298 resultados para Slag


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During the synthesis of fullerenes by dc plasma arcs, it has been found that the anodic graphite rod consistently burns up, while the cathodic graphite rod grows slag at its end. Further investigations revealed that the anodic and cathodic graphite rods p


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利用“铁肥”方法增加海洋初级生产力、吸收大气中的CO2、降低温室效应是目前国际上的一个研究热点。为此,本文利用炼钢企业产生的废料转炉钢渣,系统研究了其对海洋微藻生长的影响, 同时研究了转炉钢渣对海水水质及海洋生物的影响,探讨了其作为“铁肥”材料的可行性。 本文首先研究了转炉钢渣对海水水质的影响,包括金属、营养盐、pH、COD及浊度等理化参数。研究发现,在天然海水中加入转炉钢渣后营养盐均有不同程度的溶出;实验条件下,在天然海水和人工海水中加入钢渣,金属大部份被吸附,个别金属溶出,但基本都达到了一、二类海水标准,而pH明显增高,大多超过了海水水质三、四级(6.88.8)的范围,COD低于一类海水水质标准。实验结果显示,钢渣粒度越小、浓度越大,水质浊度越大,但钢渣的比重一般较大,在水体中可以较快的沉降,所以在实际应用过程中不会对水体的透明度造成不良影响。 研究了转炉钢渣对典型海洋底栖生物(紫贻贝)、海洋游泳生物(日本对虾和中国对虾幼虾)的影响。在实验浓度范围内,钢渣对紫贻贝的急性毒性作用基本可以忽略,但紫贻贝的生长率和摄食率随钢渣浓度的增加有所下降,血细胞个数有所下降,但形态没有显著变化,对紫贻贝的免疫功能没有太大影响。钢渣对日本对虾幼虾的半致死浓度为1.62g/L,对中国对虾幼虾的半致死浓度要高于日本对虾,说明在实验条件下中国对虾幼虾的适应能力高于日本对虾幼虾。 另外,重点考察了转炉钢渣对海洋浮游植物-赤潮异弯藻和中肋骨条藻生长的影响,发现加入钢渣以后,相对于对照组微藻生物量显著增加。当钢渣浓度为124248mg/L时赤潮异弯藻的生物量达到最大,当钢渣浓度达到61124mg/L时,中肋骨条藻的生物量最大;钢渣对两种微藻生长的影响规律是相同的,但是影响程度因不同藻种而有所不同,其中对中肋骨条藻的促进作用更加显著,可能与钢渣中能溶出较大量的硅酸盐有关。在室内实验的基础上,初步估算了通过钢渣对微藻生长的促进作用,近海每平方公里海域对二氧化碳吸收的增加量。


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Geopolymer gelatinous material was prepared by ferroalloy slag (signed with NKT in laboratory) and circulating fluidization bed slag (CFB slag, signed with NM in laboratory) produced from Heshan city, Guangxi zhuang autonomous region, China. The mechanical properties of the geopolymer made of high content ferroalloy slag can reach the standard of 42.5# portland blastfurnace-slag cement, and it’s processing technology is more simple and not need of mill and burn and will not produce harmful gas. By means of chemical and XRD analyses, it is concluded that NKT is a kind of acidity water-granulated slag with better activation and fit to be activated by alkali activators. Low-cost industrial gypsum (signed with NG in laboratory), analytic reagent oxide(signed with NH in laboratory) and sulfate(signed with NS in laboratory) were selected as alkali activation in the experiment. The results showed NH is a good alkali activator for NKT. Both NH and NG can activate ferroally slag’s activities, but NS can’t alone. The activation effect of superimposing activation of NH and NG excel by separateness. Based on those experiments, optimization compounds were carried out: (1) NKT: NH: NG = 80: 10: 10 and (2) NM: NKT: NS: NG: NH = 10: 70: 2: 8: 10。. The soundness of the test blocks is good by boiling examination. Through XRD, SEM, IR, NMR analyses of geopolymer, the reaction mechanism of geopolymer prepared by alkalescent activating in solid wastes was discussed in the thesis first. It is point out, there is difference in reaction mechanism between traditional geopolymer preparation and the preparation of alkalescent activating solid wastes because NG is a industry product. There is the similar process of depolymerization and reunion of Si-O bond. The latter preparation process generate new subtance but the former doesn’t. In the experiment, we found a performance of NKT that the water requirement of normal consistency of geopolymer reduces with increasing content of NKT. The result shows NKT has some ability to reduce water requirement. The performance is worthy of further research and utilization. Making use of solid wastes to prepare geopolymer, not only can settle environment problem caused by a great deal of dump of NKT, but also settle the shortage of natural resources. Moreover it could take economic, environmental and social benefits and settle thoroughly contradiction in the environment protection and regional economy development and promote circulation economy development.


