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The activation of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and inhibition of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is hypothesized to underlie the fact that muscle growth following resistance exercise is decreased by concurrent endurance exercise. To directly test this hypothesis, the capacity for muscle growth was determined in mice lacking the primary upstream kinase for AMPK in skeletal muscle, LKB1. Following either 1 or 4 weeks of overload, there was no difference in muscle growth between the wild type (wt) and LKB1−/− mice (1 week: wt, 38.8 ± 7.75%; LKB1−/−, 27.8 ± 12.98%; 4 week: wt, 75.8 ± 15.2%; LKB1−/−, 85.0 ± 22.6%). In spite of the fact that the LKB1 had been knocked out in skeletal muscle, the phosphorylation and activity of the α1 isoform of AMPK were markedly increased in both the wt and the LKB1−/− mice. To identify the upstream kinase(s) responsible, we studied potential upstream kinases other than LKB1. The activity of both Ca2+–calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase α(CaMKKα) (5.05 ± 0.86-fold) and CaMKKβ (10.1 ± 2.59-fold) increased in the overloaded muscles, and this correlated with their increased expression. Phosphorylation of TAK-1 also increased 10-fold following overload in both the wt and LKB1 mice. Even though the α1 isoform of AMPK was activated by overload, there were no increases in expression of mitochondrial proteins or GLUT4, indicating that the α1 isoform is not involved in these metabolic adaptations. The phosphorylation of TSC2, an upstream regulator of the TORC1 pathway, at the AMPK site (Ser1345) was increased in response to overload, and this was not affected by LKB1 deficiency. Taken together, these data suggest that the α1 isoform of AMPK is preferentially activated in skeletal muscle following overload in the absence of metabolic adaptations, suggesting that this isoform might be important in the regulation of growth but not metabolism.


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The chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) aggrecan, versican, and brevican are large aggregating extracellular matrix molecules that inhibit axonal growth of the mature central nervous system (CNS). ADAMTS proteoglycanases, including ADAMTS4 and ADAMTS5, degrade CSPGs, representing potential targets for ameliorating axonal growth-inhibition by CSPG accumulation after CNS injury. We investigated the proteolysis of CSPGs in mice homozygous for Adamts4 or Adamts5 null alleles after spinal cord injury (SCI). ADAMTS-derived 50-60 kDa aggrecan and 50 kDa brevican fragments were observed in Adamts4-/-, Adamts5-/-, and wt mice but not in the sham-operated group. By contrast Adamts4-/- and Adamts5-/- mice were both protected from versican proteolysis with an ADAMTS-generated 70 kDa versican fragment predominately observed in WT mice. ADAMTS1, ADAMTS9, and ADAMTS15 were detected by Western blot in Adamts4-/- mice' spinal cords after SCI. Immunohistochemistry showed astrocyte accumulation at the injury site. These data indicate that aggrecan and brevican proteolysis is compensated in Adamts4-/- or Adamts5-/- mice by ADAMTS proteoglycanase family members but a threshold of versican proteolysis is sensitive to the loss of a single ADAMTS proteoglycanase during SCI. We show robust ADAMTS activity after SCI and exemplify the requirement for collective proteolysis for effective CSPG clearance during SCI.


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The present study aimed to investigate whether skeletal muscle from whole body creatine transporter (CrT; SLC6A8) knockout mice (CrT(-/y)) actually contained creatine (Cr) and if so, whether this Cr could result from an up regulation of muscle Cr biosynthesis. Gastrocnemius muscle from CrT(-/y) and wild type (CrT(+/y)) mice were analyzed for ATP, Cr, Cr phosphate (CrP), and total Cr (TCr) content. Muscle protein and gene expression of the enzymes responsible for Cr biosynthesis L-arginine:glycine amidotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) were also determined as were the rates of in vitro Cr biosynthesis. CrT(-/y) mice muscle contained measurable (22.3 ± 4.3 mmol.kg(-1) dry mass), but markedly reduced (P < 0.05) TCr levels compared with CrT(+/y) mice (125.0 ± 3.3 mmol.kg(-1) dry mass). AGAT gene and protein expression were higher (~3 fold; P < 0.05) in CrT(-/y) mice muscle, however GAMT gene and protein expression remained unchanged. The in vitro rate of Cr biosynthesis was elevated 1.5 fold (P < 0.05) in CrT(-/y) mice muscle. These data clearly demonstrate that in the absence of CrT protein, skeletal muscle has reduced, but not absent, levels of Cr. This presence of Cr may be at least partly due to an up regulation of muscle Cr biosynthesis as evidenced by an increased AGAT protein expression and in vitro Cr biosynthesis rates in CrT(-/y) mice. Of note, the up regulation of Cr biosynthesis in CrT(-/y) mice muscle was unable to fully restore Cr levels to that found in wild type muscle.


