943 resultados para TE and TM modes


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Early in his landmark ecocritical book The Comedy of Survival, Joseph Meeker develops an intriguing hypothesis about human behaviour. He remarks the species Homo sapiens tend to behave like an invasive or pioneering organism, entering a bio-geographical region and aggressively outcompeting all other species for space and resources. Moreover, he suggests, human cultural traditions, at least in the West, have reinforced such behaviour, continually insisting that the impulses he describes are both necessary and right. While Meeker's work goes on to assess a number of literary works in both the tragic and comic modes, his work never fully explores this hypothesis in the context of human pioneers; that is, there is no ~xploration o( how these themes manifest themselves within our culture and what role they might play in the culture of specific pioneering groups. This project is an attempt at just such an analysis, examining the validity of Meeker's hypothesis through a case study of settler literature in Upper Canada/Ontario between the . years 1800-1867. It explores Meeker's work within three main areas: first, Chapter Two situates his book historically within the field of ecocriticism, showing what came before and the explosion of ecocritical inquiry that followed its release. This chapter also delves into the rift between the natural sciences and humanities, arguing that a move towards deeper interdisciplinarity is r:tecessary for the future. Chapter Three examines the biological and ecological ground on which Meeker rests his hypothesis through exploring evolutionary biology as well as invasive and pioneer species behaviour. Lastly, Chapter Four examines how these ecological principles are manifested in the writings of early Canadian settlers, suggesting that Meeker's hypothesis indeed finds itself on stable footing.


