183 resultados para Slate roofing.


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Scenario-based analyses were computed for benefits and costs linked with hypothetical oral rabies vaccination (ORV) campaigns to contain or eliminate skunk-variant rabies in skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in California, USA. Scenario 1 assumed baiting eight zones (43,388 km2 total) that comprised 73% of known skunk rabies locations in the state. Scenario 2 also assumed baiting these eight zones, but further assumed that added benefits would result from preventing the spread of skunk-variant rabies into Los Angeles County, USA. Scenarios assumed a fixed bait cost ($1.24 each) but varied campaigns (one, two and three annual ORV applications), densities of baits (37.5/km2, 75/km2 and 150/km2), levels of prevention (50%, 75%, and 100%), and contingency expenditures if rabies recurred (20%, 40%, and 60% of campaign costs). Prorating potential annual benefits during a 12-yr time horizon yielded benefit-cost ratios (BCRs) between 0.16 and 2.91 and between 0.34 and 6.35 for Scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. Economic issues relevant to potentially managing skunk-variant rabies with ORV are discussed.


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English philosopher John Locke proposed that the mind of the newborn infant is a tabula rasa, or blank slate, on which experience writes. Locke was an empiricist. Development, in the empiricist view, is the product of an active environment operating on a passive mind. One alternative to empiricism is nativism. Nativists propose that the human genetic heritage includes knowledge accumulated over the course of evolution. Thus the mind of the newborn, far from being a blank slate, represents the knowledge of generations. Development, in the nativist view, is a maturational process directed by the genes. It is genes, not environments, that account for developmental change.


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This research presents a study of roof thermal efficiency in individual housing for calves exposed to sun and shade through infrared thermography, internal temperature and thermal comfort indexes. Four different individual housing for calves covered with asbestos-free fiber-cement corrugated sheets were evaluated. Three of them were directly exposed to the sun: (i) corrugated sheets painted white in the external surface, (ii) corrugated sheets without painting and (iii) with screen shade fabric installed 0.10m under de internal surface of the corrugated sheet. The fourth individual housing was installed in the shade area and covered with unpainted corrugated fiber-cement sheets. The analysis was taken for 21 days at 11h00min, 14h00min and 17h00min. The results indicate significant variations in the roofing surface temperature and thermal comfort indexes among the treatments exposed to the sun and shade, for all the evaluations during the day. The infrared thermography images were effective for better understanding the heat transfer processes from the roof to the internal environment of the housing.


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[EN]In this paper a system for face recognition from a tabula rasa (i.e. blank slate) perspective is described. A priori, the system has the only ability to detect automatically faces and represent them in a space of reduced dimension. Later, the system is exposed to over 400 different identities, observing its recognition performance evolution. The preliminary results achieved indicate on the one side that the system is able to reject most of unknown individuals after an initialization stage.


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The high energy consumption caused by the building sector and the continuous growth and ageing of the existing housing stock show the importance of housing renovation to improve the quality of the environment. This research compares the environmental performance of flat roof systems (insulation, roofing membrane and covering layer) using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The aim is to give indications on how to improve the environmental performance of housing. This research uses a reference building located in the Netherlands and considers environmental impacts related to materials, energy consumption for heating and maintenance activities. It indicates impact scores for each material taking into account interconnections between the layers and between the different parts of the life cycle. It compares the environmental and economic performances of PV panels and of different materials and thermal resistance values for the insulation. These comparisons show that PV panels are convenient from an environmental and economic point of view. The same is true for the insulation layer, especially for materials as PIR (polyisocyanurate) and EPS (expanded polystyrene). It shows that energy consumption for heating causes a larger share of impact scores than production of the materials and maintenance activities. The insulation also causes larger impact scores comparing to roofing membrane and covering layer. The results show which materials are preferable for flat roof renovation and what causes the largest shares of impact. This gives indication to the roofers and to other stakeholders about how to reduce the environmental impact of the existing housing stock.


