873 resultados para Step-pool


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The aim of this paper is to analyse the main agreements on the EU’s External Action agreed within the European Convention and the IGC taking into account why, how and who reached the consensus on them. In other words, this paper will explore the principles followed in order to improve the instruments of the EU’s External Action such as authority, coherence, visibility, efficiency and credibility.


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Melanoma progression is associated with changes in adhesion receptor expression, in particular upregulation of N-cadherin which promotes melanoma cell survival and invasion. Plasma membrane lipid rafts contribute to the compartmentalization of signaling complexes thereby regulating their function, but how they may affect the properties of adhesion molecules remains elusive. In this study, we addressed the question whether lipid rafts in melanoma cells may contribute to the compartmentalization of N-cadherin. We show that a fraction of N-cadherin in a complex with catenins is associated with cholesterol/sphingolipid-rich membrane microdomains in aggressive melanoma cells in vitro and experimental melanomas in vivo. Partitioning of N-cadherin in membrane rafts is not modulated by growth factors and signaling pathways relevant to melanoma progression, is not necessary for cell-cell junctions' establishment or maintenance, and is not affected by cell-cell junctions' and actin cytoskeleton disruption. These results reveal that two independent pools of N-cadherin exist on melanoma cell surface: one pool is independent of lipid rafts and is engaged in cell-cell junctions, while a second pool is localized in membrane rafts and does not participate in cell-cell adhesions. Targeting to membrane rafts may represent a previously unrecognized mechanism regulating N-cadherin function in melanoma cells.


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Résumé Cet essai retrace l'implication de l'écrivaine américaine Hilda Doolittle (qui signe H. D.) au sein du groupe Pool (1927-1933), dont les activités sont centrées sur le cinéma. Nous mettons ainsi en évidence les points de convergence entre les théories de l'image dans les mouvements littéraires imagistes, vorticistes ou encore objectivistes, et les débats qui portent sur les moyens d'expression et la fonction du film dans les milieux émergents de la cinéphilie. H. D., dont les premiers poèmes ont été médiatisés par Ezra Pound et la revue Poetry, transpose son expérience de l'espace littéraire dans le contexte du cinéma. La logique du long-métrage Borderline (Kenneth Macpherson, Suisse, 1930) et les points de vue qui s'expriment dans la revue Close Up (juillet 1927-décembre 1933) sont surdéterminés par le mythe expressif d'un renouvellement de l'écriture idéogrammatique, traversant la poésie d'avant-garde anglo-saxonne depuis les années 1910. L'enjeu de cette recherche est double. D'une part, nous soutenons qu'une dynamique cinématographique sous-tend les manifestes et les poèmes publiés dans le contexte des premières avant-gardes historiques anglo-américaines. En un sens, les recherches sur l'objectivation des images et la fragmentation du rythme trouvent un point de résolution dans le caractère indiciel des photogrammes et les procédés du montage discontinu. D'autre part, nous démontrons que les expérimentations sur le vers libre et les formes poétiques ouvertes conditionnent les réflexions du groupe Pool sur le cinéma et leur pratique filmique. Nous analysons dans le détail deux «textes » : nous rapportons Borderline au genre surréaliste du scénario intournable, et nous relisons le dernier poème de H. D. en regard des théories du montage d'Eisenstein. Le modèle princeps du hiéroglyphe, qui est convoqué par Eisenstein et par Pound, mais que H. D. et Freud s'approprient également, constitue le fil rouge qui permet de nouer ces différents liens.