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Introduction Man can be described as the being who shows himself in speech, and from birth to death is continually speaking. Communication is so close to us, so woven into our very being, that we have little understanding of the way it is constituted; for it is as hard to obtain distance from communication as it is to obtain distance from ourselves. All communication is not alike. There are two basic modesl of communication, the inauthentic and the authentic, between which there occurs a constant tension. It is in the inauthentic mode, points out Heidegger, that we find ourselves "proximately and for the most part"; 1. Being and Time, pg. 68 Dasein decides as to the way it will comport itself in taking up its task of having being as an issue for it. " •.• it~, in its very being 'choose' itself and win itself; it can also lose itself and never win itself or only "seem" to do so. But only in so far as it is essentially something which can be authentic--that is, something of its own--can it have lost itself and not yet won itself." 2. therefore Heidegger also terms it "everydayness".2 Caught up in the world of everydayness, our speaking covers over and conceals3 our rootedness in being, leaving us in the darkness of untruth. The image of darkness may be inferred from Heidegger's use of the image of "clearing,,4 to depict being as 2. ibid. pg. 69 "Dasein's average everydayness, however, is not to be taken as a mere 'aspect'. Here too, and even in the mode of inauthenticity, the structure of existentiality lies ~ priori and here too Dasein's being is an issue for it in a definite way; and Dasein comports itself towards it the mode of average everydayness, even if this is only the mode of fleeing in the face of it and forgetfulness thereof." 3. ibid. pg. 59 "covering over" and "concealing" are 1;yays Dasein tries to flee its task of having being as an issue for itself. " ••• This being can be covered up so extensively that it becomes forgotten and no question arises about it or its meaning ••• n How everyday speaking accomplishes this will be taken up in detail in the second chapter which explores Dasein's everyday speech. 4. ibid, pg. 171 lI ••• we have in mind nothing other than the Existential - ontological structure of this entity (Dasein), that it is in such a way as to be its 'there'. To say that it is -' illuminated' [tlerleuchtet"] means that as Being-in-theworld it is cleared [gelichtetJ in itself7 not through any other entity, but in such a way that it is itself the clearing. Only for an entity which is eXistentially cleared in this way does what is present-at-hand become accessible in the light or hidden in the dark •••• " 3 dis-coveredness and truth. Our first task will be to explore the nature of communication in general and then to explore each of the modes manifested in turn. The structure of the inauthentic mode of communication can be explored by asking the following questions: What is this speaking about? Who is it that is speaking and who is spoken to? Does this speaking show man in his speech? The authentic mode is distinguished by the rarity with which we encounter it; as the inauthentic conceals, so the authentic reveals our rootedness in being. Yet this rarity makes it difficult to delineate its elusive structure clearly. Its constituent elements can be brought into focus by asking the same questions of this mode that we previously asked of the inauthentic mode. Our initial response to the disclosure of the authentic mode is to attempt to abandon the inauthentic mode and leave the darkness behind dwelling only in the "lighted place". All through the ages, some men pushing this to extreme, have, upon uncovering their relatedness to being, experienced a deep longing to dwell in such a "place" of pure truth and oft times denigrated or attempted to exclude the everyday world. Such 4. flight is twice mistaken: first it atbempts to fix truth as unchanging and static and secondly, it opposes this to untruth which it seeks to abolish. This is both the wrong view of truth and the wrong view of untruth as Heidegger points out in The Origin of The-Work of Art: The Way-to-be of truth, i.e., of discoveredness, is under the sway of refusal. But this refusal is no lack or privation, as if truth could be simply discoveredness rid of all covers. If it could be that, it would no longer be itself . ••• Truth in its way-to-be is untruth.5 Pure light is not the nature of Being nor is pure unconcealedness possible for man. Failure to remember this is the failure to realize that communication destroys itself in such flight because it no longer maintains the contingency of its task, i.e., the dis-closedness of being. We are reminded of the strong attraction this flight from darkness held for Plato. Light, truth and Being are all beyond the darkness and have nothing to do with it. In Book VII of the R~public, Socrates' explanation of the Allegory of the Cave to Glaucon points to a decided preference men have for the "lighted place". 5. The Origin Of The Work Of Art, pg. 42 5. Come then, I said, and join me in this further thought, and do not be surprised that those who attained to this height are not willing to occupy themselves with the affairs of men, but their souls ever feel the upward urge and yearning for that sojourn above. For this, I take it, is likely if in this point too the likeliness of our image holds. 6 Despite the attraction to pure truth, human communication is more complex than putting down one mode of communication and picking up another. Due to the fact that we are always on the way, the title of my thesis will have to be amended: OUT OF THE DARKNESS AND INTO THE LIGHT--AGAIN AND AGAIN. It must be this way because this is what it means to be human. This is the point made by Mephisto to Faust in pointing out that man, standing between God and the devil, needs both darkness and light: Er findet sich in einem ewigen Gl~t Uns hat er in die Finsternis gebracht, Und euch taugt einzig Tag und Nacht. 7 6. Republic z (517 c & d) It should be noted however, that while the philosopherking must be compelled to return to the cave for purely political reasons, once he has taken adequate view of the "brightest region of being" he has the full truth and his return to darkness adds nothing to the truth. 7. Faust, pg. 188 6. This thesis proposes to examine the grounds that give rise to communication, uncovering the structure of its inauthentic and authentic modes and paying close attention to tpeir interrelationship and to their relationship to language as "the house of Being": language that both covers and opens up man's rootedness in Being, transforming him as he moves along his way, taking up his "ownmost task" of becoming who he is. roots. He is the being who shows himself inn that reflects his forgetfulness or remembrance of his rootedness in being. Man comes into an already existent world and is addressedl through things in the world which are c


