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We derive a closed system of equations that relates the acoustically radiating flow variables to the sources of sound for homentropic flows. We use radiating density, momentum density and modified pressure as the dependent variables which leads to simple source terms for the momentum equations. The source terms involve the non-radiating parts of the density and momentum density fields. These non-radiating components are obtained by removing the radiating wavenumbers in the Fourier domain. We demonstrate the usefulness of this new technique on an axi-symmetric jet solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, obtained by direct numerical simulation (DNS). The dominant source term is proportional to the square of the non-radiating part of the axial momentum density. We compare the sound sources to that obtained by an acoustic analogy and find that they have more realistic physical properties. Their frequency content and amplitudes are consistent with. We validate the sources by computing the radiating sound field and comparing it to the DNS solution. © 2010 by S. Sinayoko, A. Agarwal.


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The physical sources of sound are expressed in terms of the non-radiating part of the flow. The non-radiating part of the flow can be obtained from convolution filtering, as we demonstrate numerically by using an axi-symmetric jet satisfying the Navier-Stokes equations. Based on the frequency spectrum of the source, we show that the sound sources exhibit more physical behaviour than sound sources based on acoustic analogies. To validate the sources of sound, one needs to let them radiate within the non-radiating flow field. However, our results suggest that the traditional Euler operator linearized about the time-averaged part of the flow should be sufficient to compute the sound field. © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The causes of mortality of fry of cultivable fishes in a fish seed farm were investigated. The mortality was due to fungal infection and the pathogen was Saprolegnia sp. The sources of infection were unhygienic breeding hapas, spawnery hapas in the cemented ponds, hatching jars and excess feeding. Application of one kg slaked lime followed by 75g of CuSo sub(4)(l-0.5 p.p.m.) and 150g of KMno sub(4)(2-1 p.p.m.) per each nursery (158m³ water) controlled the pathogen.


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P. monodon postlarvae were fed with fresh brown mussel (Modiolus metcalfei ) meat, and artificial diets containing casein, shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis ) meal, squid (Loligo ) meal, and Spirulina as protein sources at a rate of 20% of their biomass per day for a period of 10 days. No statistical difference was found among the weight gains of shrimp fed on various experimental diets. However, shrimp fed squid meal diet had highest weight gain followed by shrimp meal, fresh brown mussel meat, casein and Spirulina . Shrimp fed squid meal diet had a significantly better feed conversion and those receiving other experimental diets. Poorest fed conversion was observed in shrimp fed Spirulina . The protein efficiency ratio was statistically highest for the squid meal diet, with the lowest value again for Spirulina diets. Survival rate was significantly highest for shrimp fed the shrimp meal diet. No statistical differences were found among shrimp fed other experimental diets. Appropriate data are tabulated.


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This chapter focuses on relationships between plastic deformation structures and mechanical properties in metals and alloys deforming by dislocation glide. We start by summarizing plastic deformation processes, then look at the fundamental mechanisms of plastic deformation and explore how deformation structures evolve. We then turn to experimental techniques for characterization which have allowed deformation microstructures to be quantified in terms of common structural parameters. The microstructural evolution has been described over many length scales and analyzed theoretically based on general principles. The deformation microstructures are related to work hardening stages. Finally we identify correlations between a wide range of microstructural features and mechanical properties, particularly flow stress, and use experimental observations to illustrate their inter-relationships.


