklarna utgöras av ungdomar mellan 13-25 år. För att bedöma artiklarnas kvalitet användes två granskningsmallar en för kvalitativa artiklar och en för kvantitativa artiklar. Studiens resultat visade att kunskapsnivån bland ungdomar såg olika ut beroende av kön, ålder, sexuell erfarenhet, antal partners, kultur, ekonomiska förutsättningar, föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå samt boende i tätort eller på landsbygd. Ungdomarna uttryckte en rädsla för att smittas av HIV men ansåg sig inte vara i riskzonen för att smittas. Informationskällor om HIV/AIDS utgjordes främst av media och undervisning i skolan. Åldern för ungdomarnas sexuella debut varierade. Resultatet visade även att ett flertal sexpartners var vanligt förekommande och att kondom sällan användes som skydd vid samlag.
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INTRODUÇÃO. O aumento da densidade de arritmia ventricular e a redução da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca estão associados com risco de morte súbita e mortalidade total em insuficiência cardíaca. A inibição colinesterásica com brometo de piridostigmina (PIR) aumenta a variabilidade da freqüência de pessoas normais, porém seu efeito em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca é desconhecido. OBJETIVOS. Testar a hipótese de que a administração a curto prazo de piridostigmina reduz a densidade de arritmia ventricular e aumenta a variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. MÉTODOS. Pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca e em ritmo sinusal participaram de um estudo duplo-cego, cruzado, randomizado para placebo e piridostigmina (30mg VO de 8 em 8 horas por 2 dias). Monitorização eletrocardiográfica ambulatorial de 24 horas foi realizada para análise de arritmia e para avaliação dos índices do domínio do tempo da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca. Pacientes foram separados em 2 grupos, de acordo com a densidade de arritmia ventricular. O grupo Arritmia (n = 11) incluiu pacientes com mais de 10 extrassístoles ventriculares por hora (ESV/h), e o grupo Variabilidade da Freqüêcia Cardíaca (n = 12) incluiu pacientes com um número de ESVs em 24 horas que não excedia 1 % do número total de intervalos RR. RESULTADOS. No grupo Arritmia, PIR resultou em uma redução de 65% no número de extrassístoles ventriculares (Placebo 266 + 56 ESV/h vs. PIR 173 + 49 ESV/h; p = 0,03). No grupo da Variabilidade da Freqüência Cardíaca, a administração de PIR resultou em um aumento do intervalo RR médio (Placebo 733 + 22 ms vs PIR 790 + 33 ms; p = 0,01), e nos índices do domínio do tempo da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca PNN50 (Placebo 3 + 1,1 % vs PIR 6 + 1,6 %; p = 0,03) e RMSSD (Placebo 21 + 2 vs PIR 27 + 3; p = 0,008). CONCLUSÃO. Em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, PIR reduziu a densidade de arritmia ventricular e aumentou a VFC, provavelmente por seu efeito colinomimético. Estudos a longo prazo com PIR em insuficiência cardíaca devem ser realizados.