159 resultados para Sonde pancentromérique


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En esta obra se halla el relato de las peripecias del marino escocés Selkirk en la isla de Juan Fernández, fundamento del argumento de Robinson Crusoe, de Daniel Defoe.


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Significant improvements have been made in estimating gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (R), and net ecosystem production (NEP) from diel, “free-water” changes in dissolved oxygen (DO). Here we evaluate some of the assumptions and uncertainties that are still embedded in the technique and provide guidelines on how to estimate reliable metabolic rates from high-frequency sonde data. True whole-system estimates are often not obtained because measurements reflect an unknown zone of influence which varies over space and time. A minimum logging frequency of 30 min was sufficient to capture metabolism at the daily time scale. Higher sampling frequencies capture additional pattern in the DO data, primarily related to physical mixing. Causes behind the often large daily variability are discussed and evaluated for an oligotrophic and a eutrophic lake. Despite a 3-fold higher day-to-day variability in absolute GPP rates in the eutrophic lake, both lakes required at least 3 sonde days per week for GPP estimates to be within 20% of the weekly average. A sensitivity analysis evaluated uncertainties associated with DO measurements, piston velocity (k), and the assumption that daytime R equals nighttime R. In low productivity lakes, uncertainty in DO measurements and piston velocity strongly impacts R but has no effect on GPP or NEP. Lack of accounting for higher R during the day underestimates R and GPP but has no effect on NEP. We finally provide suggestions for future research to improve the technique.


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Sea floor dredging by the H.M.S. Challenger, the U.S.S. Albatross, the U.S.S. EPC(R) 857, and vessels of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography shows that extensive deposits of manganese nodules are on the deep sea floor and that crusts of manganese dioxide cover many seamounts. Sea floor photography reveals that in some places these crusts are quite continuous and the nodules are closely packed. These crusts and nodules are fully oxidized and hydrated mixtures of man¬ganese and iron plus earthy impurities. Also, relatively high concen¬trations of the trace elements nickel, copper, and cobalt are present.


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A compilation of chemical analyses of Pacific Ocean nodules using an x-ray fluorescence technique. The equipment used was a General Electric XRD-5 with a tungsten tube. Lithium fluoride was used as the diffraction element in assaying for all elements above calcium in the atomic table and EDDT was used in conjunction with a helium path for all elements with an atomic number less than calcium. Flow counters were used in conjunction with a pulse height analyzer to eliminate x-ray lines of different but integral orders in gathering count data. The stability of the equipment was found to be excellent by the author. The equipment was calibrated by the use of standard ores made from pure oxide forms of the elements in the nodules and carefully mixed in proportion to the amounts of these elements generally found in the manganese nodules. Chemically analyzed standards of the nodules themselves were also used. As a final check, a known amount of the element in question was added to selected samples of the nodules and careful counts were taken on these samples before and after the addition of the extra amount of the element. The method involved the determination and subsequent use of absorption and activation factors for the lines of the various elements. All the absorption and activation factors were carefully determined using the standard ores. The chemically analyzed samples of the nodules by these methods yielded an accuracy to at least three significant figures.


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Nella Tesi viene riportata l’analisi genetica di un campione di 128 famiglie con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico, tramite il sistema di SNP array “PsychArray” (Illumina ), contenente oltre 500.000 sonde sull’intero genoma. Questi dati sono stati utilizzati per individuare Copy Number Variants (CNVs) rari e rilevanti da un punto di vista clinico. Sono stati quindi selezionati tre CNVs per un ulteriore approfondimento: due microdelezioni già descritte come patologiche (rispettivamente nella regione 1p36.32 e 22q13.33 comprendente il gene SHANK3) sono risultate essere “de novo”, mentre una terza microdelezione nel gene CTNNA3 è ereditata dalla madre. Tutti e tre i CNV sono stati validati tramite Real Time-PCR, definendone i confini. Per quanto riguarda la microdelezione in CTNNA3, poiché difetti di questo gene sono stati implicati nell’autismo con un meccanismo recessivo, è stata anche condotta un’analisi di sequenza di tutti gli esoni del gene negli individui della famiglia interessata, al fine di ricercare eventuali mutazioni puntiformi sull’allele non deleto. Questa analisi non ha individuato nessuna variante potenzialmente dannosa, pertanto il difetto in CTNNA3 non risulta essere la causa principale del fenotipo autistico in questa famiglia, anche se potrebbe avere un ruolo come fattore di suscettibilità.


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The ability of the hydrated oxides of manganese and iron to adsorb ions from solution (scavenging) is considered in relation to some problems in marine geology, chemistry, and biology. In the ferruginous sediments of the Pacific Ocean, iron oxides are accompanied by titanium, cobalt, and zirconium in amounts proportional to the iron content. Similarly, copper and nickel are linearly related to the manganese content. These observations are explained on the basis of scavenging. An electrochemical theory for the formation of manganese nodules is presented. Marine sediments are classified on the basis of the geosphere in which the solid phases originate. The distribution of certain ionic species in sea water between the solid and aqueous phases is considered on the basis of scavenging and co-ordination compound theory. The concentration of minor elements by members of the marine biosphere is explained either by the direct uptake of the element or by the uptake of iron or manganese oxides with the accompanying scavenged element.


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The uranium concentrations in marine calcareous material of a biological origin varied between 0.0X and 0.X p.p.m. with the exception of corals which had concentrations of several p.p.m. The aragonitic oolites and aragonite precipitated from sea-water had values similar to those of the corals. A geochronology based on the growth of ionium (thorium-230) from uranium is applicable not only to corals, as previous investigators have pointed out, but also to oolites. Several examples of "oolite ages" are given. The uranium content of ferromanganese minerals from pelagic deposits is of the order of from 4 to 5 p.p.m.


