177 resultados para TELOMERASE


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Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women worldwide. Research using breast cancer cell lines derived from primary tumors may provide valuable additional knowledge regarding this type of cancer. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the phenotypic profiles of MACL-1 and MGSO-3, the only Brazilian breast cancer cell lines available for comparative studies. We evaluated the presence of hormone receptors, proliferation, differentiation and stem cell markers, using immunohistochemical staining of the primary tumor, cultured cells and xenografts implanted in immunodeficient mice. We also investigated the ability of the cell lines to form colonies and copy number alterations by array comparative genomic hybridization. Histopathological analysis showed that the invasive primary tumor from which the MACL-1 cell line was derived, was a luminal A subtype carcinoma, while the ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) that gave rise to the MGSO-3 cell line was a HER2 subtype tumor, both showing different proliferation levels. The cell lines and the tumor xenografts in mice preserved their high proliferative potential, but did not maintain the expression of the other markers assessed. This shift in expression may be due to the selection of an 'establishment' phenotype in vitro. Whole-genome DNA evaluation showed a large amount of copy number alterations (CNAs) in the two cell lines. These findings render MACL-1 and MGSO-3 the first characterized Brazilian breast cancer cell lines to be potentially used for comparative research. © 2013 Spandidos Publications Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A leishmaniose é um conjunto de doenças infecciosas causadas por parasitas do gênero Leishmania, que afligem milhões de pessoas no mundo, tendo a cada ano dois milhões de novos casos e 70 mil mortes. As drogas utilizadas no tratamento das diferentes formas clínicas da doença apresentam alta toxicidade e baixa eficácia, além de apresentarem muitos efeitos colaterais e colaborarem com o aparecimento de parasitas e vetores resistentes. Devido a estas adversidades, o desenvolvimento de novas terapias para o tratamento desta parasitose é incentivada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e um maior conhecimento sobre a biologia molecular destes protozoários poderá facilitar estas descobertas. Ultimamente, os telômeros, estruturas nucleoproteícas nos terminais dos cromossomos de eucariotos, têm sido alvo intenso de estudos, que visam utilizá-los como alvo terapêutico contra tumores malignos e microrganismos patogênicos. Os telômeros geralmente se apresentam como estruturas dinâmicas onde ocorrem interações entre o DNA e proteínas, resultando na formação do complexo telomérico, que é responsável pela proteção e manutenção dos cromossomos e estabilidade do genoma, caracterizando uma função imprescindível para viabilidade celular. Componentes do complexo telomérico de Leishmania amazonensis foram identificados por ensaios bioquímicos em extratos positivos para a atividade de telomerase. Entre estes componentes identificou-se as proteínas LaRPA-1 (L. amazonensis Replication Protein A-1) e a LaRbp38 (L. amazonensis RNA binding protein) as quais mostraram habilidade de interagir com o DNA telomérico in vitro e in vivo. Mais recentemente, utilizando-se ensaios de imunoprecipitação e de captura por “pull-down” foi demonstrado que estas proteínas fazem parte de um mesmo complexo nos telômeros do parasita. Este trabalho pretende confirmar estas possíveis interações entre as proteínas teloméricas LaRPA-1 e ...


