917 resultados para Strategic document with primary focus on injury prevention in the home
The thesis entitled Studies on Thermal Structure in the Seas Around India. An attempt is made in this study to document the observed variability of thermal structure, both on seasonal and short-term scales, in the eastern Arabian Sea and southwestern Bay of Bengal, from the spatial and time series data sets from a reasonably strong data base. The present study has certain limitations. The mean temperatures are based on an uneven distribution of data in space and time. Some of the areas, although having a ‘full annual coverage, do not have adequate data for some months. Some portions in the area under study are having data gaps. The consistency and the coherence in the internal wave characteristics could not be examined due to non-availability of adequate data sets. The influence of generating mechanisms; other than winds and tides on the observed internal wave fields could not be ascertained due to lack of data. However, a comprehensive and intensive data collection can overcome these limitations. The deployment of moored buoys with arrays of sensors at different depths at some important locations for about 5 to 10 years can provide intensive and extensive data sets. This strong data base can afford to address the short-term and seasonal variability of thermal field and understand in detail the individual and collective influences of various physical and dynamical mechanisms responsible for such variability.
Trata sobre la forma de hacer frente a los problemas relacionados con la conducta de los alumnos, tales cómo los comportamientos desafiantes, la intimidación, las rabietas y otros más graves como las drogas, así como sus causas. También, incluye temas sobre el desarrollo de una comunicación eficaz en el aula, el fomento del buen comportamiento de los alumnos, la imposición de sanciones y la utilización de sistemas de recompensa.
This research is in the domains of materialism, consumer vulnerability and consumption indebtedness, concepts frequently approached in the literature on consumer behavior, macro-marketing and economic psychology. The influence of materialism on consumer indebtedness is investigated within a context that is characterized by poverty and by factors that cause vulnerability, such as high interest rates, limited access to credit and to quality affordable goods. The objectives of this research are: to produce a materialism scale that is well adapted to its environment, characterizing materialism adequately for the population studied; to compare results obtained with results of other studies; and to measure the relationship between materialism, socio-demographic variables, attitude to debt and consumption indebtedness. The primary data used in the analyses were collected from field research carried out in August, 2005 that relied on a probabilistic household sample of 450 low income individuals who live in poor regions of the city of Sao Paulo. The materialism scale, adapted and translated into Portuguese from Richins (2004), proved to be very successful and encourages new work in the area. It was noted that younger adults tend to be more materialistic than older ones; that illiterate adults tend to be less materialistic than those who did literacy courses when they were already adults; and that gender, income and race are not associated with the materialism construct. Among the other results, a logistic regression model was developed in order to distinguish those individuals who have an installment plan payment booklet from those who do not, based on materialism, socio-demographic variables and purchasing and consumer habits. The proposed model confirms materialism as a behavioral variable useful for forecasting the probability of an individual getting into debt in order to consume, in some cases almost doubling the chance of occurrence of this event. Findings confirm the thesis that it is not only adverse economic factors that lead people to get into debt; and that the study of demand for credit for consumption purposes must, of necessity, include variables of a psychological nature. It is suggested that the low income materialistic consumer experiences feelings of powerlessness and exclusion because of the gap that exists between their possessions and their desires. Lines of conduct to combat this marginalization from the consumer society are drawn targeting marketing professionals, public policy makers and vulnerability researchers. Finally, the possibility of new studies involving the materialism construct, which is central to literature on consumer behavior, albeit little used in empirical studies in Brazil, are discussed.
Background:It has been stated that mandibular overdentures are more satisfactory than conventional dentures, but problems relating to the use of retrospective ratings, lack of control group and sequential provision of treatment may compromise the findings.Objective:To establish a comparison between treatment with conventional complete dentures and implant-retained overdentures in elderly patients by conducting a literature review.Materials and methods:A search of English language peer-review literature was completed using Medline up to 2008 focusing on evidence-based research. Randomised clinical trials (RCTs) and longitudinal prospective studies were favoured in the review, using a general hierarchical classification. Articles that did not focus exclusively on the comparison of patient satisfaction between complete dentures and overdentures were excluded from further evaluation. The last search was conducted in February 2008. Key terms included quality of life, patient satisfaction, edentulism, complete denture and overdenture.Results:Among the 90 articles found in the initial search, 27 met the inclusion criteria. This included 18 RCTs and eight prospective and one cohort study. Most of the articles stated superiority of the mandibular implant-retained overdenture therapy over the conventional complete denture regarding patient satisfaction and quality of life.Conclusion:Even with implant treatment presenting higher patient satisfaction and improvement of quality of life, it was not possible to establish a direct comparison between the studies due to differences in adopted methodologies.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The term human factor is used by professionals of various fields meant for understanding the behavior of human beings at work. The human being, while developing a cooperative activity with a computer system, is subject to cause an undesirable situation in his/her task. This paper starts from the principle that human errors may be considered as a cause or factor contributing to a series of accidents and incidents in many diversified fields in which human beings interact with automated systems. We propose a simulator of performance in error with potentiality to assist the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) project manager in the construction of the critical systems. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
