969 resultados para Therapeutic interventions
OBJETIVOS: Avaliação retrospectiva criteriosa de casos de reimplantes após amputação por avulsão. Avaliação de técnicas e táticas utilizadas que determinaram evolução satisfatória e bom resultado funcional. METÓDOS: Foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, prontuários de 43 pacientes que tiveram membros amputados por mecanismo de avulsão e reimplantados nos últimos 21 anos. RESULTADOS: A maior parte dos casos envolvia homens adultos jovens. A localização de amputação mais frequente foi do polegar. As técnicas e táticas cirúrgicas utilizadas isoladas ou conjuntamente incluem: enxertos de nervo, enxertos vasculares (veia ou artéria), transposição de feixe vascular digital, encurtamento do membro e reimplante heterotópico. A técnica mais frequentemente utilizada foi o emprego de enxertos venosos. A taxa de sobrevida dos reimplantes foi alta (93%), assim como a satisfação dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Os reimplantes por mecanismo de avulsão dependem do correto diagnóstico de viabilidade anatômica e utilização de técnicas e táticas cirúrgicas apropriadas para cada caso. A experiência da equipe cirúrgica e estrutura hospitalar adequada são fundamentais para obtenção de bons resultados. Existem poucos relatos na literatura sobre indicação, tática, técnicas e resultados de procedimentos de reimplantes em amputações por avulsão. Acreditamos que a avaliação retrospectiva desta série de casos possa trazer novas informações e contribuições no atendimento desta situação de alta complexidade. Nível de evidência IV, Série de casos.
Malaria is a widespread infectious disease caused by the parasite Plasmodium. During pregnancy, malaria infection leads to a range of complications that can affect both the mother and fetus, including stillbirth, infant mortality, and low birth weight. In this study, we utilized a mouse model of placental malaria (PM) infection to determine the importance of the protein MyD88 in the host immune response to Plasmodium during pregnancy. Initially, we demonstrated that Plasmodium berghei NK65GFP adhered to placental tissue via chondroitin sulfate A and induced PM in mice with a C57BL/6 genetic background. To evaluate the involvement of MyD88 in the pathology of PM, we performed a histopathological analysis of placentas obtained from MyD88(-/-) and wild-type (WT) mice following infection on the 19th gestational day. Our data demonstrated that the detrimental placental alterations observed in the infected mice were correlated with the expression of MyD88. Moreover, in the absence of this protein, production of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) was significantly reduced in the infected mice. More importantly, in contrast to fetuses from infected WT mice, which exhibited a reduction in body weight, the fetuses from infected MyD88(-/-) mice did not display significant weight loss compared to their noninfected littermates. In addition, we observed a decrement of maternal care associated with malaria infection, which was attenuated in the MyD88-deficient mice. Collectively, the results of this study illustrate the pivotal importance of the MyD88 signaling pathway in the pathogenesis of placental malaria, thus presenting new possibilities for targeting MyD88 in therapeutic interventions.
Molecular profiling of Peripheral T-cell lymphomas not otherwise specified Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are a heterogeneous group of tumors that the WHO classification basically subdivides into specified and not otherwise specified (NOS). In Western countries, they represent around 12% of all non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. In particular, PTCL/NOS is the commonest subtype, corresponding to about 60-70% of all T-cell lymphomas. However, it remains a complex entity showing great variety regarding either morphology, immunophenotype or clinical behavior. Specially, the molecular pathology of these tumors is still poorly known. In fact, many alteration were found, but no single genes were demonstrated to have a pathogenetic role. Recently, gene expression profiling (GEP) allowed the identification of PTCL/NOS-associated molecular signatures, leading to better understanding of their histogenesis, pathogenesis and prognostication. Interestingly, proliferation pathways are commonly altered in PTCLs, being highly proliferative cases characterized by poorer prognosis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the possible role in PTCL/NOS pathogenesis of selected molecules, known to be relevant for proliferation control. In particular, we analyzed the cell cycle regulators PTEN and CDKN1B/p27, the NF-kB pathway, and the tyrosin kinase PDGFR. First, we found that PTEN and p27 seem to be regulated in PTCL/NOS as in normal T-lymphocytes, as to what expression and cellular localization are concerned, and do not present structural abnormalities in the vast majority of PTCL/NOS. Secondly, NF-kB pathway appeared to be variably activated in PTCL/NOS. In particular, according to NF-kB gene expression levels, the tumors could be divided into two clusters (C1 and C2). Specially, C1 corresponded to cases presenting with a global down-regulation of the entire pathway, while C2 showed over-expression of genes involved in TNF signaling. Notably, by immunohistochemistry, we showed that either the canonical or the alternative NK-kB pathway were activated in around 40% of cases. Finally, we found PGDFRA to be consistently over-expressed (at mRNA and protein level) and activated in almost all PTCLs/NOS. Noteworthy, when investigating possible causes for PDGFRA deregulation, we had evidences that PDGFR over-expression is due to the absence of miR-152, which appeared to be responsible for PDGFRA silencing in normal T-cells. Furthermore, we could demonstrate that its aberrant activation is sustained by an autocrine loop. Importantly, this is the first case, to the best of our knowledge, of hematological tumor in which tyrosin kinase aberrant activity is determined by deregulated miRNA expression and autocrine loop activation. Taken together, our results provide novel insight in PTCL/NOS pathogenesis by opening new intriguing scenarios for innovative therapeutic interventions.