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The recent advance in high-throughput sequencing and genotyping protocols allows rapid investigation of Mendelian and complex diseases on a scale not previously been possible. In my thesis research I took advantage of these modern techniques to study retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a rare inherited disease characterized by progressive loss of photoreceptors and leading to blindness; and hypertension, a common condition affecting 30% of the adult population. Firstly, I compared the performance of different next generation sequencing (NGS) platforms in the sequencing of the RP-linked gene PRPF31. The gene contained a mutation in an intronic repetitive element, which presented difficulties for both classic sequencing methods and NGS. We showed that all NGS platforms are powerful tools to identify rare and common DNA variants, also in case of more complex sequences. Moreover, we evaluated the features of different NGS platforms that are important in re-sequencing projects. The main focus of my thesis was then to investigate the involvement of pre-mRNA splicing factors in autosomal dominant RP (adRP). I screened 5 candidate genes in a large cohort of patients by using long-range PCR as enrichment step, followed by NGS. We tested two different approaches: in one, all target PCRs from all patients were pooled and sequenced as a single DNA library; in the other, PCRs from each patient were separated within the pool by DNA barcodes. The first solution was more cost-effective, while the second one allowed obtaining faster and more accurate results, but overall they both proved to be effective strategies for gene screenings in many samples. We could in fact identify novel missense mutations in the SNRNP200 gene, encoding an essential RNA helicase for splicing catalysis. Interestingly, one of these mutations showed incomplete penetrance in one family with adRP. Thus, we started to study the possible molecular causes underlying phenotypic differences between asymptomatic and affected members of this family. For the study of hypertension, I joined a European consortium to perform genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Thanks to the use of very informative genotyping arrays and of phenotipically well-characterized cohorts, we could identify a novel susceptibility locus for hypertension in the promoter region of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene (NOS3). Moreover, we have proven the direct causality of the associated SNP using three different methods: 1) targeted resequencing, 2) luciferase assay, and 3) population study. - Le récent progrès dans le Séquençage à haut Débit et les protocoles de génotypage a permis une plus vaste et rapide étude des maladies mendéliennes et multifactorielles à une échelle encore jamais atteinte. Durant ma thèse de recherche, j'ai utilisé ces nouvelles techniques de séquençage afin d'étudier la retinite pigmentale (RP), une maladie héréditaire rare caractérisée par une perte progressive des photorécepteurs de l'oeil qui entraine la cécité; et l'hypertension, une maladie commune touchant 30% de la population adulte. Tout d'abord, j'ai effectué une comparaison des performances de différentes plateformes de séquençage NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) lors du séquençage de PRPF31, un gène lié à RP. Ce gène contenait une mutation dans un élément répétable intronique, qui présentait des difficultés de séquençage avec la méthode classique et les NGS. Nous avons montré que les plateformes de NGS analysées sont des outils très puissants pour identifier des variations de l'ADN rares ou communes et aussi dans le cas de séquences complexes. De plus, nous avons exploré les caractéristiques des différentes plateformes NGS qui sont importantes dans les projets de re-séquençage. L'objectif principal de ma thèse a été ensuite d'examiner l'effet des facteurs d'épissage de pre-ARNm dans une forme autosomale dominante de RP (adRP). Un screening de 5 gènes candidats issus d'une large cohorte de patients a été effectué en utilisant la long-range PCR comme étape d'enrichissement, suivie par séquençage avec NGS. Nous avons testé deux approches différentes : dans la première, toutes les cibles PCRs de tous les patients ont été regroupées et séquencées comme une bibliothèque d'ADN unique; dans la seconde, les PCRs de chaque patient ont été séparées par code barres d'ADN. La première solution a été la plus économique, tandis que la seconde a permis d'obtenir des résultats plus rapides et précis. Dans l'ensemble, ces deux stratégies se sont démontrées efficaces pour le screening de gènes issus de divers échantillons. Nous avons pu identifier des nouvelles mutations faux-sens dans le gène SNRNP200, une hélicase ayant une fonction essentielle dans l'épissage. Il est intéressant de noter qu'une des ces mutations montre une pénétrance incomplète dans une famille atteinte d'adRP. Ainsi, nous avons commencé une étude sur les causes moléculaires entrainant des différences phénotypiques entre membres affectés et asymptomatiques de cette famille. Lors de l'étude de l'hypertension, j'ai rejoint un consortium européen pour réaliser une étude d'association Pangénomique ou genome-wide association study Grâce à l'utilisation de tableaux de génotypage très informatifs et de cohortes extrêmement bien caractérisées au niveau phénotypique, un nouveau locus lié à l'hypertension a été identifié dans la région promotrice du gène endothélial nitric oxide sinthase (NOS3). Par ailleurs, nous avons prouvé la cause directe du SNP associé au moyen de trois méthodes différentes: i) en reséquençant la cible avec NGS, ii) avec des essais à la luciférase et iii) une étude de population.


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Poor compliance with antihypertensive drug regimens is one recognized cause of inadequate blood pressure control. Compliance is difficult to measure, so poor adherence to treatment remains largely undiagnosed in clinical practice. When the therapeutic response to a drug is not the one expected, it is a major challenge for many physicians to decide whether the patient is a non-responder or a non-complier. Poor compliance is therefore often incorrectly interpreted as a lack of response to treatment. Not detecting non-compliance can lead to the wrong measures being taken. Electronic monitoring of compliance provides important longitudinal information about drug-intake behaviour that cannot be obtained in the clinic. Such monitoring can improve both compliance and blood pressure control, and help physicians to make more rational therapeutic decisions. A reliable assessment of compliance could have a great impact on medical costs by preventing unnecessary investigations or dose adaptations in patients who are not taking their drugs adequately, or potentially reducing the number of hospitalizations. Side-effects and lack of effectiveness are two frequent causes of poor compliance. The right choice of antihypertensive drug can therefore contribute to compliance. In this respect, it is important to find a drug regimen that is effective, long-acting and well tolerated. Long-acting antihypertensive drugs that provide good blood pressure control beyond the 24-h dosing period should perhaps be considered as drugs of choice in non-compliant patients with hypertension because they help to prevent the consequences of occasional drug omissions.


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The use of social media as a communication tool is rapidly growing in the community, and more specifically in patients, through illness blogs. This has been true for several years in North America, but is becoming a reality in Europe as well. We report here the first results of studies on the putative psychological benefits and risks of illness blogs for their authors. We also explore the possible impact of blogging on the patient-caregiver relationship. Social media are expected to have a growing influence in certain areas of health care. Physicians should therefore stay informed about them, take advantage of their benefits, and anticipate their risks.


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The populations of parasites and infectious agents are most of the time structured in complex hierarchy that lies beyond the classical nested design described by Wright's F-statistics (F(IS), F(ST) and F(IT)). In this note we propose a user-friendly step-by-step notice for using recent software (HierFstat) that computes and test fixation indices for any hierarchical structure. We add some tricks and tips for some special data kind (haploid, single locus), some other procedure (bootstrap over loci) and how to handle crossed factors.


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A new radiolarian order - Archaeospicularia - is proposed for some Lower Paleozoic radiolarians previously considered to belong to Spumellaria and to Collodaria. It is characterized by a globular shell made of several spicules which can be free, interlocked, or fused to formed a latticed wall. The present paper gives the definition of this order and proposes a first classification. It is supposed that the Archaeospicularia represents the oldest radiolarian group and that in the Lower Paleozoic it gave rise to the orders Entactinaria, Albaillellaria, and probably Spumellaria by the reduction of the number of initial spicules. The origin of this order and its relationships with other groups of organisms with siliceous skeletons are also briefly discussed. (C) 2000 Academie des sciences / Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.


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This article reports on the results of the research done towards the fully automatically merging of lexical resources. Our main goal is to show the generality of the proposed approach, which have been previously applied to merge Spanish Subcategorization Frames lexica. In this work we extend and apply the same technique to perform the merging of morphosyntactic lexica encoded in LMF. The experiments showed that the technique is general enough to obtain good results in these two different tasks which is an important step towards performing the merging of lexical resources fully automatically.


