879 resultados para Tejada Gómez, Armando


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Como parte de un proyecto global que permita al centro promotor ofertar en el curso 86-87 la Astronomía como una asignatura más de EATP, trata de experimentar una programación en segundo de BUP, que continuará en tercero, con alumnos aventajados, en horario no académico, que permita contrastar interés e idoneidad de contenidos programados e interés y viabilidad de actividades diseñadas, de cara a contar o no con ellos en futura programación. No representativa, se formó con 40 alumnos de segundo de BUP sin asignaturas pendientes de primero, con notable o sobresaliente en Matemáticas de primero, con proyecto de seguir rama de Ciencias en tercero, del INB Padre Isla, de León, que se prestaron voluntariamente; sólo 15 siguieron el curso con asiduidad. No consta proceso de investigación, presumiblemente incluido en el proyecto presentado en su día a la convocatoria de ayudas del MEC; de la memoria, correspondiente al curso 84-85, se desprende que, para alcanzar objetivos relativos a contenidos del aprendizaje, en el dominio cognoscitivo: memorización, comprensión y análisis de fenómenos e instrumentos de observación astronómicos, destreza en su manejo aplicación de conocimientos matemáticos, geométricos, de programación en resolución de problemas astronómicos; en el afectivo: interés y participación y relativos al proceso de aprendizaje secuencial, en grupo y mediante descubrimiento se buscaría operativizar en una programación de contenidos y actividades un método de enseñanza activo, basado en observación de los fenómenos astronómicos con ayuda del telescopio y en la realización de ejercicios de cálculo, dibujo, programación y fotografía. No hay valoración de contenidos/actividades realizados ni de su incidencia sobre el rendimiento-parcelas de aprendizaje. Consta una valoración global positiva de conducta del alumnado y una relación de lo aprendido por ellos, coincidente con lo programado. La memoria se circunscribe al relato detallado de contenidos y actividades realizados, con explicaciones del profesorado, materiales utilizados, ejemplos de ejercicios realizados por alumnos y tiempos empleados. A través de las actividades se abordaron estos contenidos: estrellas y constelaciones visibles; caracteres óptico mecánicos de los telescopios; el sol, composición, evolución, rotación, manchas solares; esfera celeste y coordenadas astronómicas, ascensión recta, declinación, etc.; sistema solar y sus planetas, composición, satélites; órbitas; perihelio; afelio; eclíptica; etc.; la luna, historia, cráteres, mares, etc.; fases lunares y de planetas; nacimiento, evolución y disolución de una estrella. Resultados se valoran suficientemente positivos como para dar continuidad al proyecto con la misma muestra de alumnos. Se pretende contar con adecuada experiencia didáctica y abundante material pedagógico que permita ofertar el curso 86-87 la asignatura como una EATP más. La memoria ayuda como recopilación y descripción de actividades a incluir en una programación para la asignatura de Astronomía, pudiendo servir de guía para el profesor o material de referencia para el alumno.


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Diseñar, experimentar y evaluar un plan didáctico de apoyo a las clases teóricas de trigonometría en BUP y COU que, mediante la ejecución de proyectos de investigación y el aprovechamiento del material científico disponible, haga ver a los alumnos la utilidad práctica de los contenidos de trigonometría programados, los familiarice con el método experimental y los adiestre en el uso de material científico. La forman 25 alumnos de tercero de BUP y COU del Instituto de Bachillerato Padre Isla de León, que se han distinguido por su buen rendimiento en Matemáticas y Ciencias. Muestra estratégica no representativa. Variables independientes: realización por equipos de alumnos de 4 investigaciones sobre Astronomía (cálculo del diámetro del sol, distancia de la tierra a la luna, coordenadas geográficas del centro y período de rotación del sol) con ayuda de material del centro (telescopio, observatorio, cámara fotográfica, teodolito). Variables dependientes: destreza de los alumnos en la aplicación de conceptos fundamentales (trigonometría plana y esférica, elipses, Leyes de Kepler, refracción de la luz, óptica geométrica, astronomía de posición y funciones de aplicación a la astronomía) y en el manejo de instrumental científico, y familiarización con el método experimental (observación, análisis). Se detalla en la memoria el proceso seguido en la realización de las investigaciones, desde la inicial exposición de conceptos teóricos y la selección de condiciones idóneas para su ejecución, hasta la resolución práctica (observación y análisis) de los problemas planteados. Las cuatro investigaciones realizadas son: medición del diámetro real del sol y de la excentricidad de la órbita de la tierra; determinación de la distancia de la tierra a la luna en dos momentos diferentes; cálculo de la latitud geográfica y determinación del plano meridiano y de la latitud geográfica del Observatorio Astronómico del Centro Padre Isla; cálculo del período de rotación del sol. Sus resultados se consideran satisfactorios a tenor de su comparación con los datos del anuario del Observatorio de Madrid, las efemérides del Observatorio de San Fernando y otras fuentes de información; no obstante, se han cometido algunos errores en ciertas cuestiones, subsanables en la medida en que se disponga de mayor tiempo para realizar más observaciones. Los alumnos se han percatado del interés práctico de la trigonometría y han adquirido gran destreza en el manejo del teodolito y del telescopio. En cuanto a los profesores, son ya varios los que están en condiciones de repetir experiencias similares en próximos cursos. Los materiales de que dispone el centro también han encontrado su uso adecuado paliando su anterior infrautilización. Los investigadores confían en una reforma del Bachillerato que reduzca el número de horas de clase obligatoria semanal de los alumnos, permitiendo complementarla con actividades parecidas a esta, adaptándolas a las peculiaridades y disponibilidades de profesorado y material de cada centro.