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L’ingegner Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979), progettista, costruttore e teorico del “Costruire Correttamente”, ha intrapreso un proprio esclusivo percorso professionale che ha decretato negli anni una notevole fortuna critica fino a un sostanziale oblio dopo la sua morte. La presente ricerca di dottorato intende approfondire le tematiche legate a una significativa tipologia strutturale che ha contrassegnato il percorso professionale di Pier Luigi Nervi: le architetture voltate. Cupole, volte e coperture geodetiche rappresentano il sistema ottimale con il quale Nervi ha perseguito una personale ricerca mirata alla definizione di grandi luci di copertura a spessore ridotto. Questi sistemi di copertura rappresentano per Nervi la miglior espressione architettonica in quanto perfetta sintesi tra funzioni statiche e esigenze economiche. Le parole chiave per definire l’ambito di studio possono essere cosi riepilogate: sperimentazione/variazione sul tema/primato della grande luce/nuove strutture. La tesi intende indagare i tentativi di rinnovamento che, a partire dagli anni sessanta, spingono Pier Luigi Nervi a sperimentare l’applicazione di nuovi materiali come l’alluminio in sostituzione totale o parziale di un sistema costruttivo, quello del ferrocemento, che ha contraddistinto la maggior parte delle sue opere decretandone il successo. La testimonianza di questa intransigenza, legata all’etica del costruire secondo i principi di naturalezza e razionalità, costantemente riaffermata da Nervi nelle sue diverse pubblicazioni, è sorprendentemente disattesa nella ricerca sulle nuove strutture. Queste strutture, sperimentate senza successo in considerazione della loro mancata concreta attuazione, rivelano un complesso di singolarità capace di porre in discussione quell’intransigenza a cui Nervi ha fedelmente dichiarato di attenersi. La lettura critica del progetto di concorso per il Kuwait Sports Centre, elaborato nel 1968, contiene la sintesi di tutte le parole chiave della ricerca. Scopo della presente tesi è documentare circostanze, innovazioni e anomalie che hanno accompagnato Pier Luigi Nervi nella definizione di nuove strutture voltate.


