892 resultados para Trabalhadores rurais - Brasil
The process of the family farmers' recognition as individuals with rights demonstrates having their first roots, in spite of being recent, if compared to the history of the Brazilian rural syndicalism, still in the constitution of the labor-syndical legislation in 1930. Therefore, seeking to explore that process the present paper has as objective to analyze the family farmers' emergence as individuals of rights in the contemporary Brazilian society, analyzing the processes of formation of the rural syndicalism and the expansion of the labor law for the rural workers as a form of accomplishment of a "regulated citizenship" until the decade of 1970; the urge to the official syndicalism, the structuring of a "new syndicalism" and the new social actors' appearance in the field, which made possible the enlargement of the citizenship spaces in the period of re-democratization in Brazil; the "crisis" of the new syndicalism, the creation of new syndical structures "apart" of the official structure (syndicalism of the family agriculture) and the emergency of the "family farmers" as subject of rights in the recent period.
The process of the family farmers' recognition as individuals with rights demonstrates having their first roots, in spite of being recent, if compared to the history of the Brazilian rural syndicalism, still in the constitution of the labor-syndical legislation in 1930. Therefore, seeking to explore that process the present paper has as objective to analyze the family farmers' emergence as individuals of rights in the contemporary Brazilian society, analyzing the processes of formation of the rural syndicalism and the expansion of the labor law for the rural workers as a form of accomplishment of a "regulated citizenship" until the decade of 1970; the urge to the official syndicalism, the structuring of a "new syndicalism" and the new social actors' appearance in the field, which made possible the enlargement of the citizenship spaces in the period of re-democratization in Brazil; the "crisis" of the new syndicalism, the creation of new syndical structures "apart" of the official structure (syndicalism of the family agriculture) and the emergency of the "family farmers" as subject of rights in the recent period.
The process of the family farmers' recognition as individuals with rights demonstrates having their first roots, in spite of being recent, if compared to the history of the Brazilian rural syndicalism, still in the constitution of the labor-syndical legislation in 1930. Therefore, seeking to explore that process the present paper has as objective to analyze the family farmers' emergence as individuals of rights in the contemporary Brazilian society, analyzing the processes of formation of the rural syndicalism and the expansion of the labor law for the rural workers as a form of accomplishment of a "regulated citizenship" until the decade of 1970; the urge to the official syndicalism, the structuring of a "new syndicalism" and the new social actors' appearance in the field, which made possible the enlargement of the citizenship spaces in the period of re-democratization in Brazil; the "crisis" of the new syndicalism, the creation of new syndical structures "apart" of the official structure (syndicalism of the family agriculture) and the emergency of the "family farmers" as subject of rights in the recent period.
This work has as objective to analyze the social movement called Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra and their relation to land reform from the idea of nation. In the decade of its emergence, 1980, Brazilian nationalism was deeply tied to aspirations for democracy and this consisted of a kind of political language of the period that included not only the MST, but also conservative sectors of Brazilian politics. The MST then develop a way to realize their different social function of the movements that preceded it as the Ligas Camponesas, incorporating the element of the nation as political capital to strengthen their practice. This relationship will be studied from a debate on contemporary Marxism and its key concepts.
Studies show that the theme of gender relations within the MST (Rural Landless Workers Movement) has incorporated some feminist guidelines discussions in the set of its speeches and daily practices. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the production of meanings about the political militancy of women linked to MST in Rio Grande do Norte. The specific objectives sought to identify the continuities and ruptures related to the women's role in the family of the militant women and to investigate the militant’s discursive positioning about their work. The study is configured as a qualitative research, which six women militants linked to the MST at the RN participated. These women occupy the coordination and leadership functions in the movement. We will use a semi-structured interview, initially guided by triggering questions that included, among others, the dimensions: political militancy, family and work as an access tool to the phenomenon. The reports were analyzed from an initial categorization, based on the guiding principles: militancy, family and work, and were based on theoretical perspective of studies about the production of meaning, discursive practices, social psychology and gender studies. The meanings of militancy point to: contribution, hope, recognition, transformation, awareness and fight. The results show that there is always a positivation speech of life, achievements of a formation and about a new place as a woman at stake. These results come justified by the collective investment of struggle, not only for the access to land, but for social rights achievements too. Finally, the MST stands with a discursive agency that contributes to produce in these women not only the way of political participation: but a way to be exercised with collective subjects and their rights.