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Distributions of elements especially hazard trace elements in coals and their wastes from a coal fired power plant have been studied in detail using knowledge of Geology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Environmental chemistry. The key work is on the small particle sizes of fly ashes which escaped from electric precipitator and discharged into atmosphere. By means of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS), the characteristics of minerals and morphologies were studied. Different types of fly ash were formed in different stages and processes. More than 50% of small fly ashes belonged to inhalable particles (PM10). The very fine fly ashes preferred to attach on surface of bigger fly ash or conglutinate with each other and this decreased the environmental impact of tiny fly ashes. The trace elements in coal, fly ashes, slags and small particle sizes of fly ashes had been analysed by means of Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). As particle sizes decreasing, distributions of most elements increased, but in contrary to most studies, this increasing trend was not very obviously because of the tendency of attachment of tiny fly ashes. The occurrence of 30 elements including hazard trace elements of Cd, Cr, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, As, Se, Cu, V was studied by means of sequential chemical extract. The annual discharge of hazard trace elements of slag, fly ash, small fly ash (PM10), tiny fly ash (PM2.5) and air was calculated by mass balance. S, V, Cu, Pb, Se, Mo, Cd from power plant had potential impacts on environment. Hazard trace elements from the power plant had little effect on soil and aerosol comparing to those from other industrial sources and the effects were mostly on downwind direction. Both the high performance electric precipitator and high chimney made the hazard trace elements from power plant being transported far away but little environmental impacts.


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The Girolando breed progeny test was established in 1997, as a result of the partnership between Girolando and Embrapa Dairy Cattle. In 2007, the Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Raça Girolando? PMGG (Genetic Improvement Program of the Girolando Breed) was implemented. Besides interacting with previously existing initiatives of the Girolando Breeders Association, such as the genealogical register service, the progeny test and the dairy control service, the PMGG launched the Linear Evaluation System (SLAG). The main objectives of the PMGG comprises identification of genetically superior individuals, the technically-oriented multiplication of genetics, the evaluation of economic traits and the promotion of sustainable dairy activities. The program have yielded impressive results. The Girolando breed semen sales increases faster than any other breed in Brazil.


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Pyatt, B. Barker, G. Birch, P. Gilbertson, D. Grattan, J. Mattingly, D. King Solomon's Miners - Starvation and Bioaccumulation? An Environmental Archaeological Investigation in Southern Jordan. Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety 43, 305-308 (1999) Environmental Research, Section B