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The fragmentation behavior of aryltin compounds [(p-ThAnis)nSnPh4.n (n=l-4); (p-ThAnis)3SnX (X=C1, Br, I); (o-CH30C6H4)3SnCl; Ph3Sn(o-pyr)] have been studied comparatively under EI and FAB ionization modes. Alkali halides were run under FAB mode. For the aryltin compounds, the effect of ligand type on the spectra have been explored in both EI and FAB modes. The fragmentation mechanisms have been examined with linked scans, such as fragment ion scans (B/E) and parent ion scans (B^/E). Ab Initio molecular orbital calculations were used to determine the structures of the fragments by comparing their relative stabilities. In the EI MS studies, negative ion EI mode has also been used for some of the aryltin compounds, to examine the possible ion molecule reactions under low pressures at 70eV. In the positive ion FAB MS studies, matrix optimization experiments have been carried out. Negative ion FAB experiments of all the compounds have been done in two different ways. Finally, the comparison of the two methods, EI MS and FAB MS, have been made.For alkali halides, the studies focused on the FAB MS behavior under different conditions. The intensities of cluster ions were reported, and the anomalies in the intensity distribution was also discussed.


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In 1997, Paul Gilroy was able to write: "I have been asking myself, whatever happened to breakdancing" (21), a form of vernacular dance associated with urban youth that emerged in the 1970s. However, in the last decade, breakdancing has experienced a massive renaissance in movies (You Got Served), commercials ("Gotta Have My Pops!") and documentaries (the acclaimed Freshest Kids). In this thesis, 1 explore the historical development of global b-boy/bgirl culture through a qualitative study involving dancers and their modes of communication. Widespread circulation of breakdancing images peaked in the mid-1980s, and subsequently b-boy/b-girl culture largely disappeared from the mediated landscape. The dance did not reemerge into the mainstream of North American popular culture until the late 1990s. 1 argue that the development of major transnational networks between b-boys and b-girls during the 1990s was a key factor in the return of 'b-boying/b-girling' (known formerly as breakdancing). Street dancers toured, traveled and competed internationally throughout this decade. They also began to create 'underground' video documentaries and travel video 'magazines.' These video artefacts circulated extensively around the globe through alternative distribution channels (including the backpacks of traveling dancers). 1 argue that underground video artefacts helped to produce 'imagined affinities' between dancers in various nations. Imagined affinities are identifications expressed by a cultural producer who shares an embodied activity with other practitioners through either mediated texts or travels through new places. These 'imagined affinities' helped to sustain b-boy/b-girl culture by generating visual/audio representations of popularity for the dance movement across geographical regions.


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The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between shyness and acculturation modes of Chinese immigrant youth in Canada and whether shyness moderates the relationship between acculturation and adaptation. In addition, I examined whether shyness, in conjunction with sociability, moderates the relationship between acculturation and adaptation. Ninety-nine young Chinese immigrants (42 men), ranging in age from 16 to 26 years old, completed a questionnaire that assessed their demographic information, acculturation modes, shyness, sociability, psychological adaptation Oife satisfaction, self-esteem, and depression), and socio-cultural adaptation. Results showed that Chinese orientation was significantly and negatively correlated with age, generation status, English proficiency, and length of residence in Canada. In contrast, Canadian orientation was significantly and positively correlated with generation status, English proficiency, and length of residence in Canada. Canadian orientation was also significantly and negatively correlated with shyness and positively correlated with sociability and psychological and socio-cultural adaptation. Participants who were shyer were more likely to have poorer psychological and socio-cultural adaptation, and to report lower life satisfaction and self-esteem and higher depression. Results from hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that Chinese immigrant youth who were separated had higher scores on shyness than those who were integrated and assimilated. There were no significant differences in shyness between youth who were separated and youth who were marginalized, nor were there differences between youth who were integrated and those who were assimilated. Furthermore, integrated Chinese youth reported significantly higher scores in sociability than those who were separated and marginalized but not significantly higher than those who were assimilated.' Shyness did not moderate the relationship between acculturation modes and psychological and socio-cultural adaptation. Unfortunately, the hypothesis to examine if shyness, in combination with sociability, moderated the relationship between acculturation and psychological adaptation could not be tested in the present study because of limitations in cell sizes. The findings suggested that how Chinese immigrant youth acculturate in the receiving country might not be the crucial factor in determining their adaptation. Instead, other factors, such as personality characteristics and nature of the acculturating group, may playa more crucial role. Shyness may have important ramifications for the acculturation and adaptation of young Chinese immigrants to a new society.


