999 resultados para Teoria da escolha racional


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Uma teoria cientfica um corpo de conhecimento autocontido, com elementos estruturantes - as partes - que, numa lgica interna, compem um todo articulado. As partes representam um conhecimento local, conceitual e profundo da teoria, enquanto o todo representa a espacializao, o racional, a formalizao - um conhecimento em extenso. Numa teoria da Fsica, a escolha dos elementos que a compem e a maneira como eles se articulam traduzem uma especial estrutura conceitual, resultando em um produto particular. Se a natureza deste produto sincrnica e espacial, uma proposta de seu ensino implica seu desmonte epistemolgico seguido de uma reconstruo didtica, localizando e conceituando suas partes diacrnica e linearmente. A anlise da Mecnica Clssica apresentada nos livros didticos, aprovados no PNLD/2011, exemplifica as singularidades das desconstrues e reconstrues dessa teoria da Fsica, revelando as diferentes vises da mesma implcitas nessas obras propostas para seu ensino.


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Este projeto tem como objetivo realizar uma anlise da forma com que vem sendo realizada, na prtica, a Comunicao Interna no Brasil por meio de house-organs. Para tanto, utiliza-se de duas fontes principais de consulta: a bibliografia publicada sobre o tema e os vencedores do Prmio Aberje dos ltimos 7 (sete) anos. Com isso, pretende-se verificar, de um lado, o que autores e especialistas sugerem e indicam como ideal para execuo da Comunicao Interna atravs de house-organs; de outro, analisa-se, com base nessa teoria, o que vem sendo feito na prtica. A escolha dos vencedores do prmio Aberje categoria House-organ para Comunicao Interna, tem como objetivo apenas apresentar um critrio lgico para a seleo das mdias analisadas, uma vez que se trata de um prmio concedido pelo principal rgo de representao da Comunicao Empresarial do Brasil. O foco deste estudo exclusivamente o contedo dos veculos e neste se encaixam itens como o fluxo do discurso organizacional (ascendente, descendente etc.), mensagens, o tipo de linguagem utilizada etc. No se focaro, dessa maneira, aspectos de diagramao e esttica.(AU)


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Este projeto tem como objetivo realizar uma anlise da forma com que vem sendo realizada, na prtica, a Comunicao Interna no Brasil por meio de house-organs. Para tanto, utiliza-se de duas fontes principais de consulta: a bibliografia publicada sobre o tema e os vencedores do Prmio Aberje dos ltimos 7 (sete) anos. Com isso, pretende-se verificar, de um lado, o que autores e especialistas sugerem e indicam como ideal para execuo da Comunicao Interna atravs de house-organs; de outro, analisa-se, com base nessa teoria, o que vem sendo feito na prtica. A escolha dos vencedores do prmio Aberje categoria House-organ para Comunicao Interna, tem como objetivo apenas apresentar um critrio lgico para a seleo das mdias analisadas, uma vez que se trata de um prmio concedido pelo principal rgo de representao da Comunicao Empresarial do Brasil. O foco deste estudo exclusivamente o contedo dos veculos e neste se encaixam itens como o fluxo do discurso organizacional (ascendente, descendente etc.), mensagens, o tipo de linguagem utilizada etc. No se focaro, dessa maneira, aspectos de diagramao e esttica.(AU)


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O recente desenvolvimento de uma teoria crtica dos sistemas, de Gunther Teubner a Andreas Fischer-Lescano, abriu novos horizontes tericos para aqueles que se prope a estudar a sociedade e o sistema jurdico. A construo de uma teoria crtica sob condies sistmicas possibilitou o uso conjunto de temas e conceitos tericos provenientes da teoria crtica da primeira gerao da Escola de Frankfurt (crtica imanente, antagonismos sociais, reificao, dialtica do esclarecimento) e da teoria dos sistemas (paradoxo, sistema, sociedade mundial). Partindo disso, o sistema jurdico foi analisado nas dimenses da justia (como frmula contingente e transcendente) e de sua crtica imanente como atitude transcendente, especialmente em face de sua tendncia em se autorreproduzir como ordem social reificada que gera injustia pelos excessos de justia. Para alcanar essas concluses, este trabalho se props a analisar o cenrio da sociedade moderna no qual nasce a teoria crtica dos sistemas (Parte 1), lanando bases para os aspectos estruturais e semnticos sobre os quais ela se apoia. Seguidamente, foram estabelecidos os pressupostos tericos bsicos da teoria crtica da Escola de Frankfurt e da teoria dos sistemas de Luhmann (Parte 2) com o fim especfico de colher os elementos essenciais construo de uma teoria crtica dos sistemas voltada para o estudo do sistema jurdico. Logrado esse ponto, focou-se a anlise do sistema jurdico e de sua evoluo at alcanar sua atual condio na forma de um direito global na sociedade fragmentada (Parte 3). A partir disso a justia autossubversiva e a crtica imanente do direito foram abordadas em seus aspectos essenciais e possibilitadores de uma autotranscendncia sistmica, capaz de tornar o direito mais responsivo com relao ao seu ambiente, limitando a irracionalidade racional inerente a uma ordem social reificada. A presente dissertao prope dar mais um passo no sentido do desenvolvimento de uma teoria crtica dos sistemas aplicada ao direito, diagnosticando os dilemas contemporneos e ao mesmo tempo, apontando os desafios existentes numa sociedade mundial paradoxalmente marcada pela possibilidade de hipertrofia sistmica das ordens sociais reificadas e pelos processos de constitucionalizao que buscam limitar essas ordens.


