984 resultados para TRIGGER


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Using biomimetic chemical reduction or Clostridium perfringens cell extract containing azoreductase, the dimer-fluorescent probe 2,4-O-bisdansyl-6,7- diazabicyclooct-6-ene, which possesses a conformationally constrained cis-azo bridge, is reduced to the tetra-equatorial 2,4-O-bisdansyl-cyclohexyl-3,5- bisammonium salt which exhibits fluorescence indicative of a dansyl monomer. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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This paper reveals how activity fragmentation and multi-tasking become tools of consumer anti-choice in the online grocery sector: facilitated by new technology practices that positively encourage anti-choice. This is demonstrated through five long-term ethnographic case studies of households in the Portsmouth area of England. All the respondents made some form of conscious effort to minimize the amount of time they spent in ‘big box’ grocery stores. They spend more time at home in planning, searching, socializing online, cumulating and fulfilling internet orders than if they had visited a store: something that all could easily do. The findings suggest the need for constant innovation by internet grocers if they are to remain in tune with dynamic consumer lifestyles and advances in technology. Examples of upcoming technologies requiring retailers to re-think their internet strategies are discussed in view of the possibilities offered by activity fragmentation and multi-tasking.


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Non-invasive ventilation performed through an oronasal mask is a standard in clinical and homecare mechanical ventilation. Besides all its advantages, inevitable leaks through the mask cause errors in the feedback information provided by the airflow sensor and, hence, patient-ventilator asynchrony with multiple negative consequences. Here we investigate a new way to provide a trigger to the ventilator. The method is based on the measurement of rib cage movement at the onset of inspiration and during breathing by fibre-optic sensors. In a series of simultaneous measurements by a long-period fibre grating sensor and pneumotachograph we provide the statistical evidence of the 200 ms lag of the pneumo with respect the fibre-optic signal. The lag is registered consistently across three independent delay metrics. Further, we discuss exceptions from this trend and identify the needed improvements to the proposed fibre-sensing scheme.


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Ligand-directed signal bias offers opportunities for sculpting molecular events, with the promise of better, safer therapeutics. Critical to the exploitation of signal bias is an understanding of the molecular events coupling ligand binding to intracellular signaling. Activation of class B G protein-coupled receptors is driven by interaction of the peptide N terminus with the receptor core. To understand how this drives signaling, we have used advanced analytical methods that enable separation of effects on pathway-specific signaling from those that modify agonist affinity and mapped the functional consequence of receptor modification onto three-dimensional models of a receptor-ligand complex. This yields molecular insights into the initiation of receptor activation and the mechanistic basis for biased agonism. Our data reveal that peptide agonists can engage different elements of the receptor extracellular face to achieve effector coupling and biased signaling providing a foundation for rational design of biased agonists.


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Radiocarbon-age measurements on single species of foraminifera from a core on the Ceara Rise demonstrate the importance of the joint effect of bioturbation and variable rain abundance of foraminifera. The relatively high mixed layer ages for Pulleniatina obliquiloculata reflect, at least in part, an early Holocene peak in its abundance while the relatively young ages for Globorotalia menardii reflect the delay until mid Holocene of its reappearance in the Atlantic Ocean. These results clearly demonstrate that core-top sediment samples need not be representative foraminifera falling from today's surface ocean. Rather, at least on the Ceara Rise, such samples consist of a composite of changing species groupings. These results also reconfirm the pitfalls associated with attempts to reconstruct the radiocarbon age of deep ocean water on the basis of benthic-planktonic foraminiferal age differences.


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Enquadramento: A prestação de cuidados de saúde está associada aos eventos adversos (EA) que causam dano nos doentes internados em hospitais. Objetivos: Estudar os EA num serviço de Medicina. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo quantitativo, descritivo observacional retrospetivo, de 1 de setembro a 31 de dezembro de 2014 num serviço de medicina do Centro Hospitalar do Algarve. Para identificar os EA utilizou-se a Global Trigger Tool (GTT). Listaram-se os doentes que tiveram alta hospitalar no período de 1 de janeiro a 30 de setembro do ano 2014. Resultados: A concordância entre as revisoras, relativamente à classificação dos EA, através do índice de Kappa, demonstrou ser perfeita. Identificaram-se 278 triggers, dos quais 124 resultaram em EA, 44,6% dos EA ocorreram durante o internamento e 9,4% dos doentes apresentavam EA no momento de admissão. Constataram-se 62,63 EA por 1000 doentes dia, 137,8 EA por 100 admissões e, em 31,1% dos casos, ocorreu um EA durante o internamento. Conclusão: A metodologia GTT é uma ferramenta útil no estudo dos EA no contexto hospitalar.


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Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2014


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At the HL-LHC, proton bunches will cross each other every 25. ns, producing an average of 140 pp-collisions per bunch crossing. To operate in such an environment, the CMS experiment will need a L1 hardware trigger able to identify interesting events within a latency of 12.5. μs. The future L1 trigger will make use also of data coming from the silicon tracker to control the trigger rate. The architecture that will be used in future to process tracker data is still under discussion. One interesting proposal makes use of the Time Multiplexed Trigger concept, already implemented in the CMS calorimeter trigger for the Phase I trigger upgrade. The proposed track finding algorithm is based on the Hough Transform method. The algorithm has been tested using simulated pp-collision data. Results show a very good tracking efficiency. The algorithm will be demonstrated in hardware in the coming months using the MP7, which is a μTCA board with a powerful FPGA capable of handling data rates approaching 1. Tb/s.


