905 resultados para Sintering Kinetics
PURPOSE: It is generally assumed that the biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of radiolabelled antibodies remain similar between dosimetric and therapeutic injections in radioimmunotherapy. However, circulation half-lives of unlabelled rituximab have been reported to increase progressively after the weekly injections of standard therapy doses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the evolution of the pharmacokinetics of repeated 131I-rituximab injections during treatment with unlabelled rituximab in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). METHODS: Patients received standard weekly therapy with rituximab (375 mg/m2) for 4 weeks and a fifth injection at 7 or 8 weeks. Each patient had three additional injections of 185 MBq 131I-rituximab in either treatment weeks 1, 3 and 7 (two patients) or weeks 2, 4 and 8 (two patients). The 12 radiolabelled antibody injections were followed by three whole-body (WB) scintigraphic studies during 1 week and blood sampling on the same occasions. Additional WB scans were performed after 2 and 4 weeks post 131I-rituximab injection prior to the second and third injections, respectively. RESULTS: A single exponential radioactivity decrease for WB, liver, spleen, kidneys and heart was observed. Biodistribution and half-lives were patient specific, and without significant change after the second or third injection compared with the first one. Blood T(1/2)beta, calculated from the sequential blood samples and fitted to a bi-exponential curve, was similar to the T(1/2) of heart and liver but shorter than that of WB and kidneys. Effective radiation dose calculated from attenuation-corrected WB scans and blood using Mirdose3.1 was 0.53+0.05 mSv/MBq (range 0.48-0.59 mSv/MBq). Radiation dose was highest for spleen and kidneys, followed by heart and liver. CONCLUSION: These results show that the biodistribution and tissue kinetics of 131I-rituximab, while specific to each patient, remained constant during unlabelled antibody therapy. RIT radiation doses can therefore be reliably extrapolated from a preceding dosimetry study.
This study aimed to design and validate the measurement of ankle kinetics (force, moment, and power) during consecutive gait cycles and in the field using an ambulatory system. An ambulatory system consisting of plantar pressure insole and inertial sensors (3D gyroscopes and 3D accelerometers) on foot and shank was used. To test this system, 12 patients and 10 healthy elderly subjects wore shoes embedding this system and walked many times across a gait lab including a force-plate surrounded by seven cameras considered as the reference system. Then, the participants walked two 50-meter trials where only the ambulatory system was used. Ankle force components and sagittal moment of ankle measured by ambulatory system showed correlation coefficient (R) and normalized RMS error (NRMSE) of more than 0.94 and less than 13% in comparison with the references system for both patients and healthy subjects. Transverse moment of ankle and ankle power showed R>0.85 and NRMSE<23%. These parameters also showed high repeatability (CMC>0.7). In contrast, the ankle coronal moment of ankle demonstrated high error and lower repeatability. Except for ankle coronal moment, the kinetic features obtained by the ambulatory system could distinguish the patients with ankle osteoarthritis from healthy subjects when measured in 50-meter trials. The proposed ambulatory system can be easily accessible in most clinics and could assess main ankle kinetics quantities with acceptable error and repeatability for clinical evaluations. This system is therefore suggested for field measurement in clinical applications.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to compare VO2 kinetics during constant power cycle exercise measured using a conventional facemask (CM) or a respiratory snorkel (RS) designed for breath-by-breath analysis in swimming. METHODS: VO2 kinetics parameters-obtained using CM or RS, in randomized counterbalanced order-were compared in 10 trained triathletes performing two submaximal heavy-intensity cycling square-wave transitions. These VO2 kinetics parameters (ie, time delay: td1, td2; time constant: τ1, τ2; amplitude: A1, A2, for the primary phase and slow component, respectively) were modeled using a double exponential function. In the case of the RS data, this model incorporated an individually determined snorkel delay (ISD). RESULTS: Only td1 (8.9 ± 3.0 vs 13.8 ± 1.8 s, P < .01) differed between CM and RS, whereas all other parameters were not different (τ1 = 24.7 ± 7.6 vs 21.1 ± 6.3 s; A1 = 39.4 ± 5.3 vs 36.8 ± 5.1 mL x min(-1) x kg(-1); td2 = 107.5 ± 87.4 vs 183.5 ± 75.9 s; A2' (relevant slow component amplitude) = 2.6 ± 2.4 vs 3.1 ± 2.6 mL x min(-1) x kg(-1) for CM and RS, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Although there can be a small mixture of breaths allowed by the volume of the snorkel in the transition to exercise, this does not appear to significantly influence the results. Therefore, given the use of an ISD, the RS is a valid instrument for the determination of VO2 kinetics within submaximal exercise.
