953 resultados para Suppression tumorale


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Compensation for respiratory motion is needed while administering radiotherapy (RT) to tumors that are moving with respiration to reduce the amount of irradiated normal tissues and potentially decrease radiation-induced collateral damages. The purpose of this study was to test a new ventilation system designed to induce apnea-like suppression of respiratory motion and allow long enough breath hold durations to deliver complex RT. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The High Frequency Percussive Ventilation system was initially tested in a series of 10 volunteers and found to be well tolerated, allowing a median breath hold duration of 11.6min (range 3.9-16.5min). An evaluation of this system was subsequently performed in 4 patients eligible for adjuvant breast 3D conformal RT, for lung stereotactic body RT (SBRT), lung volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT), and VMAT for palliative pleural metastases. RESULTS: When compared to free breathing (FB) and maximal inspiration (MI) gating, this Percussion Assisted RT (PART) offered favorable dose distribution profiles in 3 out of the 4 patients tested. PART was applied in these 3 patients with good tolerance, without breaks during the "beam on time period" throughout the overall courses of RT. The mean duration of the apnea-like breath hold that was necessary for delivering all the RT fractions was 7.61min (SD=2.3). CONCLUSIONS: This first clinical implementation of PART was found to be feasible, tolerable and offers new opportunities in the field of RT for suppressing respiratory motion.