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The landscape of late medieval Ireland, like most places in Europe, was characterized by intensified agricultural exploitation, the growth and founding of towns and cities and the construction of large stone edifices, such as castles and monasteries. None of these could have taken place without iron. Axes were needed for clearing woodland, ploughs for turning the soil, saws for wooden buildings and hammers and chisels for the stone ones, all of which could not realistically have been made from any other material. The many battles, waged with ever increasingly sophisticated weaponry, needed a steady supply of iron and steel. During the same period, the European iron industry itself underwent its most fundamental transformation since its inception; at the beginning of the period it was almost exclusively based on small furnaces producing solid blooms and by the turn of the seventeenth century it was largely based on liquid-iron production in blast-furnaces the size of a house. One of the great advantages of studying the archaeology of ironworking is that its main residue, slag, is often produced in copious amounts both during smelting and smithing, is virtually indestructible and has very little secondary use. This means that most sites where ironworking was carried out are readily recognizable as such by the occurrence of this slag. Moreover, visual examination can distinguish between various types of slag, which are often characteristic for the activity from which they derive. The ubiquity of ironworking in the period under study further means that we have large amounts of residues available for study, allowing us to distinguish patterns both inside assemblages and between sites. Disadvantages of the nature of the remains related to ironworking include the poor preservation of the installations used, especially the furnaces, which were often built out of clay and located above ground. Added to this are the many parameters contributing to the formation of the above-mentioned slag, making its composition difficult to connect to a certain technology or activity. Ironworking technology in late medieval Ireland has thus far not been studied in detail. Much of the archaeological literature on the subject is still tainted by the erroneous attribution of the main type of slag, bun-shaped cakes, to smelting activities. The large-scale infrastructure works of the first decade of the twenty-first century have led to an exponential increase in the amount of sites available for study. At the same time, much of the material related to metalworking recovered during these boom-years was subjected to specialist analysis. This has led to a near-complete overhaul of our knowledge of early ironworking in Ireland. Although many of these new insights are quickly seeping into the general literature, no concise overviews on the current understanding of the early Irish ironworking technology have been published to date. The above then presented a unique opportunity to apply these new insights to the extensive body of archaeological data we now possess. The resulting archaeological information was supplemented with, and compared to, that contained in the historical sources relating to Ireland for the same period. This added insights into aspects of the industry often difficult to grasp solely through the archaeological sources, such as the people involved and the trade in iron. Additionally, overviews on several other topics, such as a new distribution map of Irish iron ores and a first analysis of the information on iron smelting and smithing in late medieval western Europe, were compiled to allow this new knowledge on late medieval Irish ironworking to be put into a wider context. Contrary to current views, it appears that it is not smelting technology which differentiates Irish ironworking from the rest of Europe in the late medieval period, but its smithing technology and organisation. The Irish iron-smelting furnaces are generally of the slag-tapping variety, like their other European counterparts. Smithing, on the other hand, is carried out at ground-level until at least the sixteenth century in Ireland, whereas waist-level hearths become the norm further afield from the fourteenth century onwards. Ceramic tuyeres continue to be used as bellows protectors, whereas these are unknown elsewhere on the continent. Moreover, the lack of market centres at different times in late medieval Ireland, led to the appearance of isolated rural forges, a type of site unencountered in other European countries during that period. When these market centres are present, they appear to be the settings where bloom smithing is carried out. In summary, the research below not only offered us the opportunity to give late medieval ironworking the place it deserves in the broader knowledge of Ireland's past, but it also provided both a base for future research within the discipline, as well as a research model applicable to different time periods, geographical areas and, perhaps, different industries..


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During the summer of 1994, Archaeology in Annapolis conducted archaeological investigations of the city block bounded by Franklin, South and Cathedral Streets in the city of Annapolis. This Phase III excavation was conducted as a means to identify subsurface cultural resources in the impact area associated with the proposed construction of the Anne Arundel County Courthouse addition. This impact area included both the upper and lower parking lots used by Courthouse employees. Investigations were conducted in the form of mechanical trenching and hand excavated units. Excavations in the upper lot area yielded significant information concerning the interior area of the block. Known as Bellis Court, this series of rowhouses was constructed in the late nineteenth century and was used as rental properties by African-Americans. The dwellings remained until the middle of the twentieth century when they were demolished in preparation for the construction of a Courthouse addition. Portions of the foundation of a house owned by William H. Bellis in the 1870s were also exposed in this area. Construction of this house was begun by William Nicholson around 1730 and completed by Daniel Dulany in 1732/33. It was demolished in 1896 by James Munroe, a Trustee for Bellis. Excavations in the upper lot also revealed the remains of a late seventeenth/early eighteenth century wood-lined cellar, believed to be part of the earliest known structure on Lot 58. After an initially rapid deposition of fill around 1828, this cellar was gradually covered with soil throughout the remainder of the nineteenth century. The fill deposit in the cellar feature yielded a mixed assemblage of artifacts that included sherds of early materials such as North Devon gravel-tempered earthenware, North Devon sgraffito and Northem Italian slipware, along with creamware, pearlware and whiteware. In the lower parking lot, numerous artifacts were recovered from yard scatter associated with the houses that at one time fronted along Cathedral Street and were occupied by African- Americans. An assemblage of late seventeenth century/early eighteenth century materials and several slag deposits from an early forge were recovered from this second area of study. The materials associated with the forge, including portions of a crucible, provided evidence of some of the earliest industry in Annapolis. Investigations in both the upper and lower parking lots added to the knowledge of the changing landscape within the project area, including a prevalence of open space in early periods, a surprising survival of impermanent structures, and a gradual regrading and filling of the block with houses and interior courts. Excavations at the Anne Arundel County Courthouse proved this to be a multi-component site, rich in cultural resources from Annapolis' Early Settlement Period through its Modern Period (as specified by Maryland's Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan (Weissman 1986)). This report provides detailed interpretations of the archaeological findings of these Phase III investigations.