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Während der Glazialphasen kam es in den europäischen Mittelgebirgen bedingt durch extensive solifluidale Massenbewegungen zur Bildung von Deckschichten. Diese Deckschichten repräsentieren eine Mischung verschiedener Substrate, wie anstehendes Ausgangsgestein, äolische Depositionen und lokale Erzgänge. Die räumliche Ausdehnung der Metallkontaminationen verursacht durch kleinräumige Erzgänge wird durch die periglaziale Solifluktion verstärkt. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war a) den Zusammenhang zwischen den Reliefeigenschaften und den Ausprägungen der solifluidalen Deckschichten und Böden aufzuklären, sowie b) mittels Spurenelementgehalte und Blei-Isotopen-Verhältnisse als Eingangsdaten für Mischungsmodelle die Beitrage der einzelnen Substrate zum Ausgangsmaterial der Bodenbildung zu identifizieren und quantifizieren und c) die räumliche Verteilung von Blei (Pb) in Deckschichten, die über Bleierzgänge gewandert sind, untersucht, die Transportweite des erzbürtigen Bleis berechnet und die kontrollierenden Faktoren der Transportweite bestimmt werden. Sechs Transekte im südöstlichen Rheinischen Schiefergebirge, einschließlich der durch periglaziale Solifluktion entwickelten Böden, wurden untersucht. Die bodenkundliche Geländeaufnahme erfolgte nach AG Boden (2005). O, A, B und C-Horizontproben wurden auf ihre Spurenelementgehalte und teilweise auf ihre 206Pb/207Pb-Isotopenverhältnisse analysiert. Die steuernden Faktoren der Verteilung und Eigenschaften periglazialer Deckschichten sind neben der Petrographie, Reliefeigenschaften wie Exposition, Hangneigung, Hangposition und Krümmung. Die Reliefanalyse zeigt geringmächtige Deckschichten in divergenten, konvexen Hangbereichen bei gleichzeitig hohem Skelettgehalt. In konvergent, konkaven Hangbereichen nimmt die Deckschichtenmächtigkeit deutlich zu, bei gleichzeitig zunehmendem Lösslehm- und abnehmendem Skelettgehalt. Abhängig von den Reliefeigenschaften und -positionen reichen die ausgeprägten Bodentypen von sauren Braunerden bis hin zu Pseudogley-Parabraunerden. Des Weiteren kommen holozäne Kolluvien in eher untypischen Reliefpositionen wie langgestreckten, kaum geneigten Hangbereichen oder Mittelhangbereichen vor. Außer für Pb bewegen sich die Spurenelementgehalte im Rahmen niedriger Hintergrundgehalte. Die Pb-Gehalte liegen zwischen 20-135 mg kg-1. Abnehmende Spurenelementgehalte und Isotopensignaturen (206Pb/207Pb-Isotopenverhältnisse) von Pb zeigen, dass nahezu kein Pb aus atmosphärischen Depositionen in die B-Horizonte verlagert wurde. Eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse (PCA) der Spurenelementgehalte hat vier Hauptsubstratquellen der untersuchten B-Horizonte identifiziert (Tonschiefer, Löss, Laacher-See-Tephra [LST] und lokale Pb-Erzgänge). Mittels 3-Komponenten-Mischungsmodell, das Tonschiefer, Löss und LST einschloss, konnten, bis auf 10 Ausreißer, die Spurenelementgehalte aller 120 B-Horizontproben erklärt werden. Der Massenbeitrag des Pb-Erzes zur Substratmischung liegt bei <0,1%. Die räumliche Pb-Verteilung zeigt Bereiche lokaler Pb-Gehaltsmaxima hangaufwärtiger Pb-Erzgänge. Mittels eines 206Pb/207Pb-Isotopenverhältnis-Mischungsmodells konnten 14 Bereiche erhöhter lokaler Pb-Gehaltsmaxima ausgewiesen werden, die 76-100% erzbürtigen Bleis enthalten. Mit Hilfe eines Geographischen Informationssystems wurden die Transportweiten des erzbürtigen Bleis mit 30 bis 110 m bestimmt. Die steuerenden Faktoren der Transportweite sind dabei die Schluffkonzentration und die Vertikalkrümmung. Diese Untersuchung zeigt, dass Reliefeigenschaften und Reliefposition einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Ausprägung der Deckschichten und Böden im europäischen Mittelgebirgsbereich haben. Mischungsmodelle in Kombination mit Spurenelementanalysen und Isotopenverhältnissen stellen ein wichtiges Werkzeug zur Bestimmung der Beiträge der einzelnen Glieder in Bodensubstratmischungen dar. Außerdem können lokale Bleierzgänge die natürlichen Pb-Gehalte in Böden, entwickelt in periglazialen Deckschichten der letzten Vereisungsphase (Würm), bis über 100 m Entfernung erhöhen.


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Zusammenfassung Der ca. 1.555 m lange Tunnel Fernthal wurde von 1998 bis 2000 im Zuge der Bundesbahn-Neubaustrecke Köln – Rhein/Main erstellt. Der Tunnel durchquert devonische Schichten des Rechtsrheinischen Schiefergebirges. Die Ton- und Sandsteine sind tiefgründig verwittert, intensiv verfaltet mit wechselnden Vergenzen der Faltenschenkel und zudem stark durch Trennflächen zerlegt. Beim Auffahren des Tunnel Fernthal sind Phänomene in Bezug auf die Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Grundwasser und dem Tunnel sowie dem Fels und dem Tunnel beobachtet worden, die vom Verfasser der vorliegenden Arbeit im Nachgang der Baumaßnahme vertieft ausgewertet und interpretiert werden.Innerhalb von zwanzig strukturgeologischen Homogenbereichen wurden die geotechnisch und strukturgeologisch bestimmenden Einflussfaktoren (z.B. ungünstig zum Hohlraum einfallende Schichtung oder Querklüftung mit hohem Durchtrennungsgrad) im Hinblick auf Ihre Auswirkung auf die Sicherung der Ortsbrust und damit die Vortriebsgeschwindigkeit quantifiziert. Über das Produkt der den Vortrieb bestimmenden Einzelfaktoren wurde für den jeweiligen Homogenbereich ein Gesamteinflussfaktor errechnet.Aus dem neu eingeführten Gesamteinflussfaktors fn gesamt lassen sich dabei Empfehlungen über die notwendigen Sicherungsmaßnahmen im Bereich der Ortsbrust ableiten und Einteilungen in Ausbruchsklassen vornehmen. Über die Bewertungsmatrix und den sich daraus ergebenen Gesamteinflussfaktor können reduzierte Vortriebsgeschwindigkeiten ausgehend von einer 'idealen' Vortriebsgeschwindigkeit näherungsweise errechnet werden. Mithilfe der Bewertungsmatrix lässt sich die bautechnischen Eigenschaften des Gebirges besser bewerten. So zeigt sich im Rahmen dieser Arbeit deutlich, dass es bei einem vergenten Faltengebirge günstiger ist, den Tunnel gegen die Vergenz von Faltenschenkeln aufzufahren. Somit können schon im Vorfeld einer Tunnelbaumaßnahme verschiedene Vortriebsschemata durchrechnet werden. Neben der besseren Prognose von notwendigen Sicherungsmaßnahmen kann durch den Zeitgewinn auch ein finanzieller Vorteil für die Beteiligten entstehen.


