956 resultados para Structures in Reinforced Concrete
Current design practices recommend to comply with the capacity protection principle, which pays special attention to ensuring an elastic response of the foundations under ground motion events. However, in cases such as elevated reinforced concrete (RC) pile-cap foundation typologies, this design criterion may lead to conservative designs, with excessively high construction costs. Reinforced concrete elevated pile-cap foundations is a system formed by a group of partially embedded piles connected through an aboveground stayed cap and embedded in soil. In the cases when they are subjected to ground motions, the piles suffer large bending moments that make it difficult to maintain their behavior within the elastic range of deformations. Aiming to make an in-depth analysis of the nonlinear behavior of elevated pile-cap foundations, a cyclic loading test was performed on a concrete 2x3 pile configuration specimen of elevated pile-cap foundation. Two results of this test, the failure mechanism and the ductile behavior, were used for the calibration of a numerical model built in OpenSees framework, by using a pushover analysis. The calibration of the numerical model enabled an in-depth study of the seismic nonlinear response of this kind of foundations. A parametric analysis was carried for this purpose, aiming to study how sensitive RC elevated pile-cap foundations are, when subjected to variations in the diameter of piles, reinforcement ratios, external loads, soil density or multilayer configurations. This analysis provided a set of ductility factors that can be used as a reference for design practices and which correspond to each of the cases analyzed.
Este trabajo analiza distintas inestabilidades en estructuras formadas por distintos materiales. En particular, se capturan y se modelan las inestabilidades usando el método de Riks. Inicialmente, se analiza la bifurcación en depósitos cilíndricos formados por material anisótropo sometidos a carga axial y presión interna. El análisis de bifurcación y post-bifurcación asociados con cilindros de pared gruesa se formula para un material incompresible reforzado con dos fibras que son mecánicamente equivalentes y están dispuestas simétricamente. Consideramos dos casos en la naturaleza de la anisotropía: (i) Fibras refuerzo que tienen una influencia particular sobre la respuesta a cortante del material y (ii) Fibras refuerzo que influyen sólo si la fibra cambia de longitud con la deformación. Se analiza la propagación de las inestabilidades. En concreto, se diferencia en el abultamiento (bulging) entre la propagación axial y la propagación radial de la inestabilidad. Distintos modelos sufren una u otra propagación. Por último, distintas inestabilidades asociadas al mecanismo de ablandamiento del material (material softening) en contraposición al de endurecimiento (hardening) en una estructura (viga) de a: hormigón y b: hormigón reforzado son modeladas utilizando una metodología paralela a la desarrollada en el análisis de inestabilidades en tubos sometidos a presión interna. This present work deals with the instability of structures made of various materials. It captures and models different types of instabilities using numerical analysis. Firstly, we consider bifurcation for anisotropic cylindrical shells subject to axial loading and internal pressure. Analysis of bifurcation and post bifurcation of inflated hyperelastic thick-walled cylinder is formulated using a numerical procedure based on the modified Riks method for an incompressible material with two preferred directions which are mechanically equivalent and are symmetrically disposed. Secondly, bulging/necking motion in doubly fiber-reinforced incompressible nonlinearly elastic cylindrical shells is captured and we consider two cases for the nature of the anisotropy: (i) reinforcing models that have a particular influence on the shear response of the material and (ii) reinforcing models that depend only on the stretch in the fiber direction. The different instability motions are considered. Axial propagation of the bulging instability mode in thin-walled cylinders under inflation is analyzed. We present the analytical solution for this particular motion as well as for radial expansion during bulging evolution. For illustration, cylinders that are made of either isotropic incompressible non-linearly elastic materials or doubly fiber reinforced incompressible non-linearly elastic materials are considered. Finally, strain-softening constitutive models are considered to analyze two concrete structures: a reinforced concrete beam and an unreinforced notch beam. The bifurcation point is captured using the Riks method used previously to analyze bifurcation of a pressurized cylinder.
The HIV-1 transcript is alternatively spliced to over 30 different mRNAs. Whether RNA secondary structure can influence HIV-1 RNA alternative splicing has not previously been examined. Here we have determined the secondary structure of the HIV-1/BRU RNA segment, containing the alternative A3, A4a, A4b, A4c and A5 3′ splice sites. Site A3, required for tat mRNA production, is contained in the terminal loop of a stem–loop structure (SLS2), which is highly conserved in HIV-1 and related SIVcpz strains. The exon splicing silencer (ESS2) acting on site A3 is located in a long irregular stem–loop structure (SLS3). Two SLS3 domains were protected by nuclear components under splicing condition assays. One contains the A4c branch points and a putative SR protein binding site. The other one is adjacent to ESS2. Unexpectedly, only the 3′ A residue of ESS2 was protected. The suboptimal A3 polypyrimidine tract (PPT) is base paired. Using site-directed mutagenesis and transfection of a mini-HIV-1 cDNA into HeLa cells, we found that, in a wild-type PPT context, a mutation of the A3 downstream sequence that reinforced SLS2 stability decreased site A3 utilization. This was not the case with an optimized PPT. Hence, sequence and secondary structure of the PPT may cooperate in limiting site A3 utilization.
This article summarizes research on the application of a conductive cement paste as an anode in the now classical technique of electrochemical extraction of chlorides applied to a concrete structural element by spraying the paste on the surface of a concrete structural element, a pillar. Sprayed conductive cement paste, by adding graphite powder, is particularly useful to treat sizable vertical surfaces such are structural supports. Outcomes indicate that this kind of anode not only provides electrochemical chloride removal with similar efficiency, but also is able to retain moisture even without the use of a continuous dampening system.
This paper aims to study the feasibility of highly conductive carbon fiber reinforced concrete (CFRC) as a self-heating material for ice formation prevention and curing in pavements. Tests were carried out in lab ambient conditions at different fixed voltages and then introduced in a freezer at −15 °C. The specimens inside the freezer were exposed to different fixed voltages when reaching +5 °C for prevention of icing and when reaching the temperature inside the freezer, i.e., −15 °C, for curing of icing. Results show that this concrete could act as a heating element in pavements with risk of ice formation, consuming a reasonable amount of energy for both anti-icing (prevention) and deicing (curing), which could turn into an environmentally friendly and cost-effective deicing method.
Final report; August 1977.
Mode of access: Internet.
"October 2005."
"AWS D12.1- 61."
Cover title.
"SAND87-0891, R1 and RD."
Cover title.
"Nov 29 1946."
Includes bibliographical references (p. 65-68).
Issued Aug. 1979.