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Este projeto tem como objetivo realizar uma anlise da forma com que vem sendo realizada, na prtica, a Comunicao Interna no Brasil por meio de house-organs. Para tanto, utiliza-se de duas fontes principais de consulta: a bibliografia publicada sobre o tema e os vencedores do Prmio Aberje dos ltimos 7 (sete) anos. Com isso, pretende-se verificar, de um lado, o que autores e especialistas sugerem e indicam como ideal para execuo da Comunicao Interna atravs de house-organs; de outro, analisa-se, com base nessa teoria, o que vem sendo feito na prtica. A escolha dos vencedores do prmio Aberje categoria House-organ para Comunicao Interna, tem como objetivo apenas apresentar um critrio lgico para a seleo das mdias analisadas, uma vez que se trata de um prmio concedido pelo principal rgo de representao da Comunicao Empresarial do Brasil. O foco deste estudo exclusivamente o contedo dos veculos e neste se encaixam itens como o fluxo do discurso organizacional (ascendente, descendente etc.), mensagens, o tipo de linguagem utilizada etc. No se focaro, dessa maneira, aspectos de diagramao e esttica.(AU)


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The Internet is present in each step of a trip planning. The constant technological advances has made major changes in the tourism industry. This is noticeable by the growing number of people who share their travel experiences on the Internet. This study has aimed to analyze the factors that influence the use of the Online Travel Reviews (OTR) in choosing an accommodation. It was done an investigation into the comments available on the internet about information on touristic products and services, specifically about accommodations. The research proposed to understand the influencing factors of OTR, in the Brazilian context, through the Technology Acceptance Model, Motivational Theory, Similarity, and Trustworthiness. The methodology used was a descriptive-exploratory study, with a quantitative approach, and bibliographic research. The study used a Structural Equation Modeling technique called Partial Least Squares (PLS), to test and evaluate the proposed research model. Data collection was performed with 308 guests hosted in five hotels in Ponta Negra (Natal/RN), who have used the OTRs in choosing an accommodation. The research tested fifteen hypotheses, where nine were confirmed, and six were rejected. The results showed that guests have attitude and intention to use the OTRs to choose an accommodation.


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The intervention research proposed was based on the Cultural-Historical Theory based on the laws and logic of materialism historical-dialectical. Therefore, we tried to design a research process that involved all as responsible for the process. In the field of continuous teacher's training usually has been found dualistic relationship / paradoxical processes as a result of the adopted training models which are characterized by individualist human processes. The teacher training work sought to overcome this dualism, to promote the unveiling of the contradictions with regard to teaching models. As a hypothesis, we imagined that immersed in this process, teachers recognize such contradictions, and this recognition would make the contradictions become the driving force of change in teaching practice, realizing the teaching-learning-development triad as the basis of praxis. Aiming to develop a process of continuing education to bring results to the professional teachers development looking for answer the following research question: How and what the changes of teachers who participated in the Didactic-Formative Intervention process raised the quality of their teaching practices? In this context, the objective of the research was to develop a process of Didactic-Formative Intervention from the perspective of Cultural-Historical Theory with high school teachers in order to theorize about the changes in pedagogical practices of teachers and learn aspects that transform the essence teaching practice. The research involved two high school teachers of a public school in Uberlndia-MG. The training meetings took place at the school through a collective study group between the years 2013 and 2015. As procedures were used two interconnected aspects: classes observations, and a theoretical and methodological training, both for diagnosis and for the process evaluation, the second aspect has a formative dimension, and a didactic dimension (double meaning) to form didactically the teacher and to elaborate didactic procedures. The collected data were analyzed by observing the assumptions of the method, analysis by units and the processuality. As results teachers showed changes in their teaching practices regarding the organization of the pedagogical work and also centered their design educational actions based on learning and development of the students. The presence of continuous diagnosis during the classes, work with a systems of concepts and their conceptual links, problematization as a teaching method can be pointed as meaningful changes in their praxis. Regarding the training activities that emerged from the analysis of the compiled materials and analyzed throughout the process can be emphasized: forming a collective group of school teachers continuous training, diagnostics, development of practical activities, increase relationships among participants, the choice of scientific material used should have direct relation to the needs of the participants, promoting conditions that enable the emergence of contradictions between the pedagogical practice of teachers and teaching based on the perspective of the Cultural-Historical Theory. This research craved to develop and design a teachers' training processes that increase the quality of teachers life and ways of teaching in the Brazilian public school.


