266 resultados para Tabu
Esta tese busca compreender o que os rituais funerários contemporâneos revelam sobre as maneiras com as quais as pessoas têm lidado com a morte e o morrer na atualidade. Desse eixo central se ramificam reflexões sobre a relação dos homens com o tempo, com o envelhecimento e com a finitude. Evidenciando que os modos atuais de lidar com a morte e o morrer envolvem flagrantes processos de mercantilização, patologização, medicalização e espetacularização. O crescente uso de serviços funerários de tanatoestética apontam não somente técnicas de maquiagem dos mortos, mas também estratégias de maquiagem da morte. O investimento financeiro, antes direcionado às preocupações transcendentes com o futuro da alma do morto, se reverte em intervenções físicas no corpo morto, de maneira que ele não emita sinal algum da morte que o tomou e proteja os sobreviventes do contato com a finitude. Essa dissimulação é sinalizada pela redução progressiva do espaço que a sociedade contemporânea tem destinado ao luto e ao sofrimento, categorias com cada vez mais frequência equiparadas a condições patológicas. Utilizando metodologia qualitativa, com pesquisa de campo realizada tanto no Brasil como em Portugal, durante período de doutorado sanduíche no exterior, observou-se um acentuado estreitamento entre as realidades morte e consumo. Indicando uma transposição da lógica comercial de mercado às práticas funerárias tradicionais. Assim, funções simbólicas dos rituais fúnebres vem sendo modificadas e regidas pela lógica do consumo, apresentado na atualidade como alternativa unidimensional para a imperativa vivência initerrupta do prazer e da felicidade. Constatou-se que - apesar da crescente popularização de discussões sobre o tema morte no meio acadêmico, na área da saúde e na mídia - não há aceno de ruptura no seu enquadramento como tabu. Apenas é permitido socialmente que ela ocupe locais determinados: o lugar de espetáculo, de produto, da técnica, da banalização ou mesmo do humor publicitário. As observações e as reflexões realizadas em todo o processo de construção desta tese nos inclinam a considerar que continua vedado o aprofundamento de questões ligadas à expressão de sentimentos de dor e de pesar diante das perdas. Assim como se acentuam os processos de patologização do luto e de distanciamento das demandas existênciais promovidas pela consciência da própria finitude e da passagem do tempo; do tempo de vida de cada um
Esta pesquisa teve a pretensão de discutir e propor pistas para uma nova abordagem metodológica, direcionada aos profissionais que trabalham com o tema do abuso sexual intrafamiliar e em relações próximas, por meio de uma torção dos Processos Circulares sob a inspiração da Teoria Ator-rede, no sentido de ampliação e renovação dos modos de intervenção do Sistema de Garantia dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente. Apesar da relevância do tema, percebeu-se que o abuso sexual de crianças e adolescentes ainda é tabu em nossa sociedade, tratado de forma privada e sem diálogo intersetorial, mesmo dentro das estruturas institucionais. A delicadeza do tema deve-se à conjunção dos temas sexo, criança, família e violência. É uma temática que clama por novos e complementares aportes teóricos e metodológicos, após a constatação que nem o sistema penal, nem o de garantia de direitos têm respostas que se pautem na atenção, no cuidado e em uma escuta da criança que propicie que ela trabalhe seus sofrimentos, dúvidas e sentimentos variados como sujeito de direitos. O tema busca trazer novas possibilidades para o trabalho com os profissionais, operadores do direito ou atores do Sistema de Garantia dos Direitos da Criança e Adolescente, criando espaço reflexivo para que possam ser redesenhadas e as questões afetas clareadas. A metodologia de trabalho proposta foi executada com um grupo de profissionais da área, apontando para a possibilidade de seu exercício com famílias envolvidas com situações de abuso sexual
This paper considers the aerodynamic design optimisation of turbomachinery blades from a multi-objective perspective. The aim is to improve the performance of a specific stage and eventually of the whole engine. The integrated system developed for this purpose is described. It combines an existing geometry parameterisation scheme, a well-established CFD package and a novel multi-objective variant of the Tabu Search optimisation algorithm. Its performance is illustrated through a case study in which the flow characteristics most important to the overall performance of turbomachinery blades are optimised.
