420 resultados para Suites


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Among the wives of eighteenth-century composers, no one is perhaps more favourably and affectionately described than Bach's second wife, Anna Magdalena (1701-1760). She has been commonly pictured as her husband's trusted assistant, copying his works in handwriting which closely resembled her husband's beautiful calligraphy. No one appreciates her contributions more than today's musicologists, for her copies are usually 'neat and accurate', and are often among the most important primary sources when Bach's autographs do not survive. Occasionally, however, it is difficult to accommodate this patronising view of her role and its significance. It is well known, for instance, that her copy of Bach's Cello Suites (BWV 1007-1012) contains an unusually large number of inaccuracies and copying errors. One must ask how many of these blunders should be ascribed to her. How would a 'neat and accurate' copyist produce such an error-ridden manuscript if she had made it from a fair copy? In this paper, I shall first discuss Anna's copies of Bach's works, and see if any particular patterns or tendencies in her copying activities emerge when these are placed in this broader chronological context. In an attempt to evaluate her performance as a copyist, I shall look at typical situations in which she worked, while at the same time seeking to discover what additional values her copies may bring to our studies of Bach's life and works.


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There is considerable interest in hydrogen adsorption on carbon nanotubes and porous carbons as a method of storage for transport and related energy applications. This investigation has involved a systematic investigation of the role of functional groups and porous structure characteristics in determining the hydrogen adsorption characteristics of porous carbons. Suites of carbons were prepared with a wide range of nitrogen and oxygen contents and types of functional groups to investigate their effect on hydrogen adsorption. The porous structures of the carbons were characterized by nitrogen (77 K) and carbon dioxide (273 K) adsorption methods. Hydrogen adsorption isotherms were studied at 77 K and pressure up to 100 kPa. All the isotherms were Type I in the IUPAC classification scheme. Hydrogen isobars indicated that the adsorption of hydrogen is very temperature dependent with little or no hydrogen adsorption above 195 K. The isosteric enthalpies of adsorption at zero surface coverage were obtained using a virial equation, while the values at various surface coverages were obtained from the van't Hoff isochore. The values were in the range 3.9-5.2 kJ mol(-1) for the carbons studied. The thermodynamics of the adsorption process are discussed in relation to temperature limitations for hydrogen storage applications. The maximum amounts of hydrogen adsorbed correlated with the micropore volume obtained from extrapolation of the Dubinin-Radushkevich equation for carbon dioxide adsorption. Functional groups have a small detrimental effect on hydrogen adsorption, and this is related to decreased adsorbate-adsorbent and increased adsorbate-adsorbate interactions.


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The reactions of surface functional groups have an important role in controlling conversion of char nitrogen to NOx during coal combustion. This study involved an investigation of the thermal stability and reactions of nitrogen surface functional groups in nanoporous carbons. Four suites of carbons, which were used as models for coal chars, were prepared with a wide range of nitrogen and oxygen contents and types of functional groups. The porous structures of the carbons were characterized by gas adsorption methods while chemical analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X-ray near edge structure spectroscopy were used to characterize the surface functional groups. Temperature programmed desorption and temperature programmed reduction methods were used to study the reactivity of the surface functional groups during heat treatment under inert and reducing conditions. Heat treatment studies show that the order of stability of the functional groups is quaternary nitrogen > pyridinic > pyrrolic > pyridine N-oxide. Pyridine N-oxide surface groups desorb NO and form N-2 via surface reactions at low temperature. Pyrrolic and pyridinic functional groups decompose and react with surface species to give NH3, HCN, and N-2 as desorption products, but most pyrrolic groups are preferentially converted to pyridinic and quaternary nitrogen. The main desorption product is N-2. Approximately 15-40 wt % of the original nitrogen was retained in the carbons mainly as quaternary nitrogen after heat treatment to 1673 K. The results are discussed in terms of decomposition ranges for surface functional groups and reaction mechanisms of surface species.


