840 resultados para Swarm optimization
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This thesis proposes an architecture of a new multiagent system framework for hybridization of metaheuristics inspired on the general Particle Swarm Optimization framework (PSO). The main contribution is to propose an effective approach to solve hard combinatory optimization problems. The choice of PSO as inspiration was given because it is inherently multiagent, allowing explore the features of multiagent systems, such as learning and cooperation techniques. In the proposed architecture, particles are autonomous agents with memory and methods for learning and making decisions, using search strategies to move in the solution space. The concepts of position and velocity originally defined in PSO are redefined for this approach. The proposed architecture was applied to the Traveling Salesman Problem and to the Quadratic Assignment Problem, and computational experiments were performed for testing its effectiveness. The experimental results were promising, with satisfactory performance, whereas the potential of the proposed architecture has not been fully explored. For further researches, the proposed approach will be also applied to multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems, which are closer to real-world problems. In the context of applied research, we intend to work with both students at the undergraduate level and a technical level in the implementation of the proposed architecture in real-world problems
Due to great difficulty of accurate solution of Combinatorial Optimization Problems, some heuristic methods have been developed and during many years, the analysis of performance of these approaches was not carried through in a systematic way. The proposal of this work is to make a statistical analysis of heuristic approaches to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The focus of the analysis is to evaluate the performance of each approach in relation to the necessary computational time until the attainment of the optimal solution for one determined instance of the TSP. Survival Analysis, assisted by methods for the hypothesis test of the equality between survival functions was used. The evaluated approaches were divided in three classes: Lin-Kernighan Algorithms, Evolutionary Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization. Beyond those approaches, it was enclosed in the analysis, a memetic algorithm (for symmetric and asymmetric TSP instances) that utilizes the Lin-Kernighan heuristics as its local search procedure
Combinatorial optimization problems have the goal of maximize or minimize functions defined over a finite domain. Metaheuristics are methods designed to find good solutions in this finite domain, sometimes the optimum solution, using a subordinated heuristic, which is modeled for each particular problem. This work presents algorithms based on particle swarm optimization (metaheuristic) applied to combinatorial optimization problems: the Traveling Salesman Problem and the Multicriteria Degree Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. The first problem optimizes only one objective, while the other problem deals with many objectives. In order to evaluate the performance of the algorithms proposed, they are compared, in terms of the quality of the solutions found, to other approaches
The distribution of petroleum products through pipeline networks is an important problem that arises in production planning of refineries. It consists in determining what will be done in each production stage given a time horizon, concerning the distribution of products from source nodes to demand nodes, passing through intermediate nodes. Constraints concerning storage limits, delivering time, sources availability, limits on sending or receiving, among others, have to be satisfied. This problem can be viewed as a biobjective problem that aims at minimizing the time needed to for transporting the set of packages through the network and the successive transmission of different products in the same pipe is called fragmentation. This work are developed three algorithms that are applied to this problem: the first algorithm is discrete and is based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), with local search procedures and path-relinking proposed as velocity operators, the second and the third algorithms deal of two versions based on the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II). The proposed algorithms are compared to other approaches for the same problem, in terms of the solution quality and computational time spent, so that the efficiency of the developed methods can be evaluated
The separation methods are reduced applications as a result of the operational costs, the low output and the long time to separate the uids. But, these treatment methods are important because of the need for extraction of unwanted contaminants in the oil production. The water and the concentration of oil in water should be minimal (around 40 to 20 ppm) in order to take it to the sea. Because of the need of primary treatment, the objective of this project is to study and implement algorithms for identification of polynomial NARX (Nonlinear Auto-Regressive with Exogenous Input) models in closed loop, implement a structural identification, and compare strategies using PI control and updated on-line NARX predictive models on a combination of three-phase separator in series with three hydro cyclones batteries. The main goal of this project is to: obtain an optimized process of phase separation that will regulate the system, even in the presence of oil gushes; Show that it is possible to get optimized tunings for controllers analyzing the mesh as a whole, and evaluate and compare the strategies of PI and predictive control applied to the process. To accomplish these goals a simulator was used to represent the three phase separator and hydro cyclones. Algorithms were developed for system identification (NARX) using RLS(Recursive Least Square), along with methods for structure models detection. Predictive Control Algorithms were also implemented with NARX model updated on-line, and optimization algorithms using PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization). This project ends with a comparison of results obtained from the use of PI and predictive controllers (both with optimal state through the algorithm of cloud particles) in the simulated system. Thus, concluding that the performed optimizations make the system less sensitive to external perturbations and when optimized, the two controllers show similar results with the assessment of predictive control somewhat less sensitive to disturbances
In this paper we deal with the problem of feature selection by introducing a new approach based on Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA). The proposed algorithm combines the optimization behavior of GSA together with the speed of Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) classifier in order to provide a fast and accurate framework for feature selection. Experiments on datasets obtained from a wide range of applications, such as vowel recognition, image classification and fraud detection in power distribution systems are conducted in order to asses the robustness of the proposed technique against Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-based algorithm for feature selection.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este artigo apresenta uma breve revisão de alguns dos mais recentes métodos bioinspirados baseados no comportamento de populações para o desenvolvimento de técnicas de solução de problemas. As metaheurísticas tratadas aqui correspondem às estratégias de otimização por colônia de formigas, otimização por enxame de partículas, algoritmo shuffled frog-leaping, coleta de alimentos por bactérias e colônia de abelhas. Os princípios biológicos que motivaram o desenvolvimento de cada uma dessas estratégias, assim como seus respectivos algoritmos computacionais, são introduzidos. Duas aplicações diferentes foram conduzidas para exemplificar o desempenho de tais algoritmos. A finalidade é enfatizar perspectivas de aplicação destas abordagens em diferentes problemas da área de engenharia.