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In this thesis I examine the issues of postcolonial Algerian identity expressed in literature, and the difficulty of defining an Algerian identity independent of French influence. I analyze and contextualize three novels (Le Polygone etoile by Kateb Yacine,L'Amour, la fantasia by Assia Djebar, and Le Village de l'allemand ou le journal des freres Schiller) representative of their respective periods. I explore the evolution of expressions of identity through post-liberation Algeria. The years immediately following decolonization are marked by the effort to return to aprecolonial blank slate, an effort that Yacine cautions against. The 1980s and 1990s are most concerned with re-inserting Algeria into the Western historical discourse, and the most recent literature moves beyond decolonization to discuss the current Islamistchallenge and immigration. Among the pertinent issues are language, oral vs. written traditions, the often blatant absence of Algerians and women from the accounts in the French colonial archives, and, of course, the Self/Other binary. I have found that theserepresentative authors and texts use asynchronic time, fragmented narrative, re-written history, and expressions of violence in an attempt to cope with the colonial period and decolonization. I show that these authors provide a commentary on those who have triedto erase their French side, but with little success. Ultimately, though in different ways, each author writes that Algerians much accept their French past and move beyond it,rather than fighting their collective history.


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We detected authigenic clinoptilolites in two core samples of tuffaceous, siliceous mudstone in the lower Miocene section of Hole 439. They occur as prismatic and tabular crystals as long as 0.03 mm in various voids of dissolved glass shards, radiolarian shells, calcareous foraminifers, and calcareous algae. They are high in alkalies, especially Na, and in silica varieties. There is a slight difference in composition among them. The Si : (Al+ Fe3+) ratio is highest (4.65) in radiolarian voids, intermediate (4.34) in dissolved glass voids, and lowest (4.26) in voids of calcareous organisms. This difference corresponds to the association of authigenic silica minerals revealed by the scanning electron microscope: There are abundant opal-CT lepispheres in radiolarian voids, low cristobalite and some lepispheres in dissolved glass voids, and a lack of silica minerals in the voids of calcareous organisms. Although it contains some silica from biogenic opal and alkalies from trapped sea water, clinoptilolite derives principally from dissolved glass. Although they are scattered in core samples of Quaternary through lower Miocene diatomaceous and siliceous deposits, acidic glass fragments react with interstitial water to form clinoptilolite only at a sub-bottom depth of 935 meters at approximately 25°C. Analcimes occur in sand-sized clasts of altered acidic vitric tuff in the uppermost Oligocene sandstones. The analcimic tuff clasts were probably reworked from the Upper Cretaceous terrain adjacent to Site 439. Low cristobalite and opal-CT are found in tuffaceous, siliceous mudstone of the middle and lower Miocene sections at Sites 438 and 439. Low cristobalite derives from acidic volcanic glass and opal-CT from biogenic silica. Both siliceous organic remains and acidic glass fragments occur in sediments from the Quaternary through lower Miocene sections. However, the shallowest occurrence is at 700 meters subbottom in Hole 438A, where temperature is estimated to be 21°C. The d(101) spacing of opal-CT varies from 4.09 to 4.11 Å and that of low cristobalite from 4.04 to 4.06 Å. Some opal-CT lepispheres are precipitated onto clinoptilolites in the voids of radiolarian shells at a sub-bottom depth of 950 meters in Hole 439. Sandstone interlaminated with Upper Cretaceous shale is chlorite- calcite cemented and feldspathic. Sandstones in the uppermost Oligocene section are lithic graywacke and consist of large amounts of lithic clasts grouped into older sedimentary and weakly metamorphosed rocks, younger sedimentary rocks, and acidic volcanic rocks. The acidic volcanic clasts probably originated from the volcanic high, which supplied the basal conglomerate with dacite gravels. The older sedimentary and weakly metamorphosed rocks and green rock correspond to the lithologies of the lower Mesozoic to upper Paleozoic Sorachi Group, including the chert, limestone, and slate in south-central Hokkaido. However, the angular shape and coarseness of the clasts and the abundance of carbonate rock fragments indicate a nearby provenance, which is probably the southern offshore extension of the Sorachi Group. The younger sedimentary rocks, including mudstone, carbonaceous shale, and analcime-bearing tuff, correspond to the lithologies of the Upper Cretaceous strata in south-central Hokkaido. Their clasts were reworked from the southern offshore extension of the strata. Because of the discontinuity of the zeolite zoning due to burial diagenesis, an overburden several kilometers thick must have been denuded before the deposition of sediments in the early Oligocene.