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Les métaux lourds (ML) s’accumulent de plus en plus dans les sols à l’échelle mondiale, d’une part à cause des engrais minéraux et divers produits chimiques utilisés en agriculture intensive, et d’autre part à cause des activités industrielles. Toutes ces activités génèrent des déchets toxiques qui s’accumulent dans l’environnement. Les ML ne sont pas biodégradables et leur accumulation cause donc des problèmes de toxicité des sols et affecte la biodiversité des microorganismes qui y vivent. La fertilisation en azote (N) est une pratique courante en agriculture à grande échelle qui permet d’augmenter la fertilité des sols et la productivité des cultures. Cependant, son utilisation à long terme cause plusieurs effets néfastes pour l'environnement. Par exemple, elle augmente la quantité des ML dans les sols, les nappes phréatiques et les plantes. En outre, ces effets néfastes réduisent et changent considérablement la biodiversité des écosystèmes terrestres. La structure des communautés des champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules (CMA) a été étudiée dans des sols contaminés par des ML issus de la fertilisation à long terme en N. Le rôle des différentes espèces de CMA dans l'absorption et la séquestration des ML a été aussi investigué. Dans une première expérience, la structure des communautés de CMA a été analysée à partir d’échantillons de sols de sites contaminés par des ML et de sites témoins non-contaminés. Nous avons constaté que la diversité des CMA indigènes a été plus faible dans les sols et les racines des plantes récoltées à partir de sites contaminés par rapport aux sites noncontaminés. Nous avons également constaté que la structure de la communauté d'AMF a été modifiée par la présence des ML dans les sols. Certains ribotypes des CMA ont été plus souvent associés aux sites contaminés, alors que d’autres ribotypes ont été associés aux sites non-contaminés. Cependant, certains ribotypes ont été observés aussi bien dans les sols pollués que non-pollués. Dans une deuxième expérience, les effets de la fertilisation organique et minérale (N) sur les différentes structures des communautés des CMA ont été étudiés. La variation de la structure de la communauté de CMA colonisant les racines a été analysée en fonction du type de fertilisation. Certains ribotypes de CMA étaient associés à la fertilisation organique et d'autres à la fertilisation minérale. En revanche, la fertilisation minérale a réduit le nombre de ribotypes de CMA alors que la fertilisation organique l’a augmenté. Dans cette expérience, j’ai démontré que le changement de structure des communautés de CMA colonisant des racines a eu un effet significatif sur la productivité des plantes. Dans une troisième expérience, le rôle de deux espèces de CMA (Glomus irregulare et G. mosseae) dans l'absorption du cadmium (Cd) par des plants de tournesol cultivés dans des sols amendés avec trois niveaux différents de Cd a été évalué. J’ai démontré que les deux espèces de CMA affectent différemment l’absorption ou la séquestration de ce ML par les plants de tournesol. Cette expérience a permis de mieux comprendre le rôle potentiel des CMA dans l'absorption des ML selon la concentration de cadmium dans le sol et les espèces de CMA. Mes recherches de doctorat démontrent donc que la fertilisation en N affecte la structure des communautés des CMA dans les racines et le sol. Le changement de structure de la communauté de CMA colonisant les racines affecte de manière significative la productivité des plantes. J’ai aussi démontré que, sous nos conditions expériemntales, l’espèce de CMA G. irregulare a été observée dans tous les sites (pollués et non-pollués), tandis que le G. mosseae n’a été observé en abondance que dans les sites contaminés. Par conséquent, j’ai étudié le rôle de ces deux espèces (G. irregulare et G. mosseae) dans l'absorption du Cd par le tournesol cultivé dans des sols amendés avec trois différents niveaux de Cd en serre. Les résultats indiquent que les espèces de CMA ont un potentiel différent pour atténuer la toxicité des ML dans les plantes hôtes, selon le niveau de concentration en Cd. En conclusion, mes travaux suggèrent que le G. irregulare est une espèce potentiellement importante pour la phytoextration du Cd, alors que le G. mosseae pourrait être une espèce appropriée pour phytostabilisation du Cd et du Zn.