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El proyecto se inició en 2005 y se concedió una prórroga para completar los análisis estadísticos.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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RESUMO: Objectivo: Face à exiguidade de estudos em Portugal nesta temática, o objectivo do estudo foi a análise entre a aptidão cardiorrespiratória (ACR), e a prevalência da pré-obesidade e obesidade em crianças do 4º ano do 1º ciclo. Método: Foi efectuada uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL), evocando-se estudos tranversais e de RCT, cruzando-se com resultados do estudo observacional, do Agrupamento de Escolas Professor Armando Lucena, do concelho de Mafra, distrito de Lisboa. Do estudo de RSL, e estudo observacional, fez-se a análise da verificação da associação inversa, entre a “aptidão cardiorespiratória, a pré-obesidade e obesidade”. O estudo observacional, foi transversal, incidindo sobre 143 crianças, (73 raparigas) dos 9-12 anos de idade do concelho de Mafra. Foram utilizados os pontos de corte da International Obesity Task Force (IOTF), para definir a pré-obesidade e obesidade. Registou-se o IMC e a % Massa Gorda por bioimpedância. A avaliação da ACR foi efectuada através do teste Vaivém 20 metros Fitnessgram, utilizando-se equação de Fernhall et al., (1998). Os alunos foram avaliados por questionário sobre actividade física (AF) extra-curricular (QAD, Telama et al., 1997); os pais sobre os níveis AF (IPAQ, Bauman et al., 2009) e estatuto sócio-económico (ESE). Resultados: Os resultados do estudo observacional, corroboram os de outros estudos RSL. Não houve diferenças entre géneros na prevalência de pré-obesidade e obesidade: rapazes (20.55% e 8.21%) e raparigas (34.28% e 5.71%) (p<0.176). As crianças com maior ACR têm menor IMC (p<0.01) e MG (p<0.001) e a idade não esteve associada à ACR. Os pré-obesos são na sua maioria insuficientemente activos, e os normoponderais são insuficientemente activos (p=0.033). Não houve associação entre o ESE e AF dos pais e o IMC, ACR ou QAD dos alunos. Com base nos resultados encontrados na revisão, procurou-se situar diferentes abordagens teóricas sobre a actividade física, dando ênfase principal à importância “ da promoção (acesso) da actividade física através da educação física orientada pedagogicamente em todos os ciclos de ensino. Conclusão: As crianças que tiveram maior ACR registaram menor IMC e MG, independente da idade e do sexo. Verificou-se ainda que as variáveis de ESE e AF dos pais, não está associada aos resultados da ACR, IMC e MG das crianças. ABSTRACT: Objective: Given the paucity of studies in Portugal on this theme, the goal of the study was to analyse the of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), and the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children attending the fourth year of primary school. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted, in which cross-cutting studies and RCT were covered and, intersected with observational results obtained, from the group of Schools Professor Armando Lucena, located in, the municipality of Mafra, Lisbon district. From the systematic review of literature (SRL), plus the observational study, the verification analysis of the inverse association between 'cardiorespiratory fitness, pre-obesity and obesity' was performed.The observational study was cross-sectional, focusing on 143 children (73 girls) of 9-12 years old. To define overweight and obesity the IOTF cutoffs were used. BMI and percentage of fat mass were recorded by means of bioelectrical impedance. The assessment was made through the CRF test shuttle Fitnessgram 20 meters, using the equation proposed by Fernhall et al., (1998). Students were assessed by questionnaire on physical activity (PA), extra-curricular PA (PAF Telama et al., 1997); parents were questioned regarding their PA levels (IPAQ, Bauman et al., 2009) and socio-economic status (SES). Results: The results of the observational study, corroborate, other SRL studies. There were no gender differences in the prevalence of overweight and obesity: men (20. 55% and 8.21%) and girls (34.28% and 5.71%) (p <0.176). Children with higher BMI have a lower CRF (p <0.01) and MG (p <0.001). Age was not observed to be associated with CRF. The pre-obese are mostly insufficiently active, and the normalweight are insufficiently active (p = 0.033). There was no association between the PA, the ESS, the parents, and the BMI, the CRF or the PAF of the students. Based on the results found in the review, different theoretical approaches regarding physical activity were. Emphasis was given to the importance of promoting the access to physical activity through pedagogically oriented physical education in all cycles of education. Conclusion: Children who had higher ACR showed lower FAT and BMI, regardless of age and sex. Furthermore, it was found that parents’ SES and PA variables are, not associated to children’s CRF, BMI and FAT.