Studies show that the theme of gender relations within the MST (Rural Landless Workers Movement) has incorporated some feminist guidelines discussions in the set of its speeches and daily practices. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the production of meanings about the political militancy of women linked to MST in Rio Grande do Norte. The specific objectives sought to identify the continuities and ruptures related to the women's role in the family of the militant women and to investigate the militant’s discursive positioning about their work. The study is configured as a qualitative research, which six women militants linked to the MST at the RN participated. These women occupy the coordination and leadership functions in the movement. We will use a semi-structured interview, initially guided by triggering questions that included, among others, the dimensions: political militancy, family and work as an access tool to the phenomenon. The reports were analyzed from an initial categorization, based on the guiding principles: militancy, family and work, and were based on theoretical perspective of studies about the production of meaning, discursive practices, social psychology and gender studies. The meanings of militancy point to: contribution, hope, recognition, transformation, awareness and fight. The results show that there is always a positivation speech of life, achievements of a formation and about a new place as a woman at stake. These results come justified by the collective investment of struggle, not only for the access to land, but for social rights achievements too. Finally, the MST stands with a discursive agency that contributes to produce in these women not only the way of political participation: but a way to be exercised with collective subjects and their rights.
This thesis deals with the insertion of family farmers market that act as market traders in the city of Chapecó, state of Santa Catarina. In order to trust, reciprocity and relations of time and space dynamics present in the practice of open-air market is analyzed. From understanding the outdoor market as an extension of the activities of farms, a form of local construction market, we need new ways to evaluate the inclusion of family farming in trade. In this regard, the importance of local markets characterized by autonomy in the food hegemonic system. To this end, it uses what the peculiarities present in the practice of street fairs, its historical development, the number of farmers who act as market participants, the number of traders in the city and its surroundings, the diversity of products offered, the marketing channel access by traders and market relations farmers who act as market participants. Finally, based on the responses of suppliers and content analysis, it was possible to show how present in the social dynamics of free trade: the trusted face to face representations, reciprocity and relations of time and space between the co-present agents in the market dynamics of family farmers fair. For the study context, these representations show how important non-economic values that help build identities that relate to the strategies of social reproduction and overcoming dominant market model.
The Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) from its educational process and the path taken in education, started in the year 2013, with an experimental curricular proposal by Complexes of study the School Base and the Itinerant Schools, the MST, in Paraná state. For the construction of this proposed curriculum, the movement takes the historical background and the experience of the original foundations of the single school of labor started by the working class in revolutionary Soviet period as a training proposal and school organization that comes close to the creation of collective subjects, fighters and builders of a new society and sociopolitical objectives to this social movement. The Soviet experiment reference required a work of a critical appropriation for the Brazilian context. The curriculum prescription, called Study Plan, in its introduction, includes elements of design fundamentals like: the Education Eesign and Training Matrix; Matrix detailing: School and Life, School and Labor Formative Matrix, School and Social Struggle Formative Matrix, School and Collective Organization Formative Matrix, School and Culture Formative Matrix and School and History Formative Matrix; general school guidelines: a pedagogical function of the environment, the school's political organization, school times, specific methodological aspects, sequencing and duration of Complexes of Study and the evaluation process. The Study Plan contemplates the complexes, the disciplines, the portions of reality / practice categories present in complexes, organized by semester and year, i. e., from 6th to 9th grade in elementary school. Given the the presented context, this research aims to analyze the process of testing the proposed curriculum for the Complexes of Study in Primary School of Iraci Salette Strozak State School, located in the Marcos Freire Settlement, in Rio Bonito do Iguaçu in Paraná state. As a methodological approach, we chose the qualitative approach and analysis were conducted under the Marxism perspective. Library research and field research, semi-structured interviews and analysis of documents generated in the process of construction of the proposal were made.Initially, in this paper, we discus about the path followed by the MST in the fight for schools and public education; highlighting elements of the process which led to the understanding, by the Movement, of which only the struggle for land is not enough for the realization of Agrarian Reform. Then discuss whether some elements of Pedagogy of the Movement, the concept of education and the goals for education that Social Movement, the training matrices and the potential to transform the school from a pedagogical proposal that has these elements as guiding. They present also the original foundations of Complexes Study in its historical origin and design. Is discussed about the changes and curriculum innovations, curriculum as schooling as social reproduction and presents the structure of Curriculum Proposal by Complex of Study. Forth, it is shown how the experiment occurred in basis School Iraci Salette Strozak. At this point, we propose a dialogue on the transformations in the organization of pedagogical work, discussing the elements of the proposal that are being experienced and the changes already perceived. Still, we address the issue of formation of educators and also elements relating to the challenges andadvancements encountered by the school in this area, and possible implications for the experiment.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2016.