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In this thesis T-policy is implemented to the inventory system with random lead time and also repair in the reliability of k-out-of-n system. Inventory system may be considered as the system of keeping records of the amounts of commodities in stock. Reliability is defined as the ability of an entity to perform a required function under given conditions for a given time interval. It is measured by the probability that an entity E can perform a required function under given conditions for the time interval. In this thesis considered k-out-of-n system with repair and two modes of service under T-policy. In this case first server is available always and second server is activated on elapse of T time units. The lead time is exponentially distributed with parameter  and T is exponentially distributed with parameter  from the epoch at which it was inactivated after completion of repair of all failed units in the previous cycle, or the moment n-k failed units accumulate. The repaired units are assumed to be as good as new. In this study , three different situations, ie; cold system, warm system and hot system. A k-out-of-n system is called cold, warm or hot according as the functional units do not fail, fail at a lower rate or fail at the same rate when system is shown as that when it is up.


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Investigations on the fracture behaviour of polymer blends is the topic of this thesis. The blends selected are PP/HDPE and PS/HIPS. PP/HDPE blend is chosen due to its commercial importance and PS/HIPS blend is selected to study the transition from brittle fracture to ductile fracture.PP/HDPE blends were prepared at different compositions by melt blending at 180°C and fracture failure process was investigated by conducting notch sensitivity test and tensile test at different strain rates. The effects of two types of modifiers (particulate and elastomer) on the fracture behaviour and notch sensitivity of PP/HDPE blends were studied. The modifiers used are calcium carbonate, a hard particulate filler commonly used in plastics and Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM). They were added in 2%, 4% and 6% by weight of the blends.The study shows that the mechanical properties of PP/HDPE blends can be optimized by selecting proper blend compositions. The selected modifiers are found to alter and improve the fracture behaviour and notch sensitivity of the blends. Particulate fillers like calcium carbonate can be used for making the mechanical behaviour more stable at the various blend compositions. The resistance to notch sensitivity of the blends is found to be marginally lower in the presence of calcium carbonate. The elastomeric modifier EPDM produces a better stability of the mechanical behaviour. A low concentration of EPDM is sufficient to effect such a change. EPDM significantly improves the resistance to notch sensitivity of the blends. The study shows that judicious selection of modifiers can improve the fracture behaviour and notch sensitivity of PP/HDPE blends and help these materials to be used for critical applications.For investigating the transition in fracture behaviour and failure modes, PS/HIPS blends were selected. The blends were prepared by melt mixing followed by injection moulding to prepare the specimens for conducting tensile, impact and flexure tests. These tests were used to simulate the various conditions which promote failure.The tensile behaviour of unnotched and notched PS/HIPS blend samples were evaluated at slow speeds. Tensile strengths and moduli were found to increase at the higher testing speed for all the blend combinations whereas maximum strain at break was found to decrease. For a particular speed of testing, the tensile strength and modulus show only a very slight decrease as HIPS content is increased up to about 40%. However, there is a drastic decrease on increasing the HIPS content thereafter.The maximum strain at break shows only a very slight change up to about 40% HIPS content and thereafter shows a remarkable increase. The notched specimens also follow a comparable trend even though the notch sensitivity is seen high for PS rich blends containing up to 40% HIPS. The notch sensitivity marginally decreases with increase in HIPS content. At the same time, it is found to increase with the increase in strain rate. It is observed that blends containing more than 40% HIPS fail in ductile mode.The impact characteristics of PSIHIPS blends studied were impact strength, the energy absorbed by the test specimen and impact toughness. Remarkable increase in impact strength is observed as HIPS content in the blend exceeds 40%. The energy absorbed by the test specimens and the impact toughness also show a comparable trend.Flexural testing which helps to characterize the load bearing capacity was conducted on PS/HIPS blend samples at the two different testing speeds of 5mmlmin and 10 mm/min. The flexural strength increases with increase in testing speed for all the blend compositions. At both the speeds, remarkable reduction in flexural strength is observed as HIPS content in the blend exceeds 40%. The flexural strain and flexural energy absorbed by the specimens are found to increase with increase in HIPS content. At both the testing speeds, brittle fracture is observed for PS rich blends whereas HIPS rich blends show ductile mode of failure.Photoelastic investigations were conducted on PS/HIPS blend samples to analyze their failure modes. A plane polariscope with a broad source of light was utilized for the study. The coloured isochromatic fringes formed indicate the presence of residual stress concentration in the blend samples. The coverage made by the fringes on the test specimens varies with the blend composition and it shows a reducing trend with the increase in HIPS content. This indicates that the presence of residual stress is a contributing factor leading to brittle fracture in PS rich blends and this tendency gradually falls with increase in HIPS content and leads to their ductile mode of failure.


