904 resultados para To environmental planning


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Australia is a federation of six states and two territories. Legislation for environmental noise is the responsibility of each of the Australian states and territories. The Federal government has the responsibility for national issues such as aircraft noise and also to encourage harmonisation of the legislation and regulations among the states and territories. For some decades there has been a document on environmental noise produced by Standards Australia but it is up to each state or territory to call up part or all of this Standard. For general environmental noise some states use comparison with background as the criteria while others define the criteria levels based on land use zones. Both approaches have their advantages and drawbacks. This paper will compare and contrast the different legislation and regulations and discuss the issue of 'cross border' disputes.


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A plethora of techniques for the imaging of liposomes and other bilayer vesicles are available. However, sample preparation and the technique chosen should be carefully considered in conjunction with the information required. For example, larger vesicles such as multilamellar and giant unilamellar vesicles can be viewed using light microscopy and whilst vesicle confirmation and size prior to additional physical characterisations or more detailed microscopy can be undertaken, the technique is limited in terms of resolution. To consider the options available for visualising liposome-based systems, a wide range of microscopy techniques are described and discussed here: these include light, fluorescence and confocal microscopy and various electron microscopy techniques such as transmission, cryo, freeze fracture and environmental scanning electron microscopy. Their application, advantages and disadvantages are reviewed with regard to their use in analysis of lipid vesicles.


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The aim of this research was to improve the quantitative support to project planning and control principally through the use of more accurate forecasting for which new techniques were developed. This study arose from the observation that in most cases construction project forecasts were based on a methodology (c.1980) which relied on the DHSS cumulative cubic cost model and network based risk analysis (PERT). The former of these, in particular, imposes severe limitations which this study overcomes. Three areas of study were identified, namely growth curve forecasting, risk analysis and the interface of these quantitative techniques with project management. These fields have been used as a basis for the research programme. In order to give a sound basis for the research, industrial support was sought. This resulted in both the acquisition of cost profiles for a large number of projects and the opportunity to validate practical implementation. The outcome of this research project was deemed successful both in theory and practice. The new forecasting theory was shown to give major reductions in projection errors. The integration of the new predictive and risk analysis technologies with management principles, allowed the development of a viable software management aid which fills an acknowledged gap in current technology.


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Projects exposed to an uncertain environment must be adapted to deal with the effective integration of various planning elements and the optimization of project parameters. Time, cost, and quality are the prime objectives of a project that need to be optimized to fulfill the owner's goal. In an uncertain environment, there exist many other conflicting objectives that may also need to be optimized. These objectives are characterized by varying degrees of conflict. Moreover, an uncertain environment also causes several changes in the project plan throughout its life, demanding that the project plan be totally flexible. Goal programming (GP), a multiple criteria decision making technique, offers a good solution for this project planning problem. There the planning problem is considered from the owner's perspective, which leads to classifying the project up to the activity level. GP is applied separately at each level, and the formulated models are integrated through information flow. The flexibility and adaptability of the models lies in the ease of updating the model parameters at the required level through changing priorities and/or constraints and transmitting the information to other levels. The hierarchical model automatically provides integration among various element of planning. The proposed methodology is applied in this paper to plan a petroleum pipeline construction project, and its effectiveness is demonstrated.


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Differential group delay measurement of narrowband fiber devices using a fiber polarization scrambler with a modulation phase shift technique is demonstrated. Accurate measurement is realized with high wavelength and delay resolution and immunity to environmental perturbation.


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A szerző cikkében arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogy a kis- és középvállalkozások vezetőinek sajátos környezethez fűződő viszonyát alapul véve milyen vállalkozói szerepek azonosíthatóak a környezeti változásokra való reagálás során. A kutatás központi kérdése, hogy a vállalkozó miként tekint magára az adaptációra a turbulensen változó környezeti viszonyok között, és magának milyen szerepet szán az alkalmazkodási folyamat során. A cikk bemutatja a vállalkozó személyiségének alapvető vonásait, külön kitérve a vállalkozó vezető személyére, majd ezt követően az adaptáció legjellemzőbb formáit és tulajdonságait helyezi középpontba. A tanulmány 14 hazai kis- és középvállalkozás vezetőjével készített interjú feldolgozásával, valamint Hortoványi és Szabó (2006a) adaptációs stratégiai típusai alapján három kategóriát azonosít a környezetfelfogás és reagálás kontextusában. ______ This paper focuses on the role of the entrepreneur in the adaptation process, how we can determine the role of the entrepreneur to environmental changes and to strategic adaptation itself. The paper begins with the presentation of the entrepreneurial models, focusing on the entrepreneurial management afterwards continues with a brief summary of the adaptation approach to strategy. Emphasizing that adaptation to changes can vary as innovation or entrepreneurship is concerned. Proactivity presents an adaptation strategy and moreover can be related to entrepreneurial behaviour and therefore characterizes the viewpoint of the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs have to react to the changing environmental with analysis and proactive reaction, as future and innovation orientation is an integrate part of their entrepreneurial personality. Examining 14 interviews made with Hungarian entrepreneurs the paper identifies three categories which determine the role of the entrepreneurs in the adaptation process.


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Linear multisectoral models have for long been applied in the Hungarian national economic planning. Price-quantity correspondences and interaction, however, cannot easily be taken into account in the traditional linear framework. Computable general equilibrium modelers in the West have developed techniques which use extensively price-quantity interdependences. However, since they are usually presented with the controversial strict neoclassical interpretation, the possibility of their adaptation to socialist planning models has been concaled. This paper reflects on some results of a research investigating the possible adaptation of eqailibrium modeling techniques to central planning models.


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Vapor phase carbon adsorption systems are used to remove aromatics, aliphatics, and halogenated hydrocarbons. The adsorption capacity of granular activated carbon is reduced when environmental parameters (temperature, pressure, and humidity) interfere with homogeneous surface diffusion and pore distribution dynamics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of parametric uncertainties in adsorption efficiency. ^ Modified versions of the Langmuir isotherm in conjunction with thermodynamic equations described gaseous adsorption of single component influent onto microporous media. Experimental test results derived from Wang et al. (1999) simulated adsorption kinetics while the Myer and monsoon Langmuir constant accounted for isothermal gas compression and energetic heterogeneity under thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. Responsiveness of adsorption capacity to environmental uncertainties was analyzed by statistical sensitivity and modeled by breakthrough curves. Results indicated that extensive fluctuations in adsorption capacity significantly reduced carbon consumption while isothermal variations had a pronounced effect on saturation capacity. ^


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Annual mean salinity, light availability, and sediment depth to bedrock structured the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) communities in subtropical mangrove-lined estuaries. Three distinct SAV communities (i.e., Chara group, Halodule group, and Low SAV coverage group) were identified along the Everglades–Florida Bay ecotone and related to water quality using a discriminant function model that predicted the type of plant community at a given site from salinity, light availability, and sediment depth to bedrock. Mean salinity alone was able to correctly classify 78% of the sites and reliably separated the Chara group from the Halodule group. The addition of light availability and sediment depth to bedrock increased model accuracy to 90% and further distinguished the Chara group from the Halodule group. Light availability was uniquely valuable in separating the Chara group from the Low SAV coverage group. Regression analyses identified significant relationships between phosphorus concentration, phytoplankton abundance, and light availability and suggest that a decline in water transparency, associated with increasing salinity, may have also contributed to the historical decline of Chara communities in the region. This investigation applies relationships between environmental variables and SAV distribution and provides a case study into the application of these general principals to ecosystem management.