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O Herpesvírus associado ao sarcoma de Kaposi (KSHV), ou Herpesvírus Humano tipo 8 (HHV-8), é o agente etiológico do sarcoma de Kaposi (SK), uma neoplasia maligna vascular. O ciclo biológico do KSHV apresenta duas fases, denominadas ciclo latente e ciclo lítico (ou produtivo). O ciclo latente é marcado pela expressão de um número reduzido de genes virais, com destaque para LANA e vFLIP. No ciclo lítico ocorre a replicação do genoma viral e a produção de novas partículas virais infecciosas; dentre seus principais produtos destacam-se as proteínas Rta, vGPCR e K1. LANA, vFLIP, vGPCR e K1 apresentam propriedades oncogênicas relatadas na literatura, enquanto Rta têm papel importante na regulação da transição entre os ciclos lítico e latente do KSHV. O KSHV é requerido para o desenvolvimento do SK. No entanto, a infecção pelo vírus não é suficiente para o desenvolvimento da doença. Por outro lado, sabe-se que o HIV é um co-fator importante, que favorece o desenvolvimento dessa neoplasia. Sugere-se que a proteína tat do HIV-1 amplifica a infectividade do KSHV, hiper-regulando a expressão de diferentes genes herpesvirais e colaborando para o crescimento e sobrevivência de células endoteliais que compõem as lesões do SK. A fim de contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos efeitos da proteína tat do HIV-1 em células infectadas pelo KSHV, o presente trabalho descreveu eventuais alterações na expressão dos genes codificadores de vFLIP, LANA, vGPCR, Rta e K1 em células endoteliais de veia umbilical humana imortalizada pela telomerase e infectada pelo KSHV a longo prazo (TIVE-LTCs) expostas à proteína tat do HIV-1 produzida por células linfóides T (CLTs) em co-cultivo. Células Jurkat contendo ou não vetor da proteína tat do HIV-1 foram utilizadas como CLTs e co-cultivadas com TIVE-LTCs por 48, 72 e 96 horas. Após extração do RNA total das...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A leishmaniose é uma doença que atinge milhões de pessoas no mundo e, de acordo com a FUNASA, está se espalhando por todas as regiões do Brasil. O tratamento desta zoonose é ineficaz, pois os fármacos utilizados apresentam muitos efeitos colaterais e colaboram com o aparecimento de parasitas e vetores resistentes. Portanto um maior conhecimento sobre a biologia molecular destes protozoários poderá facilitar o descobrimento de novas terapias e desenvolvimento de drogas antiparasitárias. O complexo telomérico é formado pela interação de DNA com proteínas, sendo que estas últimas podem também interagir entre si. A proteína RPA de eucariotos compreende um complexo trimérico subdividido em três subunidades. Este cumpre independentemente ou juntamente com outras proteínas diversas funções vitais para a célula, entre elas, auxiliar na manutenção dos telômeros e ajudar a recrutar a telomerase. Além disso, ela parece ser um dos principais componentes do complexo de proteínas que interagem com o terminal simples fita telomérico de protozoários tripanosomatídeos. Curiosamente, em Leishmania spp., as subunidades 2 e 3, ao contrário da subunidade 1 da RPA, não fazem parte do complexo telomérico. Portanto a LaRPA-1 pode apresentar comportamentos peculiares quando comparada a RPA dos outros eucariotos, e se tornar um importante alvo ao se estudar a biologia molecular do parasita. Este trabalho tem como objetivo clonar, expressar e purificar os três diferentes mutantes truncados da proteína LaRPA-1 para, futuramente, utilizar-se estas proteínas recombinantes como ligantes em ensaios de interação proteína:proteína, visando mapear possíveis sítios ou domínios na proteína LaRPA-1.O gene que codifica LaRPA-1 já encontrava-se clonado e sequenciado no laboratório de Telômeros da UNESP de Botucatu....(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Mutations in the coding region of telomerase complex genes can result in accelerated telomere attrition and human disease. Manifestations of telomere disease include the bone marrow failure syndromes dyskeratosis congenita and aplastic anemia, acute myeloid leukemia, liver cirrhosis, and pulmonary fibrosis. Here, we describe a mutation in the CCAAT box (GCAAT) of the TERC gene promoter in a family in which multiple members had typical features of telomeropathy. The genetic alteration in this critical regulatory sequence resulted in reduced reporter gene activity and absent binding of transcription factor NF-Y, likely responsible for reduced TERC levels, decreased telomerase activity, and short telomeres. This is the first description of a pathogenic mutation in the highly con-served CCAAT box and the first instance of a mutation in the promoter region of TERC producing a telomeropathy. We propose that current mutation-screening strategies should include gene promoter regions for the diagnosis of telomere diseases. This clinical trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT00071045. (Blood. 2012;119(13):3060-3063)


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B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1 (Bmi-1) is a Polycomb group protein that is able to induce telomerase activity, enabling the immortalization of epithelial cells. Immortalized cells are more susceptible to double-strand breaks (DSB), which are subsequently repaired by homologous recombination (HR). BRCA1 is among the HR regulatory genes involved in the response to DNA damage associated with the RAD51 protein, which accumulates in DNA damage foci after signaling H2AX, another important marker of DNA damage. Topoisomerase III beta (topoIII beta) removes HR intermediates before chromosomal segregation, preventing damage to cellular DNA structure. In breast carcinomas positive for BMI-1 the role of proteins involved in HR remains to be investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between BMI-1 and homologous recombination proteins. Using tissue microarrays containing 239 cases of primary breast tumors, the expression of Bmi-1, BRCA-1, H2AX, Rad51, p53, Ki-67, topoIII beta, estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PR), and HER-2 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. We observed high Bmi-1 expression in 66 cases (27.6%). Immunohistochemical overexpression of BMI-1 was related to ER (p=0.004), PR (p<0.001), Ki-67 (p<0.001), p53 (p=0.003), BRCA1 (p=0.003), H2AX (p=0.024) and topoIII beta (p<0,001). Our results show a relationship between the expression of BMI-1 and HR regulatory genes, suggesting that Bmi-1 overexpression might be an important event in HR regulation. However, further studies are necessary to understand the mechanisms in which Bmi-1 could regulate HR pathways in invasive ductal breast carcinomas.