Lo sviluppo e la funzionalità della placenta influenzano direttamente la crescita ed il benessere del feto all'interno dell'utero, quindi qualsiasi problema strutturale o funzionale della placenta influenzerà lo sviluppo del feto. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di approfondire diversi aspetti clinici e clinico-patologici dell’insufficienza placentare nella specie equina, con l’intento di individuare dei parametri che possano essere di ausilio per l’identificazione precoce del puledro a rischio e della necessità di interventi terapeutici. La valutazione della concentrazione di lattato nel sangue e nel liquido amniotico potrebbe essere un utile strumento diagnostico per la diagnosi di acidosi metabolica associata ad ipossia/ischemia nel puledro e per identificare la necessità di un intervento precoce alla nascita. La risposta all’ipossia sembra essere mediata dall’HIF-1 e dall’HSF-1 anche nel puledro neonato, e se questi dati venissero confermati su un numero maggiore di animali, i due marcatori proteici e la MDA potrebbero essere utilizzati per la diagnosi di PAS nel puledro. L’esame di tutta l’unità placentare riveste un ruolo di fondamentale importanza per l’acquisizione di informazioni riguardo all’ambiente di vita intrauterino del puledro, ed è quindi auspicabile nella pratica ostetrica routinaria una maggiore attenzione all’esame della placenta, soprattutto in caso di patologie materno-fetali. Tra i parametri biochimici valutati al momento della nascita, la creatininemia e la glicemia possono fornire informazioni sull’efficienza dello scambio placentare ed essere quindi utilizzati per individuare puledri a rischio. Infine, lo sviluppo di una macro per il software ImageJ porta alla luce uno strumento nuovo, semplice da usare ed economico, per la valutazione morfometrica dell’arborizzazione dei villi placentari; tuttavia la ricerca necessità ulteriori indagini su un numero maggiore di animali per valutare le differenze morfometriche tra placente normali e patologiche.
Das Störungsbild der Hypochondrie stellt für die Betroffenen eine erhebliche Belastung und Beeinträchtigung dar und ist zudem von hoher gesundheitspolitischer Relevanz. Hieraus ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit für die Entwicklung und Evaluation wirkungsvoller Behandlungsansätze. Mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird die bisher umfangreichste Studie zur Wirksamkeit von gruppentherapeutischen Interventionen bei Patienten mit Hypochondrie beschrieben. Insgesamt nahmen 35 Patienten, die die DSM-IV-Kriterien der Hypochondrie erfüllten, an der Studie teil. Die durchgeführte Behandlung bestand aus insgesamt acht Gruppen- und sechs Einzelsitzungen. Zur Beurteilung des Therapieerfolgs wurden standardisierte Fragebogen und Einschätzungen der behandelnden Therapeuten eingeholt. Zudem wurde vor und nach der Behandlung die implizite Ängstlichkeit der Patienten mit Hilfe des Ängstlichkeits-IATs (Egloff & Schmukle, 2002) erfasst. Die Datenerhebung der Fragebögen erfolgte zu vier Messzeitpunkten. Eine Teilgruppe der Patienten (n = 10) konnte zudem über eine zweimonatige Wartezeit befragt werden. Ingesamt wurde die Therapie von den Patienten gut akzeptiert. Im Laufe der Behandlung zeigten sich auf den Selbstbeurteilungsverfahren umfangreiche Veränderungen im Erleben und Verhalten der Patienten. Es zeigte sich eine Reduktion von krankheitsbezogenen Kognitionen und Ängsten, eine Abnahme des Krankheitsverhaltens und eine Zunahme von Störungs- und Bewältigungswissen. Die Reduktion der hypochondrischen Symptomatik stellte sich als klinisch relevant heraus. Zudem zeigte sich eine Reduktion der allgemeinen Belastung und Ängstlichkeit sowie depressiver und körperlicher Symptome. Die Einschätzungen der behandelnden Therapeuten bestätigten die mittels Fragebogen ermittelten Befunde. Mit Hilfe des Ängstlichkeits-IATs konnte eine Veränderung des angstbezogenen Selbstkonzepts nachgewiesen werden. In einer Wartekontrollzeit zeigten sich nur geringfügige Reduktionen der hypochondrischen Symptomatik und keine bedeutsamen Reduktionen der allgemeinen Psychopathologie. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Kombinationstherapie sind mit den Befunden bisheriger Evaluationen zur Effektivität von Einzeltherapien bei Hypochondrie vergleichbar. Die Befunde unterstreichen die Gleichwertigkeit von ökonomischeren gruppentherapeutischen Interventionen bei der Behandlung der Hypochondrie.
