874 resultados para Theoretical approaches


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Introduction: self-medication has become a growing practice in the world population. This phenomenon has been promoted as a form of self-care, with a positive impact on reducing spending in health systems, however there is concern about the potential negative effects related to inadequate diagnosis and treatment, which can affect health of individuals. This dual perception of the phenomenon is partly related to a variety of terms and concepts used, that make difficult its theoretical and empirical approach. Harmonization of the definitions involved is required in order to make adequate epidemiological comparisons. Objectives: analyze the concept of self medication and related terms from the definitions in the literature of the subject. Conclusions: in the last four decades it has been an evolution of both the wording and the definitions related to self-medication, from a very simple concept that implies the absence of prescription, to more complex ones that encompass very diverse behaviors, even those mediated by an act of prescription but not followed or not completed by the patient. Additionally the conceptual proliferation seen, justify the ordering of the terms related to self-medication. This paper presents a proposal for classification in four groups: a. self-medication, b. self care, c. pharmaceutical preparations and medicines, and d. prescription. This proposal should facilitate the exploration and analysis of the phenomenon and allow future theoretical approaches.


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The kinesio taping is a technique that was created in 1979 by Doctor Kenzo Kase I’m looking through it that could generate a new therapeutic option to control pain, improve athletic performance and reduce the impact of musculoskeletal disorders. From the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, this technique as a therapeutic alternative PTO and is composed of health professionals in the field of sport and physical rehabilitation. Objetive: This article aims to identify theoretical approaches on the bandage neuromuscular. Material and methods: held today, for which conducted a literature search of databases such as como Proquest, Ovid, Cochraine, PEDro, Journal ofOrthopedic and Sports Physical, Sciencedirect, Pubmed y Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (Lilacs). The paper proposes a scheme of contextualization of the current landscape of the use and effects of kinesio taping in the management of different pathologies of the musculo-skeletal system in sports. Conclusion: it is concluded that currently many health professionals, and take the neuromuscular bandage a good therapeutic option in the management of diseases affecting the human body is investigated and every day more about the subject, which makes these new therapeutic methods to acquire a scientific value and transcends knowledge.


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La valoración de una empresa como sistema dinámico es bastante compleja, los diferentes modelos o métodos de valoración son una aproximación teórica y por consiguiente simplificadora de la realidad. Dichos modelos, se aproximan mediante supuestos o premisas estadísticas que nos permiten hacer dicha simplificación, ejemplos de estos, son el comportamiento del inversionista o la eficiencia del mercado. Bajo el marco de un mercado emergente, este proceso presenta de indistinta forma retos paracualquier método de valoración, dado a que el mercado no obedece a los paradigmas tradicionales. Lo anterior hace referencia a que la valoración es aún más compleja, dado que los inversionistas se enfrentan a mayores riesgos y obstáculos. Así mismo, a medida que las economías se globalizan y el capital es más móvil, la valoración tomaráaún más importancia en el contexto citado. Este trabajo de gradopretende recopilar y analizar los diferentes métodos de valoración, además de identificar y aplicar aquellos que se reconocen como “buenas prácticas”. Este proceso se llevó a cabo para una de las empresas más importantes de Colombia, donde fundamentalmente se consideró el contexto de mercado emergente y específicamente el sector petrolero, como criterios para la aplicación del tradicional DCF y el práctico R&V.


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En el marco de la reparación a las víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia, se han desarrollado iniciativas de carácter simbólico como la construcción de memoria histórica, en donde confluyen elementos de carácter artístico y cultural que buscan relatar lo sucedido y restaurar los lazos sociales quebrantados. A continuación, se analiza la manera en que estas iniciativas de construcción de memoria histórica a partir del arte, en el municipio de El Salado, se pueden considerar como un acto estético que configura la sensibilidad de los espacios y los tiempos para generar la visualización y reconocimiento de quienes se han visto vulnerados por la violencia. Se utilizan las teorías de Paul Ricoeur y Jaques Rancière como herramienta fundamental de análisis, así como las manifestaciones artísticas realizadas por los colectivos de víctimas y el CMH, con el fin de explicar la funcionalidad política y las relaciones que se establecen entre las dos variables fundamentales del trabajo, el arte y la memoria.


