950 resultados para Text to speech
É meu propósito, neste texto, discutir a Lusofonia através de um conjunto de conceitos ligados aos média digitais interativos, rompendo os limites da ligação entre produtores e recetores de conteúdos nas relações multi, inter e transculturais. Vou insistir na ideia de que os média digitais interativos significam novas práticas nas relações interculturais: por um lado, formas digitais interativas de comunicação intercultural e, por outro, textualidades multimodais (“hipertextualidades”) na produção do sentido lusófono. O percurso que proponho tem um cariz preponderantemente epistemológico. Tomando a Lusofonia como figura de interesse geoestratégico e cultural e os média digitais como objeto de análise, é minha preocupação fundamental interrogar a inovação, a hibridez e a interatividade digitais e verificar de que modo se articulam com as relações multi, inter e transculturais. Palavras-chave: Lusofonia, comunicação intercultural, média digitais interativos, comunicação multimodal, tecnologia da comunicação, Museu da Língua Portuguesa em São Paulo, Museu Virtual da Lusofonia.
In the semantic analysis of tenses, the term event is frequently used. For example, following REICHENBACH (1947, 288), many studies mention three "points", within which (E) represents the "point of the event". Besides, like MARTIN (1985, 25), it is commonly considered -often implicitly- that "the duration of the utterance can [...] ideally be reduced to an instant t 0 [i.e. a point], [...] since within the utterance, truth conditions remain unaltered". However, events as well as utterances take time (cf. the use of "intervals " by GOSSELIN 1996). Here, I will analyze Present tense utterances such as "le ballon franchit la ligne" (the ball crosses/is crossing the line), for which the described event ("achievement" for VENDLER 1957; "réalisation instantanée" for VETTERS 1996) is shorter than the utterance that mentions it. I will show why the telic character (GAREY 1957) of achievements -unlike the other types of processes- makes it difficult to express an event contemporary to speech time since, against MARTIN's (1985, 25) idealization, truth conditions vary throughout the utterance. Taking encoding as the basis (somewhat following LEVELT 1989), I will argue that truth-condition variation can naturally lead to the over-represented use of past tenses (Passé composé in French) in child language for the expression of telic events during early acquisition (cf. e.g. WAGNER 2009).
Continuation elleptique du Tristan en prose, qui s'inscrit dans l'interstice séparant la naissance de Tristan du remariage de Méliadus avec la fille du roi Hoël, le Roman de Meliadus (1235-1240) est une oeuvre fondamentalement ouverte, de par son inachèvement et de par le dialogue constant qu'il instaure avec les autres romans arthuriens. S'il revendique sa filiation et assume son statut de récit puîné, les réminiscences qu'il exhibe masquent aussi les gauchissements, les infléchissements qui lui permettent de faire du neuf avec du vieux. C'est ce jeu - aux deux sens du terme - que cette étude se propose de mettre en lumière et de voir fonctionner, non seulement dans le Roman de Meliadus proprement dit, mais également dans trois de ses relectures, qui actualisent et renouvellent la signification du roman en profondeur. La première est une continuation qui date de la toute fin du XIIIe ou du début du XIVe siècle et qui est aujourd'hui conservée par le seul manuscrit Ferrell 5. La deuxième actualisation retenue est celle qu'offre Meliadus de Leonnoys, l'imprimé publié en 1528 par Galliot du Pré, puis en 1532 par Denis Janot, fruit d'un minutieux travail de découpage et de remontage. La dernière enfin est l'extrait paru en 1776 dans la Bibliothèque Universelle des Romans sous le titre Méliadus de Léonnois. An ellipitic continuation of the Prose Tristan, which inscribes itself in the space separating the birth of Tristan from Meliadus' new marriage with king Hoël's daughter, the Meliadus' romance (1235-1240) is essentially an open text on account of its incompleteness and the dialogue it establishes with other arthurian romances. Even asserting filiation status, the reminiscences also show the reshaping and the inflection that allow the text to transform old into new. Analyzing this game is the central purpose of this work; to observe the operation in the Meliadus' romance, as well as in three of its recuperations that profoundly renew the significance of the novel; beginning with a continuation from the end of the 13th century or the early 14th century, preserved nowadays in only one manuscript (Ferrel 5); followed by the meticulous work of cutting and reassembling offered by the Meliadus of Leonnoys (printed by Galliot du Pré in 1528 first and again by Denis Janot in 1532) and finally an excerpt published in 1776 in the Bibliothèque Universelle des Romans with the title Méliadus of Leonnois.
