975 resultados para Supermassive Black Holes


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We construct and study classical solutions in Chern-Simons supergravity based on the superalgebra sl(N vertical bar N = 1). The algebra for the N = 3 case is written down explicitly using the fact that it arises as the global part of the super conformal W-3 superalgebra. For this case we construct new classical solutions and study their supersymmetry. Using the algebra we write down the Killing spinor equations and explicitly construct the Killing spinor for conical defects and black holes in this theory. We show that for the general sl(N|N - 1) theory the condition for the periodicity of the Killing spinor can be written in terms of the products of the odd roots of the super algebra and the eigenvalues of the holonomy matrix of the background. Thus the supersymmetry of a given background can be stated in terms of gauge invariant and well defined physical observables of the Chern-Simons theory. We then show that for N >= 4, the sl(N|N - 1) theory admits smooth supersymmetric conical defects.


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Diffeomorphisms preserve spacetime singularities, whereas higher spin symmetries need not. Since three-dimensional de Sitter space has quotients that have big-bang/big-crunch singularities and since dS(3)-gravity can be written as an SL(2, C) Chern-Simons theory, we investigate SL(3, C) Chern-Simons theory as a higher-spin context in which these singularities might get resolved. As in the case of higher spin black holes in AdS(3), the solutions are invariantly characterized by their holonomies. We show that the dS(3) quotient singularity can be desingularized by an SL(3, C) gauge transformation that preserves the holonomy: this is a higher spin resolution the cosmological singularity. Our work deals exclusively with the bulk theory, and is independent of the subtleties involved in defining a CFT2 dual to dS(3) in the sense of dS/CFT.


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We consider extremal limits of the recently constructed ``subtracted geometry''. We show that extremality makes the horizon attractive against scalar perturbations, but radial evolution of such perturbations changes the asymptotics: from a conical-box to flat Minkowski. Thus these are black holes that retain their near-horizon geometry under perturbations that drastically change their asymptotics. We also show that this extremal subtracted solution (''subttractor'') can arise as a boundary of the basin of attraction for flat space attractors. We demonstrate this by using a fairly minimal action (that has connections with STU model) where the equations of motion are integrable and we are able to find analytic solutions that capture the flow from the horizon to the asymptotic region. The subttractor is a boundary between two qualitatively different flows. We expect that these results have generalizations for other theories with charged dilatonic black holes.


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We study the basin of attraction of static extremal black holes, in the concrete setting of the STU model. By finding a connection to a decoupled Toda-like system and solving it exactly, we find a simple way to characterize the attraction basin via competing behaviors of certain parameters. The boundaries of attraction arise in the various limits where these parameters degenerate to zero. We find that these boundaries are generalizations of the recently introduced (extremal) subtracted geometry: the warp factors still exhibit asymptotic integer power law behaviors, but the powers can be different from one. As we cross over one of these boundaries ('generalized subttractors'), the solutions turn unstable and start blowing up at finite radius and lose their asymptotic region. Our results are fully analytic, but we also solve a simpler theory where the attraction basin is lower dimensional and easy to visualize, and present a simple picture that illustrates many of the basic ideas.


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We construct cosmological solutions of higher spin gravity in 2 + 1 dimensional de Sitter space. We show that a consistent thermodynamics can be obtained for their horizons by demanding appropriate holonomy conditions. This is equivalent to demanding the integrability of the Euclidean boundary conformal field theory partition function, and it reduces to Gibbons-Hawking thermodynamics in the spin-2 case. By using the prescription of Maldacena, we relate the thermodynamics of these solutions to those of higher spin black holes in AdS(3).


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We compute the leading corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the Flat Space Cosmological (FSC) solutions in 3D flat spacetimes, which are the flat analogues of the BTZ black holes in AdS(3). The analysis is done by a computation of density of states in the dual 2D Galilean Conformal Field Theory and the answer obtained by this matches with the limiting value of the expected result for the BTZ inner horizon entropy as well as what is expected for a generic thermodynamic system. Along the way, we also develop other aspects of holography of 3D flat spacetimes.


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We generalize the results of arXiv : 1212.1875 and arXiv : 1212.6919 on attraction basins and their boundaries to the case of a specific class of rotating black holes,namely the ergo-free branch of extremal black holes in Kaluza-Klein theory. We find that exact solutions that span the attraction basin can be found even in the rotating case by appealing to certain symmetries of the equations of motion. They are characterized by two asymptotic parameters that generalize those of the non-rotating case, and the boundaries of the basin are spinning versions of the (generalized) subtractor geometry. We also give examples to illustrate that the shape of the attraction basin can drastically change depending on the theory.


