972 resultados para Spectral resolution
An algorithm based on a Bayesian network classifier was adapted to produce 10-day burned area (BA) maps from the Long Term Data Record Version 3 (LTDR) at a spatial resolution of 0.05° (~5 km) for the North American boreal region from 2001 to 2011. The modified algorithm used the Brightness Temperature channel from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) band 31 T31 (11.03 μm) instead of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) band T3 (3.75 μm). The accuracy of the BA-LTDR, the Collection 5.1 MODIS Burned Area (MCD45A1), the MODIS Collection 5.1 Direct Broadcast Monthly Burned Area (MCD64A1) and the Burned Area GEOLAND-2 (BA GEOLAND-2) products was assessed using reference data from the Alaska Fire Service (AFS) and the Canadian Forest Service National Fire Database (CFSNFD). The linear regression analysis of the burned area percentages of the MCD64A1 product using 40 km × 40 km grids versus the reference data for the years from 2001 to 2011 showed an agreement of R2 = 0.84 and a slope = 0.76, while the BA-LTDR showed an agreement of R2 = 0.75 and a slope = 0.69. These results represent an improvement over the MCD45A1 product, which showed an agreement of R2 = 0.67 and a slope = 0.42. The MCD64A1, BA-LTDR and MCD45A1 products underestimated the total burned area in the study region, whereas the BA GEOLAND-2 product overestimated it by approximately five-fold, with an agreement of R2 = 0.05. Despite MCD64A1 showing the best overall results, the BA-LTDR product proved to be an alternative for mapping burned areas in the North American boreal forest region compared with the other global BA products, even those with higher spatial/spectral resolution
A flexible and multipurpose bio-inspired hierarchical model for analyzing musical timbre is presented in this paper. Inspired by findings in the fields of neuroscience, computational neuroscience, and psychoacoustics, not only does the model extract spectral and temporal characteristics of a signal, but it also analyzes amplitude modulations on different timescales. It uses a cochlear filter bank to resolve the spectral components of a sound, lateral inhibition to enhance spectral resolution, and a modulation filter bank to extract the global temporal envelope and roughness of the sound from amplitude modulations. The model was evaluated in three applications. First, it was used to simulate subjective data from two roughness experiments. Second, it was used for musical instrument classification using the k-NN algorithm and a Bayesian network. Third, it was applied to find the features that characterize sounds whose timbres were labeled in an audiovisual experiment. The successful application of the proposed model in these diverse tasks revealed its potential in capturing timbral information.
We present a high resolution spectrometer consisting of dual solid Fabry-Perot Interferometers (FPIs). This work is intended to be an all inclusive documentation of the instrument including discussion of the design of this instrument, the methods used in data reduction, and the analysis of these data. Each FPI is made of a single piece of L-BBH2 glass which has a high index of refraction n~2.07 with a thickness on the order of 100 μm. Each is then coated with partially reflective mirrors to create a resonant cavity and thus achieve a spectral resolution of R~30,000. Running the FPIs in tandem reduces the overlapping orders and allows for a much wider free spectral range and higher contrast. We will also discuss the properties of the FPIs which we have measured. This includes the tuning of the FPIs which is achieved by adjusting the temperature and thus changing the FPI gap and the refractive index of the material. The spectrometer then moves spatially in order to get spectral information at every point in the field of view. We select spectral lines for further analysis and create maps of the line depths across the field. Using this technique we are able to measure the fluorescence of chlorophyll in plants and attempt to observe zodiacal light. In the chlorophyll analysis we are able to detect chlorophyll fluorescence using the line depth in a plant using the sky as a reference solar spectrum. This instrument has possible applications in either a cubesat or aerial observations to measure bulk plant activity over large areas.