The genomic architecture of the 10q22q23 region is characterised by two low-copy repeats (LCRs3 and 4), and deletions in this region appear to be rare. We report the clinical and molecular characterisation of eight novel deletions and six duplications within the 10q22.3q23.3 region. Five deletions and three duplications occur between LCRs3 and 4, whereas three deletions and three duplications have unique breakpoints. Most of the individuals with the LCR3-4 deletion had developmental delay, mainly affecting speech. In addition, macrocephaly, mild facial dysmorphisms, cerebellar anomalies, cardiac defects and congenital breast aplasia were observed. For congenital breast aplasia, the NRG3 gene, known to be involved in early mammary gland development in mice, is a putative candidate gene. For cardiac defects, BMPR1A and GRID1 are putative candidate genes because of their association with cardiac structure and function. Duplications between LCRs3 and 4 are associated with variable phenotypic penetrance. Probands had speech and/or motor delays and dysmorphisms including a broad forehead, deep-set eyes, upslanting palpebral fissures, a smooth philtrum and a thin upper lip. In conclusion, duplications between LCRs3 and 4 on 10q22.3q23.2 may lead to a distinct facial appearance and delays in speech and motor development. However, the phenotypic spectrum is broad, and duplications have also been found in healthy family members of a proband. Reciprocal deletions lead to speech and language delay, mild facial dysmorphisms and, in some individuals, to cerebellar, breast developmental and cardiac defects.
Na concepção deste trabalho, que tem como tema O texto literário na aula de Português L2 – Uma proposta de didactização: Vida e Morte de João Cabafume, de Gabriel Mariano, procurámos investigar e reflectir sobre a abordagem do texto literário no 3º ciclo do ensino secundário cabo-verdiano, especificamente na aula de Português L2, nas áreas de estudos Científica e Tecnológica e Económica e Social, do 11º ano de escolaridade, seguida da apresentação, a título de exemplo, de uma proposta de didactização do texto acima mencionado, na perspectiva da utilização do texto literário como material em que o uso estético da língua potencia a dimensão plural da significação. Para a consecução dos objectivos propostos, procurámos dar visibilidade, na perspectiva da leitura do texto literário, às orientações do programa, às potenciais práticas pedagógicas no ensino de narrativa literária, incluindo os métodos de ensino, os recursos utilizados pelos professores, a forma como os alunos encaram todo o processo de leitura do texto literário em que está envolvido. No entanto, para a concepção da proposta de didactização, procurámos cruzar propostas metodológicas de modelos de leitura e métodos de ensino do texto narrativo e de línguas defendidos por vários autores do campo da didáctica da literatura e das línguas, cujos princípios assentam em bases que valorizam a interacção entre o texto e o leitor. Partindo de um conto de Gabriel Mariano, escritor cabo-verdiano, Vida e Morte de João Cabafume, tentámos propor um roteiro de leitura adequada do texto narrativo, de forma a conduzir o aluno não só na leitura do contexto narrativo, como também na compreensão da dimensão plural da língua enquanto material estético, procurando desenvolver, fundamentalmente, as suas atitudes, os valores éticos e morais e, num âmbito complementar, as suas competências da escrita e da oralidade. Palavras-chave: Texto Literário, Leitura, Escrita, Oralidade, Português L2.
