995 resultados para Sodré, Nelson Werneck, 1911-1999


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A Ciência Política tem se preocupado nos últimos anos em compreender o comportamento dos partidos políticos no interior do Poder Legislativo. Ao contrário do que afirma a opinião pública, seria possível encontrar lógica na atuação das legendas? O que seria capaz de explicar uma eventual ordem? Na Câmara dos Deputados, estudos comprovam que os partidos agem conforme as indicações de suas lideranças. Mas como funcionam as Assembleias Legislativas? O intuito desse artigo é verificar como se comportam as bancadas partidárias na Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de São Paulo, notando que além do comportamento dos parlamentares em torno das votações nominais, houve a preocupação de avaliar o que ocorre com a atuação do deputado estadual que muda de partido.


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Declara apoio a nota do Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil, Departamento de Brasília, contra o Projeto de Lei n. 4937/1981, de iniciativa do Governador Aimé Lamaison, que "dispõe sobre a desafetação de bens de uso comum do povo, situados no Distrito Federal". Critica a TERRACAP e a Secretaria de Viação e Obras pelo favorecimento da especulação imobiliária, através da alienação de áreas públicas e da desfiguração do Plano Piloto de Lúcio Costa. Denuncia as pressões sobre o Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Afirma a necessidade de representação política para o Distrito Federal, de modo que o povo, através de seus mandatários, possa ter poder de decisão sobre a problemática urbana.


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Discute as posições doutrinárias a respeito do alcance do artigo 49, I da Constituição Federal, quanto à competência do Poder Legislativo para resolver definitivamente sobre tratados internacionais. Realiza estudo de casos sobre projetos de decreto legislativo referentes a acordos internacionais durante a legislatura 1999-2002. Identifica, na apreciação do Acordo Nuclear Brasil/Estados Unidos sobre a Base de Alcântara, aspectos do entendimento da Câmara dos Deputados quanto à possibilidade de fazer ressalvas e emendas a textos de atos internacionais.


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Aborda a aprovação de outorgas e renovações de rádio e tv pelo Senado Federal. Investiga relatórios de comissões e da Presidência do Senado, no período de 1999 a 2008, para quantificar a aprovação de projetos de decreto legislativo sobre o assunto. Analisa os partidos políticos mais beneficiados, as regiões e os Estados mais contemplados, as categorias de outorgas e renovações mais aprovadas e o fluxo dessas matérias em períodos eleitorais. Verifica a relação entre os projetos de radiodifusão que tramitaram no Senado, no período pesquisado, e a localidade da emissora.


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Examina as discussões sobre os diversos meios de acompanhamento e estudo do relacionamento entre o Poder Executivo e o Legislativo, o papel e a importância da peça orçamentária, também chamada de Lei de Meios, na condução das ações governamentais. Identifica os resultados da execução orçamentária de 1999 a 2002 e de 2003 a 2006, descreve o processo de emendas parlamentares na proposta orçamentária e reconhece o percentual de execução das emendas por partido político, ponderando os valores efetivamente liquidados. Busca entender o reflexo do relacionamento entre o Poder Executivo e o Legislativo, mormente quanto ao percentual de atendimento do total das emendas aprovadas e à efetiva participação dos partidos políticos na execução final, sob a ótica de estes serem ou não da base de sustentação do Governo Federal.


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Since January, 1911, Mr. E. A. Goldman, of the Biological Survey, U.S.Department of Agriculture, has been detailed to the Smithsonian Biological Survey of the Panama Canal Zone to collect mammals and birds in the Canal Zone and adjacent parts of Panama... (Document contains 4 pages)


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Two new species of Monasa are among the interesting birds collected by E. A. Goldman while working on the Smithsonian Biological Survey of Panama during the winter of 1911. They were collected at the same locality on the base of Cerro Azul, northwest from Chepo, and only a single specimen of each was obtained. No others were seen during the entire season in the Canal Zone and adjacent territory...(Document contains 4 pages)


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While working on the Smithsonian Biological Survey of the Canal Zone, Mr. E. A. Goldman of the Biological Survey, United States Department of Agriculture, collected specimens of two undescribed subspecies of birds which are characterized below. (Document contains 3 pages)


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Improving PICES CO2 measurement quality The status of the Bering Sea: July - December 1998 The state of the eastern North Pacific since October 1998 The state of the western North Pacific in the second half of 1998 Paul Henry LeBlond Report on the ICES/SCOR Symposium on Ecosystem Effects of Fishing What is the carrying capacity of the North Pacific Ocean for salmonids? Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity (SEBSCC) The Whole Earth System: The role of regional programs Sub-Arctic Gyre Experiment in the North Pacific Ocean (SAGE) The Alaska Predator Ecosystem Experiment (APEX): An integrated seabird and forage fish investigation sponsored by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council ICES and GOOS: A progress report Report on GOOS Living Marine Resource Panel Meeting