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We examine theoretically the transient displacement flow and density stratification that develops within a ventilated box after two localized floor-level heat sources of unequal strengths are activated. The heat input is represented by two non-interacting turbulent axisymmetric plumes of constant buoyancy fluxes B1 and B2 > B1. The box connects to an unbounded quiescent external environment of uniform density via openings at the top and base. A theoretical model is developed to predict the time evolution of the dimensionless depths λj and mean buoyancies δj of the 'intermediate' (j = 1) and 'top' (j = 2) layers leading to steady state. The flow behaviour is classified in terms of a stratification parameter S, a dimensionless measure of the relative forcing strengths of the two buoyant layers that drive the flow. We find that dδ1/dτ α 1/λ1 and dδ2/dτ α 1/λ2, where τ is a dimensionless time. When S 1, the intermediate layer is shallow (small λ1), whereas the top layer is relatively deep (large λ2) and, in this limit, δ1 and δ2 evolve on two characteristically different time scales. This produces a time lag and gives rise to a 'thermal overshoot', during which δ1 exceeds its steady value and attains a maximum during the transients; a flow feature we refer to, in the context of a ventilated room, as 'localized overheating'. For a given source strength ratio ψ = B1/B2, we show that thermal overshoots are realized for dimensionless opening areas A < Aoh and are strongly dependent on the time history of the flow. We establish the region of {A, ψ} space where rapid development of δ1 results in δ1 > δ2, giving rise to a bulk overturning of the buoyant layers. Finally, some implications of these results, specifically to the ventilation of a room, are discussed. © Cambridge University Press 2013.


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Total alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations were measured in municipal wastewater, and a shallow Chinese freshwater lake receiving it. Activities of Dissolved alkaline phosphatase ( ADAP) in overlying and interstitial water were also analyzed monthly at three sites for several years. The lake was enriched with SRP and alkaline phosphatase by discharge of the wastewater, indicating that the inclusion of APA for estimating water pollution was reasonable. Annual data showed that APA in coarser fraction was significantly higher at the site receiving more wastewaters, both in surface and overlying water, suggesting that resuspension of enzyme most likely occurred in the basin heavily discharged. ADAP was an order of magnitude higher in the wastewater than those in lake waters, and was generally higher in interstitial water, a feature more striking at the site receiving more discharges. Besides, it was irrespectively inhibited by Na2WO4, L-cysteine and EDTA-Na, but stimulated by Cu2+, Zn2+, CTAB and Triton X-100 in interstitial, overlying and surface waters. This similarity of responding patterns to the stressors indicated an analogy between dissolved alkaline phosphatase in water column and that in interstitial water, supporting the hypothesis that the polluted sediments act as source of dissolved alkaline phosphatase in eutrophic lakes.


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Comparative studies on macrozoobenthos were done in 2 shallow mesotrophic lakes in the middle basins of the Yangtze River, China: Lake Biandantang where macrophytes were abundant, and Lake Houhu where macrophytes were scarce Samples were taken monthly at 4 stations in each lake from April 1997 to March 1999, and a total of 67 and 31 tara of macrozoobenthos were recorded in Lake Biandantang and Lake Houhu, respectively. Both annual mean density and biomass of macrozoobenthos were higher in Lake Biandantang than in Lake Houhu: 780 vs 532 indivials/m(2) and 37.1 vs 25.9 g wet mass/m(2), respectively. Abundance of functional feeding groups followed the order: scraper > collector > predator > shredder in Lake Biandantang, and collector > predator > scraper > shredder in Lake Houhu. Only 1 density peak occurred from winter to early spring in Lake Houhu; however, in Lake Biandantang, there were 2 peaks, the winter peak and spring peak. K-dominance curves and Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, and Margelef indices indicated that macrozoobenthos were more diverse in Lake Biandantang than in Lake Houhu Our study suggests that, in shallow lakes, submerged macrophytes are essential for the maintenance of biodiversity of macrozoobenthos mainly because the macrophytes increase habit heterogeneity and availability of suitable food, and may also decrease predation by fish on the macrozoobenthos.


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Ecological studies on benthic nematodes were conducted in two small, shallow lakes in the middle Yangtze basin, China; Lake Houhu, where the main source of primary production is phytoplankton and Lake Biandantang where it is predominantly macrophytic in origin. Monthly sampling was carried out from April 1996 to March 1997. A total of 36 species of nematodes was found in Lake Houhu and 51 species in Lake Biandantang. The dominant trophic groups of nematodes were algophages in Lake Houhu and bacteriophages associated with omniphages and phytophages in Lake Biandantang. Community analyses based on K-dominance curves, Shannon-Wiener and Simpson diversity indices, demonstrate that the benthic nematodes are more diverse in Lake Biandantang than in Lake Houhu. The results suggest that the abundance of submerged vegetation is essential for maintenance of habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity of nematodes in shallow lakes.