A fruticultura é uma atividade promissora para o desenvolvimento do agronegócio brasileiro, que apresenta um ambiente favorável ao seu crescimento com o aumento do consumo de frutas in natura por parte da população brasileira, possibilidade de avanços nas exportações, capacidade de geração de emprego e renda para a agricultura familiar, valorização de produtores e trabalhadores rurais devido à capacitação e adoção de tecnologias adequadas, e ainda, complementação e segurança alimentar. Entretanto, para a atividade se desenvolver é preciso profissionalizar o setor, ou seja, criar mecanismos de produção de frutas de qualidade para o mercado interno e externo. Diante desta necessidade e das exigências do mercado internacional, o Sistema Agropecuário de Produção Integrada (SAPI) do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento ? MAPA (ANDRIGUETO et al., 2006), tem recebido maior atenção dos governantes, produtores e membros de instituições de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). A Produção Integrada (PI) é um sistema de produção que preconiza a adoção de tecnologias menos agressivas ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana, visando à qualidade e segurança do alimento, qualidade ambiental, rentabilidade econômica e equidade social (ANDRIGUETO et al., 2006). Este sistema adota práticas sustentáveis, baseadas no uso racional de recursos naturais e na substituição de insumos poluentes, e utiliza ferramentas de monitoramento dos procedimentos e de rastreabilidade. No Brasil, a implantação do sistema de PI teve início no final da década de 90. Neste processo de implantação, são requeridas atividades de capacitação de recursos humanos. Os primeiros projetos de PI priorizaram a disseminação de tecnologias adequadas ao sistema e diretamente relacionadas à condução dos cultivos. No momento atual, com a consolidação da implantação do sistema para várias culturas, os temas ambientais, particularmente os relacionados aos recursos naturais, que compõem a Área Temática 3, do Marco Legal da Produção Integrada de Frutas (ANDRIGUETO & KOSOSKI, 2002) e de todas as Normas Técnicas Específicas oriundas dele, merecem maior atenção.
Nos últimos 50 anos, configurou-se o padrão técnico e organizacional da “Revolução Verde” e da Agrobiotecnologia, que provocaram transformações sociais, econômicas, políticas, técnicas e ambientais no meio rural do Estado do Paraná (Brasil), gerando graves impactos ambientais, econômicos e sociais. No último quarto de século, o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) tem mobilizado uma grande quantidade de trabalhadores tanto na luta pela terra mas também organiza a luta na terra. Nestas lutas para entrar e para produzir na terra, o MST tem negado o padrão de desenvolvimento agrícola existente no País, colocando em evidência a necessidade da preservação e reconstrução da agricultura camponesa pela via da Reforma Agrária, além de propor formas de gestão e participação do campesinato em sistemas cooperativizados e também sistemas agroecológicos de produção. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o conjunto dos resultados de nossa Tese de Doutorado, explicitando o conjunto de informações e compreensões práticas e teóricas resultante das metodologias desenvolvidas a campo em vários assentamentos paranaenses, além de discussões geográficas condizentes com o desenvolvimento da agricultura camponesa, reforma agrária, e a potencialidade da agroecologia nos assentamentos rurais, temas pouco a pouco incorporados à produção acadêmica em Geografia Agrária.