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K-Ar ages of 82 slate and schist (white-mica-rich whole rock) samples are reported for Late Precambrian-Early Ordovician metamorphic rocks of the Wilson, Bowers and Robertson Bay terranes of northern Victoria Land. These are amalgamated in two vertical sections along composite NE-SW horizontal profiles across (1) Oates Coast in the north, and (2) Terra Nova Bay area in the south. The ages are in the range 328-517 Ma. Both profiles show some age variation with altitude, but more importantly, they define an inverted wedge shaped pattern, reflecting a "pop-up" strucure. This is oriented NW-SE at the eastern margin of the Wilson terrane, and the edges coincide with the Exiles and Wilson Thrusts which cross the region. Ages inside the "pop-up" structure are younger, ca. 460-480 Ma, than those along its eastern and western flanks, ca. 490-520 Ma. The K-Ar age patterns thus demonstrate a late Ross Orogenic age (ca. 460 Ma) for this structure, which may be associated with assembly of the Wilson and Bowers terranes.


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From 1950 through 1900 studies on the glacial geology of northern Greenland have been made in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories. As a result of these studies four distinct phases of the latest glaciation have been recognized. The last glaciation extended over most of the land and removed traces of previous anes. Retreat of the ice mass began some time previous to 6000 years ago. This was followed by a rtse in sea level which deposited clay-silt succeeded by karne gravels around stagnant ice lobes in the large valleys. Marine terraces, up to 129 meters above present sea level, developed as readjustment occurred in the land free of ice. About 3700 years ago an advance of glaciers down major fjords took place followed by retreat to approximately the present position of the ice. Till in Peary Land, north of Frederick E. Hyde Fjord, contains only locally derived matertals indicating that the central Greenland ice cap did not cover the area.