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In this study, we demonstrated the importance of telomerase protein expression and determined the relationships among telomerase, endothelin-1 (ET-1) and myofibroblasts during early and late remodeling of parenchymal and vascular areas in usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) using 27 surgical lung biopsies from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Telomerase+, myofibroblasts alpha-SMA+, smooth muscle cells caldesmon+, endothelium ET-1+ cellularity, and fibrosis severity were evaluated in 30 fields covering normal lung parenchyma, minimal fibrosis (fibroblastic foci), severe ( mural) fibrosis, and vascular areas of UIP by the point-counting technique and a semiquantitative score. The impact of these markers was determined in pulmonary functional tests and follow-up until death from IPF. Telomerase and ET-1 expression was significantly increased in normal and vascular areas compared to areas of fibroblast foci. Telomerase and ET-1 expression was inversely correlated with minimal fibrosis in areas of fibroblast foci and directly associated with severe fibrosis in vascular areas. Telomerase activity in minimal fibrosis areas was directly associated with diffusing capacity of the lung for oxygen/alveolar volume and ET-1 expression and indirectly associated with diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide and severe fibrosis in vascular areas. Cox proportional hazards regression revealed a low risk of death for females with minimal fibrosis displaying high telomerase and ET-1 expression in normal areas. Vascular dysfunction by telomerase/ET-1 expression was found earlier than vascular remodeling by myofibroblast activation in UIP with impact on IPF evolution, suggesting that strategies aimed at preventing the effect of these mediators may have a greater impact on patient outcome.


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Short tandem DNA repeats and telomerase compose the telomere structure in the vast majority of eukaryotic organisms. However, such a conserved organisation has not been found in dipterans. While telomeric DNA in Drosophila is composed of specific retrotransposons, complex terminal tandem repeats are present in chromosomes of Anopheles and chironomid species. In the sciarid Rhynchosciara americana, short repeats (16 and 22 bp long) tandemly arrayed seem to reach chromosome ends. Moreover, in situ hybridisation data using homopolymeric RNA probes suggested in this species the existence of a third putative chromosome end repeat enriched with (dA).(dT) homopolymers. In this work, chromosome micro-dissection and PCR primed by homopolymeric primers were employed to clone these repeats. Named T-14 and 93 % AT-rich, the repetitive unit is 14 bp long and appears organised in tandem arrays. It is localised in five non-centromeric ends and in four interstitial bands of R. americana chromosomes. To date, T-14 is the shortest repeat that has been characterised in chromosome ends of dipterans. As observed for short tandem repeats identified previously in chromosome ends of R. americana, the T-14 probe hybridised to bridges connecting non-homologous polytene chromosome ends, indicative of close association of T-14 repeats with the very end of the chromosomes. The results of this work suggest that R. americana represents an additional example of organism provided with more than one DNA sequence that is able to reach chromosome termini.


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Objective: To investigate, in male Wistar rats, the effects of long-term moderate red wine (RW) consumption (equivalent to similar to 0.15 mg% resveratrol RS), or RS in low (L, 0.15 mg%) or high (H, 400 mg%) doses in chow. Background: Both RW and RS exhibit cardioprotection. RS extends lifespan in obese rats. It is unclear whether RW consumption or low-dose RS delay vascular aging and prolong life span in the absence of overt risk factors. Methods: Endpoints were aerobic performance, exercise capacity, aging biomarkers (p53,p16,p21, telomere length and telomerase activity in aortic homogenates), vascular reactivity. Data were compared with controls (C) given regular chow. Results: Expressions of p53 decreased similar to 50% similar to with RW and LRS (p < 0.05 vs. C), p16 by similar to 29% with RW (p < 0.05 vs. C) and p21 was unaltered. RW and LRS increased telomere length >6.5-fold vs. C, and telomerase activity increased with LRS and HRS. All treatments increased aerobic capacity (C 32.5 +/- 1.2, RW 38.7 + 1.7, LRS 38.5 + 1.6, HRS 38.3 + 1.8 mlO2 min(-1) kg(-1)), and RW or LRS also improved time of exercise tolerance vs. C (p < 0.05). Endothelium-dependent relaxation improved with all treatments vs. C. Life span, however, was unaltered with each treatment vs. C = 673 +/- 30 days, p = NS. Conclusions: RW and LRS can preserve vascular function indexes in normal rats, although not extending life span. These effects were translated into better aerobic performance and exercise capacity. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third highest cause of cancer death worldwide. In general, the disease is diagnosed at an advanced stage when potentially curative therapies are no longer feasible. For this reason, it is very important to develop new therapeutic approaches. Retinoic acid (RA) is a natural derivative of vitamin A that regulates important biological processes including cell proliferation and differentiation. In vitro studies have shown that RA is effective in inhibiting growth of HCC cells; however, responsiveness to treatment varies among different HCC cell lines. The objective of the present study was to determine if the combined use of RA (0.1 µM) and cAMP (1 mM), an important second messenger, improves the responsiveness of HCC cells to RA treatment. We evaluated the proliferative behavior of an HCC cell line (HTC) and the expression profile of genes related to cancer signaling pathway (ERK and GSK-3β) and liver differentiation (E-cadherin, connexin 26 (Cx26), and Cx32). RA and cAMP were effective in inhibiting the proliferation of HTC cells independently of combined use. However, when a mixture of RA and cAMP was used, the signals concerning the degree of cell differentiation were increased. As demonstrated by Western blot, the treatment increased E-cadherin, Cx26, Cx32 and Ser9-GSK-3β (inactive form) expression while the expression of Cx43, Tyr216-GSK-3β (active form) and phosphorylated ERK decreased. Furthermore, telomerase activity was inhibited along treatment. Taken together, the results showed that the combined use of RA and cAMP is more effective in inducing differentiation of HTC cells.