991 resultados para Socio-territorial impacts
La expansión de la frontera agrícola en la región pampeana argentina supuso la revalorización de los espacios de "borde", considerados "marginales" por el capital. El propósito de este artículo es interpretar los impactos socioterritoriales, desde los planos materiales y simbólicos, que está generando la expansión de la frontera productiva (agropecuaria y petrolera), liderada por agentes con perfil empresarial, en el centro-oeste de La Pampa. Desde el abordaje interpretativo que ofrecen las metodologías cualitativas proponemos analizar, mediante un estudio de caso, cómo estos procesos de expansión de la frontera alteraron y redefinieron el campo social entre los años 2000 y 2010, la construcción social del espacio y las relaciones de poder en el paraje Chos Malal
Summary Both in the remote origin of the city and the more recent one of urbanism as a remedial discipline conceived as a means of tackling with the urban and territorial impacts of industrialisation, the relatively balanced relation between town and country was a constant which endured until the progressive fragmentation and separation among the different areas of knowledge and action contributed to create a gap between them both, with disastrous consequences in environmental, social and economical terms. The tasks at hands from the perspective of integral sustainability is to promote a reunion throughout a new culture of territory. Resumen Tanto en los orígenes remotos de la ciudad como en los recientes del urbanismo como disciplina surgida para mitigar el impacto urbano y territorial del industrialismo, la relación relativamente equilibrada entre campo y ciudad fue una constante que se mantuvo hasta que la progresiva fragmentación entre áreas de conocimiento y de intervención contribuyó a un paulatino desencuentro entre ambos, de desastrosas consecuencias en términos sociales, ambientales y económicos. La tarea que se presenta desde la óptica de la sostenibilidad integral es propiciar el reencuentro a través de una nueva cultura del territorio
English Summary: Both in the remote origin of the city and the more recent one of urbanism as a remedial discipline conceived as a means of tackling with the urban and territorial impacts of industrialisation, the relatively balanced relation between town and country was a constant which endured until the progressive fragmentation and separation among the different areas of knowledge and action contributed to create a gap between them both, with disastrous consequences in environmental, social and economical terms. The tasks at hands from the perspective of integral sustainability is to promote a reunion throughout a new culture of territory. Resumen Tanto en los orígenes remotos de la ciudad como en los recientes del urbanismo como disciplina surgida para mitigar el impacto urbano y territorial del industrialismo, la relación relativamente equilibrada entre campo y ciudad fue una constante que se mantuvo hasta que la progresiva fragmentación entre áreas de conocimiento y de intervención contribuyó a un paulatino desencuentro entre ambos, de desastrosas consecuencias en términos sociales, ambientales y económicos. La tarea que se presenta desde la óptica de la sostenibilidad integral es propiciar el reencuentro a través de una nueva cultura del territorio
Hoy en día, ya no se puede pasar por alto la necesidad de una agricultura climáticamente más inteligente para los 500 millones de pequeños agricultores del mundo (Wheeler, 2013). Estos representan aproximadamente el 60 % de la agricultura mundial y proporcionan hasta el 80 % de los alimentos en los países en vías de desarrollo, los pequeños agricultores gestionan vastas extensiones de tierra y lamentablemente incluyen los grupos con mayor proporción de personas en estado de inseguridad alimentaria. El cambio climático está transformando el contexto para la agricultura en pequeña escala. Durante siglos, los pequeños agricultores desarrollaron la capacidad de adaptarse a los cambios ambientales y la variabilidad del clima, pero la velocidad y la intensidad del cambio climático está superando su capacidad de respuesta. Si no se cambia la manera que tenemos de lidiar con el cambio climático, tanto en acciones locales como globales, es muy probable que las personas rurales de entornos vulnerables tengan que adaptarse a un calentamiento global promedio de 4 °C por encima de los niveles preindustriales para el año 2100. Esta alza de las temperaturas aumentará aún más la incertidumbre y provocará desastres naturales como las sequías, la erosión del suelo, la pérdida de biodiversidad y la escasez agua sean mucho más frecuentes. Uno de los factores más importantes para los pequeños agricultores es que ya no pueden depender de los promedios históricos, por lo que es más difícil para ellos para planificar y gestionar la producción debido a los cambios en los patrones climáticos. Algunos de los principales cultivos de cereales (trigo, arroz, maíz, etc.) han alcanzado su umbral de tolerancia al calor y un aumento de la temperatura en torno a 1,5-2 °C podría ser muy perjudicial. Estos efectos a corto plazo podrían ser agravados por otros a medio y largo plazo, los que se refieren al impacto socioeconómico en términos de oportunidades y estabilidad política. El cambio climático está haciendo que el desarrollo de la pequeña agricultura resulte mucho más caro. A nivel de proyectos, los programas resistentes al clima tienen, normalmente, unos costos iniciales más altos, tanto de diseño como de implementación. Por ejemplo, es necesario incluir gastos adicionales en infraestructura, operación y mantenimiento; desarrollo de nuevas capacidades y el intercambio de conocimientos en torno al cambio climático. También se necesita mayor inversión para fortalecer las instituciones frente a los nuevos retos que propone el cambio climático, o generar información que pueda ser de escala reducida y con enfoques que beneficien a la comunidad, el cambio climático es global pero los efectos son locales. Es, por tanto, el momento de redefinir la relación entre agricultura y medio ambiente, ya que se hace cada vez más necesario buscar mejores y más eficientes maneras para responder al cambio climático. Es importante señalar que la respuesta al cambio climático no significa reinventar todo lo que se ha aprendido sobre el desarrollo, significa aplicar un esfuerzo renovado para hacer frente a los cambios en el trabajo de cooperación al desarrollo de una manera más sistemática y más amplia. Una respuesta coherente al cambio climático requiere que la comunidad internacional reconozca la necesidad de aumentar el apoyo financiero para la adaptación así como un mayor énfasis en proporcionar soluciones diseñadas para aumentar la resiliencia1 de los pequeños agricultores a las crisis relacionadas con el clima. Con el fin de responder a algunos de los desafíos mencionados anteriormente, esta investigación pretende contribuir a fortalecer las capacidades de los pequeños productores, aquellos que actualmente están la primera línea frente a los desafíos del cambio climático, promoviendo un desarrollo que tenga un impacto positivo en sus medios de vida. La tesis se compone de cuatro capítulos. El primero define y analiza el marco teórico de las interacciones entre el cambio climático y el impacto en los proyectos de desarrollo rural, especialmente los que tienen por objetivo mejorar la seguridad alimentaria de los pequeños productores. En ese mismo capítulo, se presenta una revisión global de la financiación climática, incluyendo la necesidad de asignar suficientes recursos para la adaptación. Con el fin de lograr una mayor eficacia e impacto en los proyectos de desarrollo, la investigación desarrolla una metodología para integrar actividades de adaptación al cambio climático, presentada en el segundo capítulo. Esta metodología fue implementada y validada durante el periodo 2012-14, trabajando directamente con diferentes equipos gubernamentales en diez proyectos del Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola ). El tercero presenta, de manera detallada, la aplicación de la metodología a los estudios de caso de Bolivia y Nicaragua, así como un resumen de las principales conclusiones en la aplicación de los ocho países restantes. Finalmente, en el último capítulo se presentan las conclusiones y un esbozo de futuras líneas de investigación. Actualmente, el tema de la sostenibilidad ambiental y el cambio climático está ganando terreno en la agenda de desarrollo. Es por ello que se alumbra esta investigación, para que a través de los resultados obtenidos y la implementación de la metodología propuesta, sirva como herramienta estratégica para la planificación y la gestión operativa a la hora de integrar iniciativas de adaptación en los proyectos de desarrollo rural. ABSTRACT The need for climate-smart agriculture for the world’s 500 million smallholder farms cannot be overlooked: they account for 60 per cent of global agriculture, provide up to 80 per cent of food in developing countries, manage vast areas of land and make up the largest share of the developing world’s undernourished. Climate change is transforming the context for smallholder agriculture. Over centuries smallholders have developed the capacity to adapt to environmental change and climate variability, but the speed and intensity of climate change is outpacing the speed of historically autonomous actions. In the absence of a profound step-change in local and global action on climate change, it is Increasingly likely that poor rural people would need to contend with an average global warming of 4 degrees above pre-industrial levels by 2100, if not sooner. Such substantial climatic change will further increase uncertainty and exacerbate weather –related disasters, droughts, biodiversity loss, and land and water scarcity. Perhaps most significantly for smallholder farmers, they can no longer rely on historical averages, making it harder for them to plan and manage production when planting seasons and weather patterns are shifting. The major cereal crops (wheat, rice, maize, etc.) are at their heat tolerance threshold and with a 1.5-2°C temperature increase could collapse. These “first-round” effects will be compounded by second-round socio-economic impacts in terms of economic opportunities and political stability. Climate change is making the development of smallholder agriculture more expensive. At project level, climate-resilient programmes typically have higher up-front design and implementation costs – e.g. infrastructure costs and initially increased asset management, operation and maintenance, more capacity-building and knowledge sharing, strengthening institutions, greater project development costs (downscaled data generation and community-based approaches), and greater costs from enhancing cross sectorial and stakeholders collaboration. Consequently it’s time to redefine the relationship between agriculture and environment as we need to look better and more efficient ways to respond to climate change. It is important to note that responding to climate change does not mean to throwing out or reinventing everything that has been learnt about development. It means a renewed effort to tackle wider and well-known development changes in a more systematic way. A coherent response to climate change requires acknowledge of the need to increase the financial support for adaptation and a continued emphasis on provided solutions designed to increase the resilience of smallholders and poor communities to shocks, which are weather related. In order to respond to some of the challenges mentioned before, this research aims to contribute to strengthen the capacities of the smallholders and to promote a development that will positively impact in the rural livelihoods of the most vulnerable smallholders farmers; those who currently are in the first line facing the challenges of climate change. The thesis has four chapters. Chapter one describes and analyses the theoretical framework of the interactions between climate change and the impact on rural development projects, especially those aimed at improving the food security of smallholders producers. In this chapter a comprehensive review of climate financing is presented, including the need to allocate sufficient resources for adaptation. In order to achieve greater effectiveness and impact on development projects, the research develops in the second chapter a methodology to integrate adaptation activities for climate change. This methodology was implemented and validated during the 2012-14 period, working directly with various government teams in ten projects of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The third chapter presents in detail the application of the methodology to the case studies of Bolivia and Nicaragua, as well as a summary of the main conclusions of its implementation in the remaining eight countries. The final chapter exposes the main conclusions and future research topics. At a time when environmental sustainability and climate change issues are gaining more attention, the research and obtained results through the implementation of the model methodology proposed, can be considered a strategic tool for planning and operational management to integrate adaptation initiatives in rural development projects. The use of the proposed methodology will boost incentives to scale up climate resilience programmes and integrate adaptation to climate change into wider smallholder development programmes.
El litoral de la provincia de Alicante ha registrado importantes cambios territoriales desde la década de 1960, como consecuencia de la difusión de las actividades turísticas. Las transformaciones territoriales, entre las que destaca la configuración de una dorsal de poblamiento litoral, se completan con las sociales. La llegada de población extranjera jubilada o prejubilada procedente del norte y centro de Europa ha hecho de la provincia de Alicante (España) uno de los territorios donde el turismo residencial tiene mayor peso a escala nacional. El objetivo de esta investigación es, por un lado, analizar los factores que justifican el asentamiento de amplios colectivos de inmigrantes en estas tierras y, por otro, poner de manifiesto las repercusiones sociales y territoriales asociadas a su llegada. La realización de entrevistas en urbanizaciones de municipios litorales y prelitorales permite avanzar en el conocimiento de estos factores, más allá de los datos estadísticos.
This article explores the social and cultural roles of ethnic print media in the country within the prism of Canada's multicultural policy. Specifically, the article examines how the ethnic groups are framed in the mainstream national media in Canada and then examines how these ethnic media are [re]constructing their own identities in contrast to their framed identities in the mainstream national print media such as the Globe and Mail, National Post and Toronto Sun. In exploring the overall socio-political impacts of these ethnic print media on the social fabrics and cultural identity in Canadian society, Montreal Community Contact, an ethnic newspaper of the black community in Montreal, is used as a case study. Copyright © 2006 SAGE Publications.
Biorefineries are expected to play a major role in a future low carbon economy and substantial investments are being made to support this vision. However, it is important to consider the wider socio-economic impacts of such a transition. This paper quantifies the potential trade, employment and land impacts of economically viable European biorefinery options based on indigenous straw and wood feedstocks. It illustrates how there could be potential for 70-80 European biorefineries, but not hundreds. A single facility could generate tens of thousands of man-years of employment and employment creation per unit of feedstock is higher than for biomass power plants. However, contribution to national GDP is unlikely to exceed 1% in European member states, although contributions to national agricultural productivity may be more significant, particularly with straw feedstocks. There is also a risk that biorefinery development could result in reduced rates of straw incorporation into soil, raising concerns that economically rational decisions to sell rather than reincorporate straw could result in increased agricultural land-use or greenhouse gas emissions. © 2013.
This paper explores the socio-economic impacts and associated policy responses to the collapse of MG Rover at Longbridge in Birmingham. Critically, it attempts to move beyond a ‘standard’ taskforce narrative that emphasizes the role of the regional response. While recognizing that significant policy ‘successes’ were indeed evident at the regional level in anticipating and responding to the crisis, a wider perspective is required that situates this taskforce response in (1) a fuller understanding of labour market precariousness (that in turn mitigates some of its policy ‘successes’), and (2) more local perspectives that highlight the local impacts of closure, the role of the neighbourhood level officials and the third sector in mediating these. Taking this broader perspective suggests that longer-term, workers face a precarious situation and the need for policies to create and sustain ‘good quality’ jobs remains paramount. Adding in more local perspectives, a key lesson from the Longbridge experience for dealing with closures more generally is that the public policy responses must be: multidimensional in that they transcend narrow sector-based concerns and addresses broader spatial impacts; inclusive in that they build on a broad coalition of economic and social stakeholders; and long-term in that they acknowledge that adaptation takes many years. If anything, the Birmingham Longbridge experience demonstrates the difficulty of achieving such responses in the context of crisis where action is imperative and deliberation a luxury.
Garanhuns City, in Pernambuco, undergoes a rapid, polluting and non-organized urban development affecting its freshwater springs around the urban environment. These sources are of great importance to the district as well as to the hydrographic basin of the Mundaú River. In this view, this paper aims at analyzing the socio-environmental problems resulting from the urban expansion surrounding the Garanhuns’ sources. The study considers the social and environmental dynamics and follows the theoretical contributions of socio-environmental geography proposed by Mendonça’s Urban Environmental System methodological and theoretical model (2004), as well as the conceptual values of Santos’ space theory (2002a). The data treatment included bibliographical and documental research, evaluation of environmental impact, and water analysis. It revealed that Garanhuns possesses many local environmental traits favoring the coming out of freshwater springs and that these sources have played an important role in the making and development of that village. The environmental impacts on freshwater springs, like Olho D’água, Bom Pastor, Vila Maria, Pau Amarelo and Pau Pombo have been evaluated through the environmental impact score IIAN. It put alight serious cases of socio-environmental impacts on the dynamics of the freshwater springs. In the period of April 2013 and April 2014, it monitored the superficial water quality expelled by the Pau Pombo, Pau Amarelo e Vila Maria water sources, and the analyses of the contents followed the determinations of the Environmental National Board, whose parameters are dissolved oxygen, biochemical demand of oxygen, nitrate, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, and electrical conductivity. The results recollected suggest the existence of organic pollution and deep alteration in the water coming out from the sources. In consequence, it seems important the putting out of measures destined to stop those impacts and guaranteeing protection and maintenance of the freshwater springs and their micro-basins.
The solidary economy as the organization of production, alternative to the capitalist economy provides new forms of organization and social behavior, that, in the sight of geography, it is shown by the different territory uses. The territory assume new meanings that, influenced by the Solidary Economy movement, tries to reach for new ways of acting that differ from social order already stablished. However, the different uses show themselves in a more complex and contradictory way, given that, in solidary undertakings, different corporative agents start to act, the State being a last resource on this process. Given this reality, our goal on the present paper is to analyze the different uses of the territory from the rural economic solidary undertakings and the relationship it establishes to the different agents involved on the socio-territorial dynamics on Rio Grande do Norte. Starting from a study that contemplates the territorial organization forms and contents of the analyzed phenomena, the methodology utilized for this research is based on a bibliographic review, with authors from the geography and areas related to the Solidary Economy, besides the use of secondary data, acquired from official offices such as SIES and IBGE, from the documented research, SENAES and field interviews conducted with local solidary undertakings. The results obtained in the study reveal the complexity of the agricultural use of the territory by Solidary Economy on the RN, while a resource of intensified use, from the state actions and important economical agents, and regulating the use while shelter, that marginalize solidary workers, making them subdued to the hegemonic logic. Therefore, we can infer that the solidary economy, despite its image of new form of organization between agricultural workers, given the expressivity of the rural solidary undertakings presented on RN, it hasn’t shown a full social development as an instrument of reproduction and emancipation of the associates. Nevertheless, the undertakings articulated in nets excel, even when considering its punctual and residual form. The given contradictions show that it is necessary to fortify the building of the solidary economy as being horizontal and popular based for it to have strength to surpass the regulative actions of the capitalist state and ownership created by the Capital.
Ireland’s climate is changing. This is consistent with regional and global trends which display rapid changes in many aspects of climate over the last century and the first decade of this century. The availability of high-quality climate observations is a critical starting point from which an understanding of past and emerging trends in the current climate can be developed. Such observations are vital for detecting change and providing the information needed to help manage and plan for the future in a wide range of socio-economic sectors. Observations are also essential to help build robust projections of future climate, which can in turn inform policy formulation for appropriate mitigation and adaptation measures. Such measures should help us limit the negative socio-economic impacts and position us to take advantages of opportunities offered by a changing climate. This report brings together observational information and data for over 40 climate variables and highlights changes and trends in aspects of Irish climate across the atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial domains. The observations presented in this report contribute to the formulation of the Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) as defined by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS).
La hidroeléctrica Ituango es el proyecto de generación de energía más grande de Colombia y que tiene una importancia enorme para los pueblos que están ubicados en el área de influencia de esta obra. Ituango es un municipio ubicado en el norte lejano del departamento de Antioquia, que posee unas características especiales y que ha cambiado considerablemente su forma de vivir por la llegada del proyecto hidroeléctrico, considerando la magnitud de la obra, la llegada de más personas a la zona y el cambio socioeconómico que surge a raíz de esta situación.
Se analiza la re-configuración de los espacios urbanos y las repercusiones socio-ambientales vinculadas con la globalización neoliberal en las zonas metropolitanas de las sociedades periféricas, específicamente en la Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM) de Costa Rica. La tesis central del análisis es que esta re-configuración ha moldeado y acelerado el patrón urbano, espacial y ambiental de la GAM a través de 1) la segmentación de los mercados en correlación con procesos dispares de inclusión y exclusión social y 2) la erosión de los circuitos naturales ligados a los ecosistemas terrestres ubicados en la GAM. Abstract The article analyzes the re-configuration of the urban spaces and the socio- environmental impacts related with the neoliberal globalization in the metropolitan zones of peripheral societies, specifically in the Metropolitan Area (GAM) of Costa Rica. The central thesis of the analysis is that this re-configuration has molded and accelerated the spatial and environmental urban pattern of the GAM through the 1) segmentation of the markets in correlation with different processes of social inclusion and exclusion and 2) the erosion of the natural circuits linked to the terrestrial ecosystems located in the GAM
The mobile water hyacinth, which was produced in growth zones, especially Murchison bay, was mainly exported to three sheltered storage bays (Thruston, Hannington and Waiya). Between 1996 and May 1998, the mobile form of water hyacinth occupied about 800 ha in Thruston bay, 750 ha in Hannington bay and 140 ha in Waiya bay). Biological control weevils and other factors, including localised nutrient depletion, weakened the weed that was confined to the bays and it sunk around October 1998. The settling to the bottom of such huge quantities of organic matter its subsequent decomposition and the debris from this mass was likely to have environmental impacts on biotic communities (e.g. fish and invertebrate), physico-chemical conditions (water quality), and on socio-economic activities (e.g. at fish landings, water abstraction, and hydro-power generation points). Sunken water hyacinth debris could also affect nutrient levels in the water column and lead to reduction in the content of dissolved oxygen. The changes in nutrient dynamics and oxygen levels could affect algal productivity, invertebrate composition and fish communities. Socio-economic impacts of dead sunken weed were expected from debris deposited along the shoreline especially at fish landings, water abstraction and hydropower generation points. Therefore, environmental impact assessment studies were carried out between 1998 and 2002 in selected representative zones of Lake Victoria to identify the effects of the sunken water hyacinth biomass.