978 resultados para Stratification chimique


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Priest Pot is an example of the abundant ponds that, collectively, contribute crucially to species diversity. Despite extensive biological study, little has been reported about the physical framework that supports its ecological richness. This article elucidates the physical character of Priest Pot’s water column and thus that of similar water bodies. Vertical thermal microstructure profiles were recorded during summer 2003 and analyzed alongside concurrent meteorological data. During summer stratification, the thermal structure appeared to be dominated by surface heat fluxes. Surface wind stress, limited by sheltering vegetation, caused turbulent overturns once a surface mixed layer was present but appeared to contribute little to setting up the thermal structure. Variations in full-depth mean stratification occurred predominantly over seasonal and ∼5-day time scales, the passage of atmospheric pressure systems being posited as the cause of the latter. In the uppermost ∼0.5 m, where the stratification varied at subdaily time scales, turbulence was active (sensu Ivey and Imberger 1991) when this layer was mixed, with dissipation values ε ∼ 10−8 m2 s−3 and vertical diffusivity KZ = 10−4 — 10−6 m2 s−1. Where the water column was stratified, turbulence was strongly damped by both buoyancy and viscosity, and KZ was an order of magnitude smaller. Vertical transport in the mixed layer occurred via many small overturns (Thorpe scale r.m.s. and maximum values were typically 0.02 m and 0.10 m, respectively), and seston were fully mixed through the water column.


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The recent wide adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) presents great opportunities and challenges for data mining. The EMR data are largely temporal, often noisy, irregular and high dimensional. This paper constructs a novel ordinal regression framework for predicting medical risk stratification from EMR. First, a conceptual view of EMR as a temporal image is constructed to extract a diverse set of features. Second, ordinal modeling is applied for predicting cumulative or progressive risk. The challenges are building a transparent predictive model that works with a large number of weakly predictive features, and at the same time, is stable against resampling variations. Our solution employs sparsity methods that are stabilized through domain-specific feature interaction networks. We introduces two indices that measure the model stability against data resampling. Feature networks are used to generate two multivariate Gaussian priors with sparse precision matrices (the Laplacian and Random Walk). We apply the framework on a large short-term suicide risk prediction problem and demonstrate that our methods outperform clinicians to a large margin, discover suicide risk factors that conform with mental health knowledge, and produce models with enhanced stability. © 2014 Springer-Verlag London.


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As apex predators in marine ecosystems, seabirds may primarily experience climate change impacts indirectly, via changes to their food webs. Observed seabird population declines have been linked to climate-driven oceanographic and food web changes. However, relationships have often been derived from relatively few colonies and consider only sea surface temperature (SST), so important drivers, and spatial variation in drivers, could remain undetected. Further, ex - plicit climate change projections have rarely been made, so longer-term risks remain unclear. Here, we use tracking data to estimate foraging areas for 11 black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridac - ty la colonies in the UK and Ireland, thus reducing reliance on single colonies and allowing calculation of colony-specific oceanographic conditions. We use mixed models to consider how SST, the potential energy anomaly (indicating density stratification strength) and the timing of seasonal stratification influence kittiwake productivity. Across all colonies, higher breeding success was associated with weaker stratification before breeding and lower SSTs during the breeding season. Eight colonies with sufficient data were modelled individually: higher productivity was associated with later stratification at 3 colonies, weaker stratification at 2, and lower SSTs at one, whilst 2 colonies showed no significant relationships. Hence, key drivers of productivity varied among colonies. Climate change projections, made using fitted models, indicated that breeding success could decline by 21 to 43% between 1961-90 and 2070-99. Climate change therefore poses a longer-term threat to kittiwakes, but as this will be mediated via availability of key prey species, other marine apex predators could also face similar threats.


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This paper explores the evolution of the cross-section income distribution in economies where endogenous neighborhood formation interacts with positive within-neighborhood feedback effects. We study an economy in which the economic success of adults is determined by the characteristics of the families in the neighborhood in which a person grows up. These feedbacks take two forms. First, the tax base of a neighborhood affects the leveI of education investment in offspring. Second, the effectiveness of education investment is affected by a neighborhood's in come distribution, reflecting factors such as role model or labor market connection effects. Conditions are developed under which endogenous stratification, defined as the tendency for families wi th similar incomes to choose to form common communities, will occur. When families are allowed to choose their neighborhoods, wealthy families will have an incentive to segregate themselves from the rest of the population. This resulting stratification is supported by house price differences between ricli and poor communities. Endogenous stratification can lead to pronounced intertemporal inequality as different families provide very different interaction environments for offspring. When the transformation of human capital into in come exhibits constant retums to scale, cross-section in come differences may also grow across time. As a result, endogenous stratification and neighborhood feedbacks can interact to produce long run inequality.


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A mathematical model was developed in order to study the behavior of thermal stratification of liquid in a typical storage tank with porous medium. The model employs a transient stream function-vorticity formulation to predict the development of stream function and temperature fields in a charging process. Parameters analyzed include Biot, Darcy, Reynolds and Richardson numbers, position, and the thickness of the porous medium. The results show the influence of these physical parameters that should be considered for a good design of storage tanks with thermal stratification.


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