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Le mélanome cutané est un des cancers les plus agressifs et dont l'incidence augmente le plus en Suisse. Une fois métastatique, le pronostic de survie moyenne avec les thérapies actuelles est d'environ huit mois, avec moins de 5% de survie à cinq ans. Les récents progrès effectués dans la compréhension de la biologie de la cellule tumorale mais surtout dans l'importance du système immunitaire dans le contrôle de ce cancer ont permis le développement de nouveaux traitements novateurs et prometteurs. Ces thérapies, appelées immunothérapies, reposent sur la stimulation et l'augmentation de la réponse immunitaire à la tumeur. Alors que les derniers essais cliniques ont démontré l'efficacité de ces traitements chez les patients avec des stades avancés de la maladie, le contrôle de la maladie à long- terme est seulement atteint chez une minorité des patients. La suppression locale et systémique de la réponse immunitaire spécifique anti-tumorale apparaitrait comme une des raisons expliquant la persistance d'un mauvais pronostic clinique chez ces patients. Des études sur les souris ont montré que les vaisseaux lymphatiques joueraient un rôle primordial dans ce processus en induisant une tolérance immune, ce qui permettrait à la tumeur d'échapper au contrôle du système immunitaire et métastatiser plus facilement. Ces excitantes découvertes n'ont pas encore été établi et prouvé chez l'homme. Dans cette thèse, nous montrons pour la première fois que les vaisseaux lymphatiques sont directement impliqués dans la modulation de la réponse immunitaire au niveau local et systémique dans le mélanome chez l'homme. Ces récentes découvertes montrent le potentiel de combiner des thérapies visant le système lymphatique avec les immunothérapies actuellement utilisées afin d'améliorer le pronostic des patients atteint du mélanome. -- Cutaneous melanoma is one of the most invasive and metastatic human cancers and causes 75% of skin cancer mortality. Current therapies such as surgery and chemotherapy fail to control metastatic disease, and relapse occurs frequently due to microscopic residual lesions. It is, thus, essential to develop and optimize novel therapeutic strategies to improve curative responses in these patients. In recent decades, tumor immunologists have revealed the development of spontaneous adaptive immune responses in melanoma patients, leading to the accumulation of highly differentiated tumor-specific T cells at the tumor site. This remains one of the most powerful prognostic markers to date. Immunotherapies that augment the natural function of these tumor-specific T cells have since emerged as highly attractive therapeutic approaches to eliminate melanoma cells. While recent clinical trials have demonstrated great progress in the treatment of advanced stage melanoma, long-term disease control is still only achieved in a minority of patients. Local and systemic immune suppression by the tumor appears to be responsible, in part, for this poor clinical evolution. These facts underscore the need for a better analysis and characterization of immune- related pathways within the tumor microenvironment (TME), as well as at the systemic level. The overall goal of this thesis is, thus, to obtain greater insight into the complexity and heterogeneity of the TME in human melanoma, as well as to investigate immune modulation beyond the TME, which ultimately influences the immune system throughout the whole body. To achieve this, we established two main objectives: to precisely characterize local and systemic immune modulation (i) in untreated melanoma patients and (ii) in patients undergoing peptide vaccination or checkpoint blockade therapy with anti-cytotoxic T- lymphocyte-asisctaed protein-4 (CTLA-4) antibody. In the first and main part of this thesis, we analyzed lymphatic vessels in relation to anti-tumor immune responses in tissues from vaccinated patients using a combination of immunohistochemistry (IHC) techniques, whole slide scanning/analysis, and an automatic quantification system. Strikingly, we found that increased lymphatic vessel density was associated with high expression of immune suppressive molecules, low functionality of tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells and decreased cytokine production by tumor-antigen specific CD8+ T cells in the blood. These data revealed a previously unappreciated local and systemic role of lymphangiogenesis in modulating T cell responses in human cancer and support the use of therapies that target lymphatic vessels combined with existing and future T cell based therapies. In the second objective, we describe a metastatic melanoma patient who developed pulmonary sarcoid-like granulomatosis following repetitive vaccination with peptides and CpG. We demonstrated that the onset of this pulmonary autoimmune adverse event was related to the development of a strong and long-lasting tumor-specific CD8+ T cell response. This constitutes the first demonstration that a new generation tumor vaccine can induce the development of autoimmune adverse events. In the third objective, we assessed the use of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) imaging to identify melanoma cells and lymphocyte subpopulations in lymph node (LN) metastasis tissues, thanks to a fruitful collaboration with researchers in Brussels. We demonstrated that the different cell types in metastatic LNs have different infrared spectral features allowing automated identification of these cells. This technic is therefore capable of distinguishing known and novel biological features in human tissues and has, therefore, significant potential as a tool for histopathological diagnosis and biomarker assessment. Finally, in the fourth objective, we investigated the role of colony- stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) in modulating the anti-tumor response in ipilimumab-treated