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Siguiendo un marco teórico integrado por varios autores entorno a los sistemas de control de gestión a lo largo de varias décadas, este trabajo pretende estudiar y contrastar la relación entre el desarrollo de dichos sistemas y los recursos y capacidades. Para tal fin, se desarrolló un estudio de caso en Teleperformance Colombia (TC), una empresa dedicada a prestación de servicio de tercerización de procesos o business process outsourcing. En el estudio se establecieron dos variables para evaluar el desarrollo de sistema de control de gestión: el diseño y el uso. A su vez, para cada uno de ellos, se definieron los indicadores y preguntas que permitieran realizar la observación y posterior análisis. De igual manera, se seleccionaron los recursos y capacidades más importantes para el desarrollo del negocio: innovación, aprendizaje organizacional y capital humano. Sobre estos se validó la existencia de relación con el SCG implementado en TC. La información obtenida fue analizada y contrastada a través de pruebas estadísticas ampliamente utilizadas en este tipo de estudios en las ciencias sociales. Finalmente, se analizaron seis posibles relaciones de las cuales, solamente se ratificó el relacionamiento positivo entre uso de sistema de control gestión y el recurso y capacidad capital humano. El resto de relacionamientos, refutaron los planteamientos teóricos que establecían cierta influencia de los sistemas de control de gestión sobre recursos y capacidades de innovación y aprendizaje organizacional.


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Este documento presenta una revisión de las principales aproximaciones teóricas sobre recursos humanos en ciencia y tecnología y la modelación empírica de las carreras académicas y científicas utilizando los CVs como fuente de información principal. Adicionalmente, muestra los resultados de varios estudios realizados en Colombia basados en la teoría del capital conocimiento. Estos estudios han permitido establecer una línea de investigación sobre la evaluación del comportamiento de los recursos humanos, el tránsito hacia comunidades científicas y el estudio de las carreras académicas de los investigadores. Adicionalmente, muestran que la información contenida en la Plataforma ScienTI (Grup-Lac y Cv-Lac) permite establecer de manera concreta las capacidades científicas y tecnológicas del país.


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Estudio cualitativo que analiza los abordajes teóricos utilizados por diferentes autores en la comprensión de la influencia de los recursos económicos en la actividad física desde los modelos de determinantes y determinación social.


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La tesi doctoral consisteix en una lectura crítica de la secció "Ofrena" composta de 178 poemes, del llibre que el poeta català (1884-1970) va publicar el 1957 com a obra poètica completa, després d'una profunda selecció i revisió dels poemes que havia escrit al llarg de més de 50 anys. La lectura deixa de banda la dimensió historiogràfica de la poesia de Carner i es centra en una anàlisi textual de la secció a partir d'un apartat de conceptes provinents de la teoria literària d'aquest segle i d'alguns dels corrent de pensament que en formen part, com l'estructuralisme, la semiòtica, el New Criticism, la desconstrucció, etc. Així, la tesi té dos objectius fonamentals: l'estudi del corpus que formen els poemes de la secció "Ofrena" de Poesia, i l'esbós de les possibilitats crítiques que ofereixen determinats enfocaments de l'estudi sincrònic de la literatura.


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La majoria de les fallades en elements estructurals són degudes a càrrega per fatiga. En conseqüència, la fatiga mecànica és un factor clau per al disseny d'elements mecànics. En el cas de materials compòsits laminats, el procés de fallada per fatiga inclou diferents mecanismes de dany que resulten en la degradació del material. Un dels mecanismes de dany més importants és la delaminació entre capes del laminat. En el cas de components aeronàutics, les plaques de composit estan exposades a impactes i les delaminacions apareixen facilment en un laminat després d'un impacte. Molts components fets de compòsit tenen formes corbes, superposició de capes i capes amb diferents orientacions que fan que la delaminació es propagui en un mode mixt que depen de la grandària de la delaminació. És a dir, les delaminacions generalment es propaguen en mode mixt variable. És per això que és important desenvolupar nous mètodes per caracteritzar el creixement subcrític en mode mixt per fatiga de les delaminacions. El principal objectiu d'aquest treball és la caracterització del creixement en mode mixt variable de les delaminacions en compòsits laminats per efecte de càrregues a fatiga. Amb aquest fi, es proposa un nou model per al creixement per fatiga de la delaminació en mode mixt. Contràriament als models ja existents, el model que es proposa es formula d'acord a la variació no-monotònica dels paràmetres de propagació amb el mode mixt observada en diferents resultats experimentals. A més, es du a terme un anàlisi de l'assaig mixed-mode end load split (MMELS), la característica més important del qual és la variació del mode mixt a mesura que la delaminació creix. Per a aquest anàlisi, es tenen em compte dos mètodes teòrics presents en la literatura. No obstant, les expressions resultants per l'assaig MMELS no són equivalents i les diferències entre els dos mètodes poden ser importants, fins a 50 vegades. Per aquest motiu, en aquest treball es porta a terme un anàlisi alternatiu més acurat del MMELS per tal d'establir una comparació. Aquest anàlisi alternatiu es basa en el mètode dels elements finits i virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). D'aquest anàlisi en resulten importants aspectes a considerar per a la bona caracterització de materials utilitzant l'assaig MMELS. Durant l'estudi s'ha dissenyat i construït un utillatge per l'assaig MMELS. Per a la caracterització experimental de la propagació per fatiga de delaminacions en mode mixt variable s'utilitzen diferents provetes de laminats carboni/epoxy essencialment unidireccionals. També es du a terme un anàlisi fractogràfic d'algunes de les superfícies de fractura per delaminació. Els resultats experimentals són comparats amb les prediccions del model proposat per la propagació per fatiga d'esquerdes interlaminars.