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El tema de los medios y su massmediación se convirtió en el lugar donde todo el poder ejecutivo, la oposición y la sociedad toda, esperábamos se resolvieran los conflictos. ¡Qué equivocados estábamos! Una cosa es que éste sea el tiempo del posicionamiento de los media, que los medios sirvan de reconocimiento y de identificación social y otra muy distinta es que desde ellos podamos encontrar salidas al conflicto. Lo único evidente que tenemos en nuestras manos y en nuestro sentir es que "estamos viviendo una experiencia-límite" no sólo de orden político, sino también de profundas raíces culturales.


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En este texto el autor se propone cotejar la historia de Nay y Sinar incluida en la novela María, de Jorge Isaacs (1867), con la de Bernabé en Sab (publicada en Madrid en 1841), de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda. Esta exploración busca, por un lado, crear un contrapunto de ambos textos, por otro lado, se propone pasar revista a temas como la construcción de lo masculino en los dos textos, la posición antiesclavista de las mismas y Madre Natura como antagonista y coadyuvante de los protagonistas. Para cerrar este trabajo el autor aplicará un par de ideas de Benedict Anderson intentando explicar lo siguiente: los personajes de Isaacs y Gómez de Avellaneda provienen de una comunidad imaginada perdida y se ven en la imposibilidad de reproducir en un contexto diferente los límites de ese reino que ya no existe o que quizá no existió, por ser parte de la imaginación comunitaria.


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I describe a new, comparative, version of the argument from interpersonal variation to subjectivism about color. The comparative version undermines a recent objectivist response to standard versions of that argument (Gómez-Torrente 2014).


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This study aimed to describe the spatial and temporal patterns of variation in trophic state and its relation with the structure and dynamics of planktonic community of a large reservoir located in semi-arid tropical region of Northeast Brazil. The reservoir Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves is the biggest reservoir of the Rio Grande do Norte State and is responsible for about 53% of all surface water accumulated in the State. The samples of water and plankton were taken monthly in 10 points distributed throughout the longitudinal axis of the reservoir and over a full hydrological cycle. The samples were collected to determine concentrations of total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chlorophyll a and suspended solids (fixed and volatile) and for determining the composition and abundance of phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic species. During the study period, the reservoir was characterized as eutrophic and there was no trend of increasing the trophic state of the reservoir in the period of drought. The concentrations of total phosphorus and suspended fixed solids decreased towards the dam while the N:P ratios increased in the same direction due to the reduction in the phosphorus concentrations and relative constancy in the nitrogen concentrations. The N:P ratios observed were indicative of greater limitation by phosphorus than by nitrogen. However, as concentrations of both nutrients were high and the water transparency was very low, with secchi depth usually lower than one meter, it seems likely that the planktonic primary production of the reservoir is more limited by the availability of light than the availability of nutrients. High nutrient concentrations coupled with low availability of light may explain the continuing dominance of filamentous cyanobacteria such as Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in the plankton of the reservoir.These cyanobacteria are potentially toxic and pose a serious environmental problem because it compromises the water quality for public supply, recreation and fishing when present in high densities as in this study. The mesozooplankton of the reservoir was dominated by the calanoid Notodiaptomus cearensis and the cladoceran Diaphanosoma spinulosum. In general, the structure of zooplankton community seems to be particularly influenced by the spatial variation of cyanobacteria. The results of the regression analyses show that both the chlorophyll a concentrations and the cyanobacteria biovolume were more strongly correlated with the nitrogen than with phosphorus and that the water transparency was more strongly correlated with algal biomass than with other sources of turbidity. The maximum load of phosphorus to attain the maximum permissible concentration of total P in the reservoir was estimated in 63.2 tonnes P/ year. The current external P load to the reservoir is estimated in 324 tonnes P / year and must be severely reduced to improve the water quality for water supply and allow the implementation of aquaculture projects that could contribute to the socio-economic development of the region