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A commercial pyrometallurgical process for the extraction of platinum-group metals (PGM) from a feedstock slag was analysed with the use of a model based on computational fluid dynamics. The results of the modelling indicate that recovery depends on the behaviour of the collector phase. A possible method is proposed for estimation of the rate at which PGM particles in slag are absorbed into an iron collector droplet that falls through it. Nanoscale modelling techniques (for particle migration or capture) are combined with a diffusion-controlled mass-transfer model to determine the iron collector droplet size needed for >95% PGM recovery in a typical process bath (70 mm deep) in a realistic time-scale (<1 h). The results show that an iron droplet having a diameter in the range 0.1–0.3 mm gives good recovery (>90%) within a reasonable time. This finding is compatible with published experimental data. Pyrometallurgical processes similar to that investigated should be applicable to other types of waste that contain low levels of potentially valuable metals.


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The use of computational modelling in examining process engineering issues is very powerful. It has been used in the development of the HIsmelt process from its concept. It is desirable to further water-cool the HIsmelt vessel to reduce downtime for replacing refractory. Water-cooled elements close to a metal bath run the risk of failure. This generally occurs when a process perturbation causes the freeze and refractory layers to come away from the water-cooled element, which is then exposed to liquid metal. The element fails as they are unable to remove all the heat. Modelling of the water-cooled element involves modelling the heat transfer, fluid flow, stress and solidification for a localised section of the reaction vessel. The complex interaction between the liquid slag and the refractory applied to the outside of thewater-cooled element is also being examined to model the wear of this layer. The model is being constructed in Physica, a CFD code developed at the University of Greenwich. Modelling of this system has commenced with modelling solidification test cases. These test cases have been used to validate the CFD code’s capability to model the solidification in this system. A model to track the penetration of slag into refractory has also been developed and tested.


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This paper concerns the development and validation (using an oil/water system) of a finite volume computer model of the continuous casting process for steel flat products. The emphasis is on hydrodynamic aspects and in particular the dynamic behaviour of the metal/slag interface. Instability and wave action encourage the entrainment of inclusions into the melt affecting product quality. To track the interface between oil and water a new implicit algorithm was developed, called the Counter Diffusion Method. To prevent excessive damping, a time-filtered version of the k-e model, was found necessary, with appropriate density stratification terms representing interface turbulence damping.


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A finite volume computer model of the continuous casting process for steel flat products has been developed. In this first stage, the model concentrates on the hydrodynamic aspects of the process and in particular the dynamic behavior of the metal/slag interface. The model was validated against experimental measurements obtained in a water model apparatus.


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Portland cement (PC) and blended cements containing pulverized fuel ash (PFA) or granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) were used to solidify/stabilize an electroplating sludge in this work. The acid neutralization capacity (ANC) of the hydrated pastes increased in the order of PC > PC/GGBS > PC/PFA. The GGBS or PFA replacement (80 wt%) reduced the ANC of the hydrated pastes by 30–50%. The ANC of the blended cement-solidified electroplating sludge (cement/sludge 1:2) was 20–30% higher than that of the hydrated blended cement pastes. Upon carbonation, there was little difference in the ANC of the three cement pastes, but the presence of electroplating sludge (cement/sludge 1:2) increased the ANC by 20%. Blended cements were more effective binders for immobilization of Ni, Cr and Cu, compared with PC, whereas Zn was encapsulated more effectively in the latter. Accelerated carbonation improved the immobilization of Cr, Cu and Zn, but not Ni. The geochemical code PHREEQC, with the edited database from EQ3/6 and HATCHES, was used to calculate the saturation index and solubility of likely heavy metal precipitates in cement-based solidification/stabilization systems. The release of heavy metals could be related to the disruption of cement matrices and the remarkable variation of solubility of heavy metal precipitates at different pH values.