979 resultados para Situation Centers
The application of support vector machine classification (SVM) to combined information from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and [F18]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) has been shown to improve detection and differentiation of Alzheimer's disease dementia (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. To validate this approach for the most frequent dementia syndrome AD, and to test its applicability to multicenter data, we randomly extracted FDG-PET and MRI data of 28 AD patients and 28 healthy control subjects from the database provided by the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) and compared them to data of 21 patients with AD and 13 control subjects from our own Leipzig cohort. SVM classification using combined volume-of-interest information from FDG-PET and MRI based on comprehensive quantitative meta-analyses investigating dementia syndromes revealed a higher discrimination accuracy in comparison to single modality classification. For the ADNI dataset accuracy rates of up to 88% and for the Leipzig cohort of up to 100% were obtained. Classifiers trained on the ADNI data discriminated the Leipzig cohorts with an accuracy of 91%. In conclusion, our results suggest SVM classification based on quantitative meta-analyses of multicenter data as a valid method for individual AD diagnosis. Furthermore, combining imaging information from MRI and FDG-PET might substantially improve the accuracy of AD diagnosis.
Cet article présente une nouvelle situation, le Jeu du Pique-Nique, qui permet l'évaluation du fonctionnement familial, pris dans son ensemble, quel que soit le nombre d'enfants, âgés de quelques semaines à une douzaine d'années. L'évaluation est macroscopique, selon différentes dimensions comme le coparentage, la chaleur familiale, la dimension ludique, l'autonomie des enfants, etc. Pour illustrer la richesse des observations qu'offre cette situation, les jeux de trois familles contrastées sont présentés ainsi que leur codage. L'utilité en recherche ainsi qu'en clinique, et en particulier l'apport de la vision du film avec la famille, est discutée.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the initiation of and response to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors for axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) in private rheumatology practices versus academic centers. METHODS: We compared newly initiated TNF inhibition for axSpA in 363 patients enrolled in private practices with 100 patients recruited in 6 university hospitals within the Swiss Clinical Quality Management (SCQM) cohort. RESULTS: All patients had been treated with ≥ 1 nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug and > 70% of patients had a baseline Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) ≥ 4 before anti-TNF agent initiation. The proportion of patients with nonradiographic axSpA (nr-axSpA) treated with TNF inhibitors was higher in hospitals versus private practices (30.4% vs 18.7%, p = 0.02). The burden of disease as assessed by patient-reported outcomes at baseline was slightly higher in the hospital setting. Mean levels (± SD) of the Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score were, however, virtually identical in private practices and academic centers (3.4 ± 1.0 vs 3.4 ± 0.9, p = 0.68). An Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS40) response at 1 year was reached for ankylosing spondylitis in 51.7% in private practices and 52.9% in university hospitals (p = 1.0) and for nr-axSpA in 27.5% versus 25.0%, respectively (p = 1.0). CONCLUSION: With the exception of a lower proportion of patients with nr-axSpA newly treated with anti-TNF agents in private practices in comparison to academic centers, adherence to ASAS treatment recommendations for TNF inhibition was equally high, and similar response rates to TNF blockers were achieved in both clinical settings.
In this study it was compared the MAS-100 and the Andersen air samplers' performances and a similar trend in both instruments was observed. It was also evaluated the microbial contamination levels in 3060 samples of offices, hospitals, industries, and shopping centers, in the period of 1998 to 2002, in Rio de Janeiro city. Considering each environment, 94.3 to 99.4% of the samples were the allowed limit in Brazil (750 CFU/m³). The industries' results showed more important similarity among fungi and total heterotrophs distributions, with the majority of the results between zero and 100 CFU/m³. The offices' results showed dispersion around 300 CFU/m³. The hospitals' results presented the same trend, with an average of 200 CFU/m³. Shopping centers' environments showed an average of 300 CFU/m³ for fungi, but presented a larger dispersion pattern for the total heterotrophs, with the highest average (1000 CFU/m³). It was also investigated the correlation of the sampling period with the number of airborne microorganisms and with the environmental parameters (temperature and air humidity) through the principal components analysis. All indoor air samples distributions were very similar. The temperature and air humidity had no significant influence on the samples dispersion patterns.