O estudo faz parte de um projecto mais amplo, desenvolvido no âmbito do Grupo ESSA (Estudos Sociológicos em Sala de Aula), centrado na formação inicial de professores de ciências. Neste estudo partiu-se do seguinte problema: Que prática(s) pedagógica(s) é(são) implementada(s) na formação inicial de professores de ciências em Cabo Verde e de que forma essa(s) prática(s) se reflecte(m) na aprendizagem e intervenção pedagógica dos formandos? Teoricamente, o estudo baseia-se, em termos sociológicos, no modelo do discurso pedagógico de Bernstein (Bernstein, 2000). Em termos psicológicos, baseia-se nas ideias de Vygotsky (1978) e, na sua vertente epistemológica, na conceptualização de Ziman (1984) sobre a construção da ciência. Metodologicamente, o estudo enquadra-se numa abordagem de investigação mista. Com base numa dialéctica entre o teórico e o empírico, construíram-se instrumentos para caracterizar o contexto de formação inicial e a prática em sala de aula, e um guião de entrevista para apreciar as aprendizagens dos formandos. A investigação envolveu uma formadora e formandos de uma disciplina da área da Metodologia da Biologia de uma Escola Superior de Educação. Os resultados mostraram que o contexto específico de formação se caracterizou, em particular, pela desvalorização do trabalho experimental e da relação entre ciência e metaciência, por um baixo nível de exigência conceptual, por uma fraca articulação entre os conhecimentos e por um grau muito baixo de explicitação do texto a ser adquirido pelos formandos. Revelaram também que a formação pouco contribuiu para a aprendizagem e intervenção pedagógica dos formandos, isto é, para a aquisição da orientação específica de codificação (regras de reconhecimento e de realização) para características relacionadas com o que e com o como do ensino/aprendizagem das ciências. O estudo pretende contribuir com sugestões sobre a inclusão de características pedagógicas da aprendizagem científica na formação inicial de professores de ciências em Cabo Verde e permite reflectir sobre a importância da utilização de instrumentos metodológicos que possibilitem uma análise comparativa entre contextos e textos presentes na formação de professores.
The article presents the requirements of written text to be read on the web, as well as the general recommendations for editing text aimed at facilitating its reading. After introducing the overview of reading of written text, techniques, and strategies, the author turns to factors that condition reading on the web, as well as other specifics. Based on these elements, a series of recommendations is offered for good practices for writing correctly for the web, organised by the three basic components of written text: style or tone, structure, and presentation (orthographic and typographic corrections). Also introduced are tools that can be useful for improving text editing in a corporate environment
This publication is a guide to understanding the Iowa Department of Transportation’s roadside management programs. It offers descriptions of various landscape designs or planting styles used within or adjacent to Iowa’s highway rights-of-way, as well as various plant profiles. In addition, this guide will help you learn more about the value of plants and their contribution to our environment and society. This publication is written for persons having little or no formal training in botany, and technical terminology has been kept to the minimum necessary to maintain standards of accuracy and conciseness in the descriptions. Plants are known by common names and botanical names. Most people prefer to use common names because they are easier to spell and say. Both have been used in this publication. Botanical names are taken from Latin, Greek or “Latinized” words of other languages. Each plant species has a unique botanical name, consisting of the genus, followed by the species. Some botanical names contain additional words after the species name to designate cultivars or subspecies. Plant species are grouped into families by flower structure. Family names are Latin, so the associated common family names are included in parenthesis. Sources of information for this publication are not cited within the text to save space, avoid repetition and make it more readable. However, all references used are included in the bibliography at the end of this publication.
Mismatch negativity (MMN) overlaps with other auditory event-related potential (ERP) components. We examined the ERPs of 50 9- to 11-year-old children for vowels /i/, /y/ and equivalent complex tones. The goal was to separate MMN from obligatory ERP components using principal component analysis and equal probability control condition. In addition to the contrast of the deviant minus standard response, we employed the contrast of the deviant minus control response, to see whether the obligatory processing contributes to MMN in children. When looking for differences in speech deviant minus standard contrast, MMN starts around 112 ms. However, when both contrasts are examined, MMN emerges for speech at 160 ms whereas for nonspeech MMN is observed at 112 ms regardless of contrast. We argue that this discriminative response to speech stimuli at 112 ms is obligatory in nature rather than reflecting change detection processing.
The Iowa Department of Transportation is committed to improved management systems, which in turn has led to increased automation to record and manage construction data. A possible improvement to the current data management system can be found with pen-based computers. Pen-based computers coupled with user friendly software are now to the point where an individual's handwriting can be captured and converted to typed text to be used for data collection. It would appear pen-based computers are sufficiently advanced to be used by construction inspectors to record daily project data. The objective of this research was to determine: (1) if pen-based computers are durable enough to allow maintenance-free operation for field work during Iowa's construction season; and (2) if pen-based computers can be used effectively by inspectors with little computer experience. The pen-based computer's handwriting recognition was not fast or accurate enough to be successfully utilized. The IBM Thinkpad with the pen pointing device did prove useful for working in Windows' graphical environment. The pen was used for pointing, selecting and scrolling in the Windows applications because of its intuitive nature.
