978 resultados para Transverse confinement


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During its 1990 operation, 2 large RF systems were available on JET. The Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) system was equipped with new beryllium screens and with feedback matching systems. Specific impurities generated by ICRH were reduced to negligible levels even in the most stringent H-mode conditions. A maximum power of 22 MW was coupled to L-mode plasmas. High quality H-modes (tau-E greater-than-or-equal-to 2.5 tau-EG) were achieved using dipole phasing. A new high confinement mode was discovered. It combines the properties of the H-mode regime to the low central diffusivities obtained by pellet injection. A value of n(d) tau-E T(i) = 7.8 x 10(20) m-3 s keV was obtained in this mode with T(e) approximately T(i) approximately 11 keV. In the L-mode regime, a regime, a record (140 kW) D-He-3 fusion power was generated with 10 - 14 MW of ICRH at the He-3 cyclotron frequency. Experiments were performed with the prototype launcher of the Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) systems with coupled power up to 1.6 MW with current drive efficiencies up to < n(e) > R I(CD)/P = 0.4 x 10(20) m-2 A/W. Fast electrons are driven by LHCD to tail temperatures of 100 keV with a hollow radial profile. Paradoxically, LHCD induces central heating particularly in combination with ICRH. Finally we present the first observations of the synergistic acceleration of fast electrons by Transit Time Magnetic Pumping (TTMP) (from ICRH) and Electron Landau Damping (ELD) (from LHCD). The synergism generates TTMP current drive even without phasing the ICRH antennae.


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Self-organized generation of transverse waves associated with the transverse wave instabilities at a diverging cylindrical detonation front was numerically studied by solving two-dimensional Euler equations implemented with an improved two-step chemical kinetic model. After solution validation, four mechanisms of the transverse wave generation were identified from numerical simulations, and referred to as the concave front focusing, the kinked front evolution, the wrinkled front evolution and the transverse wave merging, respectively. The propagation of the cylindrical detonation is maintained by the growth of the transverse waves that match the rate of increase in surface area of the detonation front to asymptotically approach a constant average number of transverse waves per unit length along the circumference of the detonation front. This cell bifurcation phenomenon of cellular detonations is discussed in detail to gain better understanding on detonation physics.


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We investigate the evolution of filamentation in air by using a longitudinal diffraction method and a plasma fluorescence imaging technique. The diameter of a single filament in which the intensity is clamped increases as the energy of the pump light pulse increases, until multiple filaments appear. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrated that a synthesized laser field consisting of an intense long (45 fs, multi-optical-cycle) laser pulse and a weak short (7 fs, few-optical-cycle) laser pulse can control the electron dynamics and high-order harmonic generation in argon, and generate extreme ultraviolet supercontinuum towards the production of a single strong attosecond pulse. The long pulse offers a large amplitude field, and the short pulse creates a temporally narrow enhancement of the laser field and a gate for the highest energy harmonic emission. This scheme paves the way to generate intense isolated attosecond pulses with strong multi-optical-cycle laser pulses.


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The first part of this work describes the uses of aperiodic structures in optics and integrated optics. In particular, devices are designed, fabricated, tested and analyzed which make use of a chirped grating corrugation on the surface of a dielectric waveguide. These structures can be used as input-output couplers, multiplexers and demultiplexers, and broad band filters.

Next, a theoretical analysis is made of the effects of a random statistical variation in the thicknesses of layers in a dielectric mirror on its reflectivity properties. Unlike the intentional aperiodicity introduced in the chirped gratings, the aperiodicity in the Bragg reflector mirrors is unintentional and is present to some extent in all devices made. The analysis involved in studying these problems relies heavily on the coupled mode formalism. The results are compared with computer experiments, as well as tests of actual mirrors.

The second part of this work describes a novel method for confining light in the transverse direction in an injection laser. These so-called transverse Bragg reflector lasers confine light normal to the junction plane in the active region, through reflection from an adjacent layered medium. Thus, in principle, it is possible to guide light in a dielectric layer whose index is lower than that of the surrounding material. The design, theory and testing of these diode lasers are discussed.


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Two basic types of depolarization mechanisms, carrier-carrier (CC) and carrier-phonon (CP) scattering, are investigated in optically excited bulk semiconductors (3D), in which the existence of the transverse relaxation time is proven based on the vector property of the interband transition matrix elements. The dephasing rates for both CC and CP scattering are determined to be equal to one half of the total scattering-rate-integrals weighted by the factors (1 - cos chi), where chi are the scattering angles. Analytical expressions of the polarization dephasing due to CC scattering are established by using an uncertainty broadening approach, and analytical ones due to both the polar optical-phonon and non-polar deformation potential scattering (including inter-valley scattering) are also presented by using the sharp spectral functions in the dephasing rate calculations. These formulas, which reveal the trivial role of the Coulomb screening effect in the depolarization processes, are used to explain the experimental results at hand and provide a clear physical picture that is difficult to extract from numerical treatments.


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