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A new route to prepare nanostructured thermosets by the utilization of intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions is demonstrated here. In this study, competitive hydrogen-bonding-induced microphase separation (CHIPS) in epoxy resin (ER) containing an amphiphilic block copolymer poly(ε-caprolactone)-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (PCL-b-P2VP) is investigated for the first time. The phase separation takes place due to the disparity in the hydrogen-bonding interactions in ER/P2VP and ER/PCL pairs leading to the formation of ordered nanostructures in the ER/block copolymer blends. SAXS and TEM results indicate that the hexagonally packed cylindrical morphology of neat PCL-b-P2VP block copolymer remains but becomes a core-shell structure at 10 wt % addition of ER, and changes to regular lamellae structures at 20-50 wt % then to disordered lamellae with 60 wt % ER. Wormlike structures are obtained in the blends with 70 wt % ER, followed by a completely homogeneous phase of ER/P2VP and ER/PCL. The formation of nanostructures and changes in morphologies depend on the relative strength of hydrogen-bonding interactions between each component block copolymer and the homopolymer. This versatile method to develop nanostructured thermosets, involving competitive hydrogen-bonding interactions, could be used for the fabrication of hierarchical and functional materials.


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This paper explores how we may design located information and communication technologies (ICTs) to foster community sentiment. It focuses explicitly on possibilities for ICTs to create new modalities of place through exploring key factors such as shared experiences, shared knowledge and shared authorship. To contextualise this discussion in a real world setting, this paper presents FIGMENTUM, a situated generative art application that was developed for and installed in a new urban development. FIGMENTUM is a non-authoritative, non-service based application that aims to trigger emotional and representational place-based communities. Out of this practice-led research comes a theory and a process for designing creative place-based ICT’s to animate our urban communities.


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Many urban developments are implementing Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) strategies to attenuate flows and decrease pollutant loads carried by stormwater runoff. A water quality monitoring project was undertaken at the residential development of ‘Coomera Waters’ on the Gold Coast in Queensland to assess the effectiveness of a bioretention swale, a constructed wetland and a bioretention basin in treating stormwater runoff before it enters protected Melaleuca wetlands. This paper compares the effectiveness of these WSUD devices in reducing flow frequency, peak flow, and stormwater volume leaving the WSUD systems. The pollutant loads reductions are also described and the concentrations of pollutants are compared to the trigger values derived from the ANZECC (2000) Guidelines.


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In dynamic environments, firms seek to build capabilities which will permit them to become innovation and change ready. Programs offered by intermediaries, while varying greatly in content and format, are designed to support those firms wishing to enhance their competitiveness. Firms which participate in intermediary programs have displayed their willingness to overcome deficiencies or barriers to competitiveness through acquiring knowledge which is external to the firm. This paper reports on interviews with 24 firms who were involved in a MAP or TAP program offered by QMI Solutions. The findings of the research suggest that knowledge intermediaries serve to disrupt organisational paths and in so doing establish mechanisms for ongoing learning and change. They do this first by disrupting the firm with a positive learning experience and also by establishing processes for developing new relationships and access to knowledge which are critical for learning and change. It is the experience of learning through knowledge exchange which can trigger the pursuit of new paths and it is the processes involving new relations and knowledge processing that provides the micro-foundations for ongoing learning and change. This suggests that the role of intermediaries goes well beyond merely knowledge transfer to include longer term effects on the capability of organisations to innovate, which is critical to economic competitiveness and the survival rate of firms.


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Although the internationalisation process of the firm has been well researched since the 1970s, the behaviour of firms prior to internationalisation has not received commensurate research attention.This paper argues that a focus on firms’ pre-internationalisation activities will not only offer an additional important perspective to the study of firm internationalisation but it will also address a significant research gap in studies that are theoretically based on the so-called stages models. During the pre-internationalisation phase, a firm is exposed to stimuli factors that may trigger an impulse for foreign market expansion. Decision makers’ perceptions of stimuli, their attitudinal commitment towards internationalisation, the firms’ resources and capabilities, as well as the mediating effect of lateral rigidity comprise a learning process that leads a firm towards readiness to initiate an internationalisation decision. This paper advances the concept of internationalisation readiness and proposes a method for developing an Internationalisation Readiness Index.


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Despite the advent of improved pharmacological treatments to alleviate substance-related desires, psychological approaches will continue to be required. However, the current psychological treatment that most specifically focuses on desires and their management—cue exposure (CE)—has not lived up to its original promise. This paper argues that current psychological approaches to desire do not adequately incorporate our knowledge about the factors that trigger, maintain, and terminate episodes of desire. It asserts that the instigation and maintenance of desires involve both associative and elaborative processes. Understanding the processes triggering the initiation of intrusive thoughts may assist in preventing some episodes, but occasional intrusions will be inevitable. A demonstration of the ineffectiveness of thought suppression may discourage its use as a coping strategy for desire-related intrusions, and mindfulness meditation plus cognitive therapy may help in accepting their occurrence and letting them go. Competing tasks may be used to reduce elaboration of desires, and competing sensory images may have particular utility. The application of these procedures during episodes that are elicited in the clinic may allow the acquisition of more effective strategies to address desires in the natural environment.