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New U-Th-Ra, major and trace element, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data are presented for young lavas from the New Britain and Western Bismarck arcs in Papua New Guinea. New Britain is an oceanic arc, whereas the latter is the site of an arc-continent collision. Building on a recent study of the Manus Basin, contrasts between the two arcs are used to evaluate the processes and timescales of magma generation accompanying arc-continent collision and possible slab detachment. All three suites share many attributes characteristic of arc lavas that can be ascribed to the addition of a regionally uniform subduction component derived from the subducting altered oceanic crust and sediment followed by dynamic melting of the modified mantle. However, the Western Bismarck arc lavas diverge from the Pb isotope mixing array formed by the New Britain and the Manus Basin lavas toward elevated Pb-208/Pb-204. We interpret this to reflect a second and subsequent addition of sediment melt at crustal depth during collision. U-238 and Ra-226 excesses are preserved in all of the lavas and are greatest in the Western Bismarck arc. High-Mg andesites with high Sr/Y ratios in the westernmost arc are attributed to recent shallow mantle flux melting at the slab edge. Data for two historical rhyolites are also presented. Although these rhyolites formed in quite different tectonic settings and display different geochemical and isotopic compositions, both formed from mafic parents within millennia.


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Energy consumption has become an important area of research of late. With the advent of new manycore processors, situations have arisen where not all the processors need to be active to reach an optimal relation between performance and energy usage. In this paper a study of the power and energy usage of a series of benchmarks, the PARSEC and the SPLASH- 2X Benchmark Suites, on the Intel Xeon Phi for different threads configurations, is presented. To carry out this study, a tool was designed to monitor and record the power usage in real time during execution time and afterwards to compare the r


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This paper presents a new series of AMS dates on ultrafiltered bone gelatin extracted from identified cutmarked or humanly-modified bones and teeth from the site of Abri Pataud, in the French Dordogne. The sequence of 32 new determinations provides a coherent and reliable chronology from the site's early Upper Palaeolithic levels 5-14, excavated by Hallam Movius. The results show that there were some problems with the previous series of dates, with many underestimating the real age. The new results, when calibrated and modelled using a Bayesian statistical method, allow detailed understanding of the pace of cultural changes within the Aurignacian I and II levels of the site, something not achievable before. In the future, the sequence of dates will allow wider comparison to similarly dated contexts elsewhere in Europe. High precision dating is only possible by using large suites of AMS dates from humanly-modified material within well understood archaeological sequences modelled using a Bayesian statistical method. © 2011.


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Over the last decade an Auburn-Rollins-Strathclyde consortium has developed several suites of parallel R-matrix codes [1, 2, 3] that can meet the fundamental data needs required for the interpretation of astrophysical observation and/or plasma experiments. Traditionally our collisional work on light fusion-related atoms has been focused towards spectroscopy and impurity transport for magnetically confined fusion devices. Our approach has been to provide a comprehensive data set for the excitation/ionization for every ion stage of a particular element. As we progress towards a burning fusion plasma, there is a demand for the collisional processes involving tungsten, which has required a revitalization of the relativistic R-matrix approach. The implementation of these codes on massively parallel supercomputers has facilitated the progression to models involving thousands of levels in the close-coupling expansion required by the open d and f sub-shell systems of mid Z tungsten. This work also complements the electron-impact excitation of Fe-Peak elements required by astrophysics, in particular the near neutral species, which offer similar atomic structure challenges. Although electron-impact excitation work is our primary focus in terms of fusion application, the single photon photoionisation codes are also being developed in tandem, and benefit greatly from this ongoing work.


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A comparison of collision strengths and effective collision strengths has been undertaken for the Cr II ion based on the model of Wasson et al [2010 A & A. 524 A35]. Calculations have been completed using the Breit-Pauli, RMATRX II and DARC suites of codes.