patients using IHC and in vitro co-cultures, revealing that melanoma cells produce CSF-1 via CTL-derived cytokines when attacked by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), resulting in the recruitment of immunosuppressive monocytes. These findings support the combined use of CSF-1R blockade with T cell based immunotherapy for melanoma patients. Taken together, our results reveal the existence of novel mechanisms of immune modulation and thus promote the optimization of combination immunotherapies against melanoma. -- Le mélanome cutané est un des cancers humains les plus invasifs et métastatiques et est responsable de 75% de la mortalité liée aux cancers de la peau. Les thérapies comme la chirurgie et la chimiothérapie ont échoué à contrôler le mélanome métastatique, par ailleurs les rechutes sous ces traitements ont été montrées fréquentes. Il est donc essentiel de développer et d'optimiser de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour améliorer les réponses thérapeutiques de ces patients. Durant les dernières décennies, les immunologistes spécialisés dans les tumeurs ont démontré qu'un patient atteint du mélanome pouvait développer spontanément une réponse immune adaptative à sa tumeur et que l'accumulation de cellules T spécifiques tumorales au sein même de la tumeur était un des plus puissants facteurs pronostiques. Les immunothérapies qui ont pour but d'augmenter les fonctions naturelles de ces cellules T spécifiques tumorales ont donc émergé comme des approches thérapeutiques très attractives pour éliminer les cellules du mélanome. Alors que les derniers essais cliniques ont démontré un progrès important dans le traitement des formes avancées du mélanome, le contrôle de la maladie à long-terme est seulement atteint chez une minorité des patients. La suppression immune locale et systémique apparaitrait comme une des raisons expliquant la persistance d'un mauvais pronostic clinique chez ces patients. Ces considérations soulignent la nécessité de mieux analyser et caractériser les voies immunitaires non seulement au niveau local dans le microenvironement tumoral mais aussi au niveau systémique dans le sang des patients. Le but de cette thèse est d'obtenir une plus grande connaissance de la complexité et de l'hétérogénéité du microenvironement tumoral dans les mélanomes mais aussi d'investiguer la modulation immunitaire au delà du microenvironement tumoral au niveau systémique. Afin d'atteindre ce but, nous avons établi deux objectifs principaux : caractériser précisément la modulation locale et systémique du système immunitaire (i) chez les patients atteints du mélanome qui n'ont pas reçu de traitement et (ii) chez les patients qui ont été traités soit par des vaccins soit par des thérapies qui bloquent les points de contrôles. Dans la première et majeure partie de cette thèse, nous avons analysé les vaisseaux lymphatiques en relation avec la réponse immunitaire anti-tumorale dans les tissus des patients vaccinés grâce à des techniques d'immunohistochimie et de quantification informatisé et automatique des marquages. Nous avons trouvé qu'une densité élevée de vaisseaux lymphatiques dans la tumeur était associée à une plus grande expression de molécules immunosuppressives ainsi qu'à une diminution de la fonctionnalité des cellules T spécifiques tumoral dans la tumeur et dans le sang des patients. Ces résultats révèlent un rôle jusqu'à là inconnu des vaisseaux lymphatiques dans la modulation directe du système immunitaire au niveau local et systémique dans les cancers de l'homme. Cette recherche apporte finalement des preuves du potentiel de combiner des thérapies visant le système lymphatique avec des autres immunothérapies déjà utilisées en clinique. Dans le second objectif, nous rapportons le cas d'un patient atteint d'un mélanome avec de multiples métastases qui a développé à la suite de plusieurs vaccinations répétées et consécutives avec des peptides et du CpG, un évènement indésirable sous la forme d'une granulomatose pulmonaire sarcoid-like. Nous avons démontré que l'apparition de cet évènement était intimement liée au développement d'une réponse immunitaire durable et spécifique contre les antigènes de la tumeur. Par là- même, nous prouvons pour la première fois que la nouvelle génération de vaccins est aussi capable d'induire des effets indésirables auto-immuns. Pour le troisième objectif, nous avons voulu savoir si l'utilisation de la spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (IRTF) était capable d'identifier les cellules du mélanome ainsi que les différents sous-types cellulaires dans les ganglions métastatiques. Grâce à nos collaborateurs de Bruxelles, nous avons pu établir que les diverses composantes cellulaires des ganglions atteints par des métastases du mélanome présentaient des spectres infrarouges différents et qu'elles pouvaient être identifiées d'une façon automatique. Cette nouvelle technique permettrait donc de distinguer des caractéristiques biologiques connues ou nouvelles dans les tissus humains qui auraient des retombées pratiques importantes dans le diagnostic histopathologique et dans l'évaluation des biomarqueurs. Finalement dans le dernier objectif, nous avons investigué le rôle du facteur de stimulation des colonies (CSF-1) dans la modulation de la réponse immunitaire anti-tumorale chez les patients qui ont été traités par l'Ipilimumab. Nos expériences in vivo au niveau des tissus tumoraux et nos co-cultures in vitro nous ont permis de démontrer que les cytokines secrétées par les cellules T spécifiques anti-tumorales induisaient la sécrétion de CSF-1 dans les cellules du mélanome ce qui résultait en un recrutement de monocytes immunosuppresseurs. Dans son ensemble, cette thèse révèle donc l'existence de nouveaux mécanismes de modulation de la réponse immunitaire anti-tumorale et propose de nouvelles optimisations de combinaison d'immunothérapies contre le mélanome.