Os espectrómetros instalados a bordo de satélites e à superfície da Terra têm desempenhado um papel fundamental na compreensão da química e dinâmica da atmosfera e na monitorização da poluição ambiental. O SPATRAM (SPectrometer for Atmosferic TRAcers Measurements) é um espectrómetro ultravioleta – Visível que compreende a região espectral entre 250-950nm e se encontra instalado no Instituto de Ciências da Terra (ICT) desde Abril de 2004. Enquanto isso, em 2012, um novo modelo do instrumento SPATRAM foi desenvolvido no ICT e foi chamado SPATRAM2. O objectivo do trabalho proposto é a calibração radiométrica do espectrómetro SPATRAM2, utilizando uma lâmpada de halogéneo e uma esfera de integração. A calibração radiométrica do sistema SPATRAM2 permitirá obter a radiação solar directa, com alta resolução espectral, o que actualmente não se encontra disponível. Este tipo de medição poderá ter um papel importante na investigação e desenvolvimento na área da energia solar e aplicações; Radiometric Calibration of Spectrophotometric Optical Instrumentation Abstract: Spectrometers installed aboard satellites and located on Earth’s surface have played a fundamental role to understand atmosphere’s chemistry and dynamic and to monitor environmental pollution. The SPATRAM (SPectrometer for Atmosferic TRAcers Measurements) instrument is an ultraviolet spectrometer – visible that covers spectral region between 250-950nm and it is installed in Instituto de Ciências da Terra (Institute of Earth Sciencies), ICT, since April 2004. Meanwhile, in 2012, a new model of SPATRAM instrument was developed in ICT and was called SPATRAM2. The goal of this project is the radiometric calibration of the SPATRAM2 spectrometer using a halogen lamp and an integrating sphere. Radiometric calibration of SPATRAM2 system will provide direct solar radiation, with high spectral resolution, that is not available nowadays. This type of measurement may play an important role in solar energy’s progress and investigation.
Los sensores remotos proveen imágenes que según sus características permiten determinar cambios en el uso de la tierra. Se han desarrollado sensores con alto potencial para llevar a cabo este tipo de trabajo, aunque en ocasiones es difícil tener todos los elementos para discriminar los objetos en una misma imagen, por ello recurrimos a transformaciones para la consecución de los objetivos. Este artículo constituye un subproducto del proyecto “Análisis de los cambios del uso de la tierra en el distrito de Orosi, utilizando datos teledetectados de los proyectos CENIGA1 (TERRA 97) y CARTA2 2003: período 1997-2003”. En el caso de Carta 2003 y Spot se presenta una coincidencia temporal pero no espacial ni espectral. El objetivo es ofrecer técnicas de transformación de imágenes fotográficas y multiespectrales del proyecto Carta 2003, así como una imagen de la plataforma del Spot. Las transformaciones de las imágenes permitieron cambiar la resolución espacial y espectral, las cuales variaban de 2 a 30 metros espacialmente y de 1 a 50 en su espectro. Para los objetivos de la investigación se seleccionaron 9 bandas a las cuales fue posible aplicarles las transformaciones. Se obtuvo resultante de 2 metros de resolución espacial y 9 bandas espectrales. Utilizando las resultantes se realizó la clasificación supervisada, con lo cual se obtuvo un mayor nivel de detalle en la delimitación de los diferentes usos presentes en el área de estudio. ABSTRACT Remote sensors supply images that, according to their characteristics, allow for determining changes in land use. Sensors have been developed with a high potential to carry out this type of work, although on occasion it is difficult to have all of the elements to distinguish the objects in the same image, and for that we resort to transformations to attain the objectives. This article constitutes a byproduct of the project: “Analysis of Land Use Changes in the District of Orosi, Using Remote Sensing Data of the Projects CENIGA (TERRA 97) and CARTA 2003: Period 1997-2003”. CARTA 2003 and Spot present temporary coincidence but not spatial or spectral. The objective is to offer techniques of transforming photographic images and multispectrals of the CARTA 2003 project, such as an image of the Spot platform. Transformation of the images allowed for changing the spatial and spectral resolution, which varied from 2 to 30 meters spatially and from 1 to 50 in their spectrum. For the objectives of the investigation, nine bands were selected to which it was possible to apply the transformations, and with them managed to obtain results of 2 meters of spatial resolution and 9 spectral bands. Utilizing the results, the supervised classification was realized, obtaining a greater level of detail in defining the different uses present in the area of study.
