940 resultados para Stable imputation


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Given the very large amount of data obtained everyday through population surveys, much of the new research again could use this information instead of collecting new samples. Unfortunately, relevant data are often disseminated into different files obtained through different sampling designs. Data fusion is a set of methods used to combine information from different sources into a single dataset. In this article, we are interested in a specific problem: the fusion of two data files, one of which being quite small. We propose a model-based procedure combining a logistic regression with an Expectation-Maximization algorithm. Results show that despite the lack of data, this procedure can perform better than standard matching procedures.


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To provide further insights into ruminant lipid digestion and metabolism, and into cis9, trans-11 18:2 synthesis, 12 growing Engadine lambs grazing either mountain pasture (2,250 m above sea level; n = 6) or lowland pasture (400 m above sea level; n = 6) were studied. Both pastures consisted exclusively of C-3 plants. Before the experiment, all animals grazed a common pasture for 6 wk. Grasses and perirenal adipose tissues of the sheep were analyzed for fatty acids by gas chromatography. Stable C-isotope ratios (delta C-13 values in % vs. the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite standard) were determined in the composite samples by elemental analysis-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The delta C-13 of the individual fatty acids were measured by gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The delta C-13 value of the entire mountain pasture grass was -27.5% (SD 0.31), whereas that of the lowland pasture grass was -30.0% (SD 0.07). This difference was reflected in the perirenal adipose tissues of the corresponding sheep (P < 0.05), even though the delta C-13 values were less in the animals than in the grass. The delta C-13 values for cis-9 16:1 and cis-9 18:1 in perirenal fat differed between mountain and lowland lambs (P < 0.05). The 16:0 in the adipose tissue was enriched in C-13 by 5% compared with the dietary 16:0, likely as a result of partly endogenous synthesis. The d13C values of cis-9, trans-11 18:2 (cis-9, trans-11 CLA) in the adipose tissue were smaller than those of its dietary precursors, cis-9, cis-12 18:2 and cis-9, cis-12, cis-15 18:3; conversely, the delta C-13 values of trans-11 18:1 were not, suggesting that large proportions of perirenal cis-9, trans-11 18:2 were of endogenous origin and discrimination against C-13 occurred during Delta(9)-desaturation. The same discrimination was indicated by the isotopic shift between 16:0 and cis-9 16:1 in the mountain grazing group. Furthermore, the delta C-13 values of cis-9, trans-11 18:2 were smaller relative to the precursor fatty acids in the mountain lambs compared with the lowland group. This result suggests a reduced extent of biohydrogenation in lambs grazing on mountain grass in comparison with those grazing on lowland grass. This was supported by the smaller cis-9, trans-11 18:2 concentrations in total fatty acids found in the adipose tissues of the lowland lambs (P < 0.001). The results of this study demonstrate that natural differences between delta C-13 values of swards from different pastures and the adipose tissue fatty acids could be used as tracers in studies of lipid metabolism in ruminants.


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The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a promising pest control method in terms of efficacy and environmental compatibility. In this study, we determined the efficacy of thiotepa-sterilised males in reducing the target Aedes aegypti populations. Treated male pupae were released weekly into large laboratory cages at a constant ratio of either 5:1 or 2:1 sterile-to-fertile males. A two-to-one release ratio reduced the hatch rate of eggs laid in the cage by approximately a third and reduced the adult catch rate by approximately a quarter, but a 5:1 release drove the population to elimination after 15 weeks of release. These results indicate that thiotepa exposure is an effective means of sterilising Ae. aegypti and males thus treated are able to reduce the reproductive capacity of a stable population under laboratory conditions. Further testing of the method in semi-field enclosures is required to evaluate the mating competitiveness of sterile males when exposed to natural environmental conditions. If proven effective, SIT using thiotepa-sterilised males may be incorporated into an integrated programme of vector control to combat dengue in Cuba.


