715 resultados para Tacitus, Cornelius
Comme tous les moments révolutionnaires, Mai 68 n'est jamais complètement passé : il reste vivant pour la pensée politique contemporaine. En 1968, Cornelius Castoriadis et Claude Lefort, deux des principaux penseurs politiques de la France de l'après-guerre, proposaient leurs lectures des événements de Mai en France dans un livre important : Mai 68 : la Brèche. Pour le vingtième anniversaire des événements, ils écrivaient à nouveau sur ceux-ci, en cherchant à examiner leur postérité à la fois sociale et intellectuelle. Ces interprétations de Mai 68 font apparaître des convergences aussi bien que des oppositions théoriques entre les deux auteurs, qui concernent aussi bien le rôle de l'intellectuel que les définitions de la révolution, du pouvoir et de la démocratie. Mai 68 sert ainsi de révélateur, qui éclaire des aspects importants du dissensus politique et théorique qui a opposé Castoriadis à Lefort dès les années 1950.
This paper presents the discovery of the oldest Roman camp on the Iberian Peninsula, a camp from the Second Punic War situated in La Palma (Tarragona, Spain), by the mouth of the River Ebro. Although no structural remains have been found, the site's strategic in- terest along with many coins, arms and fragments of amphoras and other objects indicate that a military camp was established here between 218 and 209 BC. Written sources, mainly Polybius and Livy, suggest that La Palma was where the legions of Publius Cornelius Scipio gathered before the attack on Carthago Nova in 209 BC. The paper ends by suggesting that La Palma may be the Roman camp of Nova Classis mentioned by Livy during the events of the war in 217 BC.
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A land deed for a parcel of land in the district of Niagara purchased by Daniel Cline and his wife Jamima for the sum of two hundred pounds. The land purchased involved lot numbers 5 and 6 in the 2nd concession in the Township of Humberstone, County of Lincoln, District of Niagara. The land was sold by Cornelius Benner and the deed is dated January 17, 1839.
The first Europeans who wrote about the Indigenous people of the newly discovered Americas, not only used medieval, but also classical literature as a tool of reference to describe 'otherness.' As true humanists, the French Jesuits who arrived in the New World were deeply influenced by their classical education and, as claimed by Grafton, reverted to ancient ethnographic texts, like Tacitus' Germania, to support their analyse of the Indigenous people they encountered. Books talk to books. Inspired by Germania, the early French Jesuits managed to convey to their readers a subtle critique of their own civilization, enhancing, like Tacitus, the virtuous aspect of the so-called barbarians they described while illustrating the corruption of their respective civilized worlds. This thesis suggests that the essence of Tacitus' work is definitively present in Pierre Biard's letters and his Relation. His testimonies illustrate the connection the early French Jesuits had with the humanist thought of their time.
Indenture between George Rykert, surveyor of Grantham, and Cornelius Stovin, manager of the Welland Railway of St. Catharines, for a pew in St. George’s Church, Jan. 1863.
Letter to Mr. Bradley from Cornelius Smith of Smith and Wilkins regarding money owed by Mickel Cumrfoord [Michael Cumerford] (1 ½ pages, handwritten), Sept. 28, 1838.
Esta dissertação consiste num estudo acerca das questões da história e da democracia a partir do pensamento de Claude Lefort e de Cornelius Castoriadis. Vinculado ao exame da questão da história, o estudo da questão da democracia, nos faz “pensar o político” numa perspectiva distinta daquela referente aos campos da ciência e da sociologias políticas. Campos nos quais o político é tratado como algo que pode ser apreendido a partir de um saber prévio e exaustivo sobre os processos políticos e sociais. Refletir sobre a questão da história e da democracia significa, nesse sentido, conceber a distinção entre o político e a política enquanto algo que nos remete à uma “maneira singular” de relacionamento entre os homens e o “poder explícito” na sociedade. Maneira essa que pressupõe, por sua vez, a existência de uma sociedade na qual a política é reconhecida como uma atividade que pode educar cidadãos enquanto indivíduos efetivamente “livres e responsáveis”.