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We present a microscopic analysis of shot-noise suppression due to long-range Coulomb interaction in semiconductor devices under ballistic transport conditions. An ensemble Monte Carlo simulator self-consistently coupled with a Poisson solver is used for the calculations. A wide range of injection-rate densities leading to different degrees of suppression is investigated. A sharp tendency of noise suppression at increasing injection densities is found to scale with a dimensionless Debye length related to the importance of space-charge effects in the structure.


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Shot-noise suppression is investigated in nondegenerate diffusive conductors by means of an ensemble Monte Carlo simulator. The universal 1/3 suppression value is obtained when transport occurs under elastic collision regime provided the following conditions are satisfied: (i) The applied voltage is much larger than the thermal value; (ii) the length of the device is much greater than both the elastic mean free path and the Debye length. By fully suppressing carrier-number fluctuations, long-range Coulomb interaction is essential to obtain the 1/3 value in the low-frequency limit.


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We have analyzed the shot noise of electron emission under strong applied electric fields within the Landauer-Bttiker scheme. In contrast to the previous studies of vacuum-tube emitters, we show that in new generation electron emitters, scaled down to the nanometer dimensions, shot noise much smaller than the Schottky noise is observable. Carbon nanotube field emitters are among possible candidates to observe the effect of shot-noise suppression caused by quantum partitioning.


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The condensation rate has to be high in the safety pressure suppression pool systems of Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) in order to fulfill their safety function. The phenomena due to such a high direct contact condensation (DCC) rate turn out to be very challenging to be analysed either with experiments or numerical simulations. In this thesis, the suppression pool experiments carried out in the POOLEX facility of Lappeenranta University of Technology were simulated. Two different condensation modes were modelled by using the 2-phase CFD codes NEPTUNE CFD and TransAT. The DCC models applied were the typical ones to be used for separated flows in channels, and their applicability to the rapidly condensing flow in the condensation pool context had not been tested earlier. A low Reynolds number case was the first to be simulated. The POOLEX experiment STB-31 was operated near the conditions between the ’quasi-steady oscillatory interface condensation’ mode and the ’condensation within the blowdown pipe’ mode. The condensation models of Lakehal et al. and Coste & Lavi´eville predicted the condensation rate quite accurately, while the other tested ones overestimated it. It was possible to get the direct phase change solution to settle near to the measured values, but a very high resolution of calculation grid was needed. Secondly, a high Reynolds number case corresponding to the ’chugging’ mode was simulated. The POOLEX experiment STB-28 was chosen, because various standard and highspeed video samples of bubbles were recorded during it. In order to extract numerical information from the video material, a pattern recognition procedure was programmed. The bubble size distributions and the frequencies of chugging were calculated with this procedure. With the statistical data of the bubble sizes and temporal data of the bubble/jet appearance, it was possible to compare the condensation rates between the experiment and the CFD simulations. In the chugging simulations, a spherically curvilinear calculation grid at the blowdown pipe exit improved the convergence and decreased the required cell count. The compressible flow solver with complete steam-tables was beneficial for the numerical success of the simulations. The Hughes-Duffey model and, to some extent, the Coste & Lavi´eville model produced realistic chugging behavior. The initial level of the steam/water interface was an important factor to determine the initiation of the chugging. If the interface was initialized with a water level high enough inside the blowdown pipe, the vigorous penetration of a water plug into the pool created a turbulent wake which invoked the chugging that was self-sustaining. A 3D simulation with a suitable DCC model produced qualitatively very realistic shapes of the chugging bubbles and jets. The comparative FFT analysis of the bubble size data and the pool bottom pressure data gave useful information to distinguish the eigenmodes of chugging, bubbling, and pool structure oscillations.


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During a possible loss of coolant accident in BWRs, a large amount of steam will be released from the reactor pressure vessel to the suppression pool. Steam will be condensed into the suppression pool causing dynamic and structural loads to the pool. The formation and break up of bubbles can be measured by visual observation using a suitable pattern recognition algorithm. The aim of this study was to improve the preliminary pattern recognition algorithm, developed by Vesa Tanskanen in his doctoral dissertation, by using MATLAB. Video material from the PPOOLEX test facility, recorded during thermal stratification and mixing experiments, was used as a reference in the development of the algorithm. The developed algorithm consists of two parts: the pattern recognition of the bubbles and the analysis of recognized bubble images. The bubble recognition works well, but some errors will appear due to the complex structure of the pool. The results of the image analysis were reasonable. The volume and the surface area of the bubbles were not evaluated. Chugging frequencies calculated by using FFT fitted well into the results of oscillation frequencies measured in the experiments. The pattern recognition algorithm works in the conditions it is designed for. If the measurement configuration will be changed, some modifications have to be done. Numerous improvements are proposed for the future 3D equipment.