This study aimed to quantitatively describe and compare whole-body fat oxidation kinetics in cycling and running using a sinusoidal mathematical model (SIN). Thirteen moderately trained individuals (7 men and 6 women) performed two graded exercise tests, with 3-min stages and 1 km h(-1) (or 20 W) increment, on a treadmill and on a cycle ergometer. Fat oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry and plotted as a function of exercise intensity. The SIN model, which includes three independent variables (dilatation, symmetry and translation) that account for main quantitative characteristics of kinetics, provided a mathematical description of fat oxidation kinetics and allowed for determination of the intensity (Fat(max)) that elicits maximal fat oxidation (MFO). While the mean fat oxidation kinetics in cycling formed a symmetric parabolic curve, the mean kinetics during running was characterized by a greater dilatation (i.e., widening of the curve, P < 0.001) and a rightward asymmetry (i.e., shift of the peak of the curve to higher intensities, P = 0.01). Fat(max) was significantly higher in running compared with cycling (P < 0.001), whereas MFO was not significantly different between modes of exercise (P = 0.36). This study showed that the whole-body fat oxidation kinetics during running was characterized by a greater dilatation and a rightward asymmetry compared with cycling. The greater dilatation may be mainly related to the larger muscle mass involved in running while the rightward asymmetry may be induced by the specific type of muscle contraction.
The phenotypic features acquired subsequent to antigen-specific stimulation in vitro were evaluated by means of the kinetic expressions of CD69 and CD25 activation molecules on T lymphocytes and assayed by flow cytometry in response to PPD, Ag85B, and ferritin in PPD-positive healthy control individuals. In response to PHA, CD69 staining on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells became initially marked after 4 h, peaked at 24 h, and quickly decreased after 120 h. For CD25, a latter expression was detected around 8 h, having increased after 96 h. As expected, the response rate to the mycobacterial antigens was much lower than that to the mitogen. Positive staining was high after 96 h for CD25 and after 24 h for CD69. CD69 expression was significantly enhanced (p < 0.05) on CD8+ as compared to CD4+ T cells. High levels were also found between 96-120 h. Regarding Ag85B, CD25+ cells were mostly CD4+ instead of CD8+ T cells. Moreover, in response to ferritin, a lower CD25 expression was noted. The present data will allow further characterization of the immune response to new mycobacterial-specific antigens and their evaluation for possible inclusion in developing new diagnostic techniques for tuberculosis as well in a new vaccine to prevent the disease.
The course of in vivo infection of five isolates of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis was followed for three weeks in Swiss mice. The strains were isolated from diarrheic and normal feces and mesenteric lymph nodes of healthy and sick stock animals. Four strains of serogroup O:3 and one of serogroup O:1a, with and without the virulence plasmid, were inoculated intragastrically and intravenously in the mice. Groups of five animals were sacrificed at 6 h and 3, 6, 10, 15, and 21 days after inoculation, and organs and tissues were checked for possible macroscopic alterations. Development of infection was monitored at these times by performing viable bacterial counts in homogenates of selected tissues. The animals were cheked daily for clinical alterations. The results of the study showed that strains with the virulence plasmid infected organs and tissues at various times and at varying intensity by both routes of infection, the strain of type O:1a being the most invasive. Moreover, clinical and pathological alterations occurred only in animals inoculated with bacteria carrying the virulence plasmid, regardless of the route of infection.
