982 resultados para Spray boom
The aim of this study was to evaluate different spray nozzles for land applications in high speed on the coverage and deposit in soybean plants pulverization. It was evaluated the AXI 110 04 plane jet nozzles operated at speed of 4.17m.s-1 (control), the grey APE and the AXI 110 08 plane jets, and the TD HiSpeed 110 06 and AXI TWIN 120 06 twin jets, at speed of 9.72m.s-1. The application volume was fixed in 120L ha-1. The application efficiency was evaluated by two different methods: analysis of the coverage area using fluorescent pigment and UV light and analysis of deposits through the recovery and quantification of FD&C N°1 brilliant blue marker by spectrophotometry. Both analyses were done in samples collected from top, middle and bottom parts of the plants. The spray nozzles showed differences in coverage and deposit pattern, so in the top part, the coverage was increased with smaller drops and the deposits were increased with medium drops. In the other parts of the plants, there were no statistical differences between the treatments for both coverage and deposits. The displacement speed did not influence the application efficiency for nozzles with the same drop pattern, and the obtained spray coverage and deposits at the medium and bottom parts of the plants were less than 50% of that found at the top of the soybean plants.
The objective of this study was to characterize water application rate, water application pattern width, flow rate, water distribution uniformity and soil loss caused by nozzles of the Low Energy Precision Aplication (LEPA) type Quad-Spray emitter. The study was carried out at the Hydraulic and Irrigation Laboratory of the Department of Engineering at the Federal University of Lavras, in Lavras, state of Minas Gerais - MG, Brazil. Twenty-two (22) LEPA Quad-Spray emitter nozzles were evaluated, with nozzle diameter ranging from 1.59 to 9.92 mm. The experimental design used was entirely randomized, with three replications.Increasing values of nozzle flow rate ranging from 77.44 up to 3,044 L h-1, were obtained with increasing nozzle diameter sizes. Application pattern width ranged from 0.56 up to 3.24m, according to nozzles diameter size. Low values of CDU (maximum of 35.73%) were observed when using the Quad-Spray nozzles. Observed average water application rates covered the range between 68.05 mm h-1 (the lowest value that was obtained with the 2.38mm nozzle) and 258.15 mm h-1 (the highest value that was observed with the 9.92 mm). Average water application rates increased in a simple non-linear function with the increase of nozzle size diameter. However, the weighted average increase in the amount of soil loss by erosion was not related to the increase of weighted average water application values.
The air included in droplets generated by spray nozzles directly int0erferes in transport, deposition and retention of the droplets after its impact on the target. The objective of this study was to analyze the interference of adjuvants in the amount of air included in droplets generated by spray nozzles. The treatments were composed by four spray solutions containing mineral oil, vegetable oil, surfactant and water, and three spray nozzles, two air induction type and one pre-orifice. The air included was calculated by the difference between the volume of spray mix (air plus liquid) and only the liquid, which was made by means of sprayed samples captured in a funnel and collected in a graduated cylinder. The surface tension was estimated by the gravimetric method using a precision scale and a graduated pipette. The surfactant provided the largest percentage of air included in the spray. For the surface tension, the mineral oil and the surfactant had the lowest values. It was concluded that the use of adjuvants had a direct influence on the percentage of air included. In addition, products with greater ability to reduce surface tension and to form homogeneous solutions provided the increase in the percentage of air included in the droplet.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the microencapsulation of pequi pulp by spray drying. A central composite rotational design was used in order to evaluate the effect of the independent variables: inlet air temperature, surfactant concentration and modified starch concentration. The dependent variables were assumed as yield of the process and the product features microencapsulated. A selection of the best process condition was performed to obtain the best condition of a product with the highest vitamin C and carotenoids content. Powders showed moisture content below 2%. The experimental values of hygroscopicity, yield, water activity, total carotenoids and vitamin C powders ranged from 7.96 to 10.67 g of adsorbed water/100g of solids, 24.34 to 49.80%, 0.13 to 0.30, 145.78 to 292.11 mg of ascorbic acid/g of pequi solids and 15.51 to 123.42 mg of carotenoids/g of pequi solids, respectively. The inlet air temperature 140°C, the surfactant concentration of 2.5% and the modified starch concentration of 22.5% was recommended as the selected condition. By the scanning electron microscopy, it was observed that most of the particles had spherical shape and smooth surface.