Abstract The aim of this work was the development of a murine model of septic arthrosynovitis and osteomyelitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which could mimic the natural disease occurring in humans and which could be suitable for testing preventive and therapeutic interventions. This model could be particularly useful since S. aureus-mediated joints and bones infections are relevant in humans, both in terms of frequency and severity. Our attention focused in tracking bacterial infiltration in joints and bones over time using different microbiological and hystopathological tools, which allowed us to have a complete overview of the situation and to evaluate the immunological actions undertaken by the host to contain or eradicate the bacterial infection. Antibodies and cytokines profiles, as well as recruitment of host immune cells at joints of immunized and infected mice were therefore monitored for a time period that allowed us to study both the acute and the chronic phases of the disease in situ. Finally the Novartis vaccine formulation proposed against S. aureus infections was tested for its capacity to protect immunized mice from joints infections, and the preventive immunization was compared to a standard antibiotic prophylaxis. The availability of powerful tools to study specific bacterial-mediated diseases is nowadays an important requirement for the scientific community to shed light on the complex interactions between host and pathogens and to test treatments for preventing or contrasting infections. We believe that our work significantly contributes to the overall knowledge in the field of S. aureus-dependent pathologies, opening the possibility for further investigations in several fields of study.
Tobacco use has been identified as a major risk factor for oral disorders such as cancer and periodontal disease. Tobacco use cessation (TUC) is associated with the potential for reversal of precancer, enhanced outcomes following periodontal treatment, and better periodontal status compared to patients who continue to smoke. Consequently, helping tobacco users to quit has become a part of both the responsibility of oral health professionals and the general practice of dentistry. TUC should consist of behavioural support, and if accompanied by pharmacotherapy, is more likely to be successful. It is widely accepted that appropriate compensation of TUC counselling would give oral health professionals greater incentives to provide these measures. Therefore, TUC-related compensation should be made accessible to all dental professionals and be in appropriate relation to other therapeutic interventions. International and national associations for oral health professionals are urged to act as advocates to promote population, community and individual initiatives in support of tobacco use prevention and cessation (TUPAC) counselling, including integration in undergraduate and graduate dental curricula. In order to facilitate the adoption of TUPAC strategies by oral health professionals, we propose a level of care model which includes 1) basic care: brief interventions for all patients in the dental practice to identify tobacco users, assess readiness to quit, and request permission to re-address at a subsequent visit, 2) intermediate care: interventions consisting of (brief) motivational interviewing sessions to build on readiness to quit, enlist resources to support change, and to include cessation medications, and 3) advanced care: intensive interventions to develop a detailed quit plan including the use of suitable pharmacotherapy. To ensure that the delivery of effective TUC becomes part of standard care, continuing education courses and updates should be implemented and offered to all oral health professionals on a regular basis.
