926 resultados para Tissue engineering,
The preparation and characterisation of collagen:PCL composites for manufacture of tissue engineered skin substitutes and models are reported. Films having collagen:PCL (w/w) ratios of 1:4, 1:8 and 1:20 were prepared by impregnation of lyophilised collagen mats by PCL solutions followed by solvent evaporation. In vitro assays of collagen release and residual collagen content revealed an expected inverse relationship between the collagen release rate and the content of synthetic polymer in the composite that may be exploited for controlled presentation and release of biopharmaceuticals such as growth factors. DSC analysis revealed the characteristic melting point of PCL at around 60°C and a tendency for the collagen component, at high loading, to impede crystallinity development within the PCL phase. The preparation of fibroblast/composite constructs was investigated using cell culture as a first stage in mimicking the dermal/epidermal structure of skin. Fibroblasts were found to attach and proliferate on all the composites investigated reaching a maximum of 2×105/cm2 on 1:20 collagen:PCL materials at day 8 with cell numbers declining thereafter. Keratinocyte growth rates were similar on all types of collagen:PCL materials investigated reaching a maximum of 6.6×104/cm2 at day 6. The results revealed that composite films of collagen and PCL are favourable substrates for growth of fibroblasts and keratinocytes and may find utility for skin repair. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) fibres were produced by wet spinning from solutions in acetone under low shear (gravity flow) conditions. As-spun PCL fibres exhibited a mean strength and stiffness of 7.9 MPa and 0.1 GPa, respectively and a rough, porous surface morphology. Cold drawing to an extension of 500% resulted in increases in fibre strength (43 MPa) and stiffness (0.3 GPa) and development of an oriented, fibrillar surface texture. The proliferation rate of Swiss 3T3 mouse fibroblasts and C2C12 mouse myoblasts on as-spun, 500% cold-drawn and gelatin-modified PCL fibres was determined in cell culture to provide a basic measure of the biocompatibility of the fibres. Proliferation of both cell types was consistently higher on gelatin-coated fibres relative to as-spun fibres at time points below 7 days. Fibroblast growth rates on cold-drawn PCL fibres exceeded those on as-spun fibres but myoblast proliferation was similar on both substrates. After 1 day in culture, both cell types had spread and coalesced on the fibres to form a cell layer, which conformed closely to the underlying topography. The high fibre compliance combined with a potential for modifying the fibre surface chemistry with cell adhesion molecules and the surface architecture by cold drawing to enhance proliferation of fibroblasts and myoblasts, recommends further investigation of gravity-spun PCL fibres for 3-D scaffold production in soft tissue engineering. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Porous 3D polymer scaffolds prepared by TIPS from PLGA (53:47) and PS are intrinsically hydrophobic which prohibits the wetting of such porous media by water. This limits the application of these materials for the fabrication of scaffolds as supports for cell adhesion/spreading. Here we demonstrate that the interior surfaces of polymer scaffolds can be effectively modified using atmospheric air plasma (AP). Polymer films (2D) were also modified as control. The surface properties of wet 2D and 3D scaffolds were characterised using zeta-potential and wettability measurements. These techniques were used as the primary screening methods to assess surface chemistry and the wettability of wet polymer constructs prior and after the surface treatment. The surfaces of the original polymers are rather hydrophobic as highlighted but contain acidic functional groups. Increased exposure to AP improved the water wetting of the treated surfaces because of the formation of a variety of oxygen and nitrogen containing functions. The morphology and pore structure was assessed using SEM and a liquid displacement test. The PLGA and PS foam samples have central regions which are open porous interconnected networks with maximum pore diameters of 49 μm for PLGA and 73 μm for PS foams. (Figure Presented) © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
Although the importance of translation for the development of tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and cell-based therapies is widely recognized, the process of translation is less well understood. This is particularly the case among some early career researchers who may not appreciate the intricacies of translational research or make decisions early in development which later hinders effective translation. Based on our own research and experiences as early career researchers involved in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine translation, we discuss common pitfalls associated with translational research, providing practical solutions and important considerations which will aid process and product development. Suggestions range from effective project management, consideration of key manufacturing, clinical and regulatory matters and means of exploiting research for successful commercialization.