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INTRODUCTION Due to their low CNS penetrance, there are concerns about the capacity of non-conventional PI-based ART (monotherapy and dual therapies) to preserve neurocognitive performance (NP). METHODS We evaluated the NP change of aviremic participants of the SALT clinical trial (1) switching therapy to dual therapy (DT: ATV/r+3TC) or triple therapy (TT: ATV/r+2NRTI) who agreed to perform an NP assessment (NPZ-5) at baseline and W48. Neurocognitive impairment and NP were assessed using AAN-2007 criteria (2) and global deficit scores (GDS) (3). Neurocognitive change (GDS change: W48 - baseline) and the effect of DT on NP evolution crude and adjusted by significant confounders were determined using ANCOVA. RESULTS A total of 158 patients were included (Table 1). They had shorter times because HIV diagnosis, ART initiation and HIV-suppression and their virologic outcome at W48 by snapshot was higher (79.1% vs 72.7%; p=0.04) compared to the 128 patients not included in the sub-study. By AAN-2007 criteria, 51 patients in each ART group (68% vs 63%) were neurocognitively impaired at baseline (p=0.61). Forty-seven patients were not reassessed at W48: 30 lost of follow-up (16 DT-14 TT) and 17 had non-evaluable data (6 DT-11 TT). Patients retested were more likely to be men (78.9% vs 61.4%) and had neurological cofounders (9.6% vs 0%) than patients non-retested. At W48, 3 out of 16 (5.7%) patients on DT and 6 out of 21 (10.5%) on TT who were non-impaired at baseline became impaired (p=0.49) while 10 out of 37 (18.9%) on DT and 7 out of 36 (12.3%) on TT who were neurocognitively impaired at baseline became non-impaired (p=0.44). Mean GDS changes (95% CI) were: Overall -0.2 (-0.3 to -0.04): DT -0.26 (-0.4 to -0.07) and TT -0.08 (-0.2 to 0.07). NP was similar between DT and TT (0.15). This absence of differences was also observed in all cognitive tests. Effect of DT: -0.16 [-0.38 to 0.06]) (r(2)=0.16) on NP evolution was similar to TT (reference), even after adjusting (DT: -0.11 [-0.33 to 0.1], TT: reference) by significant confounders (geographical origin, previous ATV use and CD4 cell count) (r(2)=0.25). CONCLUSIONS NP stability was observed after 48 weeks of follow up in the majority of patients whether DT or TT was used to maintain HIV-suppression. Incidence rates of NP impairment or NP impairment recovery were also similar between DT and TT.


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Sulfur speciation and the sources of water-soluble sulfate in three oxidizing sulfidic mine tailings impoundments were investigated by selective dissolution and stable isotopes. The studied tailings impoundments-Piuquenes, Cauquenes, and Salvador No. 1-formed from the exploitation of the Rio Blanco/La Andina, El Teniente, and El Salvador Chilean porphyry copper deposits, which are located in Alpine, Mediterranean, and hyperarid climates, respectively. The water-soluble sulfate may originate from dissolution of primary ore sulfates (e.g., gypsum, anhydrite, jarosite) or from oxidation of sulfide minerals exposed to aerobic conditions during mining activity. With increasing aridity and decreasing pyrite content of the tailings, the sulfur speciation in the unsaturated oxidation zones showed a trend from dominantly Fe(Ill) oxyhydroxide fixed sulfate (e.g., jarosite and schwertmannite) in Piuquenes toward increasing presence of water-soluble sulfate at Cauquenes and Salvador No. 1. In the saturated primary zones, sulfate is predominantly present in water-soluble form (mainly as anhydrite and/or gypsum). In the unsaturated zone at Piuquenes and Cauquenes,the delta(34)S(S04) values ranged from +0.5 parts per thousand to +2.0 parts per thousand and from -0.4 parts per thousand to +1.4 parts per thousand Vienna Canyon Diablo Troilite (V-CDT), respectively, indicating a major sulfate source from pyrite oxidation (delta(34)S(pyrite) -1.1 parts per thousand and -0.9 parts per thousand). In the saturated zone at Piuquenes and Cauquenes, the values ranged from -0.8%. to +0.3 parts per thousand and from +2.2 parts per thousand to +3.9 parts per thousand, respectively. At Cauquenes the 34 S enrichment in the saturated zone toward depth indicates the increasing contribution of isotopically heavy dissolved sulfate from primary anhydrite (similar to+10.9%o). At El Salvador No. 1, the delta(34)S(SO4) average value is -0.9 parts per thousand, suggesting dissolution of supergene sulfate minerals (jarosite, alunite, gypsum) with a delta(34)S similar to -0.7 parts per thousand as the most probable sulfate source. The gradual decrease Of delta(18)O(S04) values from the surface to the oxidation front in the tailings impoundments at Piuquenes (from -4.5 parts per thousand to -8.6 parts per thousand Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, V-SMOW) and at Cauquenes (from -1.3 parts per thousand to -3.5 parts per thousand) indicates the increasing importance of ferric iron as the main electron acceptor in the oxidation of pyrite. The different delta(18)O(SO4) values between the tailings impoundments studied here reflect the local climates.