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Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Fsica, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Fsica, 2015.


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Este objeto inicia lembrando que quando o paciente procura um dentista por causa de dor, o problema j est em desenvolvimento, e dependendo de sua extenso procedimentos mais radicais so necessrios. Comenta que preciso realizar um bom diagnstico, fazer o procedimento indicado situao detectada e, se necessrio, medicar o paciente. Segue ressaltando que tratar a dor manifestada por um paciente no pode se resumir apenas prescrio de um analgsico e sugere leituras sobre o tema. Aborda e aprofunda questes sobre o uso de anti-inflamatrio e de analgsico. Salienta como proceder na escolha de antibitico e indicando cuidados necessrios. Finaliza expondo questes importantes sobre alteraes na sade bucal. Unidade 4 do mdulo 7 que compe o Curso de Especializao em Sade da Famlia.


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BACKGROUND: Total rectocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis is the choice surgical procedure for patients with ulcerative colitis. In cases of Crohn's disease post-operative diagnosis, it can be followed by pouch failure. AIM: To evaluate ileal pouch-anal anastomosis long-term outcome in patients with Crohn's disease. METHODS: Between February 1983 and March 2007, 151 patients were submitted to ileal pouch-anal anastomosis by Campinas State University Colorectal Unit, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 76 had pre-operative ulcerative colitis diagnosis and 11 had post-operative Crohn's disease diagnosis. Crohn's disease diagnosis was made by histopathological biopsies in nine cases, being one in surgical specimen, two cases in rectal stump, small bowel in two cases, ileal pouch in three and in perianal abscess in one of them. The median age was 30.6 years and eight (72.7%) were female. RESULTS: All patients had previous ulcerative colitis diagnosis and in five cases emergency colectomy was done by toxic megacolon. The mean time until of Crohn's disease diagnosis was 30.6 (6-80) months after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Ileostomy closure was possible in 10 cases except in one that had ileal pouch fistula, perianal disease and small bowel involvement. In the long-term follow-up, three patients had perineal fistulas and one had also a pouch-vaginal fistula. All of them were submitted to a new ileostomy and one had the pouch excised. Another patient presented pouch-vaginal fistula which was successfully treated by mucosal flap. Three patients had small bowel involvement and three others, pouch involvement. All improved with medical treatment. Presently, the mean follow-up is 76.5 months and all patients are in clinical remission, and four have fecal diversion. The remaining patients have good functional results with 6-10 bowel movements/day. CONCLUSION: Crohn's disease diagnosis after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis may be usual and later complications such fistulas and stenosis are common. However, when left in situ ileal pouch is associated with good function.


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This paper tries to show that the developments in linguistic sciences are better viewed as stages in a single research program, rather than different ideological -isms. The first part contains an overview of the structuralistas' beliefs about the universality and equivalence of human languages, and their search for syntactic universals. In the second part, we will see that the generative program, in its turn, tries to answer why language is a universal faculty in the human species and addresses questions about its form, its development and its use. In the second part, we will see that the paper gives a brief glimpse of the tentative answers the program has been giving to each of these issues.


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The main purpose of this paper is to question the relationship between theory and practice or basic and applied research in the domain of Applied Linguistics and classroom discourse. In order to achieve our aim, some theoretical texts, some recorded and transcribed classes as well as some teachers and students opinions about reading and writing were analysed. Results have shown that 1) practice is not the direct application of theoretical data: the relationship between them is not as simple as some applied linguists seem to believe because of the action of the unconscious in the constitution of subjectivity; 2) the conceptualization of the theoretical issues takes place in a confused and disorderly manner mixed up with personal experiences and previous knowledge (practice). We intend to question the fact that practice comes as secondary to theory.


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In this paper I present some evidencie that forces us to conclude that within the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1993; 1995), Binding Theory (BT) should be computed after LF (Logical Form). I show that derivations leading to structures containing violations of BT-Principles must converge at LF, since less economical alternative derivations respecting those principles are also ungrammatical. Being irrelevant to the notion of convergence, BT must apply after LF. A similar reasoning reveals that the Theta-Criterion should have the status of a bare output condition appling at LF, since less economical derivations are allowed by the computational system to prevent violations of it.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educao Fsica