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Actualmente y desde hace ya más de 25 años, el Método de “Predicción de las Direcciones Principales de Drenaje Subterráneo en Macizos Anisótropos”, ha sido utilizado con éxito en diferentes terrenos Kársticos como: calizas, yesos, cuarcitas, pizarras, granitos y criokarst (karst en el hielo glaciar). Sin embargo hasta ahora, nunca se había validado en terrenos volcánicos donde está focalizada esta tesis que lleva por título, Validación de dicho Método en los Terrenos Volcánicos del Macizo de Anaga en Tenerife. Este Método matemático consiste esencialmente en “Predecir y Cuantificar” las direcciones principales de drenaje turbulento subterráneo en macizos anisótropos. Para ello se basa en el estudio realizado en campo de los tectoglifos o deformaciones permanentes del macizo, impresas éstas en la roca, como consecuencia de los esfuerzos tectónicos a los que ha estado sometido dicho macizo. Se consigue de esta manera cubrir el vacío para macizos anisótropos que existe con el modelo matemático de flujo subterráneo laminar (macizos isótropos) definido por Darcy (1856). Para validar el Método se ha elegido el macizo de Anaga, pues es la zona de mayor anisotropía existente en la isla de Tenerife, conformada por una gran y extensa red de diques de diversas formas y tamaños que pertenecen a la familia de diques del eje estructural NE de la isla. En dicho macizo se realizó un exhaustivo trabajo de campo con la toma 331 datos (diques basálticos) y se aplicó el Método, consiguiendo definir las direcciones preferentes de drenaje subterráneo en el macizo de Anaga. Esta predicción obtenida se contrastó con la realidad del drenaje en la zona, conocida gracias a la existencia de cinco galerías ubicadas en la zona trabajo, de las cuales se tiene información sobre sus alumbramientos. En todos los casos se demuestra la bondad de la predicción obtenida con el Método. Queda demostrado que a mayor caos geológico o geotectónico, se ha conseguido mejor predicción del Método, obteniéndose resultados muy satisfactorios para aquellas galerías de agua en las que su rumbo de avance fue coincidente con la dirección perpendicular a la obtenida con la predicción dada por el Método, como dirección preferente de drenaje en la zona en la que se encuentra ubicada cada galería. No cabe duda que la validación de Método en los terrenos volcánicos de Tenerife, supondrá un cambio considerable en el mundo de la hidrogeología en este tipo de terrenos. Es la única herramienta matemática que se dispone para predecir un rumbo acertado en el avance de la perforación de las galerías de aguas, lo que conlleva al mismo tiempo un ahorro importantísimo en la ejecución de las obras. Por otro lado, el Método deja un importante legado a la sociedad canaria, pues con él se abren numerosas vías de trabajo e investigación que generarán un importante desarrollo en el mundo de la hidrogeología volcánica. ABSTRACT Currently and for over 25 years now, the Method of "Prediction of Subsurface Drainage Main Directions in Anisotropic Massifs" has been successfully used in various karstic terrains such as: limestone, gypsum, quartzite, slate, granite and criokarst (karst in the glacier ice). However, until now, it had never been validated in volcanic terrains where is focused this thesis entitled Validation of such Method in the Anaga Massif Volcanic Terrains, in Tenerife. This mathematical method is essentially "predict and quantify" the main directions of groundwater turbulent drainage in anisotropic massifs. This is based on field study of tectoglifes or permanent deformation of the massif, printed on the rocks as a result of previous tectonic stresses. Therefore it is possible to use in anisotropic rock mathematical model instead of the isotropic laminar flow mathematical models defined by Darcy (1856). The Anaga Massif have been chosen to validate the method, because it presents the greatest anisotropy in Tenerife Island, shaped by a large and extensive network of dikes of various shapes and sizes that belong to the family of NE structural axis dikes of the island. An exhaustive field work was carried out in such massif, with 331 collected data (basaltic dikes) and the method was applied, in order to define the preferred direction of the underground drainage in the Anaga massif. This obtained prediction was contrasted to the reality of the drainage in the area, known thanks to the existence of five galleries located in the work area, from which information about their springs was available. In all cases it was possible to demonstrate the fitness of the prediction obtained by the method. It had been demonstrated that a greater geological or geotectonic chaos enhances a better prediction of the method, that predicted very satisfactory results for those water galleries which directions were perpendicular to that predicted by the Method as a drainage preferential direction, for the zone where was located each gallery. No doubt that the validation of the use of the Method in the volcanic terrain of Tenerife, means a considerable change in the world of hydrogeology in this type of terrain. It is the only mathematical tool available to predict a successful drilling direction in advancing water galleries, what also leads to major savings in execution of the drilling works. Furthermore, the method leaves an important legacy to the Canary Islands society, because it opens many lines of work and research to generate a significant development in the world of volcanic hydrogeology.


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A beautiful sweeping story of two sisters caught up in the events of the Nigerian civil war, ending in chilling violence which shocked the entire world.


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In this letter, J. Hunnewell writes President Willard with estimates for a new roof for Massachusetts Hall. Hunnewell enclosed estimated costs from both a carpenter and a mason for slate and composition roofs. Estimates include supply and labor costs.