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One of the world's largest wollastonite deposits was formed at the contact of the northern Hunter Mountain Batholith (California, USA) in Paleozoic sediments. Wollastonite occurs as zones of variable thickness surrounding layers or nodules of quartzite in limestones. A minimum formation temperature of 650 degrees C is estimated from isolated periclase-bearing lenses in that area. Contact metamorphism of siliceous carbonates has produced mineral assemblages that are consistent with heterogeneous, and partly limited infiltration of water-rich fluids, compatible with O-18/O-16 and C-13/C-12 isotopic patterns recorded in carbonates. Oxygen isotope compositions of wollastonites in the study area may also not require infiltration of large quantities of externally-derived fluids that were out of equilibrium with the rocks. 8180 values of wollastonite are high (14.8 parts per thousand to 25.0 parts per thousand; median: 19.7 parts per thousand) and close to those of the host limestone (19.7 parts per thousand to 28 parts per thousand; median: 24.9 parts per thousand) and quartz (18.0 parts per thousand. to 29.1 parts per thousand; median: 22.6 parts per thousand). Isotopic disequilibrium exists at quartz/wollastonite and wollastonite/calcite boundaries. Therefore, classical batch/Rayleigh fractionation models based on reactant and product equilibrium are not applicable to the wollastonite rims. An approach that relies on local instantaneous mass balance for the reactants, based on the wollastonite-forming reaction is suggested as an alternative way to model wollastonite reaction rims. This model reproduces many of the measured delta O-18 values of wollastonite reaction rims of the current study to within +/- 1 parts per thousand, even though the wollastonite compositions vary by almost 10 parts per thousand. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Protective T cell responses againstpersistent viruses like Epstein-Barrvirus in healthy individuals are characterizedby a remarkable stability ofthe T cell receptor (TCR) clonotypicrepertoire, with highly preservedclonotype selection and persistenceover time. Here, we extended recentwork to the study of EBV-specificCD8 T cell responses in melanomapatients treated by short-term chemotherapyfor transient lymphodepletion,followed by adoptive cell transfer(ACT) and immune reconstitutionfor cancer therapy. After this treatment,we observed increased proportionsof virus-specific T cells in 3/5patients, accompanied by a more differentiatedphenotype (EMRA/CD28neg), compared to specific cells ofhealthy individuals. Yet, similarly tohealthy donors, clonotype selectionand composition of virus-specific Tcells varied along the pathway of celldifferentiation, with some clonotypesthat were selected with late differentiation,while others were not. Aftertreatment, we did not observe noveldominant clonotypes, likely related toabsence of EBV reactivation measuredas viral load levels by quantitativePCR in PBMCs and antibody levelsin plasma samples. Furthermore,public TCR BV signatures were frequentlyfound within T cell clonotypesthat dominated the repertoiresof patients, in line with those observedin healthy individuals. Ourfindings indicate that even in situationswhere the immune system isstrongly challenged such as followinglymphodepletion and homeostatic repopulation,cytotoxic T cells specificfor EBV remain strikingly stable interms of clonotype selection and com-position along T cell differentiation.We are currently characterizing theclonotype selection and gene expressionprofiles of single EBV-specificCD8 T lymphocytes sorted ex-vivo inone patient who underwent two cyclesof lymphodepletion with escaladingdoses of chemotherapy overone-year interval. Observations madefrom this setting will provide additionalinsight into the degree of stabilityof virus specific T cells, and changesin the expression levels of genesimportant for cytolytic function andlong-term survival of T cells. Thiswork is supported by the Swiss NationalCenter of Competence in Research(NCCR) Molecular Oncology,and the Swiss National Science Foundation.