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The longitudinal dipole response of a quantum dot has been calculated in the far-infrared regime using local-spin-density-functional theory. We have studied the coupling between the collective spin and density modes as a function of the magnetic field. We have found that the spin dipole mode and single-particle excitations have a sizable overlap, and that the magnetoplasmon modes can be excited by the dipole spin operator if the dot is spin polarized. The frequency of the dipole spin edge mode presents an oscillation which is clearly filling factor (v) related. We have found that the spin dipole mode is especially soft for even-n values. Results for selected numbers of electrons and confining potentials are discussed.


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Analytical expressions for the Green’s function of an annular elliptical ring microstrip antenna (AERMA) are developed and reported. The modal, radiation and input impedance characteristics of the TM, modes are determined from these expressions. The resonant frequencies of odd modes are greater than that of the even modes for all TMnl modes (n = 1, 2, 3, ...) udke elliptical microstrip structures. The radiation pattern and input imedance curves of TMI2 mode on comparison with available experimental result shows good agreement whch provides an independent validation to this technique. The performance of the AERMA is then investigated as a function of thickness and substrate dielectric permittivity.


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Raman and FTIR spectra of [Cu(H2O)6](BrO3)2 and [Al(H2O)6](BrO3)3 · 3H2O are recorded and analyzed. The observed bands are assigned on the basis of BrO3 − and H2O vibrations. Additional bands obtained in the region of 3 and 1 modes in [Cu(H2O)6](BrO3)2 are due to the lifting of degeneracy of 3 modes, since the BrO3 − ion occupies a site of lower symmetry. The appearance 1 mode of BrO3 − anion at a lower wavenumber (771 cm−1) is attributed to the attachment of hydrogen to the BrO3 − anion. The presence of three inequivalent bromate groups in the [Al(H2O)6](BrO3)3 · 3H2O structure is confirmed. The lifting of degeneracy of 4 mode indicates that the symmetry of BrO3 − anion is lowered in the above crystal from C3v to C1. The appearance of additional bands in the stretching and bonding mode regions of water indicates the presence of hydrogen bonds of different strengths in both the crystals. Temperature dependent Raman spectra of single crystal [Cu(H2O)6](BrO3)2 are recorded in the range 77–523 K for various temperatures. A small structural rearrangement takes place in BrO3 − ion in the crystal at 391 K. Hydrogen bounds in the crystal are rearranging themselves leading to the loss of one water molecule at 485 K. This is preceded by the reorientation of BrO3 − ions causing a phase transition at 447 K. Changes in intensities and wavenumbers of the bands and the narrowing down of the bands at 77 K are attributed to the settling down of protons into ordered positions in the crystal