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In this paper, based on the AdS(2)/CFT1 prescription, we explore the low frequency behavior of quantum two point functions for a special class of strongly coupled CFTs in one dimension whose dual gravitational counterpart consists of extremal black hole solutions in higher derivative theories of gravity defined over an asymptotically AdS spacetime. The quantum critical points thus described are supposed to correspond to a very large value of the dynamic exponent (z -> infinity). In our analysis, we find that quantum fluctuations are enhanced due to the higher derivative corrections in the bulk which in turn increases the possibility of quantum phase transition near the critical point. On the field theory side, such higher derivative effects would stand for the corrections appearing due to the finite coupling in the gauge theory. Finally, we compute the coefficient of thermal diffusion at finite coupling corresponding to Gauss Bonnet corrected charged Lifshitz black holes in the bulk. We observe an important crossover corresponding to z = 5 fixed point. (C) 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Using high-resolution 3D and 2D (axisymmetric) hydrodynamic simulations in spherical geometry, we study the evolution of cool cluster cores heated by feedback-driven bipolar active galactic nuclei (AGNs) jets. Condensation of cold gas, and the consequent enhanced accretion, is required for AGN feedback to balance radiative cooling with reasonable efficiencies, and to match the observed cool core properties. A feedback efficiency (mechanical luminosity approximate to epsilon(M) over dot(acc)c(2); where (M) over dot(acc). is the mass accretion rate at 1 kpc) as small as 6 x 10(-5) is sufficient to reduce the cooling/accretion rate by similar to 10 compared to a pure cooling flow in clusters (with M-200 less than or similar to 7 x 10(14) M-circle dot). This value is much smaller compared to the ones considered earlier, and is consistent with the jet efficiency and the fact that only a small fraction of gas at 1 kpc is accreted onto the supermassive black hole (SMBH). The feedback efficiency in earlier works was so high that the cluster core reached equilibrium in a hot state without much precipitation, unlike what is observed in cool-core clusters. We find hysteresis cycles in all our simulations with cold mode feedback: condensation of cold gas when the ratio of the cooling-time to the free-fall time (t(cool)/t(ff)) is less than or similar to 10 leads to a sudden enhancement in the accretion rate; a large accretion rate causes strong jets and overheating of the hot intracluster medium such that t(cool)/t(ff) > 10; further condensation of cold gas is suppressed and the accretion rate falls, leading to slow cooling of the core and condensation of cold gas, restarting the cycle. Therefore, there is a spread in core properties, such as the jet power, accretion rate, for the same value of core entropy t(cool)/t(ff). A smaller number of cycles is observed for higher efficiencies and for lower mass halos because the core is overheated to a longer cooling time. The 3D simulations show the formation of a few-kpc scale, rotationally supported, massive (similar to 10(11) M-circle dot) cold gas torus. Since the torus gas is not accreted onto the SMBH, it is largely decoupled from the feedback cycle. The radially dominant cold gas (T < 5 x 10(4) K; vertical bar v(r)vertical bar >vertical bar v(phi vertical bar)) consists of fast cold gas uplifted by AGN jets and freely infalling cold gas condensing out of the core. The radially dominant cold gas extends out to 25 kpc for the fiducial run (halo mass 7 x 10(14) M-circle dot and feedback efficiency 6 x 10(-5)), with the average mass inflow rate dominating the outflow rate by a factor of approximate to 2. We compare our simulation results with recent observations.


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Einstein established the theory of general relativity and the corresponding field equation in 1915 and its vacuum solutions were obtained by Schwarzschild and Kerr for, respectively, static and rotating black holes, in 1916 and 1963, respectively. They are, however, still playing an indispensable role, even after 100 years of their original discovery, to explain high energy astrophysical phenomena. Application of the solutions of Einstein's equation to resolve astrophysical phenomena has formed an important branch, namely relativistic astrophysics. I devote this article to enlightening some of the current astrophysical problems based on general relativity. However, there seem to be some issues with regard to explaining certain astrophysical phenomena based on Einstein's theory alone. I show that Einstein's theory and its modified form, both are necessary to explain modern astrophysical processes, in particular, those related to compact objects.