Discrepancies appear in studies comparing fat oxidation between men and women. Therefore, this study aimed to quantitatively describe and compare whole-body fat oxidation kinetics between genders during exercise, using a sinusoidal (SIN) model. Twelve men and 11 women matched for age, body mass index, and aerobic fitness (maximal oxygen uptake and maximal power output per kilogram of fat-free mass (FFM)) performed submaximal incremental tests (Incr) with 5-min stages and a 7.5% maximal power output increment on a cycle ergometer. Fat oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry, and plotted as a function of exercise intensity. The SIN model, which includes 3 independent variables (dilatation, symmetry, translation) that account for the main quantitative characteristics of kinetics, was used to mathematically describe fat oxidation kinetics and to determine the intensity (Fatmax) eliciting the maximal fat oxidation (MFO). During Incr, women exhibited greater fat oxidation rates from 35% to 85% maximal oxygen uptake, MFO (6.6 ± 0.9 vs. 4.5 ± 0.3 mg·kg FFM-1·min-1), and Fatmax (58.1% ± 1.9% vs. 50.0% ± 2.7% maximal oxygen uptake) than men (p < 0.05). While men and women showed similar global shapes of fat oxidation kinetics in terms of dilatation and symmetry (p > 0.05), the fat oxidation curve tended to be shifted toward higher exercise intensities in women (rightward translation, p = 0.08). These results support the idea that women have a greater reliance on fat oxidation than men during submaximal exercise, but also indicate that this greater fat oxidation is shifted toward higher exercise intensities in women than in men.
Acute exercise increases energy expenditure (EE) during exercise and post-exercise recovery [excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)] and therefore may be recommended as part of the multidisciplinary management of obesity. Moreover, chronic exercise (training) effectively promotes an increase in insulin sensitivity, which seems to be associated with increased fat oxidation rates (FORs). The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate 1) FORs and extra-muscular factors (hormones and plasma metabolites) that regulate fat metabolism during acute and chronic exercise; and 2) EPOC during acute post-exercise recovery in obese and severely obese men (class II and III). In the first study, we showed that obese and severely obese men present a lower exercise intensity (Fatmax) eliciting maximal fat oxidation and a lower reliance on fat oxidation at high, but not at low and moderate, exercise intensities compared to lean men. This was most likely related to an impaired muscular capacity to oxidize non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) rather than decreased plasma NEFA availability or a change in the hormonal milieu during exercise. In the second study, we developed an accurate maximal incremental test to correctly and simultaneously evaluate aerobic fitness and fat oxidation kinetics during exercise in this population. This test may be used for the prescription of an appropriate exercise training intensity. In the third study, we demonstrated that only 2 wk of exercise training [continuous training at Fatmax and adapted high-intensity interval training (HIIT)], matched with respect to mechanical work, may be effective to improve aerobic fitness, FORs during exercise and insulin sensitivity, which suggest that FORs might be rapidly improved and that adapted HIIT is feasible in this population. The increased FORs concomitant with the lack of changes in lipolysis during exercise suggest an improvement in the mismatching between NEFA availability and oxidation, highlighting the importance of muscular (oxidative capacity) rather than extra-muscular (hormones and plasma metabolites) factors in the regulation of fat metabolism after a training program. In the fourth study, we observed a positive correlation between EE during exercise and EPOC, suggesting that a chronic increase in the volume or intensity of exercise may increase EE during exercise and during recovery. This may have an impact in weight management in obesity. In conclusion, these findings might have practical implications for exercise training prescriptions in order to improve the therapeutic approaches in obesity and severe obesity. -- L'exercice aigu augmente la dépense énergétique (DE) pendant l'exercice et la récupération post-exercice [excès de consommation d'oxygène post-exercise (EPOC)] et peut être utilisé dans la gestion multidisciplinaire de l'obésité. Quant à l'exercice chronique (entraînement), il est efficace pour augmenter la sensibilité à l'insuline, ce qui semble être associé à une amélioration du débit d'oxydation lipidique (DOL). Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier 1) le DOL et les facteurs extra-musculaires (hormones et métabolites plasmatiques) qui régulent le métabolisme lipidique pendant l'exercice aigu et chronique et 2) l'EPOC lors de la récupération aiguë post-exercice chez des hommes obèses et sévèrement obèses (classe II et III). Dans la première étude nous avons montré que les hommes obèses et sévèrement obèses présentent une plus basse intensité d'exercice (Fatmax) correspondant au débit d'oxydation lipidique maximale et un plus bas DOL à hautes, mais pas à faibles et modérées, intensités d'exercice comparé aux sujets normo-poids, ce qui est probablement lié à une incapacité musculaire à oxyder les acides gras non-estérifiés (AGNE) plutôt qu'à une diminution de leur disponibilité ou à un changement du milieu hormonal pendant l'exercice. Dans la deuxième étude nous avons développé un test maximal incrémental pour évaluer simultanément l'aptitude physique aérobie et la cinétique d'oxydation des lipides pendant l'exercice chez cette population. Dans la troisième étude nous avons montré que seulement deux semaines d'entraînement (continu à Fatmax et intermittent à haute intensité), appariés par la charge de travail, sont efficaces pour améliorer l'aptitude physique aérobie, le DOL pendant l'exercice et la sensibilité à l'insuline, ce qui suggère que le DOL peut être rapidement amélioré chez cette population. Ceci, en absence de changements de la lipolyse pendant l'exercice, suggère une amélioration de la balance entre la disponibilité et l'oxydation des AGNE, ce qui souligne l'importance des facteurs musculaires (capacité oxydative) plutôt que extra-musculaires (hormones et métabolites plasmatiques) dans la régulation du métabolisme lipidique après un entraînement. Dans la quatrième étude nous avons observé une corrélation positive entre la DE pendant l'exercice et l'EPOC, ce qui suggère qu'une augmentation chronique du volume ou de l'intensité de l'exercice pourrait augmenter la DE lors de l'exercice et lors de la récupération post-exercice. Ceci pourrait avoir un impact sur la gestion du poids chez cette population. En conclusion, ces résultats pourraient avoir des implications pratiques lors de la prescription des entraînements dans le but d'améliorer les approches thérapeutiques de l'obésité et de l'obésité sévère.
Humoral factors play an important role in the control of exercise hyperpnea. The role of neuromechanical ventilatory factors, however, is still being investigated. We tested the hypothesis that the afferents of the thoracopulmonary system, and consequently of the neuromechanical ventilatory loop, have an influence on the kinetics of oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide output (VCO2), and ventilation (VE) during moderate intensity exercise. We did this by comparing the ventilatory time constants (tau) of exercise with and without an inspiratory load. Fourteen healthy, trained men (age 22.6 +/- 3.2 yr) performed a continuous incremental cycle exercise test to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max = 55.2 +/- 5.8 ml x min(-1) x kg(-1)). On another day, after unloaded warm-up they performed randomized constant-load tests at 40% of their VO2max for 8 min, one with and the other without an inspiratory threshold load of 15 cmH2O. Ventilatory variables were obtained breath by breath. Phase 2 ventilatory kinetics (VO2, VCO2, and VE) could be described in all cases by a monoexponential function. The bootstrap method revealed small coefficients of variation for the model parameters, indicating an accurate determination for all parameters. Paired Student's t-tests showed that the addition of the inspiratory resistance significantly increased the tau during phase 2 of VO2 (43.1 +/- 8.6 vs. 60.9 +/- 14.1 s; P < 0.001), VCO2 (60.3 +/- 17.6 vs. 84.5 +/- 18.1 s; P < 0.001) and VE (59.4 +/- 16.1 vs. 85.9 +/- 17.1 s; P < 0.001). The average rise in tau was 41.3% for VO2, 40.1% for VCO2, and 44.6% for VE. The tau changes indicated that neuromechanical ventilatory factors play a role in the ventilatory response to moderate exercise.