Although non-technical losses automatic identification has been massively studied, the problem of selecting the most representative features in order to boost the identification accuracy has not attracted much attention in this context. In this paper, we focus on this problem applying a novel feature selection algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Optimum-Path Forest. The results demonstrated that this method can improve the classification accuracy of possible frauds up to 49% in some datasets composed by industrial and commercial profiles. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper proposes a methodology to consider the effects of the integration of DG on planning. Since DG has potential to defer investments in networks, the impact of DG on grid capacity is evaluated. A multi-objective optimization tool based on the meta-heuristic MEPSO is used, supporting an alternative approach to exploiting the Pareto front features. Tests were performed in distinct conditions with two well-known distribution networks: IEEE-34 and IEEE-123. The results combined minimization and maximization in order to produce different Pareto fronts and determine the extent of the impact caused by DG. The analysis provides useful information, such as the identification of futures that should be considered in planning. A future means a set of realizations of all uncertainties. MEPSO also presented a satisfactory performance in obtaining the Pareto fronts. © 2011 IEEE.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente trabalho propõe metodologias para detectar a presença e localizar um intruso em ambientes indoor, 2-D e 3-D, sendo que neste último, utiliza-se um sistema cooperativo de antenas e, em ambos os casos, o sistema é baseado em radares multiestáticos. Para obter uma alta resolução, o radar opera com pulsos UWB, que possuem amplitude espectral máxima em 1 GHz para ambientes 2-D e, pulsos de banda larga com frequências entre 200 MHz e 500 MHz para ambientes 3-D. A estimativa de localização, para os ambientes bidimensionais, é feita pela técnica de otimização Enxame de Partículas - PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization), pelo método de Newton com eliminação de Gauss e pelo método dos mínimos quadrados com eliminação de Gauss. Para o ambiente tridimensional, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia vetorial que estima uma possível região de localização do intruso. Para a simulação das ondas eletromagnéticas se utiliza o método numérico FDTD (Diferenças Finitas no Domínio do Tempo) associado à técnica de absorção UPML (Uniaxial Perfectly Matched Layer) com o objetivo de truncar o domínio de análise simulando uma propagação ao infinito. Para a análise do ambiente em 2-D foi desenvolvido o ACOR-UWB-2-D e para o ambiente 3-D foi utilizado o software LANE SAGS.
Durante o processo de extração do conhecimento em bases de dados, alguns problemas podem ser encontrados como por exemplo, a ausência de determinada instância de um atributo. A ocorrência de tal problemática pode causar efeitos danosos nos resultados finais do processo, pois afeta diretamente a qualidade dos dados a ser submetido a um algoritmo de aprendizado de máquina. Na literatura, diversas propostas são apresentadas a fim de contornar tal dano, dentre eles está a de imputação de dados, a qual estima um valor plausível para substituir o ausente. Seguindo essa área de solução para o problema de valores ausentes, diversos trabalhos foram analisados e algumas observações foram realizadas como, a pouca utilização de bases sintéticas que simulem os principais mecanismos de ausência de dados e uma recente tendência a utilização de algoritmos bio-inspirados como tratamento do problema. Com base nesse cenário, esta dissertação apresenta um método de imputação de dados baseado em otimização por enxame de partículas, pouco explorado na área, e o aplica para o tratamento de bases sinteticamente geradas, as quais consideram os principais mecanismos de ausência de dados, MAR, MCAR e NMAR. Os resultados obtidos ao comprar diferentes configurações do método à outros dois conhecidos na área (KNNImpute e SVMImpute) são promissores para sua utilização na área de tratamento de valores ausentes uma vez que alcançou os melhores valores na maioria dos experimentos realizados.