Microporous polycaprolactone (PCL) matrices loaded with hydrophobic steroidal drugs or a hydrophilic drug - pilocarpine hydrochloride - were produced by precipitation casting using solutions of PCL in acetone. The efficiency of steroid incorporation in the final matrix (progesterone (56 %) testosterone (46 %) dexamethasone (80 %)) depended on the nature of the drug initially co-dissolved in the PCL solution. Approximately 90 % w/w of the initial load of progesterone, 85 % testosterone and 50 % dexamethasone was released from the matrices in PBS at 37°C over 8 days. Pilocarpine hydrochloride (PH)-loaded PCL matrices, prepared by dispersion of powder in PCL solution, released 70-90 % of the PH content over 12 days in PBS. Application of the Higuchi model revealed that the kinetics of steroid and PH release were consistent with a Fickian diffusion mechanism with corresponding diffusion coefficients of 5.8 × 10-9 (progesterone), 3.9 × 10 -9 (testosterone), 7.1 × 10-10 (dexamethasone) and 22 × 10-8 cm2/s (pilocarpine hydrochloride). The formulation techniques described are expected to be useful for production of implantable, insertable and topical devices for sustained delivery of a range of bioactive molecules of interest in drug delivery and tissue engineering.
Current artificial heart valves are classified as mechanical and bioprosthetic. An appealing pathway that promises to overcome the shortcomings of commercially available heart valves is offered by the interdisciplinary approach of cardiovascular tissue engineering. However, the mechanical properties of the Tissue Engineering Heart Valves (TEHV) are limited and generally fail in the long-term use. To meet this performance challenge novel biodegradable triblock copolymer poly(ethylene oxide)-polypropylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO or F108) crosslinked to Silk Fibroin (F108-SilkC) to be used as tri-leaflet heart valve material was investigated. ^ Synthesis of ten polymers with varying concentration and thickness (55 µm, 75 µm and 100 µm) was achieved via a covalent crosslinking scheme using bifunctional polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether (PEGDE). Static and fatigue testing were used to assess mechanical properties of films, and hydrodynamic testing was performed to determine performance under a simulated left ventricular flow regime. The crosslinked copolymer (F108-Silk C) showed greater flexibility and resilience, but inferior ultimate tensile strength, by increasing concentration of PEGDE. Concentration molar ratio of 80:1 (F108: Silk) and thickness of 75 µm showed longer fatigue life for both tension-tension and bending fatigue tests. Four valves out of twelve designed satisfactorily complied with minimum performance requirement ISO 5840, 2005. ^ In conclusion, it was demonstrated that the applicability of a degradable polymer in conjugation with silk fibroin for tissue engineering cardiovascular use, specifically for aortic valve leaflet design, met the performance demands. Thinner thicknesses (t<75 µm) in conjunction with stiffness lower than 320 MPa (80:1, F108: Silk) are essential for the correct functionality of proposed heart valve biomaterial F108-SilkC. Fatigue tests were demonstrated to be a useful tool to characterize biomaterials that undergo cyclic loading. ^
This dissertation evaluated the feasibility of using commercially available immortalized cell lines in building a tissue engineered in vitro blood-brain barrier (BBB) co-culture model for preliminary drug development studies. Mouse endothelial cell line and rat astrocyte cell lines purchased from American Type Culture Collections (ATCC) were the building blocks of the co-culture model. An astrocyte derived acellular extracellular matrix (aECM) was introduced in the co-culture model to provide a novel in vitro biomimetic basement membrane for the endothelial cells to form endothelial tight junctions. Trans-endothelial electrical resistance (TEER) and solute mass transport studies were engaged to quantitatively evaluate the tight junction formation on the in-vitro BBB models. Immuno-fluorescence microscopy and Western Blot analysis were used to qualitatively verify the in vitro expression of occludin, one of the earliest discovered tight junction proteins. Experimental data from a total of 12 experiments conclusively showed that the novel BBB in vitro co-culture model with the astrocyte derived aECM (CO+aECM) was promising in terms of establishing tight junction formation represented by TEER values, transport profiles and tight junction protein expression when compared with traditional co-culture (CO) model setups and endothelial cells cultured alone. Experimental data were also found to be comparable with several existing in vitro BBB models built from various methods. In vitro colorimetric sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay revealed that the co-cultured samples with aECM resulted in less cell loss on the basal sides of the insert membranes than that from traditional co-culture samples. The novel tissue engineering approach using immortalized cell lines with the addition of aECM was proven to be a relevant alternative to the traditional BBB in vitro modeling.
Peripheral nerves have demonstrated the ability to bridge gaps of up to 6 mm. Peripheral Nerve System injury sites beyond this range need autograft or allograft surgery. Central Nerve System cells do not allow spontaneous regeneration due to the intrinsic environmental inhibition. Although stem cell therapy seems to be a promising approach towards nerve repair, it is essential to use the distinct three-dimensional architecture of a cell scaffold with proper biomolecule embedding in order to ensure that the local environment can be controlled well enough for growth and survival. Many approaches have been developed for the fabrication of 3D scaffolds, and more recently, fiber-based scaffolds produced via the electrospinning have been garnering increasing interest, as it offers the opportunity for control over fiber composition, as well as fiber mesh porosity using a relatively simple experimental setup. All these attributes make electrospun fibers a new class of promising scaffolds for neural tissue engineering. Therefore, the purpose of this doctoral study is to investigate the use of the novel material PGD and its derivative PGDF for obtaining fiber scaffolds using the electrospinning. The performance of these scaffolds, combined with neural lineage cells derived from ESCs, was evaluated by the dissolvability test, Raman spectroscopy, cell viability assay, real time PCR, Immunocytochemistry, extracellular electrophysiology, etc. The newly designed collector makes it possible to easily obtain fibers with adequate length and integrity. The utilization of a solvent like ethanol and water for electrospinning of fibrous scaffolds provides a potentially less toxic and more biocompatible fabrication method. Cell viability testing demonstrated that the addition of gelatin leads to significant improvement of cell proliferation on the scaffolds. Both real time PCR and Immunocytochemistry analysis indicated that motor neuron differentiation was achieved through the high motor neuron gene expression using the metabolites approach. The addition of Fumaric acid into fiber scaffolds further promoted the differentiation. Based on the results, this newly fabricated electrospun fiber scaffold, combined with neural lineage cells, provides a potential alternate strategy for nerve injury repair.
Heart valve disease occurs in adults as well as in pediatric population due to age-related changes, rheumatic fever, infection or congenital condition. Current treatment options are limited to mechanical heart valve (MHV) or bio-prosthetic heart valve (BHV) replacements. Lifelong anti-coagulant medication in case of MHV and calcification, durability in case of BHV are major setbacks for both treatments. Lack of somatic growth of these implants require multiple surgical interventions in case of pediatric patients. Advent of stem cell research and regenerative therapy propose an alternative and potential tissue engineered heart valves (TEHV) treatment approach to treat this life threatening condition. TEHV has the potential to promote tissue growth by replacing and regenerating a functional native valve. Hemodynamics play a crucial role in heart valve tissue formation and sustained performance. The focus of this study was to understand the role of physiological shear stress and flexure effects on de novo HV tissue formation as well as resulting gene and protein expression. A bioreactor system was used to generate physiological shear stress and cyclic flexure. Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell derived tissue constructs were exposed to native valve-like physiological condition. Responses of these tissue constructs to the valve-relevant stress states along with gene and protein expression were investigated after 22 days of tissue culture. We conclude that the combination of steady flow and cyclic flexure helps support engineered tissue formation by the co-existence of both OSS and appreciable shear stress magnitudes, and potentially augment valvular gene and protein expression when both parameters are in the physiological range.
Advanced therapies combating acute and chronic skin wounds are likely to be brought about using our knowledge of regenerative medicine coupled with appropriately tissue engineered skin substitutes. At the present time, there are no models of an artificial skin that completely replicate normal uninjured skin and they are usually accompanied by fibrotic reactions that result in the production of a scar. Natural biopolymers such as collagen have been a lot investigated as potential source of biomaterial for skin replacement in Tissue Engineering. Collagens are the most abundant high molecular weight proteins in both invertebrate and vertebrate organisms, including mammals, and possess mainly a structural role in connective tissues. From this, they have been elected as one of the key biological materials in tissue regeneration approaches, as skin tissue engineering. In addition, industry is constantly searching for new natural sources of collagen and upgraded methodologies for their production. The most common sources are skin and bone from bovine and porcine origin. However, these last carry high risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy or transmissible spongiform encephalopathy and immunogenic responses. On the other hand, the increase of jellyfish has led us to consider this marine organism as potential collagen source for tissue engineering applications. In the present study, novel form of acid and pepsin soluble collagen were extracted from dried Rhopilema hispidum jellyfish species in an effort to obtain an alternative and safer collagen. We studied different methods of collagen purification (tissues and experimental procedures). The best collagen yield was obtained using pepsin extraction method (34.16 mg collagen/g of tissue). The isolated collagen was characterized by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and circular dichroism spectroscopy.
The pathogenesis of osteoarthritis is mediated in part by inflammatory cytokines including interleukin-1 (IL-1), which promote degradation of articular cartilage and prevent human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) chondrogenesis. We combined gene therapy and functional tissue engineering to develop engineered cartilage with immunomodulatory properties that allow chondrogenesis in the presence of pathologic levels of IL-1 by inducing overexpression of IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) in hMSCs via scaffold-mediated lentiviral gene delivery. A doxycycline-inducible vector was used to transduce hMSCs in monolayer or within 3D woven PCL scaffolds to enable tunable IL-1Ra production. In the presence of IL-1, IL-1Ra-expressing engineered cartilage produced cartilage-specific extracellular matrix, while resisting IL-1-induced upregulation of matrix metalloproteinases and maintaining mechanical properties similar to native articular cartilage. The ability of functional engineered cartilage to deliver tunable anti-inflammatory cytokines to the joint may enhance the long-term success of therapies for cartilage injuries or osteoarthritis.
Following this, we modified this anti-inflammatory engineered cartilage to incorporate rabbit MSCs and evaluated this therapeutic strategy in a pilot study in vivo in rabbit osteochondral defects. Rabbits were fed a custom doxycycline diet to induce gene expression in engineered cartilage implanted in the joint. Serum and synovial fluid were collected and the levels of doxycycline and inflammatory mediators were measured. Rabbits were euthanized 3 weeks following surgery and tissues were harvested for analysis. We found that doxycycline levels in serum and synovial fluid were too low to induce strong overexpression of hIL-1Ra in the joint and hIL-1Ra was undetectable in synovial fluid via ELISA. Although hIL-1Ra expression in the first few days local to the site of injury may have had a beneficial effect, overall a higher doxycycline dose and more readily transduced cell population would improve application of this therapy.
In addition to the 3D woven PCL scaffold, cartilage-derived matrix scaffolds have recently emerged as a promising option for cartilage tissue engineering. Spatially-defined, biomaterial-mediated lentiviral gene delivery of tunable and inducible morphogenetic transgenes may enable guided differentiation of hMSCs into both cartilage and bone within CDM scaffolds, enhancing the ability of the CDM scaffold to provide chondrogenic cues to hMSCs. In addition to controlled production of anti-inflammatory proteins within the joint, in situ production of chondro- and osteo-inductive factors within tissue-engineered cartilage, bone, or osteochondral tissue may be highly advantageous as it could eliminate the need for extensive in vitro differentiation involving supplementation of culture media with exogenous growth factors. To this end, we have utilized controlled overexpression of transforming growth factor-beta 3 (TGF-β3), bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) or a combination of both factors, to induce chondrogenesis, osteogenesis, or both, within CDM hemispheres. We found that TGF-β3 overexpression led to robust chondrogenesis in vitro and BMP-2 overexpression led to mineralization but not accumulation of type I collagen. We also showed the development of a single osteochondral construct by combining tissues overexpressing BMP-2 (hemisphere insert) and TGF-β3 (hollow hemisphere shell) and culturing them together in the same media. Chondrogenic ECM was localized in the TGF-β3-expressing portion and osteogenic ECM was localized in the BMP-2-expressing region. Tissue also formed in the interface between the two pieces, integrating them into a single construct.
Since CDM scaffolds can be enzymatically degraded just like native cartilage, we hypothesized that IL-1 may have an even larger influence on CDM than PCL tissue-engineered constructs. Additionally, anti-inflammatory engineered cartilage implanted in vivo will likely affect cartilage and the underlying bone. There is some evidence that osteogenesis may be enhanced by IL-1 treatment rather than inhibited. To investigate the effects of an inflammatory environment on osteogenesis and chondrogenesis within CDM hemispheres, we evaluated the ability of IL-1Ra-expressing or control constructs to undergo chondrogenesis and osteogenesis in the prescence of IL-1. We found that IL-1 prevented chondrogenesis in CDM hemispheres but did not did not produce discernable effects on osteogenesis in CDM hemispheres. IL-1Ra-expressing CDM hemispheres produced robust cartilage-like ECM and did not upregulate inflammatory mediators during chondrogenic culture in the presence of IL-1.
Cardiac tissue engineering (CTE) is currently a prime focus of research due to an enormous clinical need. In this work, a novel functional material, Poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate), P(3HO), a medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), produced using bacterial fermentation, was studied as a new potential material for CTE. Engineered constructs with improved mechanical properties, crucial for supporting the organ during new tissue regeneration, and enhanced surface topography, to allow efficient cell adhesion and proliferation, were fabricated. Our results showed that the mechanical properties of the final patches were close to that of cardiac muscle. Biocompatibility of the P(3HO) neat patches, assessed using Neonatal ventricular rat myocytes (NVRM), showed that the polymer was as good as collagen in terms of cell viability, proliferation and adhesion. Enhanced cell adhesion and proliferation properties were observed when porous and fibrous structures were incorporated to the patches. Also, no deleterious effect was observed on the adults cardiomyocytes’ contraction when cardiomyocytes were seeded on the P(3HO) patches. Hence, P(3HO) based multifunctional cardiac patches are promising constructs for efficient CTE. This work will provide a positive impact on the development of P(3HO) and other PHAs as a novel new family of biodegradable functional materials with huge potential in a range of different biomedical applications, particularly CTE, leading to further interest and exploitation of these materials.
Electrospun nanofibers are a promising material for ligamentous tissue engineering, however weak mechanical properties of fibers to date have limited their clinical usage. The goal of this work was to modify electrospun nanofibers to create a robust structure that mimics the complex hierarchy of native tendons and ligaments. The scaffolds that were fabricated in this study consisted of either random or aligned nanofibers in flat sheets or rolled nanofiber bundles that mimic the size scale of fascicle units in primarily tensile load bearing soft musculoskeletal tissues. Altering nanofiber orientation and geometry significantly affected mechanical properties; most notably aligned nanofiber sheets had the greatest modulus; 125% higher than that of random nanofiber sheets; and 45% higher than aligned nanofiber bundles. Modifying aligned nanofiber sheets to form aligned nanofiber bundles also resulted in approximately 107% higher yield stresses and 140% higher yield strains. The mechanical properties of aligned nanofiber bundles were in the range of the mechanical properties of the native ACL: modulus=158±32MPa, yield stress=57±23MPa and yield strain=0.38±0.08. Adipose derived stem cells cultured on all surfaces remained viable and proliferated extensively over a 7 day culture period and cells elongated on nanofiber bundles. The results of the study suggest that aligned nanofiber bundles may be useful for ligament and tendon tissue engineering based on their mechanical properties and ability to support cell adhesion, proliferation, and elongation.
Development and characterization of Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) platforms for bone tissue engineering
The development of scaffolds based on biomaterials is a promising strategy for Tissue Engineering and cellular regeneration. This work focuses on Bone Tissue Engineering, the aim is to develop electrically tailored biomaterials with different crystalline and electric features, and study their impacts onto cell biological behavior, so as to predict the materials output in the enhancement of bone tissue regeneration. It is accepted that bone exhibits piezoelectricity, a property that has been proved to be involved in bone growth/repair mechanism regulation. In addition electrical stimulations have been proved to influence bone growth and repair. Piezoelectric materials are therefore widely investigated for a potential use in bone tissue engineering. The main goal is the development of novel strategies to produce and employ piezoelectric biomaterials, with detailed knowledge of mechanisms involved in cell-material interaction. In the current work, poly (L-lactic) acid (PLLA), a synthetic semi-crystalline polymer, exhibiting biodegradibility, biocompatibility and piezoelectricity is studied and proposed as a promoter of enhanced tissue regeneration. PLLA has already been approved for implantation in human body by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and at the moment it is being used in several clinical strategies. The present study consists of first preparing films with different degrees of crystallinity and characterizing these PLLA films, in terms of surface and structural properties, and subsequently assessing the behavior of cells in terms of viability, proliferation, morphology and mineralization for each PLLA configuration. PLLA films were prepared using the solvent cast technique and submitted to different thermal treatments in order to obtain different degrees of crystallinity. Those platforms were then electrically poled, positively and negatively, by corona discharge in order to tailor their electrical properties. The cellular assays were conducted by using two different osteoblast cell lines grown directly onto the PLLA films:Human osteoblast Hob, a primary cell culture and Human osteosarcoma MG-63 cell line. This thesis gives also a comprehensive introduction to the area of Bone Tissue Engineering and provides a review of the work done in this field in the past until today, in that same field, including the one related with bone’s piezoelectricity. Then the experimental part deals with the effects of the crystallinity degrees and of the polarization in terms of surface properties and cellular bio assays. Three different degrees of crystallinity, and three different polarization conditions were prepared; which results in 9 different configurations under investigation.