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Brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) forms stable complexes with amyloid-beta peptide (Abeta) during its assembly into filaments, in agreement with its colocalization with the Abeta deposits of Alzheimer's brain. The association of the enzyme with nascent Abeta aggregates occurs as early as after 30 min of incubation. Analysis of the catalytic activity of the AChE incorporated into these complexes shows an anomalous behavior reminiscent of the AChE associated with senile plaques, which includes a resistance to low pH, high substrate concentrations, and lower sensitivity to AChE inhibitors. Furthermore, the toxicity of the AChE-amyloid complexes is higher than that of the Abeta aggregates alone. Thus, in addition to its possible role as a heterogeneous nucleator during amyloid formation, AChE, by forming such stable complexes, may increase the neurotoxicity of Abeta fibrils and thus may determine the selective neuronal loss observed in Alzheimer's brain.


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RATIONALE The choice of containers for storage of aqueous samples between their collection, transport and water hydrogen (2H) and oxygen (18O) stable isotope analysis is a topic of concern for a wide range of fields in environmental, geological, biomedical, food, and forensic sciences. The transport and separation of water molecules during water vapor or liquid uptake by sorption or solution and the diffusive transport of water molecules through organic polymer material by permeation or pervaporation may entail an isotopic fractionation. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the extent of such fractionation. METHODS Sixteen bottle-like containers of eleven different organic polymers, including low and high density polyethylene (LDPE and HDPE), polypropylene (PP), polycarbonate (PC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and perfluoroalkoxy-Teflon (PFA), of different wall thickness and size were completely filled with the same mineral water and stored for 659?days under the same conditions of temperature and humidity. Particular care was exercised to keep the bottles tightly closed and prevent loss of water vapor through the seals. RESULTS Changes of up to +5 parts per thousand for d2H values and +2.0 parts per thousand for d18O values were measured for water after more than 1?year of storage within a plastic container, with the magnitude of change depending mainly on the type of organic polymer, wall thickness, and container size. The most important variations were measured for the PET and PC bottles. Waters stored in glass bottles with Polyseal (TM) cone-lined PP screw caps and thick-walled HDPE or PFA containers with linerless screw caps having an integrally molded inner sealing ring preserved their original d2H and d18O values. The carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen stable isotope compositions of the organic polymeric materials were also determined. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study clearly show that for precise and accurate measurements of the water stable isotope composition in aqueous solutions, rigorous sampling and storage procedures are needed both for laboratory standards and for unknown samples. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Crystallization of anatectic melts in high-temperature metamorphic terrains releases volatile-rich magmas that can be transported into adjacent lithologies. This study addresses the variations in the oxygen, boron and hydrogen isotopic composition of aplite-pegmatite dikes that formed during the crystallization of anatectic melts in regional high-temperature metamorphism on the island of Naxos, Greece, and propagated upward into the overlying sequences of metamorphic schist. The transport distance of these dikes was increased through a significant horizontal component of travel that was imposed by contemporaneous low-angle extensional shearing. Laser fluorination oxygen isotope analyses of quartz, tourmaline, garnet, and biotite mineral separates from the aplite-pegmatite dikes show a progressive rise in delta(18)O values with increasing distance from the core. Oxygen isotope fractionations among quartz, tourmaline, and garnet show temperature variations from > 700degreesC down to similar to400degreesC. This range is considered to reflect isotopic fractionation beginning with crystallization at high temperatures in water-undersaturated conditions and then evolving through lower temperature crystallization and retrograde sub-solidus exchange. Two processes are examined for the cause of the progressive increase in delta(18)O values: (1) heterogeneous delta(18)O sources and (2) fluid-rock exchange between the aplite/pegmatite magmas and their host rock. Although the former process cannot be ruled out, there is as yet no evidence in the exposed sequences on Naxos for the presence of a suitable high delta(18)O magma source. In contrast, a tendency for the delta(18)O of quartz in the aplite/pegmatite dikes to approach that of the quartz in the metamorphic rock suggests that fluid-rock exchange with the host rock may potentially be an important process. Advection of fluid into the magma is examined based on Darcian fluid flow into an initially water-undersaturated buoyantly propagating aplitic dike magma. It is shown that such advective flow could only account for part of the O-18-enrichment, unless it were amplified by repeated injection of magma pulses, fluid recycling, and deformation-assisted post-crystallization exchange. The mechanism is, however, adequate to account for hydrogen isotope equilibration between dike and host rock. In contrast, variations in the delta(11)B values of tourmalines suggest that B-11/B-10 fractionation during crystallization and/or magma degassing was the major control of boron geochemistry rather than fluid-rock interaction and that the boron isotopic system was decoupled from that of oxygen. Copyright (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd.