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Resumen: El artículo traza un recorrido histórico a través de las cifras de la economía argentina, para mostrar los excesos de la política nacional durante lo s últimos ochenta años. La primera parte refleja la política proteccionista de las primeras décadas del siglo veinte. Luego, el autor expone los motivos que llevaron a la desmonetización de la economía, así como también al desarrollo del Estado empresario. Más adelante, el artículo presenta las distintas medidas adoptadas por el Estado, que condujeron a la pérdida de institucionalidad en nuestro país. Finalmente, el autor presenta diez agujeros negros de la economía argentina los cuales, en su opinión, frenaron el progreso de la nación, y propone analizar la historia desde esta perspectiva para evitar incurrir en los errores del pasado.


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General Relativity predicts the existence of gravitational waves, which carry information about the physical and dynamical properties of their source. One of the many promising sources of gravitational waves observable by ground-based instruments, such as in LIGO and Virgo, is the coalescence of two compact objects (neutron star or black hole). Black holes and neutron stars sometimes form binaries with short orbital periods, radiating so strongly in gravitational waves that they coalesce on astrophysically short timescales. General Relativity gives precise predictions for the form of the signal emitted by these systems. The most recent searches for theses events used waveform models that neglected the effects of black hole and neutron star spin. However, real astrophysical compact objects, especially black holes, are expected to have large spins. We demonstrate here a data analysis infrastructure which achieves an improved sensitivity to spinning compact binaries by the inclusion of spin effects in the template waveforms. This infrastructure is designed for scalable, low-latency data analysis, ideal for rapid electromagnetic followup of gravitational wave events.


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[ES]Todo aquello, real o conceptual, que podamos imaginar aparece una vez que tiene un soporte físico. La insostenibilidad proviene del uso desaforado de los recursos naturales para satisfacer los deseos del presente, que lleva a una menor disponibilidad de los mismos en el largo plazo. Esto ocurre porque los flujos de materia y energía se modifican y también lo hacen los agentes que en ellos participan. La hoja de ruta para alcanzar la sostenibilidad es, por una parte, ir promoviendo un cambio de conciencia en el seno de la sociedad y a la vez, aplicar soluciones técnicas que lleven el sello de la sostenibilidad. Este cambio, es una actuación conjunta y necesita de la participación de todos los seres humanos para tener esperanzas de éxito. La ciudad, ecológicamente, es un agujero negro e incluye no sólo lo que es, sino también lo que necesita para mantenerse tal y como es. La planificación urbana ecológica intenta aunar lo urbano y lo sostenible, ya que tiene como propósito proponer áreas donde los asentamientos humanos sean favorables y produzcan menos repercusiones negativas en el entorno. Para lograrlo, energía, materiales constructivos, agua, residuos, zonas verdes, comunidad y la incidencia en la legislación son ámbitos en los que el planeamiento urbano sostenible debe actuar. Los seres humanos somos los poseedores de nuestro destino. Los resultados son consecuencia de las acciones. Si algo ocurre es porque nuestras acciones han sido las elegidas para que así sea.


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Neste trabalho aplicamos métodos espectrais para a determinação da configuração inicial de três espaços-tempos contendo buracos negros. Para isto apresentamos primeiro a foliação do espaço-tempo em hipersuperfícies tridimensionais espaciais parametrizadas pela função temporal t. Este processo é chamado de decomposição 3+1 [2] [5]. O resultado deste processo são dois conjuntos de equações classificadas em equações de vínculo e evolução [4]. As equações de vínculo podem ser divididas em vínculos Hamiltoniano e dos momentos. Para a obtenção dos dados iniciais dos problemas estudados aqui, apenas a equação de vínculo Hamiltoniano será resolvida numericamente, pois as equações de vínculo dos momentos possuem solução analítica nestes casos. Uma pequena descrição dos métodos espectrais é apresentada, destacando-se os método de Galerkin, método pseudoespectral ou de colocação e método de Tau, que são empregados na resolução das equações de vínculo Hamiltoniano dos problemas estudados. Verificamos que os resultados obtidos neste trabalho superam aqueles produzidos por Kidder e Finn [15], devido a uma escolha diferente das funções de base, que aqui satisfazem uma das condições de contorno.


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Superradiance (SR), or cooperative spontaneous emission, has been predicted by R. Dicke before the invention of the laser. During the last few years one can see a renaissance of both experimental and theoretical studies of the superradiant phase transition in a variety of media, ranging from quantum dots and Bose condensates through to black holes. Until recently, despite of many years of research, SR has been considered as a phenomenon of pure scientific interest without obvious potential applications. However, recent investigations of the femtosecond SR emission generation from semiconductors have opened up some practical opportunities for the exploitation of this quantum optics phenomenon. Here we present a brief review of some features, advantages and potential applications of the SR generation from semiconductor laser structures