A survey was undertaken among Swiss occupational health and safety specialists in 2004 to identify uses, difficulties, and possible developments of exposure models. Occupational hygienists (121), occupational physicians (169), and safety specialists (95) were surveyed with an in depth questionnaire. Results obtained indicate that models are not used very much in practice in Switzerland and are reserved to research groups focusing on specific topics. However, various determinants of exposure are often considered important by professionals (emission rate, work activity), and in some cases recorded and used (room parameters, operator activity). These parameters cannot be directly included in present models. Nevertheless, more than half of the occupational hygienists think that it is important to develop quantitative exposure models. Looking at research institutions, there is, however, a big interest in the use of models to solve problems which are difficult to address with direct measurements; i. e. retrospective exposure assessment for specific clinical cases and prospective evaluation for new situations or estimation of the effect of selected parameters. In a recent study about cases of acutepulmonary toxicity following water proofing spray exposure, exposure models have been used to reconstruct exposure of a group of patients. Finally, in the context of exposure prediction, it is also important to report about a measurement database existing in Switzerland since 1991. [Authors]
Le statut éthique et juridique de l'animal fait l'objet de discussions intenses aujourd'hui. Sa résolution suppose des choix difficiles entre des modèles argumentatifs en apparence incompatibles. L'auteur compare les deux principales formes de biocentrisme, le biocentrisme égalitaire et le biocentrisme hiérarchique, à l'anthropocentrisme, qui peut lui-même être radical ou modéré. Il en découle que le modèle anthropocentrique présente des avantages décisifs, à condition de subir une révision fondamentale, dans le sens d'une anthropo-relationnalité qui distingue la domination violente de l'homme sur l'animal du respect pleinement humain - et donc aussi humanisant - envers les animaux, dont il importe de prendre en compte la dignité et la valeur. La voie du pathocentrisme trouve alors une certaine justification, mais sans occulter la perspective humaine seule à même de fonder une éthique et de la rendre socialement plausible.
Dans le cadre de l'activité professionnelle, des facteurs de stress d'ordre psychologique, social, et liés à l'organisation du travail, peuvent induire des réponses physiologiques et comportementales impliquées dans la survenue de pathologies comme les maladies cardiovasculaires, les troubles de la santé mentale et les troubles musculosquelettiques.Le Régime social des indépendants (RSI) a sollicité l'Inserm afin de disposer d'un bilan des connaissances sur le stress d'origine professionnelle chez les travailleurs indépendants et ses répercussions sur la santé.Regroupant à la fois des compétences en biologie, psychologie, sociologie et économie de la santé, cette expertise collective présente les modèles et les mécanismes explicatifs mettant en relation le stress au travail et les principales pathologies.Les stratégies de prévention individuelle et collective qui se développent dans le milieu des travailleurs salariés peuvent-elles être adaptées aux travailleurs indépendants ? [Ed.]
Fingerprinting of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains from tuberculosis (TB) patients attended in Community Health Centers (CHCs) of Rio de Janeiro was performed to verify possible risk factors for TB transmission. A prospective community-based study was performed during the period of July 1996 to December 1996 by collecting sputum samples of 489 patients in 11 different CHCs in four different planning areas (APs) of the city. Bacteriological, clinical, and epidemiological information was collected and M. tuberculosis genotypes defined after restriction fragment length polymorphism (IS6110-RFLP) and double repetitive element (DRE) fingerprinting of RFLP-clustered cases. Risk factors for TB transmission were looked for using three levels of cluster stringency. Among 349 (71%) positive cultures obtained, IS6110-RFLP typing could be performed on strains from 153 different patients. When using identity of RFLP patterns as cluster definition, 49 (32%) of the strains belonged to a cluster and none of the clinical or epidemiologic characteristics was associated with higher clustering levels. However, higher clustering level was observed in the AP including the central region of the city when compared to others. This strongly suggests that more recent transmission occurs in that area and this may be related with higher incidence of TB and HIV in this region.
Created in 1991 by the governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, the Southern Cone Initiative (SCI) has been extremely important for Chagas disease control in this region. Its basic objective was to reach the interruption of this disease, chiefly by means of the elimination of the principal vector Triatoma infestans and by the selection of safe donors in the regional blood banks. After a summarized historic of SCI, the text shows the advance of technical and operative activities, emphasizing some factors for the initiative success, as well as some difficulties and constraints. The future of SCI will depend of the continuity of the actions and of political priority. Scientific community has been highly responsible for this initiative and its maintenance. At the side of this, national and international efforts must be involved and reinforced to assure the accomplishment of the final targets of SCI. Very specially, the Pan American Health Organization has cooperated with the Initiative in all its moments and activities,being the most important catalytic and technical factor for SCI success.
Chagas disease in Central America is known since 1913 when the first human case was reported in El Salvador. The other Central American countries reported their first cases between 1933 and 1967. On October 1997 was launched the Central American Initiative for Chagas Disease Control (IPCA). The objectives of this sub-regional Initiative are: (1) the elimination of Rhodnius prolixus in Central America; (2) the reduction of the domiciliary infestation of Triatoma dimidiata; and (3) the elimination of the transfusion transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi. Significant advancements being close to the elimination of R. prolixus in Central America and the control of the transfusion transmission has been a transcendent achievement for the sub-region. The main challenges that the IPCA will have in the close future are: developing effective strategies for control and surveillance of T. dimidiata; and surveillance of other emerging triatominae species like R. pallescens, T. nitida, and T. ryckmani.