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Nearly full-length Circumsporozoite protein (CSP) from Plasmodium falciparum, the C-terminal fragments from both P. falciparm and P. yoelii CSP and a fragment comprising 351 amino acids of P.vivax MSPI were expressed in the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Discoidin-tag expression vectors allowed both high yields of these proteins and their purification by a nearly single-step procedure. We exploited the galactose binding activity of Discoidin Ia to separate the fusion proteins by affinity chromatography on Sepharose-4B columns. Inclusion of a thrombin recognition site allowed cleavage of the Discoidin-tag from the fusion protein. Partial secretion of the protein was obtained via an ER independent pathway, whereas routing the recombinant proteins to the ER resulted in glycosylation and retention. Yields of proteins ranged from 0.08 to 3 mg l(-1) depending on the protein sequence and the purification conditions. The recognition of purified MSPI by sera from P. vivax malaria patients was used to confirm the native conformation of the protein expressed in Dictyostelium. The simple purification procedure described here, based on Sepharose-4B, should facilitate the expression and the large-scale purification of various Plasmodium polypeptides.


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Study to examine the motivation of Iowa’s direct care workers to work in medical personnel pools or temporary staffing agencies.


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BACKGROUND: Higher nighttime blood pressure (BP) and the loss of nocturnal dipping of BP are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular events. However, the determinants of the loss of nocturnal BP dipping are only beginning to be understood. We investigated whether different indicators of physical activity were associated with the loss of nocturnal dipping of BP. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 103 patients referred for 24-hour ambulatory monitoring of BP. We measured these patients' step count (SC), active energy expenditure (AEE), and total energy expenditure simultaneously, using actigraphs. RESULTS: In our study population of 103 patients, most of whom were hypertensive, SC and AEE were associated with nighttime systolic BP in univariate (SC, r = -0.28, P < 0.01; AEE, r = -0.20, P = 0.046) and multivariate linear regression analyses (SC, coefficient beta = -5.37, P < 0.001; AEE, coefficient beta = -0.24, P < 0.01). Step count was associated with both systolic (r = 0.23, P = 0.018) and diastolic (r = 0.20, P = 0.045) BP dipping. Nighttime systolic BP decreased progressively across the categories of sedentary, moderately active, and active participants (125mm Hg, 116mm Hg, 112mm Hg, respectively; P = 0.002). The degree of BP dipping of BP increased progressively across the same three categories of activity (respectively 8.9%, 14.6%, and 18.6%, P = 0.002, for systolic BP and respectively 12.8%, 18.1%, and 22.2%, P = 0.006, for diastolic BP). CONCLUSIONS: Step count is continuously associated with nighttime systolic BP and with the degree of BP dipping independently of 24-hour mean BP. The combined use of an actigraph for measuring indicators of physical activity and a device for 24-hour measurement of ambulatory BP may help identify patients at increased risk for cardiovascular events in whom increased physical activity toward higher target levels may be recommended.


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Specialized glucosensing neurons are present in the hypothalamus, some of which neighbor the median eminence, where the blood-brain barrier has been reported leaky. A leaky blood-brain barrier implies high tissue glucose levels and obviates a role for endothelial glucose transporters in the control of hypothalamic glucose concentration, important in understanding the mechanisms of glucose sensing We therefore addressed the question of blood-brain barrier integrity at the hypothalamus for glucose transport by examining the brain tissue-to-plasma glucose ratio in the hypothalamus relative to other brain regions. We also examined glycogenolysis in hypothalamus because its occurrence is unlikely in the potential absence of a hypothalamus-blood interface. Across all regions the concentration of glucose was comparable at a given plasma glucose concentration and was a near linear function of plasma glucose. At steady-state, hypothalamic glucose concentration was similar to the extracellular hypothalamic glucose concentration reported by others. Hypothalamic glycogen fell at a rate of approximately 1.5 micromol/g/h and remained present in substantial amounts. We conclude for the hypothalamus, a putative primary site of brain glucose sensing that: the rate-limiting step for glucose transport into brain cells is at the blood-hypothalamus interface, and that glycogenolysis is consistent with a substantial blood -to- intracellular glucose concentration gradient.