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RESUMO: Objectivo: Face à exiguidade de estudos em Portugal nesta temática, o objectivo do estudo foi a análise entre a aptidão cardiorrespiratória (ACR), e a prevalência da pré-obesidade e obesidade em crianças do 4º ano do 1º ciclo. Método: Foi efectuada uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL), evocando-se estudos tranversais e de RCT, cruzando-se com resultados do estudo observacional, do Agrupamento de Escolas Professor Armando Lucena, do concelho de Mafra, distrito de Lisboa. Do estudo de RSL, e estudo observacional, fez-se a análise da verificação da associação inversa, entre a “aptidão cardiorespiratória, a pré-obesidade e obesidade”. O estudo observacional, foi transversal, incidindo sobre 143 crianças, (73 raparigas) dos 9-12 anos de idade do concelho de Mafra. Foram utilizados os pontos de corte da International Obesity Task Force (IOTF), para definir a pré-obesidade e obesidade. Registou-se o IMC e a % Massa Gorda por bioimpedância. A avaliação da ACR foi efectuada através do teste Vaivém 20 metros Fitnessgram, utilizando-se equação de Fernhall et al., (1998). Os alunos foram avaliados por questionário sobre actividade física (AF) extra-curricular (QAD, Telama et al., 1997); os pais sobre os níveis AF (IPAQ, Bauman et al., 2009) e estatuto sócio-económico (ESE). Resultados: Os resultados do estudo observacional, corroboram os de outros estudos RSL. Não houve diferenças entre géneros na prevalência de pré-obesidade e obesidade: rapazes (20.55% e 8.21%) e raparigas (34.28% e 5.71%) (p<0.176). As crianças com maior ACR têm menor IMC (p<0.01) e MG (p<0.001) e a idade não esteve associada à ACR. Os pré-obesos são na sua maioria insuficientemente activos, e os normoponderais são insuficientemente activos (p=0.033). Não houve associação entre o ESE e AF dos pais e o IMC, ACR ou QAD dos alunos. Com base nos resultados encontrados na revisão, procurou-se situar diferentes abordagens teóricas sobre a actividade física, dando ênfase principal à importância “ da promoção (acesso) da actividade física através da educação física orientada pedagogicamente em todos os ciclos de ensino. Conclusão: As crianças que tiveram maior ACR registaram menor IMC e MG, independente da idade e do sexo. Verificou-se ainda que as variáveis de ESE e AF dos pais, não está associada aos resultados da ACR, IMC e MG das crianças. ABSTRACT: Objective: Given the paucity of studies in Portugal on this theme, the goal of the study was to analyse the of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), and the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children attending the fourth year of primary school. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted, in which cross-cutting studies and RCT were covered and, intersected with observational results obtained, from the group of Schools Professor Armando Lucena, located in, the municipality of Mafra, Lisbon district. From the systematic review of literature (SRL), plus the observational study, the verification analysis of the inverse association between 'cardiorespiratory fitness, pre-obesity and obesity' was performed.The observational study was cross-sectional, focusing on 143 children (73 girls) of 9-12 years old. To define overweight and obesity the IOTF cutoffs were used. BMI and percentage of fat mass were recorded by means of bioelectrical impedance. The assessment was made through the CRF test shuttle Fitnessgram 20 meters, using the equation proposed by Fernhall et al., (1998). Students were assessed by questionnaire on physical activity (PA), extra-curricular PA (PAF Telama et al., 1997); parents were questioned regarding their PA levels (IPAQ, Bauman et al., 2009) and socio-economic status (SES). Results: The results of the observational study, corroborate, other SRL studies. There were no gender differences in the prevalence of overweight and obesity: men (20. 55% and 8.21%) and girls (34.28% and 5.71%) (p <0.176). Children with higher BMI have a lower CRF (p <0.01) and MG (p <0.001). Age was not observed to be associated with CRF. The pre-obese are mostly insufficiently active, and the normalweight are insufficiently active (p = 0.033). There was no association between the PA, the ESS, the parents, and the BMI, the CRF or the PAF of the students. Based on the results found in the review, different theoretical approaches regarding physical activity were. Emphasis was given to the importance of promoting the access to physical activity through pedagogically oriented physical education in all cycles of education. Conclusion: Children who had higher ACR showed lower FAT and BMI, regardless of age and sex. Furthermore, it was found that parents’ SES and PA variables are, not associated to children’s CRF, BMI and FAT.