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Using spectrochemical techniques Fe, Si, Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, V, Mo, Ti and Tl have been estimated in nineteen manganese nodules, eight from the Atlantic ocean, seven from the Pacific ocean and four from the Indian ocean. Though data on more samples are required before firm and detailed conclusions can be made about the distribution of elements in manganese nodules, several distinct features appear when the data on the nineteen samples are examined. Certain elements appear to enrich more strongly than others. For example, relative to igneous rocks Mo is much more strongly enriched than V. For several elements (Ni, Cu and particularly Co and Tl) the degree of enrichment in two Fe-low nodules is far smaller than in the other nodules. The magnitude of dispersion of concentration appears to vary considerably for different elements; thus, whereas variation of concentration of V is relatively small, that of Ni, Cu, Co and Tl is far larger. The statistical nature of the distribution of Fe in manganese nodules appears to be characteristic and different from that of the other elements studied so far. Of the possible inter-element relationships examined that of Ni-Cu appears to be the most strongly developed.


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Mn, Fe, Ca, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sn, Tl, Pb and Bi have been estimated in thirty-two nodules from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Various features about the composition of manganese nodules are discussed: element abundances, degrees of enrichment, inter-element relationships (notably between Ni and Cu, and between Zn and Cd), regional variations and some aspects of statistical distribution.


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A synoptic review of the studies of well-known occurrences of palagonite tuffs is presented. Included are palagonite tuffs from Iceland, and pillow-lava palagonite complexes from Columbia River basalts and from the central Oregon coast. Additional petrologic and x-ray defraction data for selected samples are presented. Petrologic evidence shows that basaltic glass of aqueous tuffs and breccias consists of sideromelane, which is susceptible to palagonitization. It is shown that palagonitization is a selective alteration process, involving hydration, oxidation and zeolitization. Some of the manganese nodules dredged from the Pacific Ocean floor contain nucleus of palagonite-tuff breccias or of zeolite. A brief megascopic and microscopic description of nodules from the south Pacific, the Mendocino ridge and the 'Horizon' Nodule from the north Pacific is presented. Petrographic studies of palagonite-tuff breccias of manganese nodules and other palagonites suggest that migration and segregation of metallic elements occur during and subsequent to palagonitization. During the palagonitization of sideromelane, nearly 30 percent of sea water is absorbed. The hydration of sideromelane is also accompanied by oxidation of iron and other elements. These oxides may be released either in colloidal form or in true solution and tend to precipitate first from the unstable palagonite.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Ce projet de recherche mené en collaboration industrielle avec St-Jean Photochimie Inc. / PCAS Canada vise le développement et la caractérisation de dérivés dipyrrométhène pour des applications dans le domaine du photovoltaïque. La quête du récoltage des photons se situant dans le proche-infrarouge a été au centre des modifications structurales explorées afin d’augmenter l’efficacité de conversion des cellules solaires de type organique et à pigments photosensibles. Trois familles de composés intégrant le motif dipyrrométhène ont été synthétisées et caractérisées du point de vue spectroscopique, électrochimique, structural ainsi que par modélisation moléculaire afin d’établir des relations structures-propriétés. La première famille comporte six azadipyrrométhènes au potentiel de coordination tétradentate sur des centres métalliques. Le développement d’une nouvelle voie synthétique asymétrique combinée à l’utilisation d’une voie symétrique classique ont permis d’obtenir l’ensemble des combinaisons de substituants possibles sur les aryles proximaux incluant les noyaux 2-hydroxyphényle, 2-méthoxyphényle et 2- pyridyle. La modulation du maximum d’absorption dans le rouge a pu être faite entre 598 et 619 nm. De même, la présence de groupements méthoxyle ou hydroxyle augmente l’absorption dans le violet (~410 nm) tel que démontré par modélisation. La caractérisation électrochimique a montré que les dérivés tétradentates étaient en général moins stables aux processus redox que leur contre-parti bidentate. La deuxième famille comporte dix dérivés BODIPY fusionnés de façon asymétrique en position [b]. L’aryle proximal a été modifié de façon systématique afin de mieux comprendre l’impact des substituents riches en électron et de la fusion de cycles aromatiques. De plus, ces dérivés ont été mis en relation avec une vaste série de composés analogues. Les résultats empiriques ont montré que les propriétés optoélectroniques de la plateforme sont régies par le degré de communication électronique entre l’aryle proximal, le pyrrole sur lequel il est attaché et le noyau indolique adjacent à ce dernier. Les maximums d’absorption dans le rouge sont modulables entre 547 et 628 nm et la fluorescence des composés se situe dans le proche- infrarouge. L’un des composé s’est révélé souhaitable pour une utilisation en photovoltaïque ainsi qu’à titre de sonde à pH. La troisième famille comporte cinq complexes neutres de RuII basés sur des polypyridines et portant un ligand azadipyrrométhène cyclométalé. Les composés ont montré une forte absorption de photons dans la région de 600 à 800 nm (rouge à proche- infrarouge) et qui a pu être étendue au-delà de 1100 nm dans le cas des dérivés portant un ligand terpyridine. L’analyse des propriétés optoélectroniques de façon empirique et théorique a montré un impact significatif de la cyclométalation et ouvert la voie pour leur étude en tant que photosensibilisateurs en OPV et en DSSC. La capacité d’un des complexes à photo-injecter un électron dans la bande de conduction du semi-conducteur TiO2 a été démontré en collaboration avec le groupe du Pr Gerald J. Meyer à University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, premier pas vers une utilisation dans les cellules solaires à pigments photosensibles. La stabilité des complexes en solution s’est toutefois avérée problématique et des pistes de solutions sont suggérées basées sur les connaissances acquises dans le cadre de cette thèse.