966 resultados para Supercritical fluids


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The solubilities of three chlorophenols, namely, 4-chlorophenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol, and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, in supercritical carbon dioxide were determined at temperatures from (308 to 3 18) K in the pressure range of (8.8 to 15.6) MPa. The Solubilities were determined both in the absence of cosolvents and in the presence of two cosolvents, methanol and acetone. The solubilities (in the absence of cosolvents) in mole fraction of 4-chlorophenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol, and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol at 308 K were in the range of (0.0113 to 0.0215), (0.0312 to 0.0645), and (0.008 to 0.0173), respectively. The Solubilities of the chlorophenols followed the order 2,4-dichlorophenol & 4-chlorophenol & phenol & 2,4,6-trichlorophenol & pentachlorophenol. The solubility data were correlated with the Charstil model and with the Mendez-Santiago and Teja model. The overall deviation between the experimental data and the correlated results Was less than 6 % in averaged absolute relative deviation (AARD) for both of the models.


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A study of the magnetohydrodynamic system in which a nonmagnetized fluid in a gravitational field is surrounded by a fluid carrying a vertical magnetic field is presented. It is pointed out that this study can throw some light on the fine-structural features of a sunspot. The equilibrium configuration of the field-free fluid is a tapering column ending at an apex. The regions away form the apex can be studied by the slender flux tube approximation. A scheme developed to treat the apex indicates that, just below the apex, the radius of the tapering column opens up with a 3/2 power dependence on the depth below the apex. If the internal pressure of the field-free fluid is increased, the apex rises, and a static equilibrium may not be possible beyond a limit if the magnetic pressure drops quickly above a certain height. The nature of steady-flow solutions beyond this limit is investigated. Under conditions inside a sunspot, a column of field-free gas is found to rise with a velocity of about 100 km/hr. If umbral dots and penumbral grains are interpreted as regions where the field-free gas ultimately emerges, a very natural explanation of most of their observed properties is obtained.


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A new spectral finite element formulation is presented for modeling the sloshing and the acoustic waves in nearly incompressible fluids. The formulation makes use of the Legendre polynomials in deriving the finite element interpolation shape functions in the Lagrangian frame of reference. The formulated element uses Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature scheme for integrating the volumetric stiffness and the mass matrices while the conventional Gauss-Legendre quadrature scheme is used on the rotational stiffness matrix to completely eliminate the zero energy modes, which are normally associated with the Lagrangian FE formulation. The numerical performance of the spectral element formulated here is examined by doing the inf-sup test oil a standard rectangular rigid tank partially filled with liquid The eigenvalues obtained from the formulated spectral element are compared with the conventional equally spaced node locations of the h-type Lagrangian finite element and the predicted results show that these spectral elements are more accurate and give superior convergence The efficiency and robustness of the formulated elements are demonstrated by solving few standard problems involving free vibration and dynamic response analysis with undistorted and distorted spectral elements. and the obtained results are compared with available results in the published literature (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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The solubility of a drug, n-(4-ethoxyphenyl)ethanamide (phenacetin), in supercritical carbon dioxide was determined by a Saturation method at (308, 318, and 328) K from (9 to 19) MPa. The Solubilities in mole fraction of n-(4-ethoxyphenyl)ethanamide in supercritical carbon dioxide were in the range of 1.29.10(-5) to 2.88.10(-5), 1.13.10(-5) to 3.65.10(-5), and 0.91.10(-5) to 4.28.10(-5) at (308, 3 18, and 328) K, respectively. The solubility data were correlated with the Peng-Robinson equation of state models and the Mendez-Santiago and Teja model.


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The solubilities of hexadecanoic acid (palmitic acid) and octadecanoic acid (stearic acid) in supercritical carbon dioxide without cosolvents and with two cosolvents, namely, ethanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol, were determined at (308 and 318) K at pressures varying from (12.8 to 22.6) MPa. The solubility data, in both the absence and presence of cosolvents, were correlated by a model proposed by Mendez-Santiago and Teja.


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The esterification of propionic acid was investigated using three different alcohols, namely, isopropyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, and isoamyl alcohol. The variation of conversion with time for the synthesis of isoamyl propionate was investigated in the presence of five enzymes. Novozym 435 showed the highest activity, and this was used as the enzyme for investigating the various parameters that influence the esterification reaction. The Ping-Pong Bi-Bi model with inhibition by both acid and alcohol was used to model the experimental data and determine the kinetics of the esterification reaction.


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In this paper, we have studied the secondary flow induced in a micropolar fluid by the rotation of two concentric spheres about a fixed diameter. The secondary flow exhibits behaviour commonly observed in visco-elastic fluids. In particular we have obtained the expressions for microrotation vector. Numerical results have been obtained for a number of values of relative rotations of the two spheres for a chosen set of values of fluid parameters. The results are presented graphically and compared with the previous investigations.


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The micropolar fluids like Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids cannot sustain a simple shearing motion, wherein only one component of velocity is present. They exhibit both primary and secondary motions when the boundaries are subject to slow rotations. The primary motion, as in Non-Newtonian fluids, characterized by the equation due to Rivlin-Ericksen, Oldroyd, Walters etc., resembles that of Newtonian fluid for slow steady rotation. We further notice that the micro-rotation becomes identically equal to the vorticity present in the fluid and the condition b) of "Wall vorticity" can alone be satisfied at the boundaries. As regards, the secondary motion, we notice that it can be determined by the above procedure for a special class of fluids, namely that for which j0(n2-n3)=4 n3/l2. Moreover for this class of fluids, the micro-rotation is identical with the vorticity of the fluid everywhere. Also the stream function for the secondary flow is identical with that for the Newtonian fluid with a suitable definition of the Reynolds number. In contrast with the Non-Newtonian fluids, characterized by the equation due to Rivlin-Ericksen, Oldroyd, Walters etc., this class of micropolar fluids does not show separation. This is in conformity with the statement of Condiff and Dahler (3) that in any steady flow, internal spin matches the vorticity everywhere provided that (i) spin boundary conditions are satisfied, (ii) body torques and non-conservative body forces are absent, and (iii) inertial and spin-inertial terms are either negligible or vanish identically.


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This paper compares, in a general way, the predictions of the constitutive equations given by Rivlin and Ericksen, Oldroyd, and Walters. Whether we consider the rotational problems in cylindrical co-ordinates or in spherical polar co-ordinates, the effect of the non-Newtonicity on the secondary flows is collected in a single parameterα which can be explicitly expressed in terms of the non-Newtonian parameters that occur in each of the above-mentioned constitutive equations. Thus, for a given value ofα, all the three fluids will have identical secondary flows. It is only through the study of appropriate normal stresses that a Rivlin-Ericksen fluid can be distinguished from the other two fluids which are indistinguishable as long as this non-Newtonian parameter has the same value.


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The paper deals with the study of the nature of secondary flow of aRivlin-Ericksen fluid, contained between two concentric spheres, which perform oscillations about a fixed diameter. The steady part of the secondary flow is discussed in detail in the following three cases (i) the outer sphere at rest, the inner oscillating, (ii) the two spheres oscillating with the same angular velocity in the same sense and (iii) the spheres oscillating with the same angular velocity in opposite sense. In a previous paper, a similar problem was discussed for theOldroyd fluids. We find that the secondary flow is strongly dependent on the common frequency of oscillation of the two spheres and on the rotational nature of the motion for the present investigation also. Certain contrasting features of interest between the secondary flow field of the two fluids are also noted.


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Data on pressure drop and heat transfer to aqueous solutions of glycerol flowing in different types of coiled pipes are presented for laminar flow in the range of NRe from 80 to 6000. An empirical correlation is set up which can account the present data as well as the data available in literature within ±10 per cent deviation. Conventional momentum and heat transfer analogy equation is used to analyse the present data.