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Taking stock and looking to the future - note from former PICES Chairman The state of the western North Pacific in the first half of 1998 The status of the Bering Sea in the first eight month of 1998 The state of the eastern North Pacific since February 1998 Highlights of PICES VII, review of SB activities and future workplan The second PICES Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and ajacent area PICES-GLOBEC Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Program: A report from PICES VII Data management for the CCCC Program Report on GOOS Living Marine Resource Panel Meeting Photos from PICES VII Vjatcheslav Petrovich Shuntov GLOBEC Canada: Who we are, what we’ve been doing and where we’re headed The Ocean Carrying Capacity Research Program (OCC) at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Auke Bay Laboratory, Juneau, Alaska JAMSTEC research activities in the northern North Pacific People and events


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Report of Opening Session (pdf 124 KB) Report of Governing Council Meetings (pdf 67 KB) Reports of Science Board and Committees: Science Board (pdf 56 KB) Biological Oceanography Committee (pdf 27 KB) Fishery Science Committee (pdf 53 KB) Working Group 12: Crabs and Shrimps Marine Environmental Quality Committee (pdf 92 KB) Working Group 8: Practical Assessment Methodology Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee (pdf 64 KB) Working Group 13: CO2 in the North Pacific Implementation Panel on the CCCC Program (pdf 51 KB) Technical Committee on Data Exchange (pdf 31 KB) Publication Committee (pdf 21) Finance and Administration: Report of the Finance and Administration Committee (pdf 40 KB) Assets on 31st of December, 1998 Income and Expenditures for 1998 Budget for 2000 Composition of the Organization (pdf 27 KB) List of Participants (pdf 94 KB) List of Acronyms (pdf 13 KB)


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Table of Contents [pdf, 0.11 Mb] Executive Summary [pdf, 0.07 Mb] MODEL Task Team Workshop Report Final Report of the International Workshop to Develop a Prototype Lower Trophic Level Ecosystem Model for Comparison of Different Marine Ecosystems in the North Pacific [pdf, 11.64 Mb] Report of the 1999 MONITOR Task Team Workshop [pdf, 0.32 Mb] Report of the 1999 REX Task Team Workshop Herring and Euphausiid population dynamics Douglas E. Hay and Bruce McCarter Spatial, temporal and life-stage variation in herring diets in British Columbia [pdf, 0.10 Mb] Augustus J. Paul and J. M. Paul Over winter changes in herring from Prince William Sound, Alaska [pdf, 0.08 Mb] N. G. Chupisheva Qualitative texture characteristic of herring (Clupea pallasi pallasi) pre-larvae developed from the natural and artificial spawning-grounds in Severnaya Bay (Peter the Great Bay) [pdf, 0.07 Mb] Gordon A. McFarlane, Richard J. Beamish and Jake SchweigertPacific herring: Common factors have opposite impacts in adjacent ecosystems [pdf, 0.15 Mb] Tokimasa Kobayashi, Keizou Yabuki, Masayoshi Sasaki and Jun-Ichi Kodama Long-term fluctuation of the catch of Pacific herring in Northern Japan [pdf, 0.39 Mb] Jacqueline M. O’Connell Holocene fish remains from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada [pdf, 0.40 Mb] Elsa R. Ivshina and Irina Y. Bragina On relationship between crustacean zooplankton (Euphausiidae and Copepods) and Sakhalin-Hokkaido herring (Tatar Strait, Sea of Japan) [pdf, 0.14 Mb] Stein Kaartvbeedt Fish predation on krill and krill antipredator behaviour [pdf, 0.08 Mb] Nikolai I. Naumenko Euphausiids and western Bering Sea herring feeding [pdf, 0.07 Mb] David M. Checkley, Jr. Interactions Between Fish and Euphausiids and Potential Relations to Climate and Recruitment [pdf, 0.08 Mb] Vladimir I. Radchenko and Elena P. Dulepova Shall we expect the Korf-Karaginsky herring migrations into the offshore western Bering Sea? [pdf, 0.75 Mb] Young Shil Kang Euphausiids in the Korean waters and its relationship with major fish resources [pdf, 0.29 Mb] William T. Peterson, Leah Feinberg and Julie Keister Ecological Zonation of euphausiids off central Oregon [pdf, 0.11 Mb] Scott M. Rumsey Environmentally forced variability in larval development and stage-structure: Implications for the recruitment of Euphausia pacifica (Hansen) in the Southern California Bight [pdf, 3.26 Mb] Scott M. Rumsey Inverse modelling of developmental parameters in Euphausia pacifica: The relative importance of spawning history and environmental forcing to larval stage-frequency distributions [pdf, 98.79 Mb] Michio J. Kishi, Hitoshi Motono & Kohji Asahi An ecosystem model with zooplankton vertical migration focused on Oyashio region [pdf, 33.32 Mb] PICES-GLOBEC Implementation Panel on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Program Executive Committee and Task Team List [pdf, 0.05 Mb] (Document pdf contains 142 pages)