A variable resolution global spectral method is created on the sphere using High resolution Tropical Belt Transformation (HTBT). HTBT belongs to a class of map called reparametrisation maps. HTBT parametrisation of the sphere generates a clustering of points in the entire tropical belt; the density of the grid point distribution decreases smoothly in the domain outside the tropics. This variable resolution method creates finer resolution in the tropics and coarser resolution at the poles. The use of FFT procedure and Gaussian quadrature for the spectral computations retains the numerical efficiency available with the standard global spectral method. Accuracy of the method for meteorological computations are demonstrated by solving Helmholtz equation and non-divergent barotropic vorticity equation on the sphere. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A spectral performance model, designed to simulate the system spectral throughput for each of the 21 channels in the HIRDLS radiometer, is described. This model uses the measured spectral characteristics of each of the components in the optical train, appropriately corrected for their optical environment, to determine the end-to-end spectral throughput profile for each channel. This profile is then combined with the predicted thermal emission from the atmosphere, arising from the height of interest, to establish an in-band (wanted) to out-of-band (unwanted) radiance ratio. The results from the use of the model demonstrate that the instrument level radiometric requirements for the instrument will be achieved. The optical arrangement and spectral design requirements for filtering in the HIRDLS instrument are described together with a presentation of the performance achieved for the complete set of manufactured filters. Compliance of the predicted passband throughput model to the spectral positioning requi rements of the instrument is also demonstrated.
Um método de correção de interferência espectral e de transporte é proposto, e foi aplicado para minimizar interferências por moléculas de PO produzidas em chama ar-acetileno e de transporte causada pela variação da concentração de ácido fosfórico. Átomos de Pb e moléculas de PO absorvem a 217,0005 nm, então Atotal217,0005 nm = A Pb217,0005 nm + A PO217,0005 nm. Monitorando o comprimento de onda alternativo de PO em 217,0458 nm, é possível calcular a contribuição relativa de PO na absorbância total a 217,0005 nm: A Pb217,0005 nm = Atotal217,0005 nm - A PO217,0005 nm = Atotal217,0005 nm - k (A PO217,0458 nm). O fator de correção k é a razão entre os coeficientes angulares de duas curvas analíticas para P obtidas a 217,0005 e 217,0458 nm (k = b217,0005 nm/b217,0458 nm). Fixando-se a taxa de aspiração da amostra em 5,0 ml min-1, e integrando-se a absorbância no comprimento de onda a 3 pixels, curvas analíticas para Pb (0,1 - 1,0 mg L-1) foram obtidas com coeficientes de correlação típicos > 0,9990. As correlações lineares entre absorbância e concentração de P nos comprimentos de onda 217,0005 e 217,0458 foram > 0,998. O limite de detecção de Pb foi 10 µg L-1. O método de correção proposto forneceu desvios padrão relativos (n=12) de 2,0 a 6,0%, ligeiramente menores que os obtidos sem correção (1,4-4,3%). As recuperações de Pb adicionado às amostras de ácido fosfórico variaram de 97,5 a 100% (com correção pelo método proposto) e de 105 a 230% (sem correção).
Providing accurate maps of coral reefs where the spatial scale and labels of the mapped features correspond to map units appropriate for examining biological and geomorphic structures and processes is a major challenge for remote sensing. The objective of this work is to assess the accuracy and relevance of the process used to derive geomorphic zone and benthic community zone maps for three western Pacific coral reefs produced from multi-scale, object-based image analysis (OBIA) of high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral images, guided by field survey data. Three Quickbird-2 multi-spectral data sets from reefs in Australia, Palau and Fiji and georeferenced field photographs were used in a multi-scale segmentation and object-based image classification to map geomorphic zones and benthic community zones. A per-pixel approach was also tested for mapping benthic community zones. Validation of the maps and comparison to past approaches indicated the multi-scale OBIA process enabled field data, operator field experience and a conceptual hierarchical model of the coral reef environment to be linked to provide output maps at geomorphic zone and benthic community scales on coral reefs. The OBIA mapping accuracies were comparable with previously published work using other methods; however, the classes mapped were matched to a predetermined set of features on the reef.