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This study details validation of two separate multiplex STR systems for use in paternity investigations. These are the Second Generation Multiplex (SGM) developed by the UK Forensic Science Service and the PowerPlex 1 multiplex commercially available from Promega Inc. (Madison, WI, USA). These multiplexes contain 12 different STR systems (two are duplicated in the two systems). Population databases from Caucasian, Asian and Afro-Caribbean populations have been compiled for all loci. In all but two of the 36 STR/ethnic group combinations, no evidence was obtained to indicate inconsistency with Hardy-Weinberg (HW) proportions. Empirical and theoretical approaches have been taken to validate these systems for paternity testing. Samples from 121 cases of disputed paternity were analysed using established Single Locus Probe (SLP) tests currently in use, and also using the two multiplex STR systems. Results of all three test systems were compared and no non-conformities in the conclusions were observed, although four examples of apparent germ line mutations in the STR systems were identified. The data was analysed to give information on expected paternity indices and exclusion rates for these STR systems. The 12 systems combined comprise a highly discriminating test suitable for paternity testing. 99.96% of non-fathers are excluded from paternity on two or more STR systems. Where no exclusion is found, Paternity Index (PI) values of > 10,000 are expected in > 96% of cases.


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This study describes the validation of short tandem repeat (STR) systems for the resolution of cases of disputed parentage where only a single parent is available for testing or where the claimed relationship of both parents is in doubt and also cases where sibship must be tested. Three separate multiplex systems the Second Generation Multiplex, Powerplex 1.2 and FFFL have been employed, giving a total of 16 STR loci. Both empirical and theoretical approaches to the validation have been adopted. Appropriate equations have been derived to calculate likelihood ratios for different relationships, incorporating a correction for subpopulation effects. An F(ST) point estimate of 1% has been applied throughout. Empirically, 101 cases of alleged father, alleged mother and child where analysed using six SLP systems and also using the three multiplex STR systems. Of the 202 relationships tested, 197 were independently resolved by both systems, providing either clear evidence of non-parentage or strong support for the relationship.


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Integrated infrared cross-sections and wavenumber positions for the vibrational modes of a range of hydrofluoroethers (HFEs) and hydrofluoropolyethers (HFPEs) have been calculated. Spectra were determined using a density functional method with an empirically derived correction for the wavenumbers of band positions. Radiative efficiencies (REs) were determined using the Pinnock et al. method and were used with atmospheric lifetimes from the literature to determine global warming potentials (GWPs). For the HFEs and the majority of the molecules in the HG series HFPEs, theoretically determined absorption cross-sections and REs lie within ca. 10% of those determined using measured spectra. For the larger molecules in the HG series and the HG′ series of HFPEs, agreement is less good, with theoretical values for the integrated cross-sections being up to 35% higher than the experimental values; REs are up to 45% higher. Our method gives better results than previous theoretical approaches, because of the level of theory chosen and, for REs, because an empirical wavenumber correction derived for perfluorocarbons is effective in predicting the positions of C–F stretching frequencies at around 1250 cm−1 for the molecules considered here.


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Archaeological research has addressed imperial frontiers for more than a century. Romanists, in particular, have engaged in exploring frontiers from economic, militaristic, political, and (more recently) social vantages. This article suggests that we also consider the dialogue between space and social perception to understand imperial borderland developments. In addition to formulating new theoretical approaches to frontiers, this contribution represents the first comprehensive overview of both the documentary sources and the archaeological material found in Egypt's Great Oasis during the Roman period (ca. 30 B.C.E. to the sixth century C.E.). A holistic analysis of these sources reveals that Egypt's Great Oasis, which consisted of two separate but linked oases, served as a conceptual, physical, and human buffer zone for the Roman empire. This buffer zone protected the "ordered" Nile Valley inhabitants from the "chaotic" desert nomads, who lived just beyond the oases. This conclusion suggests that nomads required specific imperial frontier policies and that these policies may have been ideological as well as economic and militaristic.


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However common it has become, the term World Cinema still lacks a proper, positive definition. Despite its all-encompassing, democratic vocation, it is not usually employed to mean cinema worldwide. On the contrary, the usual way of defining it is restrictive and negative, as ‘the non-Hollywood cinema’. Needless to say, negation here translates a positive intention to turn difference from the dominant model into a virtue to be rescued from an unequal competition. However, it unwittingly sanctions the American way of looking at the world, according to which Hollywood is the centre and all other cinemas are the periphery. As an alternative to this model, this chapter proposes: • World Cinema is simply the cinema of the world. It has no centre. It is not the other, but it is us. It has no beginning and no end, but is a global process. World Cinema, as the world itself, is circulation. • World Cinema is not a discipline, but a method, a way of cutting across film history according to waves of relevant films and movements, thus creating flexible geographies. • As a positive, inclusive, democratic concept, World Cinema allows all sorts of theoretical approaches, provided they are not based on the binary perspective.