Diversos são os movimentos de luta pela terra e na terra no Brasil, com diferentes estratégias de atuação, princípios políticos e formas de surgimento. No interior desses movimentos, camponeses e trabalhadores desempregados enxergam a possibilidade de ter a terra para trabalhar e manter, de forma mínina, as condições necessárias para sua sobrevivência e reprodução social. As primeiras lutas camponesas organizadas, com proporção nacional ocorreram nas décadas de 1950/60 com as Ligas Camponesas formadas no Nordeste brasileiro. Até 1964 as Ligas atuaram em 14 estados brasileiros, reunindo e organizando milhares de camponeses. As Ligas estavam prestes a se transformar em uma organização política mais forte, conseqüente e com um programa que extrapolava a questão agrária, até que veio o golpe militar e elas foram destroçadas. Porém a luta pela terra não cessou e a garra, a determinação dos camponeses integrantes das Ligas estão presentes hoje no Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, que se considera herdeiro natural daquela histórica organização. Pretendemos, portanto, analisar o sentido da luta pela terra desde as Ligas até o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra. A análise de documentos históricos e material bibliográfico constituem-se na metodologia da pesquisa.
Apresenta as contribuições de João Amazonas de Souza Pedroso no âmbito do Congresso Nacional bem como na esfera dos movimentos sociais, intelectuais e políticos brasileiros. O parlamentar ficou conhecido como João Amazonas na história da luta pelo socialismo, pela democracia, pela liberdade, pela soberania nacional e pelos direitos dos trabalhadores no Brasil. Inclui biografia, dados da atuação política, discursos e fotos.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as proposições políticas da CUT na década de 1980, bem como a memória que esta entidade construiu sobre o passado do movimento operário brasileiro. Isso se fará através da observação de uma prática, que segundos os membros da entidade, seria mais combativa, inovadora e defensora dos reais interesses da classe trabalhadora. O que a levou a se colocar como representante de um novo sindicalismo, contrapondo-se a o que a CUT denomina velho sindicalismo, colaboracionista, clientelista e pouco combativo. O trabalho se utiliza das leituras que a CUT faz ao longo da construção das bases ideológicas de seu sindicalismo e sobre a atuação sindical anterior ao golpe civil-militar de 1964, sendo este um instrumento de criação de sua identidade política e também um referencial crucial para o estabelecimento de suas estratégias e propostas de ação no campo sindical, além de seu projeto político. Utilizando-se das referencias teóricas da nova história política, da cultura política, do conceito de memória e das relações entre memória-identidade e identidade-projeto, o trabalho pretende investigar como a CUT, a partir de sua fundação e nos primeiros anos de sua atuação se apoiou neste discurso que desqualificava as lideranças sindicais que atuaram antes de 1964.
O período de 1917 a 1919 foi marcado por intensa atividade reivindicatória no Brasil e no mundo, insuflada pelo clima de instabilidade global e pelo exemplo da Revolução Bolchevique. No Brasil, tal quadro repetia-se, tendo sido esse um momento de intensificação da mobilização operária, marcada por inúmeras greves que irromperam no cenário de vários centros urbanos brasileiros. Atentas a essa conjuntura, as elites políticas brasileiros não tardaram a se posicionar sobre ela. Os discursos parlamentares produzidos na Câmara dos Deputados sobre o movimento operário foram aqui objeto de análise, a fim de se determinar quais as posições presentes naquela casa legislativa sobre o tema. Duas posturas contrapostas foram identificadas: uma, majoritária, legitimadora das políticas repressivas implementadas pelos governos estaduais e federais ao movimento, calcada em uma visão em que o movimento operário era apresentado como elemento de desordem comandado por estrangeiros perniciosos; outra, minoritária, que defendia um olhar atento, por parte da instância política, sobre as reivindicações sociais, bandeiras centrais da mobilização operária. Esse embate de ideias, que se desdobrava da questão específica do operariado para outras esferas da sociedade brasileira, não foi resolvido pelo convencimento ou consenso. O olhar condenatório, produtor de um discurso que se utilizava de maneira recorrente da lógica argumentativa presente no mito político da conspiração, acaba por servir de legitimação às ações de força impostas ao movimento pelos governantes.