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The carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotope composition of enamel from teeth of large Miocene herbivorous mammals from Sandelzhausen (MN5, late Early/early Middle Miocene) in the North Alpine foreland basin, were analyzed to infer diet and habitat. The mean enamel delta(13)C value of -11.4 +/- 1.0% (n = 53) for the nine taxa analyzed (including proboscideans, cervids, suids, chalicotheres, equids, rhinocerotids) indicates a pure C(3) plant diet for all mammals. (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios of similar to 0.710 higher than those from teeth of the western Molasse Basin (0.708-0.709) seem to indicate preferential feeding of the mammals in the northeastern Molasse Basin. The sympatric herbivores have different mean delta(13)C and delta(18)O values which support diet partitioning and/or use of different habitats within a C(3) plant ecosystem. Especially the three sympatric rhinoceroses Plesiaceratherium fahlbuschi, Lartetotherium sansaniense, and Prosantorhinus germanicus show clear partitioning of plants and/or habitats. The palaeomerycid Germanomeryx fahlbuschi was a canopy folivore in moderately closed environments whereas Metaschizotherium bavaricum (Chalicotheriidae) and P. germanicus (Rhinocerotidae) were browsers in more closed forest environments. The horse Anchitherium aurelianense was probably a more generalized feeder than assumed from its dental morphology. The forest hog Hyotherium soemmeringi has the highest delta(13)C and lowest delta(18)O value of all analyzed taxa, possibly related to a frugivorous diet. Most taxa were water-dependent browsers that record meteoric water delta(18)O values of about -5.6 +/- 0.7% Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW). Using a modern-day mean annual air temperature (MAT)-delta(18)OH(2)O relation a MAT of 19.3 +/- 1.5 degrees C can be reconstructed for Sandelzhausen. A Gomphotherium subtapiroideum tusk serially sampled for delta(18)O values does not record a clear pattern of seasonality. Thus most taxa were C(3) browsers in a forested and humid floodplain environment in the Molasse Basin, which experienced a warm-temperate to subtropical climate and possibly low seasonality.


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The Navachab gold mine in the Damara belt of central Namibia is characterized by a polymetallic Au-Bi-As-Cu-Ag ore assemblage, including pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, bismuth, gold, bismuthinite, and bismuth tellurides. Gold is hosted by quartz sulfide veins and semimassive sulfide lenses that are developed in a near-vertical sequence of shelf-type metasedimentary rocks, including marble, calcsilicate rock, and biotite schist. The sequence has been intruded by abundant syntectonic lamprophyre, aplite, and pegmatite dikes, documenting widespread igneous activity coeval with mineralization. The majority of quartz from the veins has delta(18)O values of 14 to 15 per mil (V-SMOW). The total variations in delta(18)O values of the biotite schist and calcsilicate rock are relatively small (12-14 parts per thousand), whereas the marble records steep gradients in delta(18)O values (17-21 parts per thousand), the lowest values being recorded at the vein margins. Despite this, there is no correlation between delta(18)O and delta(13)C values and the carbonate content of the rocks, indicating that fluid-rock interaction alone cannot explain the isotopic gradients. In addition, the marble records increased delta(13)C values at the contact to the veins, possibly related to a change in the physicochemical conditions during fluid-rock interaction. Gold is interpreted to have precipitated in equilibrium with metamorphic find (delta(18)O 12-14 parts per thousand; delta D = -40 to -60 parts per thousand) at peak metamorphic conditions of ca. 550 degrees C and 2 kbars, consistent with isotopic fractionations between coexisting calcite, garnet, and clinopyroxene in the alteration halos. The most likely source of the mineralizing fluid was a midcrustal fluid in equilibrium with the Damaran metapelites that underwent prograde metamorphism at amphibolite- to granulite-facies grades. Although there is no isotopic evidence for the contribution of magmatic fluids, they may have been important in contributing to the overall hydraulic regime and high apparent geothermal gradients (ca. 80 degrees C/km(-1)) in the mine area.