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Preface [pdf, 0.01 Mb] James J. O'Brien The big picture - The ENSO of 1997-98 [pdf, 0.01 Mb] James E. Overland, Nicholas A. Bond & Jennifer Miletta Adams Atmospheric anomalies in 1997: Links to ENSO? [pdf, 0.54 Mb] Vladimir I. Ponomarev, Olga Trusenkova, Serge Trousenkov, Dmitry Kaplunenko, Elena Ustinova & Antonina Polyakova The ENSO signal in the northwest Pacific [pdf, 0.47 Mb] Robert L. Smith, A. Huyer, P.M. Kosro & J.A. Barth Observations of El Niño off Oregon: July 1997 to present (October 1998) [pdf, 1.31 Mb] Patrica A. Wheeler & Jon Hill Biological effects of the 1997-1998 El Niño event off Oregon: Nutrient and chlorophyll distributions [pdf, 1.13 Mb] William T. Peterson Hydrography and zooplankton off the central Oregon coast during the 1997-1998 El Niño event [pdf, 0.26 Mb] William Crawford, Josef Cherniawsky, Michael Foreman & Peter Chandler El Niño sea level signal along the west coast of Canada [pdf, 1.25 Mb] Howard J. Freeland & Rick Thomson The El Niño signal along the west coast of Canada - temperature, salinity and velocity [pdf, 0.49 Mb] Frank A. Whitney, David L. Mackas, David W. Welch & Marie Robert Impact of the 1990s El Niños on nutrient supply and productivity of Gulf of Alaska waters [pdf, 0.06 Mb] Craig McNeil, David Farmer & Mark Trevorrow Dissolved gas measurements at Stn. P4 during the 97-98 El Niño [pdf, 0.13 Mb] Kristen L.D. Milligan, Colin D. Levings & Robert E. DeWreede Data compilation and preliminary time series analysis of abundance of a dominant intertidal kelp species in relation to the 1997/1998 El Niño event [pdf, 0.05 Mb] S.M. McKinnell, C.C. Wood, M. Lapointe, J.C. Woodey, K.E. Kostow, J. Nelson & K.D. Hyatt Reviewing the evidence that adult sockeye salmon strayed from the Fraser River and spawned in other rivers in 1997 [pdf,0.03 Mb] G.A. McFarlane & R.J. Beamish Sardines return to British Columbia waters [pdf, 0.34 Mb] Ken H. Morgan Impact of the 1997/98 El Niño on seabirds of the northeast Pacific [pdf, 0.06 Mb] Thomas C. Royer & Thomas Weingartner Coastal hydrographic responses in the northern Gulf of Alaska to the 1997-98 ENSO event [pdf, 0.76 Mb] John F. Piatt, Gary Drew, Thomas Van Pelt, Alisa Abookire, April Nielsen, Mike Shultz & Alexander Kitaysky Biological effects of the 1997/98 ENSO in Cook Inlet, Alaska [pdf, 0.22 Mb] H.J. Niebauer The 1997-98 El Niño in the Bering Sea as compared with previous ENSO events and the "regime shift" of the late 1970s [pdf, 0.10 Mb] A.S. Krovnin, G.P. Nanyushin, M.Yu. Kruzhalov, G.V. Khen, M.A. Bogdanov, E.I. Ustinova, V.V. Maslennikov, A.M. Orlov, B.N. Kotenev, V.V. Bulanov & G.P. Muriy The state of the Far East seas during the 1997/98 El Niño event [pdf, 0.15 Mb] Stacy Smith & Susan Henrichs Phytoplankton collected by a time-series sediment trap deployed in the southeast Bering Sea during 1997 [pdf, 0.21 Mb] Cynthia T. Tynan Redistributions of cetaceans in the southeast Bering Sea relative to anomalous oceanographic conditions during the 1997 El Niño [pdf, 0.02 Mb] Akihiko Yatsu, Junta Mori, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Tomowo Watanabe, Kazuya Nagasawa, Yikimasa Ishida, Toshimi Meguro, Yoshihiko Kamei & Yasunori Sakurai Stock abundance and size compositions of the neon flying squid in the central North Pacific Ocean during 1979-1998 [pdf, 0.11 Mb] O.B. Feschenko A new point of view concerning the El Niño mechanism [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Nathan Mantua 97/98 Ocean climate variability in the northeast Pacific: How much blame does El Niño deserve? [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Vadim P. Pavlychev Sharp changes of hydrometeorological conditions in the northwestern Pacific during the 1997/1998 El Niño event [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Jingyi Wang Predictability and forecast verification of El Niño events [pdf, 0.01 Mb] (Document contains 110 pages)


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Análise dos discursos parlamentares proferidos no Plenário da Câmara dos Deputados na 51ª Legislatura, anos de 1999 a 2003, sobre o tema terceiro setor. Na metodologia utilizada foi criada uma base de dados específica da massa documental dos discursos e utilizadas atribuições de positividade e negatividade. Observou-se a necessidade de mais entrosamento entre as Ongs e o Congresso Nacional para o desenvolvimento de ações que propiciem melhores condições de vida para a população brasileira.