Chemokines have been proposed to contribute to tumour growth and metastatic spread of several cancer entities. Here, we examined the relative levels of CXCL12/CXCR4 in resection specimens from patients with different malignant and non-malignant colorectal diseases as well as colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). CXCL12/CXCR4 mRNA and protein expression profiles were assessed by quantitative real-time PCR, Western blot analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunohistochemistry in resection specimens from patients with ulcerative colitis (UC; n = 15), colorectal adenoma (CRA; n = 15), colorectal adenocarcinoma (CRC; n = 47) and CRLM (n = 16). Corresponding non-affected tissues served as control. In contrast to UC tissues, CXCL12 showed a distinct down-regulation in CRA, CRC and CRLM specimens, whereas the corresponding receptor CXCR4 demonstrated a significant up-regulation in CRC and CRLM related to corresponding non-affected tissues (p < 0.05, respectively). Our results strongly suggest an association between CXCL12/CXCR4 expression and the induction of CRA, CRC and the development of CRLM. Therefore, CXCR4 may be a potential target for specific therapeutic interventions.
Lymphomas comprise a variety of entities with remarkable clinical heterogeneity. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the pathogenesis of major mature B-cell lymphoma subtypes for clinicians working outside the field of hemato-oncology. The understanding of the pathogenesis of lymphomas is linked to the knowledge on normal B-cell differentiation. The clinical diversity is manifested in the different mechanisms involved in lymphomagenesis that include characteristic chromosomal translocations deregulating proto-oncogenes, and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes through deletions and mutations. Gene-expression profiling has dissected certain lymphomas into morphologically indistinguishable, but clinically important subgroups and uncovered pathways suitable for specific therapeutic interventions.
Objective To examine the presence and extent of small study effects in clinical osteoarthritis research. Design Meta-epidemiological study. Data sources 13 meta-analyses including 153 randomised trials (41 605 patients) that compared therapeutic interventions with placebo or non-intervention control in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee and used patients’ reported pain as an outcome. Methods We compared estimated benefits of treatment between large trials (at least 100 patients per arm) and small trials, explored funnel plots supplemented with lines of predicted effects and contours of significance, and used three approaches to estimate treatment effects: meta-analyses including all trials irrespective of sample size, meta-analyses restricted to large trials, and treatment effects predicted for large trials. Results On average, treatment effects were more beneficial in small than in large trials (difference in effect sizes −0.21, 95% confidence interval −0.34 to −0.08, P=0.001). Depending on criteria used, six to eight funnel plots indicated small study effects. In six of 13 meta-analyses, the overall pooled estimate suggested a clinically relevant, significant benefit of treatment, whereas analyses restricted to large trials and predicted effects in large trials yielded smaller non-significant estimates. Conclusions Small study effects can often distort results of meta-analyses. The influence of small trials on estimated treatment effects should be routinely assessed.
Musculoskeletal ultrasonography (US) is an established and validated imaging technique in rheumatology. Ultrasonography is able to directly visualize soft tissue pathologies such as synovial tissue changes. Pathological findings in superficial cartilage, bone lesions and synovial tissue changes in the context of rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis or crystal arthropathies may only be seen by sonography or detected earlier by ultrasonography compared to conventional imaging techniques. The activity of an inflammatory arthropathy can be visualized using Doppler and power Doppler US. US is helpful in the detection of early inflammatory changes, particularly in patients with undifferentiated arthritis and/or unremarkable conventional radiography. In addition to diagnosis in early arthritis and monitoring of therapy in rheumatoid arthritis, sonography is able to detect pivotal pathologies in spondyloarthritis and crystal deposition diseases such as gout, pseudogout and apatite deposition disease. Ultrasound-guided diagnostic and therapeutic interventions are characterized by their excellent accuracy and improvement of clinical effectiveness compared to unguided procedures. In conclusion, ultrasonography plays a pivotal role in the assessment and monitoring of therapy in rheumatic diseases.