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Phospholipase C-β1 (PLC-β1) is a critical component of multiple signalling pathways downstream of neurotransmitter receptors. Mice lacking this enzyme display a striking behavioural phenotype with relevance to human psychiatric disease. Glutamatergic dysfunction is strongly associated with several abnormal behavioural states and may underlie part of the phenotype of the phospholipase C-β1 knockout (KO) mouse. A heightened response to glutamatergic psychotomimetic drugs is a critical psychosis-related endophenotype, and in this study it was employed as a correlate of glutamatergic dysfunction. Control (n=8) and PLC-β1 KO mice (n=6) were treated with MK-801, a NMDA receptor (NMDAR) antagonist, following either standard housing or environmental enrichment, and the motor function and locomotor activity thus evoked was assessed. In addition, MK-801 binding to the NMDAR was evaluated through radioligand autoradiography in post-mortem tissue (on a drug-naive cohort). We have demonstrated a significantly increased sensitivity to the effects of the NMDA antagonist MK-801 in the PLC-β1 KO mouse. In addition, we found that this mouse line displays reduced hippocampal NMDAR expression, as measured by radioligand binding. We previously documented a reversal of specific phenotypes in this mouse line following housing in an enriched environment. Enrichment did not alter this heightened MK-801 response, nor NMDAR expression, indicating that this therapeutic intervention works on specific pathways only. These findings demonstrate the critical role of the glutamatergic system in the phenotype of the PLC-β1 KO mouse and highlight the role of these interconnected signalling pathways in schizophrenia-like behavioural disruption. These results also shed further light on the capacity of environmental factors to modulate subsets of these phenotypes.


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Abnormalities in glutamatergic signalling are proposed in schizophrenia in light of the schizophreniform psychosis elicited by NMDA antagonists. The metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) interacts closely with the NMDA receptor and is implicated in several behavioural endophenotypes of schizophrenia. We have demonstrated that mice lacking mGluR5 have increased sensitivity to the hyperlocomotive effects of the NMDA antagonist MK-801. Mice lacking mGluR5 also show abnormal locomotor patterns, reduced prepulse inhibition (PPI), and deficits on performance of a short-term spatial memory task on the Y-maze. Chronic administration of the antipsychotic drug clozapine ameliorated the locomotor disruption and reversed the PPI deficit, but did not improve Y-maze performance. Chronic clozapine increased NMDA receptor binding ([3H]MK-801) but did not alter dopamine D2 ([3H]YM-09151), 5-HT2A ([3H]ketanserin), or muscarinic M1/M4 receptor ([3H]pirenzepine), binding in these mice. These results demonstrate behavioural abnormalities that are relevant to schizophrenia in the mGluR5 knockout mouse and a reversal of behaviours with clozapine treatment. These results highlight both the interactions between mGluR5 and NMDA receptors in the determination of schizophreniform behaviours and the potential for the effects of clozapine to be mediated by NMDA receptor regulation.
Key words


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Activity of the cholinergic muscarinic system is associated with modulation of locomotor activity, although the precise mechanism remains unclear. The phospholipase C-[beta]1 knockout mouse displays both M1 muscarinic receptor dysfunction and a hyperactive locomotor phenotype. This mouse serves as an ideal model for the analysis of muscarinic modulation of locomotor activity. The clozapine metabolite N-desmethylclozapine (NDMC) has shown some promise as an alternative or adjunct treatment for psychotic disorders. NDMC shows strong muscarinic acetylcholine receptor affinities, which may contribute to the clinical efficacy of clozapine and account for the correlation between NDMC/clozapine ratio and treatment response. Administration of NMDC reversed a striking hyperactive phenotype in the phospholipase C-[beta]1 knockout mouse, whereas no significant effects were observed in wild-type animals. This highlights the potential role of muscarinic activity in the behavioural response to NDMC. The M1 muscarinic antagonist pirenzepine, however, also reduced the hyperactive phenotype of these mice, emphasizing the importance of muscarinic function in the control of locomotor behaviour, but also calling into question the specific mechanism of action of NMDC at muscarinic receptors.