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This work describes the electrochemical methodology for the determination of the Donnan potential from diffusion-limited steady-state voltammograms of acrylamide gels. The technique is based upon the measurement of gel–sol systems that have reached Donnan equilibrium and contain Cd2+ as a probe ion. Au-amalgam microelectrodes are used to measure the Cd concentration in the gel phase relative to the solution phase, thus permitting comparison of the Cd voltammograms obtained in both phases. This approach yields two independent measures of the Donnan potential resulting from (i) the potential shift relative to the reference electrode, and (ii) the enhancement of the Cd2+ wave. Two suites of acrylamide gels containing 0.2% and 0.5% Na-acrylate were studied as a function of ionic strength by varying [NaNO3] and maintaining a constant concentration of the electroactive probe ion, [Cd2+] = 1 · 10 5 mol/L in the equilibrating solutions. Independent model predictions of the Donnan potential as a function of ionic strength that consider the effects of differential swelling on the charge density, the influence of a mixed electrolyte on the potential developed in the gel at the limit of low ionic strength and the effects of incomplete dissociation of the carboxylic functional groups were in agreement with the Donnan potentials independently measured by the twofold steady-state voltammetric approach.


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Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciências da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Markerless systems are becoming more ubiquitous due to their increased use in video games consoles. Cheap cameras and software suites are making motion capture technologies more freely available to the digitally inclined choreographer. In this workshop we will demonstrate the opportunities and limitations provided by easily accessible and relatively inexpensive markerless motion capture systems. In particular we will explore the capacity of these systems to provide useful data in a live performance scenario where the latency, size and format of the captured data is crucial in allowing real-time processing and visualisation of the captured scene


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This paper presents SecGOD. A tool that protects the privacy of documents created with online office suites. SecGOD is implemented as a Greasemonkey java-script making it deployable on all popular greesemonkey compatible browsers and utilizes symmetric key encryption. All operations run on the client side, with SecGOD operating invisibly as concerned by the cloud, with no changes needed to the code that is provided to the cloud server provider. Finally, the effectiveness of SecGOD is demonstrated by conducting extensive experiments measuring the processing time for the three versions of AES (128, 192, 256 bits).


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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330 km 2 of the easter-n part of the Archean Manitou Lakes - Stormy Lake metavolcanic - metasedimentary belt have been mapped and sampled. A large number of rocks ~.vere analyzed for the major and trace constituents including the rare-earth elements (REE). The Stormy Lake - Kawashegamuk Lake area may be subdivided into four major lithological groups of supracrustal rocks 1) A north-facing mafic assemblage, consisting of pillowed tholeiitic basalts and gabbro sills characterized by flat REE profiles, is exposed in the south part of the map area and belongs to a 8000 m thick homoclinal assemblage outside the map area. Felsic pyroclastic rocks believed to have been issued from a large central vent conformably overlie the tholeiites. 2) A dominantly epiclastic group facing to the north consists of terrestrial deposits interpreted to be an alluvial fan deposit ; a submarine facies is represented by turbiditic sediments. 3) The northeastern part of the study area consists of volcanic rocks belonging to two mafic - felsic cycles facing to the southuest ; andesitic flows with fractionated REE patterns make up a large part of the upper cycle, whereas the lower cycle has a stronger chemical polarity being represented by tholeiitic flows, with flat REE, which a r e succeeded by dacitic and rhyolitic pyroclasti cs. iii 4) A thick monotonous succession of tholeiitic pillmled basalt f lows and gabbro sills with flat REE represent the youngest supracrustal rocks. TIle entire belt underwent folding, faulting and granitic plutonism during a tectono-thermal event around 2700 Ma ago. Rocks exposed in the map area were subjected to regional greenschist facies metamorphism, but higher metamorphic grades are present near late granitic intrusions. Geochemical studies have been useful in 1) distinguishing the various rock units ; 2) relating volcanic and intrusive rocks 3) studying the significance of chemical changes due to post magmatic processes 4) determining the petrogenesis of the major volcanic rock types. In doing so, two major volcanic suites have been recognized : a) a tholeiitic suite, mostly represented by mafic rocks, was derived from partial melting of upper mantle material depleted in Ti, K and the light REE ; b) a calc-alkalic suite which evolved from partial melting of amphibolite in the lower crust. The more differentiated magma types have been produced by a multistage process involving partial melting and fractional crystallization to yield a continuum of compos i t i ons ranging from basaltic andesite to rhyolite. A model for the development of the eastern part of the Manitou Lakes - Stormy Lake belt has been proposed.


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The Horwood Peninsula - Gander Bay area is located at NE Newfoundland in the Botwood Zone (Williams et a1., 1974) or in the Dunnage Zone (Williams, 1979) of the Central Mobile Belt of the Newfoundland Appalachians. The area is underlain by Middle Ordovician to possible Lower Silurian rocks of the Davidsville and Indian Islands Groups, respectively. Three conformable formations named informally : the Mafic Volcanic Formation, the Greywacke and Siltstone Formation and the Black Slate Formation, have been recognized in the Davidsville Group. The Greywacke and the Black Slate Formations pass locally into a Melange Formation. From consideration of regional structure and abundant locally-derived mafic volcanic olisto- 1iths in the melange, it is considered to have originated by gravity sliding rather than thrusting. Four formations have been recognized in the Indian Islands Group. They mainly contain silty slate and phyllite, grey cherty siltstone, green to red micaceous siltstone and limestone horizons. Repetition of lithological units by F1 folding are well-demonstrated in one of formations in this Group. The major structure in this Group on the Horwood Peninsula is interpreted to be a synclinal complex. The lithology of this Group is different from the Botwood Group to the west and is probably Late Ordovician and/or Early Silurian in age. The effects of soft-sediment deformation can be seen from the lower part of the Davidsville Group to the middle part of the Indian Islands Group indicating continuous and/or episodic slumping and sliding activities throughout the whole area. However, no siginificant depOSitional and tectonic break that could be assigned to the Taconian Orogeny has been recognized in this study. Three periods of tectonic deformation were produced by the Acadian Orogeny. Double boudinage in thin dikes indicates a southeast-northwest sub-horizontal compression and main northeast-southwest sub-horizontal extension during the D1 deformation. A penetrative, axial planar slaty cleavage (Sl) and tight to isocJ.ina1 F1 folds are products of this deformation. The D2 and D3 deformations formed S2 and S3 fabrics associated with crenulations and kink bands which are well-shown in the slates and phyllites of the Indian Islands Group. The D2 and D3 deformations are the products of vertical and northeast-southwest horizontal shortening respectively. The inferred fault between the Ordovician slates (Davidsville Group) and the siltstones (Indian Islands Group) suggested by Williams (1963, 1964b, 1972, 1978) is absent. Formations can be followed without displacement across this inferred fault. Chemically, the pillow lavas, mafic agglomerates, tuff beds and diabase dikes are subdivided into three rock suites : (a) basaltic komatiite (Beaver Cove Assemblage), (b) tholeiitic basalt (diabase dikes), (c) alkaline basalt (Shoal Bay Assemblage). The high Ti02 , MgO, Ni contents and bimodal characteristic of the basaltic komatiite in the area are comparable to the Svartenhuk Peninsula at Baffin Bay and are interpreted to be the result of an abortive volcano-tectonic rift-zone in a rear-arc basin. Modal and chemical analyses of greywackes and siltstones show the trend of maturity of these rocks increasing from poorly sorted Ordovician greywackes to fairly well-sorted Silurian siltstones. Rock fragments in greywackes indicate source areas consisting of plagiogranite, low grade metamorphic rocks and ultramafic rocks. Rare sedimentary structures in both Groups indicate a southeasterly provenance. Trace element analyses of greywackes also reveal a possible island-arc affinity.