The use of precision farming tools in pesticide application technology can improve the techniques effectiveness during the spraying. Thus, this study aimed to compare automatic and manual systems to interrupt the syrup flow in the spray bar sections when applied in overlapped areas. The sprayings were carried out in eight places in completely randomized design. It was compared the spray consumption and the sprayed area in relation to the total area. The results indicated that in sprays performed with the automatic system there was an average savings of 17.2% of the sprayed volume. The sprayed area using the bar section's automatic control was an average 6.1% lower than the sprayed area with manual control.
This study defined the main adjuvant characteristics that may influence or help to understand drift formation process in the agricultural spraying. It was evaluated 33 aqueous solutions from combinations of various adjuvants and concentrations. Then, drifting was quantified by means of wind tunnel; and variables such as percentage of droplets smaller than 50 μm (V50), 100 μm (V100), diameter of mean volume (DMV), droplet diameter composing 10% of the sprayed volume (DV0.1), viscosity, density and surface tension. Assays were performed in triplicate, using Teejet XR8003 flat fan nozzles at 200 kPa (medium size droplets). Spray solutions were stained with Brilliant Blue Dye at 0.6% (m/ v). DMV, V100, viscosity cause most influence on drift hazardous. Adjuvant characteristics and respective methods of evaluation have applicability in drift risk by agricultural spray adjuvants.
ABSTRACT Surfactant use in spray solutions has a major advantage of reducing droplet surface tension and increasing deposition. We aimed to evaluate droplet deposition on cattail plants (Typha subulata) using food coloring (Brilliant Blue - FD & C-1) as marker added to spray solution at two different growth stages: vegetative (4 leaves) and flowering (5 leaves). The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications and five plants per plot (16.2-L tanks). Treatments consisted of adding into spray solutions Brilliant Blue alone (control), Brilliant Blue + 0.5% v/v Aterbane and Brilliant Blue + 0.01% v/v Silwet. Spraying was performed by a pressurized CO2 sprayer at 220 kPa using two Teejet XR 8002 nozzles at a spray volume of 200 L ha-1. We observed that surfactant addition provided uniform deposition of spray solution on T. subulata plants at both growth stages compared to treatments without surfactant. However, this product has not increased spray deposits on cattail leaves at both stages.
ABSTRACT This paper aimed at investigating the knowledge level of people working on pesticide spraying activities concerning spray adjuvant properties, as well as collecting information on disposal locations for residues from internal spray tank cleaning, and finally the understanding of pesticide spray drift occurrence in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The information was gathered through a questionnaire answered by participants of a rural extension program in application technology located in nineteen grain and fiber producing regions of Mato Grosso state. Among the mentioned adjuvants, 49.0% belonged to the mineral oil class and 17.9% of participants did not know the functions performed by such products. In addition, 58.5% of the participants discarded residues into the field. Among the participants who answered the question about spray drift occurrence causes, 54.1% indicated problems relating to inadequate weather conditions. In conclusion, there is a lack of knowledge on adjuvant functions, besides of inappropriate residue disposal in the state of Mato Grosso. Spray drift was referred as a problem; however, most of participants were not able to discuss the causes of these losses.
OBJETIVO: determinar a eficácia do spray de lidocaína a 10% aplicado no colo uterino antes da execução da histeroscopia diagnóstica para reduzir a dor e o desconforto causados pelo exame. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 261 pacientes atendidas consecutivamente, entre março de 2004 e março de 2005. As pacientes foram randomizadas para dois grupos: um grupo recebendo aplicação tópica do spray de lidocaína (grupo lidocaína) e outro não recebendo nenhuma medicação antes do procedimento (grupo controle). Trinta miligramas de lidocaína spray a 10% foram aplicados na superfície do colo uterino, sendo a histeroscopia iniciada cinco minutos depois. Imediatamente após o final do procedimento a paciente respondeu um questionário sobre dor e quantificou a intensidade da dor, em centímetros, usando uma escala analógica visual não graduada. Os testes t não pareado, Mann-Whitney e chi2 foram aplicados na análise estatística, com nível de significância de 0,05. RESULTADOS: não houve diferença entre os grupos quanto à idade, paridade ou porcentagem de pacientes na menacme ou menopausa, ou quanto à indicação do procedimento e os achados histeroscópicos. Uma biópsia foi realizada em 57 das 132 pacientes no grupo lidocaína, e em 48 das 129 do grupo controle (p=0,96). O escore médio de dor foi 4,3±2,9 no grupo lidocaína, e 3,9±2,5 no grupo controle (p=0,2). Diferença no escore médio de dor foi observada somente na comparação entre pacientes na menacme e menopausa recebendo ou não a lidocaína spray, com p=0,01 e 0,04, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: o uso da lidocaína spray durante a histeroscopia diagnóstica não minimiza o desconforto e a dor das pacientes, e não deve ser utilizada.