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The black communities, nowadays known as quilombolas, have long been segregated in social and cultural distances in relation to other groups in the country. Gradually, the establishment of public policy has enabled the inclusion of these social communities in new instances, favoring the improvement of standards of learning. In order to know the route of the school in relation to its surroundings, this paper presents a reflection on the educational history of the Municipal School Padre Armando de Paiva, inserted in the context of afrodescendência (African descendants), in the community called Sibaúma, municipality of Tibau do Sul - RN, characterized as the object of this study. Methodologically, this study is limited in a descriptive research of the historical reconstruction of the school, a case considered worthy of analysis. From a reflection on the presence of African descent in Brazil and in Rio Grande do Norte, the study also presents information on education in Brazil. Finally, it presents the trajectories directed to the analysis of physical conditions, the dynamics of registration, and avoidance of repetition of its students and the qualifications of its teaching staff. Survey selected for analysis five-year academic periods, a series which began in the year nineteen eighty and ends in the year two thousand and ten


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Piranhas-Açu basin is a Federal watershed with a drainage area of 43.681,5 km2, sited at Brazilian northeast semi arid, with 60% of your area in Paraiba State and 40% in Rio Grande do Norte State. The main river, Piranhas-Açu, has strategic importance for development of these states, because it s an essential source for many socio-economics activities developed along watercourse. The river s reach between Coremas-Mãe D`água Dam and Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves Dam has many irrigation projects, and supply many riverside cities. All this activities practiced in this river s reach consumes high water volumes. Due the importance of this stream and the necessity of an adequate management, this work aims for an impartial and detailed evaluation of real water supply conditions in this river s reach, by the application of hydrological modeling, including the arrangement of main dams in tributaries, and storage reservoir water balance. The rainfall-discharge model s applied in each sub-basins it was selected the model MODHISA- Hydrological Model of Semi Arid, that is a concentrated model with easy application. The simulation produced 50 years of inflows into the reservoirs, for which, were constructed the guaranties curves; and produced 50 years of synthetic discharge data in relevant points on the river and on its affluents; so it was constructed the permanence curves. Confronting the available discharge with the current and futures volumes of raw water captured in this river s reach, it was verified that de demands have high guaranties. This work concluded that the MODHISA Model is suitable to reproduce the hydrologic characteristics of Piranhas-Açu sub-basins, and showing good results


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The knowledge of the phytoplankton community, as an integral and dynamic processes of eutrophication, provides information essential for proper management and handling. A growing problem of cyanobacteria in reservoirs around the world as a result of artificial eutrophication processes, generating a particular concern, because some species produce cyanotoxins, which can cause adverse effects on human health. The present work aims to characterize the spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton, assessing their potential as ecological indicator of water quality in reservoirs semiarid region. The samples of water were collected monthly between 2009 and 2011, at three points along the dam Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves / RN. In each sample were measured physico - chemical analysis of water and biological components. We conducted a scientific dissemination activity, with distribution and reading primer on eutrophication, informative talk about water quality, questionnaires and performing a play in a public school in the city of Itajá / RN. The reservoir was considered eutrophic in three points, taking into account the values of chlorophyll -a and phosphorus, adopted to characterize eutrophic environments of semi-arid areas. High density of cyanobacteria, with a maximum value of 2.227.862 cél.ml- 1 and minimum of 43.456 cél.ml- 1 was recorded in lentic and semilêntico points throughout the study, exceeding the levels of drinking water (20.000 cél.ml- 1) established in 2.914/2011 Ordinance of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. All samples contained microcystin, and 44 % had values superiores1μg L- 1. The thermal pattern of the water column showed micro stratifications with differences of less than 1 ° C from five feet deep. The distribution pattern was the type profile clinogrado with oxygen deficit in the bottom of the reservoir. Oxiclina from 10 meters depth was observed during the rainy season (May-June) in the two years of study. The phytoplankton community was represented by 10 functional groups: S1, M, H1, Lo, P, F, Sn, P, W2 and R. The assessment of the ecological status of the system by the index Q showed poor water quality. The results of the study show that the vertical variations were less pronounced than the seasonal variations of cyanobacteria and phytoplankton community in general in the reservoir. The presence of cyanotoxins confirms the need for the monitoring of water quality and measures to reduce eutrophication in water supply reservoirs semiarid RN and demonstrates the challenge for water managers and health authorities to ensure water quality and consequently minimize risks to human health. Compared to the lecture, the primer was considered more efficient in sensitizing the participants, featuring a dynamic practice, differentiated learning, create opportunities for students to rethink attitudes of respect and care for the environment, and shall have the opportunity to learn the subject content from your reality and living environment. The knowledge generated from the activity of scientific were seen as essential for raising awareness of some of the region`s environmental problems , such as eutrophication