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FTIR and Raman spectra of FeClMoO4 single crystal and polycrystalline Na2MoO4, Na2MoO4·2H2O and Na2MoO4·2D2O are recorded and analysed. The band positions for different modes suggest that MoO4 tetrahedron is more distorted in FeClMoO4. The larger splitting observed for the bending modes and partial retention of degeneracy of the asymmetric stretching mode indicate that angular distortion is greater than liner distortion in MoO4 2 ion in FeClMoO4 confirming x-ray data. The non-appearance of the n1 and n2 modes in the IR and partial retention of the degeneracies of various modes show that MoO4 2 ion retains Td symmetry in Na2MoO4. Wavenumber values of the n1 mode indicate that the distortion of MoO4 tetrahedra in the four crystals are in the order FeClMoO4\ Na2MoO4·2H2O\Na2MoO4·2D2O\Na2MoO4. The water bands suggest the presence of two crystallographically distinct water molecules in Na2MoO4·2H2O. They form strong hydrogen bonds


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Sweden’s recent report on Urban Sustainable Development calls out a missing link between the urban design process and citizens. This paper investigates if engaging citizens as design agents by providing a platform for alternate participation can bridge this gap, through the transfer of spatial agency and new modes of critical cartography. To assess whether this is the case, the approaches are applied to Stockholm’s urban agriculture movement in a staged intervention. The aim of the intervention was to engage citizens in locating existing and potential places for growing food and in gathering information from these sites to inform design in urban agriculture. The design-based methodologies incorporated digital and bodily interfaces for this cartography to take place. The Urban CoMapper, a smartphone digital app, captured real-time perspectives through crowd-sourced mapping. In the bodily cartography, participant’s used their bodies to trace the site and reveal their sensorial perceptions. The data gathered from these approaches gave way to a mode of artistic research for exploring urban agriculture, along with inviting artists to be engaged in the dialogues. In sum, results showed that a combination of digital and bodily approaches was necessary for a critical cartography if we want to engage citizens holistically into the urban design process as spatial agents informing urban policy. Such methodologies formed a reflective interrogation and encouraged a new intimacy with nature, in this instance, one that can transform our urban conduct by questioning our eating habits: where we get our food from and how we eat it seasonally.


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What is the relationship between the type of training combatants receive upon recruitment into an armed group and their propensity to abuse civilians in civil war? Does military training or political training prevent or exacerbate the victimization of civilians by armed non-state actors? While the literature on civilian victimization has expanded rapidly, few studies have examined the correlation between abuse of civilians and the modes of training that illegal armed actors receive. Using a simple formal model, we develop hypotheses regarding this connection and argue that while military training should not decrease the probability that a combatant engages in civilian abuse, political training should. We test these hypotheses using a new survey consisting of a representative sample of approximately 1,500 demobilized combatants from the Colombian conflict, which we match with department-level data on civilian casualties. The empirical analysis confirms our hypotheses about the connection between training and civilian abuse and the results are robust to adding a full set of controls both at the department and at the individual level


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Two experiments examined the learning of a set of Greek pronunciation rules through explicit and implicit modes of rule presentation. Experiment 1 compared the effectiveness of implicit and explicit modes of presentation in two modalities, visual and auditory. Subjects in the explicit or rule group were presented with the rule set, and those in the implicit or natural group were shown a set of Greek words, composed of letters from the rule set, linked to their pronunciations. Subjects learned the Greek words to criterion and were then given a series of tests which aimed to tap different types of knowledge. The results showed an advantage of explicit study of the rules. In addition, an interaction was found between mode of presentation and modality. Explicit instruction was more effective in the visual than in the auditory modality, whereas there was no modality effect for implicit instruction. Experiment 2 examined a possible reason for the advantage of the rule groups by comparing different combinations of explicit and implicit presentation in the study and learning phases. The results suggested that explicit presentation of the rules is only beneficial when it is followed by practice at applying them.