There is little information about the selectivity of herbicides in physic nut (Jatropha curcas) in Brazil. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the selectivity of different doses and mixtures of paraquat and diuron in direted-spray applications in physic nut plants in greenhouse conditions. The study used a randomized block design, with five replicates. The treatments were: paraquat (200 and 600 g ha-1), diuron (1,000 and 2,000 g ha-1), paraquat + diuron (200 + 1,000 g ha-1), paraquat + diuron (200 + 2,000 g ha-1), paraquat + diuron (600 + 1,000 g ha-1), paraquat + diuron (600 + 2,000 g ha-1) and a control (no application). Directed-spray application was performed at 70 days after sowing by the lower third of the plants. The treatments of diuron and paraquat + diuron mixtures affected the growth and photosynthetic activity of physic nut plants, injuries being more pronounced at doses of diuron of 2,000 g ha‑1, while the isolated application of paraquat at doses of 200 and 600 g ha-1 showed good selectivity potential for physic nut plants.
The objective of the present study was to analyze the influence of spray mixture volume and flight height on herbicide deposition in aerial applications on pastures. The experimental plots were arranged in a pasture area in the district of Porto Esperidião (Mato Grosso, Brazil). In all of the treatments, the applications contained the herbicides aminopyralid and fluroxypyr (Dominum) at the dose of 2.5 L c.p. ha-1, including the adjuvant mineral oil (Joint Oil) at the dose of 1.0 L and a tracer to determine the deposition by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (rhodamine at a concentration of 0.6%). The experiment consisted of nine treatments that comprised the combinations of three spray volumes (20, 30 and 50 L ha-1) and three flight heights (10, 30 and 40 m). The results showed that, on average, there was a tendency for larger deposits for the smallest flight heights, with a significant difference between the heights of 10 and 40 m. There was no significant difference among the deposits obtained with the different spray mixture volumes.
The effect of five adjuvants (non-ionic surfactant, paraffinic oil, vegetable oil, mixture of fatty acids methyl esters plus surfactant blend, and organosilicone) on diquat efficacy was assessed on poverty brome, sterile oat, and Italian ryegrass in field and pot experiments. All tank mixtures with diquat increased diquat efficacy from 50-54% to 77-98% as for fresh weight reduction, indicating significant enhancement of diquat efficacy on grasses. The increased efficacy was most likely attributed to better droplet retention and diffusion on the leaf surfaces. When combined with non-ionic surfactant, diquat showed slightly more rapid control of grass weeds (i.e. symptoms were visible within a few hours after application).
Este trabalho avaliou o comportamento do agente encapsulante beta -ciclodextrina ( beta-CD) adicionado ao leite de cabra submetido ao processo de desidratação por "spray-dryer", através de análise termogravimétrica e de cromatografia gasosa. Após a desidratação, a amostra adicionada de beta-CD apresentou um rendimento real de 10,59% com taxa de perda de 0,04% (em relação ao valor teórico esperado 10,6% ); enquanto na amostra sem adição do agente encapsulante o rendimento real foi de 9,57%, com taxa de perda de 4,27% (valor teórico esperado 10% ). Através da análise termogravimétrica (TGA), verificou-se que são volatilizados 44% e 21% dos ácidos comerciais C8 e C10 , respectivamente. Os resultados cromatográficos mostraram uma perda de aproximadamente 30% dos ácidos C8 e 20% dos ácidos C10 , nas amostras de leite de cabra sem beta -CD em relação às amostras com beta-CD. Tais porcentagens estão de acordo com os valores estimados para os ácidos comerciais. Com base nos parâmetros estudados, podemos inferir que há menor perda dos ácidos graxos C8 e C10 na amostra de leite de cabra com beta-CD, provavelmente devido ao efeito encapsulante, aumentando a estabilidade térmica dos ácidos.