This paper presents the development and the application of a multi-objective optimization framework for the design of two-dimensional multi-element high-lift airfoils. An innovative and efficient optimization algorithm, namely Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS), has been selected as core of the framework. The flow-field around the multi-element configuration is simulated using the commercial computational fluid dynamics (cfd) suite Ansys cfx. Elements shape and deployment settings have been considered as design variables in the optimization of the Garteur A310 airfoil, as presented here. A validation and verification process of the cfd simulation for the Garteur airfoil is performed using available wind tunnel data. Two design examples are presented in this study: a single-point optimization aiming at concurrently increasing the lift and drag performance of the test case at a fixed angle of attack and a multi-point optimization. The latter aims at introducing operational robustness and off-design performance into the design process. Finally, the performance of the MOTS algorithm is assessed by comparison with the leading NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) optimization strategy. An equivalent framework developed by the authors within the industrial sponsor environment is used for the comparison. To eliminate cfd solver dependencies three optimum solutions from the Pareto optimal set have been cross-validated. As a result of this study MOTS has been demonstrated to be an efficient and effective algorithm for aerodynamic optimizations. Copyright © 2012 Tech Science Press.
The protection of the environment against pollutants produced by aviation is of great concern in the 21st century. Among the multiplicity of proposed solutions, modifying flight profiles for existing aircraft is a promising approach. The aim is to deliver and understand the trade-off between environmental impact and operating costs. This work will illustrate the optimisation process of aircraft trajectories by minimising fuel consumption and flight time for the climb phase of an aircraft that belongs to A320 category. To achieve this purpose a new variant of a multi-objective Tabu Search optimiser was evolved and integrated within a computational framework, called GATAC, that simulates flight profiles based on altitude and speed. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.
The integration and application of a new multi-objective tabu search optimization algorithm for Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) problems are presented. The aim is to enhance the computational design process for real world applications and to achieve higher performance of the whole system for the four considered objectives. The described system combines the optimizer with a well established FSI solver which is based on the fully implicit, monolithic formuFlation of the problem in the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian FEM approach. The proposed solver resolves the proposed uid-structure interaction benchmark which describes the self-induced elastic deformation of a beam attached to a cylinder in laminar channel ow. The optimized ow characteristics of the aforementioned geometrical arrangement illustrate the performance of the system in two dimensions. Special emphasis is given to the analysis of the simulation package, which is of high accuracy and is the core of application. The design process identifies the best combination of ow features for optimal system behavior and the most important objectives. In addition, the presented methodology has the potential to run in parallel, which will significantly speed-up the elapsed time. Finite Element Method (FEM), Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI), Multi-Ojective Tabu search (MOTS2). Copyright © 2013 Tech Science Press.
At present, optimisation is an enabling technology in innovation. Multi-objective and multi-disciplinary design tools are essential in the engineering design process, and have been applied successfully in aerospace and turbomachinery applications extensively. These approaches give insight into the design space and identify the trade-offs between the competing performance measures satisfying a number of constraints at the same time. It is anticipated here that the same benefits can be obtained for the design of micro-scale combustors. In this paper, a multi-disciplinary automated design optimisation system was developed for this purpose, which comprises a commercial computational fluid dynamics package and a multi-objective variant of the Tabu Search optimisation algorithm. The main objectives that are considered in this study are to optimise the main micro-scale combustor design characteristics and to satisfy manufacturability considerations from the very beginning of the whole design operation. Hydrogen-air combustion as well as 14 geometrical and 2 operational parameters are used to describe and model the design problem. Two illustrative test cases will be presented, in which the most important device operational requirements are optimised, and the efficiency of the developed optimisation system is demonstrated. The identification, assessment and suitability of the optimum design configurations are discussed in detail. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.
We investigate the performance of different variants of a suitably tailored Tabu Search optimisation algorithm on a higher-order design problem. We consider four objective func- tions to describe the performance of a compressor stator row, subject to a number of equality and inequality constraints. The same design problem has been previously in- vestigated through single-, bi- and three-objective optimisation studies. However, in this study we explore the capabilities of enhanced variants of our Multi-objective Tabu Search (MOTS) optimisation algorithm in the context of detailed 3D aerodynamic shape design. It is shown that with these enhancements to the local search of the MOTS algorithm we can achieve a rapid exploration of complicated design spaces, but there is a trade-off be- tween speed and the quality of the trade-off surface found. Rapidly explored design spaces reveal the extremes of the objective functions, but the compromise optimum areas are not very well explored. However, there are ways to adapt the behaviour of the optimiser and maintain both a very efficient rate of progress towards the global optimum Pareto front and a healthy number of design configurations lying on the trade-off surface and exploring the compromise optimum regions. These compromise solutions almost always represent the best qualitative balance between the objectives under consideration. Such enhancements to the effectiveness of design space exploration make engineering design optimisation with multiple objectives and robustness criteria ever more practicable and attractive for modern advanced engineering design. Finally, new research questions are addressed that highlight the trade-offs between intelligence in optimisation algorithms and acquisition of qualita- tive information through computational engineering design processes that reveal patterns and relations between design parameters and objective functions, but also speed versus optimum quality. © 2012 AIAA.