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Field trial was conducted with the aim of utilizing allelopathic crop residues to reduce the use of synthetic herbicides in broad bean (Vicia faba) fields. Sunflower residue at 600 and 1,400 g m-2 and Treflan (trifluralin) at 50, 75 and 100% of recommended dose were incorporated into the soil alone or in combination with each other. Untreated plots were maintained as a control. Herbicide application in plots amended with sunflower residue had the least total weed count and biomass, which was even better than herbicide used alone. Integration of recommended dose of Treflan with sunflower residue at 1,400 g m-² produced maximum (987.5 g m-2) aboveground biomass of broad bean, which was 74 and 36% higher than control and recommended herbicide dose applied alone, respectively. Combination of herbicide and sunflower residue appeared to better enhance pod number and yield per unit area than herbicide alone. Application of 50% dose of Treflan in plots amended with sunflower residue resulted in similar yield advantage as was noticed with 100% herbicide dose. Chromatographic analysis of residue-infested field soil indicated the presence of several phytotoxic compounds of phenolic nature. Periodic data revealed that maximum suppression in weed density and dry weight synchronized with peak values of phytotoxins observed 4 weeks after incorporation of sunflower residues. Integration of sunflower residues with lower herbicide rates can produce effective weed suppression without compromising yield as a feasible and environmentally sound approach in broad bean fields.


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Herbicidal potential of different plant aqueous extracts was evaluated against early seedling growth of rice weeds in pot studies. Plant aqueous extracts of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), sunflower (Helianthus annuus), brassica (Brassica compestris), mulberry (Morris alba), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldunensis), and winter cherry (Withania somnifera) at a spray volume of 18 L ha-1 each at the 2-4 leaf stage of rice weeds viz horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum) [broad-leaf], jungle rice (Echinochloa colona), and E. crus-galli (barnyard grass) [grasses] and purple nut sedge (Cyperus rotundus) and rice flat sedge (C. iria) [sedges]. The results showed significant interactive effects between plant aqueous extracts and the tested weed species for seedling growth attributes depicting that allelopathic inhibition was species-specific. Shoot and root length, lateral plant spread, biomass accumulation, and leaf chlorophyll contents in test species were all reduced by different extracts. The study suggested the suppressive potential of allelopathic plant aqueous extracts against rice weeds, and offered promise for their usefulness as a tool for weed management under field conditions.


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The success of conservation systems such as no-till depends on adequate soil cover throughout the year, which is possible through the use of cover crops. For this purpose the species belonging to the genus Urochloa has stood out by virtue of its hardiness and tolerance to drought. Aiming ground cover for the no-till system, the objective was to evaluate the establishment of two species of the genus Urochloa, in three sowing methods, in the weed suppression and the sensitivity of these forages to glyphosate. The study design was a randomized block with a 2 x 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, in which factor A was composed of Urochloa ruziziensis and Urochloa hybrid CIAT 36087 cv. Mulato II, factor B was formed by sowing methods: sown without embedding, sown with light embedding and sown in rows, and factor C was composed of three doses of glyphosate (0.975, 1.625 and 2.275 kg ha-1 of acid equivalent). For determination of weed suppression, assessment of biomass yield and soil cover was performed, by brachiaria and weeds, at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 258 days after sowing. Visual assessment of the desiccation efficiency at 7 and 14 days after herbicide application was performed. It is concluded that embedding Urochloa seeds stands out in relation to sowing in the soil surface. Urochloa ruziziensis is more efficient in the dry weight yield, weed suppression, in addition to being more sensitive to glyphosate herbicide.