Hemispatial neglect - defined as the failure to attend, explore, and act upon the contralesional side of space - is a frequent and disabling neurological syndrome. Interhemispheric rivalry is considered as a major pathophysiological mechanism underlying hemispatial neglect. According to this account, the contralesional, intact hemisphere undergoes a pathological hyperactivity due to a deficient transcallosal inhibition from the damaged hemisphere. This model offers a framework for possible therapeutic interventions with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), i.e. a reduction of the pathological hyperactivity with a rTMS protocol that has lasting inhibitory effects. In the present work, we will first review evidence for the interhemispheric rivalry account coming from animals and humans. We will then describe studies showing the possibility to perturb and to restore interhemispheric balance in healthy subjects as a proof of concept for therapeutic rTMS application. Finally, we will consider studies applying rTMS as a therapeutic approach in hemispatial neglect. We conclude that rTMS is a promising approach to reduce the interhemispheric imbalance in neglect patients and to ameliorate symptoms. Newly developed protocols such as Theta Burst Stimulation (TBS) - with short stimulation times and long offline effects - seem to be particularly convenient. However, future studies should assess stimulation effects not only in clinical testing, but also on disability, considering combination with traditional therapies as well.
Background Leg edema is a common manifestation of various underlying pathologies. Reliable measurement tools are required to quantify edema and monitor therapeutic interventions. Aim of the present work was to investigate the reproducibility of optoelectronic leg volumetry over 3 weeks' time period and to eliminate daytime related within-individual variability. Methods Optoelectronic leg volumetry was performed in 63 hairdressers (mean age 45 ± 16 years, 85.7% female) in standing position twice within a minute for each leg and repeated after 3 weeks. Both lower leg (legBD) and whole limb (limbBF) volumetry were analysed. Reproducibility was expressed as analytical and within-individual coefficients of variance (CVA, CVW), and as intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Results A total of 492 leg volume measurements were analysed. Both legBD and limbBF volumetry were highly reproducible with CVA of 0.5% and 0.7%, respectively. Within-individual reproducibility of legBD and limbBF volumetry over a three weeks' period was high (CVW 1.3% for both; ICC 0.99 for both). At both visits, the second measurement revealed a significantly higher volume compared to the first measurement with a mean increase of 7.3 ml ± 14.1 (0.33% ± 0.58%) for legBD and 30.1 ml ± 48.5 ml (0.52% ± 0.79%) for limbBF volume. A significant linear correlation between absolute and relative leg volume differences and the difference of exact day time of measurement between the two study visits was found (P < .001). A therefore determined time-correction formula permitted further improvement of CVW. Conclusions Leg volume changes can be reliably assessed by optoelectronic leg volumetry at a single time point and over a 3 weeks' time period. However, volumetry results are biased by orthostatic and daytime-related volume changes. The bias for day-time related volume changes can be minimized by a time-correction formula.
A 27-year-old patient with traumatic brain injury and neuropsychiatric symptoms fitting the obsessive-compulsive disorder was investigated. Brain CT-scan revealed left temporal and bilateral fronto-basal parenchymal contusions. Main Outcome Measure was the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale at pre- and post-treatment and at 6 months follow-up. The combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy resulted in lower intensity and frequency of symptoms. Our case illustrates the importance of a detailed diagnostic procedure in order to provide appropriate therapeutic interventions. Further studies are needed to guide the clinician in determining which patients are likely to benefit from a psychotherapeutic intervention in combination with pharmacotherapy.
Exertional oscillatory ventilation (EOV) is an ominous prognostic sign in chronic heart failure (CHF), but little is known about the success of specific therapeutic interventions. Our aim was to study the impact of an exercise training on exercise capacity and cardiopulmonary adaptation in stable CHF patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction and EOV. 96 stable CHF patients with EOV were included in a retrospective analysis (52 training versus 44 controls). EOV was defined as follows: 1) three or more oscillatory fluctuations in minute ventilation (V'(E)) during exercise; 2) regular oscillations; and 3) minimal average ventilation amplitude ≥5 L. EOV disappeared in 37 (71.2%) out of 52 patients after training, but only in one (2.3%) out of 44 without training (p<0.001). The decrease of EOV amplitude correlated with changes in end-tidal carbon dioxide tension (r= -0.60, p<0.001) at the respiratory compensation point and V'(E)/carbon dioxide production (V'(CO(2))) slope (r=0.50, p<0.001). Training significantly improved resting values of respiratory frequency (f(R)), V'(E), tidal volume (V(T)) and V'(E)/V'(CO(2)) ratio. During exercise, V'(E) and V(T) reached significantly higher values at the peak, while f(R) and V'(E)/V'(CO(2)) ratio were significantly lower at submaximal exercise. No change was noted in the control group. Exercise training leads to a significant decrease of EOV and improves ventilatory efficiency in patients with stable CHF.