948 resultados para Stirling Castle (Stirling, Scotland)


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In 1937 the Development Commission provided an annual grant to the Freshwater Biological Association to pay for a director and secretary. The author moved to the Lake District in the same year, and at that time T.T. Macan was working on invertebrates; K.R. Allen on fish; C.H. Mortimer on chemistry and physics of the aquatic environment, and Marie Rosenberg on phytoplankton. They were backed by George Thompson as laboratory assistant and Rosa Bullen as secretary. The work of the Association continued and expanded throughout the Second World War with some far-reached discoveries made. For example, the recovery of lake sediment cores and the examination of diatom remains, so starting the discipline of archaeo-limnology. Also, a hydrological survey of the Windermere catchment area found significant traces of sulphuric acid in rain gauges. This was more than 30 years before "acid rain" became fashionable.


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Smelt populations have been recorded since the 18th Century from at least 15 rivers in Scotland, but over the last Century the species has suffered a severe decline and has disappeared from all its former sites except the rivers Cree, Forth and Tay. These populations must now be regarded as having high conservation importance. There are probably several different reasons for this decline. In some rivers, such as the Clyde and the Stinchar, pollution in the lower reaches has prevented successful migration and reproduction. In other rivers, high weirs and barriers have completely cut off access to spawning grounds. In some estuaries and rivers, such as the Solway Firth, overfishing is believed to have been responsible for eliminating local stocks. A Species Action Plan for the smelt has been prepared and it is hoped that this will be the basis of a future conservation strategy for this species in Scotland.


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Data on the distribution of aquatic bugs in Scotland was compiled with a widely-used biological recording software called RECORDER supplemented by a mapping program (DMAP) and a program that linked the two. Status lists are given with a brief account of the distribution of each species. Common and widespread species are listed in group one, including Velia caprai and Gerris lacustris, with less common species in group two such as Hydrometra stagnorum and Microvelia reticulata. Rare, uncommon or under-recorded species are also listed. These include Hebrus ruficeps, Gerris najas and Cymatia coleoptrata.


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Pike, Esox lucius, are present in Loch Callater at their highest altitude and most extreme habitat in the British Isles, with subarctic winter conditions and extended winter ice-cover. The response of pike in this environment is slower growth, due to a shorter growing season and the low availability of forage fish, giving the poorest reported length-at-age for pike in the British Isles. All pike were mature or had spawned in the same year, with gravid ovaries in April and normal recovering ovaries in June-July. As in other lochs with few prey fishes, the larger pike ate small items such as invertebrates.


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The aim of this study was to compare statistically the zooplankton assemblage ingested by brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Loch Ness with that of the zooplankton in the water column. This would allow the examination of the apparent paradox that very few copepods appear to be consumed by trout at a time of year when they are numerous and readily available as food. The investigation was limited to the crustacean zooplankters, since the Rotifera are generally so small that they are only of interest to fish in the first few days of life. 25 trout were obtained from anglers, and the stomach contents of non-"ferox" animals analysed. Samples of pelagic zooplankton were obtained approximately monthly from 30-m vertical net-hauls (mesh size 100 km). It is concluded that the variation in dietary composition with trout wet weight indicates an ontogenetic habitat shift producing spatial separation of young and older individuals.


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Abstract Growth and condition of fish are functions of available food and environmental conditions. This led to the idea of using fish as a “consumption sensor” for the measurement of food intake over a defined period of time. A bio-physical model for the estimation of food consumption was developed based on the von Bertalanffy model. Whereas some of the input variables of the model, the initial and final lengths and masses of a fish and the temperature within the time period considered can easily be measured, internal characteristics of the species have to be determined indirectly. Three internal parameters are used in the model: the maintenance consumption at 0°C, the temperature dependence of this consumption and the food efficiency, the percentage of the ingested food utilized. Estimates of the parameters for a given species can be determined by feeding experiments. Here, data from published feeding experiments on juvenile cod, Gadus morhua L., were used to validate the model. The average of the relative error for the food intake predicted by the model for individual fish was about 24 %, indicating that fish used the food with different efficiencies. However, grouping the fish according to size classes and temperature lowered the relative error of the predicted food intake for the group to typically 5 %. For a group containing all fish of the feeding experiment the relative prediction error was about 2 %. Zusammenfassung Wachstum und Kondition der Fische sind von der verfügbaren Nahrung und von Umweltbedingungen abhängig. Dies führte zur Idee, Fisch als „Konsum-Sensor“ für die Messung der Nahrungsaufnahme über einen definierten Zeitraum zu verwenden. Auf Grundlage des von Bertalanffy-Modells wurde ein bio-physikalisches Modell zur Schätzung der Futteraufnahme entwickelt. Während einige der Eingangsgrößen des Modells leicht gemessen werden können (Anfangs- und Endlänge und -körpermasse der Fische und die Temperatur innerhalb des betrachteten Zeitraum), können interne Parameter der betrachteten Art nur indirekt bestimmt werden. Drei interne Parameter werden in dem Modell verwendet: Die Erhaltungskonsumtion bei 0° C, die Temperaturabhängigkeit dieser Rate und der Wirkungsgrad der Nahrung (der Anteil der Nahrung ,der aufgenommen und verwendet und nicht ungenutzt wieder ausgeschieden wird). Die Modellparameter für eine bestimmte Art können durch Fütterungsversuche bestimmt werden. Um das Modell zu validieren wurden Daten aus veröffentlichten Fütterungsversuchen mit juvenilen Kabeljau (Gadus morhua L.) verwendet. Modell und Wirklichkeit weichen in der Regel voneinander ab. Der durchschnittliche relative Fehler der durch das Modell vorhergesagten Nahrungsaufnahme betrug für Einzelfische etwa 24%, was darauf hinweist, dass einzelne Fisch die Nahrung mit unterschiedlichen Wirkungsgraden verwerten. Allerdings senkte die Gruppierung der Fische nach Größenklassen und Temperatur den relativen Vorhersagefehler für die Nahrungsaufnahme der Gruppe auf etwa 5%. Für alle Fische im Fütterungsversuch ist der relative Vorhersagefehler etwa 2%.


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The authors present the findings of a restoration project in Loch Enoch in Scotland. There are historical references that brown trout was present in Loch Enoch up to the 1920s but it is believed the acidity of loch triggered the disappearance of Salmo trutta. The recent observed reduction in the acidity of L. Enoch to a level close to that found in nearby lochs with trout populations, suggested that trout might now survive in L. Enoch. For a population to survive, all stages in the life-cycle of a species must be able to develop. Accordingly, tests were undertaken, first with eggs and fry. The availability of food was also studied. In October 1994, 3,000 yearling trout of L. Grannoch origin which had been reared in a local hatchery were distributed throughout the loch. The fish population was studied from 1995-98. The authors conclude that survival of the trout population is possible if the acidity of the loch water remains low.


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The general decline of the endangered freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) throughout its holarctic range is well documented. Scotland is considered to be a stronghold of margaritifera, containing approximately half of the world's known remaining viable populations. However, even here the majority of populations have declined and many have disappeared completely. This article provides an overview of the freshwater pearl mussel life-cycle and the life-cycle of salmonids which are the host fish during the freshwater mussels short parasitic larval phase. The authors highlight the potential implications of the decline of salmonids for freshwater populations in Scotland.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the historical catch record from the Castle Fishery on the River Derwent over the period 1923 - 1989, to determine if changes had taken place in the composition of the catch and to examine the influence of flow on the performance of the fishery. The River Derwent is situated in West Cumbria, North West England. It flows from its source on Scafell Pike (NGR NY 229 089) westwards discharging into the Irish sea at Workington, a distance of 52 km. Over its length it receives water from an additional 214 km of stream, 5 large lakes and approximately 30 small tarns. The catchment drains a total area of 663 km2. The study concludes that through the time period there was considerable variation in catch between years. The trend was for the catch to increase steadily over the period 1923 - 1958, declining rapidly in 1959, after which catches increased steadily reaching a peak in the mid-sixties, before declining towards the end of the decade. During the seventies and eighties catches remained relatively stable at between 300 - 600 salmon per year until 1988 when over 2000 salmon were reported caught, the greatest number in any year over the study period.


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The British Glossomatidae contains seven species, split between the genera Glossosoma, Agapetus and Synagapetus. One species, Glossosoma intermediumhas not been recorded in England since 2003. This was found in a side stream of Hayeswater gill in the Lake District. The main purpose of this survey was to try and locate and record Glossosoma intermedium and was a follow up to a similar survey we carried out in the Glennshee area of Scotland during April 2011. Additionally, as in the 2011 survey it also made sense that while looking for the larvae, pupae and adults of Glossosoma intermediumwe could also record other species of caddisfly (Trichoptera), mayfly (Ephemeroptera) and stonefly (Plecoptera).


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We study the transition state of pericyclic reactions at elevated temperature with unbiased ab initio molecular dynamics. We find that the transition state of the intramolecular rearrangements for barbaralane and bullvalene remains aromatic at high temperature despite the significant thermal atomic motions. Structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of the dynamical transition state show the concertedness and aromatic character. Free-energy calculations also support the validity of the transition state theory for the present rearrangement reactions. The calculations demonstrate that cyclic delocalization represents a strong force to synchronize the thermal atomic motions even at high temperatures.


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本论文主要研究共代数中的互模拟证明方法及其应用两个方面。 代数理论已被证实在计算机科学中具有广泛的应用,其对偶概念——共代数理论是近年来兴起的一个理论,它在描述无穷状态系统方面具有明显的优势。 因此,我们在本文中以共代数作为抽象的研究模型。 因为互模拟判定中的up-to方法能够非常有效地加速判定过程,我们首先将该方法从传统的集合论中 扩展到共代数理论。作为Sangiorgi的可靠函数的扩展,我们引入了一致函数。因此, 为了证明某个二元关系中的进程对都是互模拟等价的,只要证明该关系前进到其在某个一致函数作用下得到的新关系中即可。 另外,我们给出了span-互模拟和ref-互模拟之间的等价转换关系,并且,利用该结果证明了共代数中原有的up-to方法 都能被一致函数所覆盖。 一致函数是为单个函子$F$定义的。但是,当$F$是某种类型的多项式函子时,有可能存在一些 函数,它们与$F$的某些子函子一致却不与整个$F$一致。因此,我们将一致函数进一步扩展,定义 联合一致函数,它是那些只与某些子函子一致的函数在一定条件下的组合。联合一致函数使用起来和一致函数一样,能够用来产生 新的up-to证明方法。另外,我们也相应地给出了传统并发理论中的联合一致函数概念,并且利用它给出了 弱互模拟的up-to方法。 在抽象的共代数模型中给出一般化的up-to方法之后,本文继续研究其在具体的无穷状态系统,即 BPA系统上的应用。Caucal的self-互模拟理论在 BPA系统的互模拟判定算法中起着关键作用,而它恰恰 是运用up-to方法协助互模拟判定的一个典范。 因为一个BPA系统也是一个共代数,我们在共代数理论中利用一致函数证明了该理论。 同时,本文给出了一个tableau算法,用来判定包含normed 与unnormed BPA进程的全BPA系统的互模拟等价问题。该算法非常直接且易于理解。 利用该tableau算法,我们证明了Hans H\"{u}ttel 和 Colin Stirling 为normed BPA进程设计的等式理论对于全BPA系统同样是可靠的与完备的。


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This paper begins by defining the meaning of the term `maritime policy'. Since devolution in the UK, the opening of the new Scottish parliament in 1998 and the creation of the Scottish Executive, little effort has been made to establish a distinct maritime policy for Scotland. As was evident prior to devolution, the primary emphasis from any maritime policy perspective has continued to be a focus on lifeline island ferry services. This ignores significant developments in several other key maritime transport sectors, and this paper provides examples of areas that require some form of policy response, including intra-European short sea shipping, UK coastal shipping, urban/river transport and global container shipping. Long-standing institutional bias against maritime transport coupled with subsidy devoted almost entirely to land transport systems has resulted in a quite distorted marketplace. This suggests that a maritime policy is now imperative if maritime transport is to play a more significant role in the overall transport system. Further discussion centres on the need to consider, from a Scottish policy perspective, the role of various state-sponsored maritime service providers and how these bodies might fit better within evolving policy. The conclusion is that formulation of a maritime policy by the Scottish Executive is overdue and that a degree of restructuring of transport responsibilities within the Executive, combined with adequate resource allocation towards the maritime industry, will be necessary in order that market distortions can be overcome, so enabling Scotland to fully exploit the competitive and environmental advantages that maritime transport can provide.


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New Timber Architecture in Scotland illustrates 90 exemplar projects and demonstrates clearly that there is no single building type unsuited to the use of this adaptable, variable and infinitely renewable material. Too long out of fashion, timber is now widely specified and has become an important design element in some of the most innovative projects being built today. The projects selected for inclusion are not the work of a few superstar architects: they represent the output of a significant percentage of architectural practices in Scotland and illustrate a burgeoning confidence in timber as an exciting, contemporary construction material. New Timber Architecture in Scotland aims to stimulate others to follow their lead.