This paper introduces a new version of the multiobjective Alliance Algorithm (MOAA) applied to the optimization of the NACA 0012 airfoil section, for minimization of drag and maximization of lift coefficients, based on eight section shape parameters. Two software packages are used: XFoil which evaluates each new candidate airfoil section in terms of its aerodynamic efficiency, and a Free-Form Deformation tool to manage the section geometry modifications. Two versions of the problem are formulated with different design variable bounds. The performance of this approach is compared, using two indicators and a statistical test, with that obtained using NSGA-II and multi-objective Tabu Search (MOTS) to guide the optimization. The results show that the MOAA outperforms MOTS and obtains comparable results with NSGA-II on the first problem, while in the other case NSGA-II is not able to find feasible solutions and the MOAA is able to outperform MOTS. © 2013 IEEE.
In the modern engineering design cycle the use of computational tools becomes a neces- sity. The complexity of the engineering systems under consideration for design increases dramatically as the demands for advanced and innovative design concepts and engineering products is expanding. At the same time the advancements in the available technology in terms of computational resources and power, as well as the intelligence of the design software, accommodate these demands and make them a viable approach towards the chal- lenge of real-world engineering problems. This class of design optimisation problems is by nature multi-disciplinary. In the present work we establish enhanced optimisation capabil- ities within the Nimrod/O tool for massively distributed execution of computational tasks through cluster and computational grid resources, and develop the potential to combine and benefit from all the possible available technological advancements, both software and hardware. We develop the interface between a Free Form Deformation geometry manage- ment in-house code with the 2D airfoil aerodynamic efficiency evaluation tool XFoil, and the well established multi-objective heuristic optimisation algorithm NSGA-II. A simple airfoil design problem has been defined to demonstrate the functionality of the design sys- tem, but also to accommodate a framework for future developments and testing with other state-of-the-art optimisation algorithms such as the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) techniques. Ultimately, heav- ily computationally expensive industrial design cases can be realised within the presented framework that could not be investigated before. © 2012 by the authors. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
We are developing a wind turbine blade optimisation package CoBOLDT (COmputa- tional Blade Optimisation and Load De ation Tool) for the optimisation of large horizontal- axis wind turbines. The core consists of the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS), which controls a spline parameterisation module, a fast geometry generation and a stationary Blade Element Momentum (BEM) code to optimise an initial wind turbine blade design. The objective functions we investigate are the Annual Energy Production (AEP) and the fl apwise blade root bending moment (MY0) for a stationary wind speed of 50 m/s. For this task we use nine parameters which define the blade chord, the blade twist (4 parameters each) and the blade radius. Throughout the optimisation a number of binary constraints are defined to limit the noise emission, to allow for transportation on land and to control the aerodynamic conditions during all phases of turbine operation. The test case shows that MOTS is capable to find enhanced designs very fast and eficiently and will provide a rich and well explored Pareto front for the designer to chose from. The optimised blade de- sign could improve the AEP of the initial blade by 5% with the same flapwise root bending moment or reduce MY0 by 7.5% with the original energy yield. Due to the fast runtime of order 10 seconds per design, a huge number of optimisation iterations is possible without the need for a large computing cluster. This also allows for increased design flexibility through the introduction of more parameters per blade function or parameterisation of the airfoils in future. © 2012 by Nordex Energy GmbH.