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Neste estudo observamos os efeitos da ausência de receptores para LDL sobre os níveis plasmáticos de colesterol, pressão arterial, controle reflexo da freqüência cardíaca, nitratos totais e estresse oxidativo em eritrócitos e tecido cardíaco. Para tanto utilizamos camundongos controle (n=13, para avaliações hemodinâmicas e de estresse oxidativo, e n=11, para dosagem de colesterol), e Knockout para receptores de LDL controle (n= 6, para avaliações hemodinâmicas e de estresse oxidativo, e n=5, para dosagem de colesterol). Como análise estatística utilizamos o teste T de Student para amostras não pareadas, considerando-se significativo quando p<0,05. A ausência desses receptores aumentou os níveis plasmáticos de colesterol total em mg/dL (179± 35) no grupo knockout (KO), em relação ao controle (109± 13). Esse resultado foi acompanhado pelo aumento da pressão arterial média (PAM) em mmHg no grupo KO (140±3), quando comparado ao controle (118±6). A freqüência cardíaca basal não foi significativamente diferente entre os grupos, mas o reflexo comandado pelos pressoreceptores estava significativamente atenuado nos animais KO. Tanto em eritrócitos como no tecido cardíaco, a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes apresentou-se significativamente reduzida; e o dano oxidativo, expresso pela dosagem de carbonilas e quimiluminescência, esteve significativamente aumentado no grupo KO. Esses resultados foram acompanhados pela redução dos níveis de nitratos totais, indicando uma redução da biodisponibilidade de óxido nítrico circulante nesses animais. Esses resultados indicam que a ausência de receptores para LDL não só causam aumento dos níveis de colesterol sangüíneo, mas também do estresse oxidativo. Esses aumentos poderiam estar contribuindo tanto para aumentar a degradação do óxido nítrico quanto para reduzir sua síntese, resultando em aumento da PA e prejuízo da sensibilidade barorreflexa, observados nesse estudo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Moderate wine intake (i.e., 1-2 glasses of wine a day) is associated with a reduced risk of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-atherosclerotic effects of a nonalcoholic ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) from a South Brazilian red wine obtained from Vitis labrusca grapes. Experiments were carried out on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor knockout (LDLr-/-) mice, which were subjected to a hypercholesterolemic diet and treated with doses of EAF (3, 10, and 30 mg/kg) for 12 weeks. At the end of the treatment, the level of plasma lipids, the vascular reactivity, and the atherosclerotic lesions were evaluated. Our results demonstrated that the treatment with EAF at 3 mg/kg significantly decreased total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL plus very low-density lipoprotein levels compared with control hypercholesterolemic mice. The treatment of mice with EAF at 3 mg/kg also preserved the vasodilatation induced by acetylcholine on isolated thoracic aorta from hypercholesterolemic LDLr-/- mice. This result is in agreement with the degree of lipid deposit on arteries. Taken together, the results show for the first time that the lowest concentration of an EAF obtained from a red wine produced in southern Brazil significantly reduced the progression of atherosclerosis in mice.


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Background/Aims: beta(2)-adrenoceptor (beta(2)-AR) activation induces smooth muscle relaxation and endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) release. However, whether endogenous basal beta(2)-AR activity controls vascular redox status and NO bioavailability is unclear. Thus, we aimed to evaluate vascular reactivity in mice lacking functional beta(2)-AR (beta 2KO), focusing on the role of NO and superoxide anion. Methods and Results: Isolated thoracic aortas from beta 2KO and wild-type mice (WT) were studied. beta 2KO aortas exhibited an enhanced contractile response to phenylephrine compared to WT. Endothelial removal and L-NAME incubation increased phenylephrine-induced contraction, abolishing the differences between beta 2KO and WT mice. Basal NO availability was reduced in aortas from beta 2KO mice. Incubation of beta 2KO aortas with superoxide dismutase or NADPH inhibitor apocynin restored the enhanced contractile response to phenylephrine to WT levels. beta 2KO aortas exhibited oxidative stress detected by enhanced dihydroethidium fluorescence, which was normalized by apocynin. Protein expression of eNOS was reduced, while p47(phox) expression was enhanced in beta 2KO aortas. Conclusions: The present results demonstrate for the first time that enhanced NADPH-derived superoxide anion production is associated with reduced NO bioavailability in aortas of beta 2KO mice. This study extends the knowledge of the relevance of the endogenous activity of beta(2)-AR to the maintenance of the vascular physiology. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel