842 resultados para Social history.


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Since the late nineteenth-century works of criminologists Lombroso and Lacassagne, tattoos in Europe have been commonly associated with deviant bodies. Like many other studies of tattoos of non-indigenous origin, the locus of our research is the convict body. Given the corporeal emphasis of prison records, we argue that tattoos form a crucial part of the power dynamic. Tattoos in the carceral context embody an inherent paradox of their being a component in the reidentification of 'habitual criminals'. We argue that their presence can be regarded as an expression of convict agency: by the act of imprinting unique identifiers on their bodies, convicts boldly defied the official gaze, while equally their description in official records exacted power over the deviant body. Cursory findings show an alignment with other national studies; corporeal inscriptions in Ireland were more prevalent in men's prisons than women's and associated, however loosely, with certain occupations. For instance, maritime and military motifs find representation. Recidivists were more likely to have tattoos than first-time offenders; inscriptions were described as monotone, rudimentary in design and incorporated a limited range of impressions. Further to our argument that tattoos form an expression of convict defiance of prison authority, we have found an unusual idiosyncrasy in the convict record, that is, that the agency of photography, while undermined in general terms, was manipulated by prison officers.


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This article offers a history of the working practices of the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies. Based on extensive interviews with former members and on research into a new archive of the Centre, housed in the Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham, it argues that cultural studies as practised in the 1970s was always a heterogeneous subject. The CCCS was heavily influenced by the events of 1968 when it tried to develop a new type of radical and collaborative research and teaching agenda. Despite Stuart Hall's efforts to impose a focused link between politics and academic practice, the agenda soon gave way to a series of diverse and fruitful initiatives associated with the ‘sub-groups’ model of research.


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Our paper is concerned with the visualisation of historical events and artefacts in the context of time. It arises from a project bringing together expertise in visualisation, historiography and software engineering. The work is the result of an extended enquiry over several years which has included investigation of the prior history of such chronographics and their grounding in the temporal ontology of the Enlightenment. Timelines - visual, spatial presentations of chronology - are generally regarded as being too simple, perhaps too childish, to be worthy of academic attention, yet such chronographics should be capable of supporting sophisticated thinking about history and historiography, especially if they take full advantage of the capabilities of digital technologies. They should enable even professional academic historians to 'make sense' of history in new ways, allowing them insights they would not otherwise have achieved. In our paper we highlight key findings from the history of such representations, principally from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and show how, in a project to develop new digital chronographics for collections of cultural objects and events, we have explored new implementations of the important ideas we have extracted about timewise presentation and interaction. This includes the representation of uncertainty, of relations between events, and the epistemology of time as a 'space' for history. We present developed examples, in particular a chronographic presentation of a large database of works by a single author, a composer, and discuss the extent to which our ambitions for chronographics have been realised in practice. Keywords: timeline, chronographics


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Cataloguing Kays is a university-run project intended to create a community web-archive to celebrate the history and public memory of Kay & Co Ltd of Worcester, a noted mailorder catalogue company which was, until 2006, the largest employer in Worcester. The Kays Archive, housed at UoW, is one of the most comprehensive archive collections of 20th century mail-order catalogues in the UK and has a strong local elevance. The catalogues provide a window into over 100 years of body image, social history, consumable goods, fashion and design. The Project Team created www.WorldofKays.org, an online, fully-searchable archive containing 1500 digitised images from the catalogues, 1920-2000. The website is intended to form a seed bed for international research, focussing in particular on the representation of body image and the way the catalogues represent the developing tropes of consumer lifestyle and aspiration. The images are enhanced by blog postings from or film and audio interviews with local residents and former Kays staff members, who recall how the goods were selected and presented; as well as the impact the mail-order industry had on shaping 20th century lifestyle and consumption. These interviews and blogs have been sourced through the Cataloguing Kays team’s outreach activity in the local, academic and online communities. From the outset, we, the Cataloguing Kays team, engaged with online communities through social media sites, Facebook and Twitter, and through specialist blogs and online forums, inviting comment and contributions. Through events for the general public and a programme of targeted community outreach work with Kays Heritage Group and support groups for Worcestershire’s young and adult carers, we have also collected filmed and audio reminiscence material as well as community art and poetry content for the website. Our academic conference, the Catalogue of Dreams, showcased both the website and the physical archive to the wider academic, cultural and heritage sectors, provoking lively debateand much interest from international scholars.


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This essay analyses the roles played by purity of blood and caste in seventeenth-and eighteenth-century identity narratives of Goan clites. Goa and its population are usually excluded from the mainstream literature of Indian social history, and seldom related to the early-modern Atlantic world, making this case study all the more valuable as a place to think the topic of blood and caste. The early establishment and the longevity of the Portuguese imperial presence (1510-1961) in Goa, its location at the crossroads of multiple cultural geographies (Iberian and Indian, and later, also Dutch, British and French), as well as the systematic process of religious conversion of its inhabitants and the questions of legal equality that conversion entailed, all intensified the types, textures, layers and meanings of experiences of social differentiation in this colonial context. This mapping of the experiences of purity of blood and caste in early-modem Goa therefore illuminates from a new angle the role of European imperial powers in the mUltiple expressions of racial classification.


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Sex, Time and Place extensively widens the scope of what we might mean by 'queer London studies'. Incorporating multidisciplinary perspectives – including social history, cultural geography, visual culture, literary representation, ethnography and social studies – this collection asks new questions, widens debates and opens new subject terrain. Featuring essays from an international range of established scholars and emergent voices, the collection is a timely contribution to this growing field. Its essays cover topics such as activist and radical communities and groups, AIDS and the city, art and literature, digital archives and technology, drag and performativity, lesbian London, notions of bohemianism and deviancy, sex reform and research and queer Black history. Going further than the existing literature on Queer London which focuses principally on the experiences of white gay men in a limited time frame, Sex, Time and Place reflects the current state of this growing and important field of study. It will be of great value to scholars, students and general readers who have an interest in queer history, London studies, cultural geography, visual cultures and literary criticism.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Cette thèse propose une analyse de la question de la survivance – notion ayant retenu l’attention de penseurs issus de différentes disciplines tels que Janine Altounian, Jacques Derrida et Georges Didi-Huberman – dans l’œuvre de Sarah Kofman, plus particulièrement dans son récit autobiographique intitulé Rue Ordener, rue Labat, paru en 1994. Quatre grandes orientations guident ce travail dont l’approche théorique se situe à la croisée de la littérature, de la philosophie, de la psychanalyse, de l’histoire (tant sociale que de l’art) et du juridique. Premièrement, nous nous intéressons à ce qu’implique non seulement le fait d’« échapper à la mort », en observant les moyens mis en œuvre pour y parvenir, mais aussi celui de « continuer à vivre » après l’événement de la Shoah. Deuxièmement, nous étudions les différentes manifestations de « la survivance active de l’enfant en nous » (J.-B. Pontalis) de même que celle de « l’objet perdu » dans le travail de deuil impossible, encore autrement « interminable », qui a pris corps dans l’œuvre de Sarah Kofman. Troisièmement, nous abordons la « survivance » au sens du Nachleben d’Aby Warburg et repérons la trace des autres écrits de la philosophe, elliptiquement condensés dans son récit par la reprise de thèmes, le retour de sujets antérieurement évoqués. Quatrièmement, nous interrogeons la locution pronominale « se survivre » et la portée de ses compléments : « dans son œuvre », « dans son témoignage », « dans les mémoires ». Parmi les points qui sont analysés en profondeur dans les chapitres de cette thèse, notons les motifs du ressentiment, du double tragique, du pardon et de l’oubli, de la « disgrâce », de la honte et de la culpabilité, ainsi que les différentes modalités de la survivance – la capacité d’adaptation et le rôle des mères, la lecture, le rire, les arts visuels – mises en œuvre par Sarah Kofman. Dans cette « œuvre-vie » (Pleshette DeArmitt), ce corpus singulier et unique, il s’est toujours agi de ceci, quoi qu’il lui en coûta : « affirmer sans cesse la survie », selon l’expression de Derrida.


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Thèse doctorale effectuée en cotutelle au département d'histoire de l'Université de Montréal et à l'École doctorale d'archéologie de l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - UMR 7041, Archéologies et Sciences de l'Antiquité - Archéologie du monde grec.


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Durante los siglos XVII y XVIII se presentaron varias querellas ante el Tribunal de Justicia Criminal del Nuevo Reino de Granada, en las que se denunciaba que había personas que ejercían los oficios médicos sin tener títulos que los acreditaran como facultativos en las artes curativas. Por ese entonces, se creía que quienes utilizaban yerbas y conjuros como métodos terapéuticos, por lo general mujeres, debían ser juzgadas como yerbateras-envenenadoras, porque no pretendían curar sino matar a quien consumiera sus preparados. El texto establece que los procesos criminales por envenenamiento constituyen un prisma en el que convergen diferentes problemáticas del periodo colonial neogranadino, relacionadas con la salud, los oficios médicos, las enfermedades, las creencias mágico-religiosas, el ideal de mujer en la época, la delincuencia, y las dinámicas de las instituciones españolas, entre otras. De esta manera, se estudió cómo fue la relación entre los aspectos jurídicos, las leyes criminales (dictadas por la Corona) y las conductas “desviadas” (relacionadas con el crimen por envenenamiento) de los habitantes del Nuevo Reino de Granada, entre los siglos XVII y XVIII. Para ello se revistaron desde diferentes perspectivas, varios temas del mundo colonial neogranadino, relacionados con los rumores, la comidilla, los chismes y la importancia de la comunicación hablada en el virreinato; el problema de la honra, como una de las virtudes más sobresalientes de la época y las creencias de la cultura popular con relación al envenenamiento y los diferentes métodos curativos.