In the modern engineering design cycle the use of computational tools becomes a necessity. The complexity of the engineering systems under consideration for design increases dramatically as the demands for advanced and innovative design concepts and engineering products is expanding. At the same time the advancements in the available technology in terms of computational resources and power, as well as the intelligence of the design software, accommodate these demands and make them a viable approach towards the challenge of real-world engineering problems. This class of design optimisation problems is by nature multi-disciplinary. In the present work we establish enhanced optimisation capabilities within the Nimrod/O tool for massively distributed execution of computational tasks through cluster and computational grid resources, and develop the potential to combine and benefit from all the possible available technological advancements, both software and hardware. We develop the interface between a Free Form Deformation geometry management in-house code with the 2D airfoil aerodynamic efficiency evaluation tool XFoil, and the well established multi-objective heuristic optimisation algorithm NSGA-II. A simple airfoil design problem has been defined to demonstrate the functionality of the design system, but also to accommodate a framework for future developments and testing with other state-of-the-art optimisation algorithms such as the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) techniques. Ultimately, heavily computationally expensive industrial design cases can be realised within the presented framework that could not be investigated before. ©2012 AIAA.
We are developing a wind turbine blade optimisation package CoBOLDT (COmputa- tional Blade Optimisation and Load Deation Tool) for the optimisation of large horizontal- axis wind turbines. The core consists of the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS), which controls a spline parameterisation module, a fast geometry generation and a stationary Blade Element Momentum (BEM) code to optimise an initial wind turbine blade design. The objective functions we investigate are the Annual Energy Production (AEP) and the apwise blade root bending moment (MY0) for a stationary wind speed of 50 m/s. For this task we use nine parameters which define the blade chord, the blade twist (4 parameters each) and the blade radius. Throughout the optimisation a number of binary constraints are defined to limit the noise emission, to allow for transportation on land and to control the aerodynamic conditions during all phases of turbine operation. The test case shows that MOTS is capable to find enhanced designs very fast and efficiently and will provide a rich and well explored Pareto front for the designer to chose from. The optimised blade de- sign could improve the AEP of the initial blade by 5% with the same apwise root bending moment or reduce MY0 by 7.5% with the original energy yield. Due to the fast runtime of order 10 seconds per design, a huge number of optimisation iterations is possible without the need for a large computing cluster. This also allows for increased design flexibility through the introduction of more parameters per blade function or parameterisation of the airfoils in future. © 2012 AIAA.
Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been used to tackle non-linear multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems successfully, but their success is governed by key parameters which have been shown to be sensitive to the nature of the particular problem, incorporating concerns such as the numbers of objectives and variables, and the size and topology of the search space, making it hard to determine the best settings in advance. This work describes a real-encoded multi-objective optimizing GA (MOGA) that uses self-adaptive mutation and crossover, and which is applied to optimization of an airfoil, for minimization of drag and maximization of lift coefficients. The MOGA is integrated with a Free-Form Deformation tool to manage the section geometry, and XFoil which evaluates each airfoil in terms of its aerodynamic efficiency. The performance is compared with those of the heuristic MOO algorithms, the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) and NSGA-II, showing that this GA achieves better convergence.
The design of wind turbine blades is a true multi-objective engineering task. The aerodynamic effectiveness of the turbine needs to be balanced with the system loads introduced by the rotor. Moreover the problem is not dependent on a single geometric property, but besides other parameters on a combination of aerofoil family and various blade functions. The aim of this paper is therefore to present a tool which can help designers to get a deeper insight into the complexity of the design space and to find a blade design which is likely to have a low cost of energy. For the research we use a Computational Blade Optimisation and Load Deflation Tool (CoBOLDT) to investigate the three extreme point designs obtained from a multi-objective optimisation of turbine thrust, annual energy production as well as mass for a horizontal axis wind turbine blade. The optimisation algorithm utilised is based on Multi-Objective Tabu Search which constitutes the core of CoBOLDT. The methodology is capable to parametrise the spanning aerofoils with two-dimensional Free Form Deformation and blade functions with two tangentially connected cubic splines. After geometry generation we use a panel code to create aerofoil polars and a stationary Blade Element Momentum code to evaluate turbine performance. Finally, the obtained loads are fed into a structural layout module to estimate the mass and stiffness of the current blade by means of a fully stressed design. For the presented test case we chose post optimisation analysis with parallel coordinates to reveal geometrical features of the extreme point designs and to select a compromise design from the Pareto set. The research revealed that a blade with a feasible laminate layout can be obtained, that can increase the energy capture and lower steady state systems loads. The reduced aerofoil camber and an increased L/. D-ratio could be identified as the main drivers. This statement could not be made with other tools of the research community before. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.