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Background/Purpose: The primary treatment goals for gouty arthritis (GA) are rapid relief of pain and inflammation during acute attacks, and long-term hyperuricemia management. A post-hoc analysis of 2 pivotal trials was performed to assess efficacy and safety of canakinumab (CAN), a fully human monoclonal anti-IL-1_ antibody, vs triamcinolone acetonide (TA) in GA patients unable to use NSAIDs and colchicine, and who were on stable urate lowering therapy (ULT) or unable to use ULT. Methods: In these 12-week, randomized, multicenter, double-blind, double-dummy, active-controlled studies (_-RELIEVED and _-RELIEVED II), patients had to have frequent attacks (_3 attacks in previous year) meeting preliminary GA ACR 1977 criteria, and were unresponsive, intolerant, or contraindicated to NSAIDs and/or colchicine, and if on ULT, ULT was stable. Patients were randomized during an acute attack to single dose CAN 150 mg s.c. or TA 40 mg i.m. and were redosed "on demand" for each new attack. Patients completing the core studies were enrolled into blinded 12-week extension studies to further investigate on-demand use of CAN vs TA for new attacks. The subpopulation selected for this post-hoc analysis was (a) unable to use NSAIDs and colchicine due to contraindication, intolerance or lack of efficacy for these drugs, and (b) currently on ULT, or contraindication or previous failure of ULT, as determined by investigators. Subpopulation comprised 101 patients (51 CAN; 50 TA) out of 454 total. Results: Several co-morbidities, including hypertension (56%), obesity (56%), diabetes (18%), and ischemic heart disease (13%) were reported in 90% of this subpopulation. Pain intensity (VAS 100 mm scale) was comparable between CAN and TA treatment groups at baseline (least-square [LS] mean 74.6 and 74.4 mm, respectively). A significantly lower pain score was reported with CAN vs TA at 72 hours post dose (1st co-primary endpoint on baseline flare; LS mean, 23.5 vs 33.6 mm; difference _10.2 mm; 95% CI, _19.9, _0.4; P_0.0208 [1-sided]). CAN significantly reduced risk for their first new attacks by 61% vs TA (HR 0.39; 95% CI, 0.17-0.91, P_0.0151 [1-sided]) for the first 12 weeks (2nd co-primary endpoint), and by 61% vs TA (HR 0.39; 95% CI, 0.19-0.79, P_0.0047 [1-sided]) over 24 weeks. Serum urate levels increased for CAN vs TA with mean change from baseline reaching a maximum of _0.7 _ 2.0 vs _0.1 _ 1.8 mg/dL at 8 weeks, and _0.3 _ 2.0 vs _0.2 _ 1.4 mg/dL at end of study (all had GA attack at baseline). Adverse Events (AEs) were reported in 33 (66%) CAN and 24 (47.1%) TA patients. Infections and infestations were the most common AEs, reported in 10 (20%) and 5 (10%) patients treated with CAN and TA respectively. Incidence of SAEs was comparable between CAN (gastritis, gastroenteritis, chronic renal failure) and TA (aortic valve incompetence, cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis, diarrohea, nausea, vomiting, bicuspid aortic valve) groups (2 [4.0%] vs 2 [3.9%]). Conclusion: CAN provided superior pain relief and reduced risk of new attack in highly-comorbid GA patients unable to use NSAIDs and colchicine, and who were currently on stable ULT or unable to use ULT. The safety profile in this post-hoc subpopulation was consistent with the overall _-RELIEVED and _-RELIEVED II population.