En los productos audiovisuales, el canal oral y el visual transmiten información simultáneamente. Si la coherencia de sentido entre texto e imagen desaparece en el doblaje, el objetivo de verosimilitud no se satisface. En este trabajo analizo y clasifico las incoherencias texto-imagen y aporto posibles soluciones a este recurrente problema.
The purpose of this study is to answer the principal question, Do Real Books help the learning of English in P4?, and create a useful document to English teachers in Infant Education that are interested in working through stories. Previous to the development of the work, it has been necessary a research work and a theoretical documentation, performed using a literature review. This process has served to establish the basis of the study and to develop the subsequent didactic intervention. This second part of the study, the didactic intervention, contains all the information about how it was planned, carried to term and evaluated. There are three different ‘real books’ used as a reference in which the reader can see how to choose the correct story, how to adapt the text to the children, the daily planning, and how to evaluate the activities.
El artículo explora las utilidades didácticas del dictado (la práctica comunicativa de oralizar o leer en voz alta un escrito) para el aprendizaje funcional de una lengua materna o extranjera, en los diversos niveles de enseñanza. Después de criticar el uso tradicional de este ejercicio lingüístico, presentamos once formas diferentes de desarrollar un dictado en clase, con sus particulares contenidos, objetivos y metodologías. También analizamos con detalle la técnica más tradicional del dictado magistral, en la que el docente dicta palabra por palabra un texto al alumnado, poniendo énfasis en la ortografía; ofrecemos algunas orientaciones para incrementar el componente comunicativo de esta propuesta. Las conclusiones finales proponen entender esta técnica como un recurso metodológico variado, rico y sugerente, adaptado a cada situación de aprendizaje —y no como una práctica obligatoria y fosilizada.
Background: The rate of recovery from the vegetative state (VS) is low. Currently, little is known of the mechanisms and cerebral changes that accompany those relatively rare cases of good recovery. Here, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to study the evolution of one VS patient at one month post-ictus and again twelve months later when he had recovered consciousness. Methods fMRI was used to investigate cortical responses to passive language stimulation as well as task-induced deactivations related to the default-mode network. DTI was used to assess the integrity of the global white matter and the arcuate fasciculus. We also performed a neuropsychological assessment at the time of the second MRI examination in order to characterize the profile of cognitive deficits. Results: fMRI analysis revealed anatomically appropriate activation to speech in both the first and the second scans but a reduced pattern of task-induced deactivations in the first scan. In the second scan, following the recovery of consciousness, this pattern became more similar to that classically described for the default-mode network. DTI analysis revealed relative preservation of the arcuate fasciculus and of the global normal-appearing white matter at both time points. The neuropsychological assessment revealed recovery of receptive linguistic functioning by 12-months post-ictus. Conclusions: These results suggest that the combination of different structural and functional imaging modalities may provide a powerful means for assessing the mechanisms involved in the recovery from the VS.
Background: The rate of recovery from the vegetative state (VS) is low. Currently, little is known of the mechanisms and cerebral changes that accompany those relatively rare cases of good recovery. Here, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to study the evolution of one VS patient at one month post-ictus and again twelve months later when he had recovered consciousness. Methods fMRI was used to investigate cortical responses to passive language stimulation as well as task-induced deactivations related to the default-mode network. DTI was used to assess the integrity of the global white matter and the arcuate fasciculus. We also performed a neuropsychological assessment at the time of the second MRI examination in order to characterize the profile of cognitive deficits. Results: fMRI analysis revealed anatomically appropriate activation to speech in both the first and the second scans but a reduced pattern of task-induced deactivations in the first scan. In the second scan, following the recovery of consciousness, this pattern became more similar to that classically described for the default-mode network. DTI analysis revealed relative preservation of the arcuate fasciculus and of the global normal-appearing white matter at both time points. The neuropsychological assessment revealed recovery of receptive linguistic functioning by 12-months post-ictus. Conclusions: These results suggest that the combination of different structural and functional imaging modalities may provide a powerful means for assessing the mechanisms involved in the recovery from the VS.