Aim: Clinical data are scarce on flapless-guided surgery in the mandible using the all-on-four concept. In addition, limited documentation exists on the latter under immediate loading conditions with a pre-fabricated implant bridge. The aim was to provide detailed documentation focusing on clinical and radiographic outcome and complications. Material and methods: Sixteen systemically healthy non-smoking patients (10 women, 6 men, average age 59 years) with sufficient bone volume in the mandible were operated via flapless-guided surgery using the all-on-four concept. Clinical and radiographic data and complications were registered at 3, 6 and 12 months. Results: The overall implant survival rate was 90% with a trend for higher failure of short implants (P = 0.098). The mean bone level after 12 months of function was 0.83 mm with a maximum of 1.07 mm. Technical complications were common (15/16 patients). These mainly related to a misfit between the pre-fabricated prosthesis and abutment(s) (13/16 patients). Conclusion: If immediate loading of implants is pursued fabrication of the implant bridge should be based on actual impression of the implants at the time of surgery and not on their virtual position. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is seeking to provide support to the Governments of Guyana, Jamaica and Barbados in researching the potential for employing renewable energy technologies to mitigate climate change. This exercise involves the study of different types of renewable technologies and mitigative strategies, with the aim of making recommendations to the governments on the development of their renewable energy sector. The recommendations may also assist in achieving their long-term objectives of reducing poverty and promoting healthy economies and sustainable livelihoods in keeping with the Millennium Development Goals. Guyana, Jamaica and Barbados each face common and specific challenges in their efforts to adequately define and implement their energy and climate policies, in a way that allows them to contribute to the mitigation effort against climate change, while promoting sustainable development within their countries. Each country has demonstrated an understanding of the global and national challenges pertaining to climate change. They have attempted to address these challenges through policies and various programmes implemented by local and international agencies. Documented and undocumented policies have sought to outline the directions to be taken by each territory as they seek to deploy new technologies to address issues related to energy and the environment. While all territories have sought to deploy multiple alternate and renewable technologies simultaneously, it is clear that, given their sizes and resource limitations, no one territory can achieve excellence in all these areas. Guyana has demonstrated the greatest potential for hydro energy and should pursue it as their main area of expertise. The country also has an additional major strategy that includes forest credits and the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) programme. This approach will be brought to the negotiation table in the upcoming climate change meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009. Of the three countries, Jamaica has the only active significant wind farm deployment, while Barbados has a long tradition in solar energy. Each country might then supplement their energy and fuel mix with other energy and fuel sources and draw from the experience of other countries. Given the synergies that might accrue from adopting a regional approach, the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) might be well positioned to play a coordinating role. This focus on renewable energy and biofuels should yield good, long-term results as it relates to mitigation against climate change, and good, short- and medium-term results as it relates to the development of sustainable economies. Each country might also achieve energy security, reduced oil dependence, significant reduction in harmful emissions and better foreign exchange management if they pursue good policies and implementation practices. Human and financial resources are critical to the success of planned interventions, and it will be necessary to successfully mobilize these resources in order to be effective in executing key plans.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Curcumin has therapeutic potential in preventing several types of cancer, including colon, liver, prostate, and breast. The goal of this study was to evaluate the chemopreventive activity of systemically administered curcumin on oral carcinogenesis induced by 4-nitroquinolone-1-oxide (4-NQO). A total of 50 male albino rats, Rattus norvegicus, (Holtzman), were divided into five groups (n=10 per group). Four of these groups were exposed to 50 ppm 4-NQO in their drinking water ad libitum for 8 or 12 weeks, two groups were treated with curcumin by oral gavage at 30 or 100 mg/kg per day, and one group was treated with corn oil (vehicle) only. The negative control group was euthanized at baseline. Tongues of all animals were removed after euthanasia and used in the subsequent analysis because the tongue is the primary site of carcinogenesis in this model. Descriptive histological analysis and immunohistochemistry for PCNA, Bcl-2, SOCS1 e-3, and STAT3 were performed to assess the oncogenic process. The gene expression of Vimentin, E-cadherin, N-cadherin, or TWIST1 was assessed using RT-qPCR as a representative of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) events. The administration of curcumin at 100 mg/kg during the 12 weeks markedly decreased the expression of PCNA, Bcl-2, SOCS1 e -3, and STAT3. Curcumin also minimized the cellular atypia under microscopic analysis and diminished the expression of the genes associated with EMT. These findings demonstrate that the systemic administration of curcumin has chemopreventive activity during oral carcinogenesis induced by 4-NQO.
Curcumin has therapeutic potential in preventing several types of cancer, including colon, liver, prostate, and breast. The goal of this study was to evaluate the chemopreventive activity of systemically administered curcumin on oral carcinogenesis induced by 4-nitroquinolone-1-oxide (4-NQO). A total of 50 male albino rats, Rattus norvegicus, (Holtzman), were divided into five groups (n = 10 per group). Four of these groups were exposed to 50 ppm 4-NQO in their drinking water ad libitum for 8 or 12 weeks, two groups were treated with curcumin by oral gavage at 30 or 100 mg/kg per day, and one group was treated with corn oil (vehicle) only. The negative control group was euthanized at baseline. Tongues of all animals were removed after euthanasia and used in the subsequent analysis because the tongue is the primary site of carcinogenesis in this model. Descriptive histological analysis and immunohistochemistry for PCNA, Bcl-2, SOCS1 e-3, and STAT3 were performed to assess the oncogenic process. The gene expression of Vimentin, E-cadherin, N-cadherin, or TWIST1 was assessed using RT-qPCR as a representative of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) events. The administration of curcumin at 100 mg/kg during the 12 weeks markedly decreased the expression of PCNA, Bcl-2, SOCS1 e-3, and STAT3. Curcumin also minimized the cellular atypia under microscopic analysis and diminished the expression of the genes associated with EMT. These findings demonstrate that the systemic administration of curcumin has chemopreventive activity during oral carcinogenesis induced by 4-NQO. J. Cell. Biochem. 116: 787-796, 2015. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.