The purpose of this study was to compare O(2) uptake ((.)VO(2)) and muscle electromyography activity kinetics during moderate and severe exercise to test the hypothesis of progressive recruitment of fast-twitch fibers in the explanation of the VO(2) slow component. After an incremental test to exhaustion, 7 trained cyclists (mean +/- SD, 61.4 +/- 4.2 ml x min(-1) x kg(- 1)) performed several square-wave transitions for 6 min at moderate and severe intensities on a bicycle ergometer. The (.)VO(2) response and the electrical activity (i.e., median power frequency, MDF) of the quadriceps vastus lateralis and vastus medialis of both lower limbs were measured continuously during exercise. After 2 to 3 min of exercise onset, MDF values increased similarly during moderate and severe exercise for almost all muscles whereas a (.)VO(2) slow component occurred during severe exercise. There was no relationship between the increase of MDF values and the magnitude of the (.)VO(2) slow component during the severe exercise. These results suggest that the origin of the slow component may not be due to the progressive recruitment of fast-twitch fibers.
The contribution of respiratory muscle work to the development of the O(2) consumption (Vo(2)) slow component is a point of controversy because it has been shown that the increased ventilation in hypoxia is not associated with a concomitant increase in Vo(2) slow component. The first purpose of this study was thus to test the hypothesis of a direct relationship between respiratory muscle work and Vo(2) slow component by manipulating inspiratory resistance. Because the conditions for a Vo(2) slow component specific to respiratory muscle can be reached during intense exercise, the second purpose was to determine whether respiratory muscles behave like limb muscles during heavy exercise. Ten trained subjects performed two 8-min constant-load heavy cycling exercises with and without a threshold valve in random order. Vo(2) was measured breath by breath by using a fast gas exchange analyzer, and the Vo(2) response was modeled after removal of the cardiodynamic phase by using two monoexponential functions. As anticipated, when total work was slightly increased with loaded inspiratory resistance, slight increases in base Vo(2), the primary phase amplitude, and peak Vo(2) were noted (14.2%, P < 0.01; 3.5%, P > 0.05; and 8.3%, P < 0.01, respectively). The bootstrap method revealed small coefficients of variation for the model parameter, including the slow-component amplitude and delay (15 and 19%, respectively), indicating an accurate determination for this critical parameter. The amplitude of the Vo(2) slow component displayed a 27% increase from 8.1 +/- 3.6 to 10.3 +/- 3.4 ml. min(-1). kg(-1) (P < 0.01) with the addition of inspiratory resistance. Taken together, this increase and the lack of any differences in minute volume and ventilatory parameters between the two experimental conditions suggest the occurrence of a Vo(2) slow component specific to the respiratory muscles in loaded condition.
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that athletes having a slower oxygen uptake ( VO(2)) kinetics would benefit more, in terms of time spent near VO(2max), from an increase in the intensity of an intermittent running training (IT). After determination of VO(2max), vVO(2max) (i.e. the minimal velocity associated with VO(2max) in an incremental test) and the time to exhaustion sustained at vVO(2max) ( T(lim)), seven well-trained triathletes performed in random order two IT sessions. The two IT comprised 30-s work intervals at either 100% (IT(100%)) or 105% (IT(105%)) of vVO(2max) with 30-s recovery intervals at 50% of vVO(2max) between each repeat. The parameters of the VO(2) kinetics (td(1), tau(1), A(1), td(2), tau(2), A(2), i.e. time delay, time constant and amplitude of the primary phase and slow component, respectively) during the T(lim) test were modelled with two exponential functions. The highest VO(2) reached was significantly lower ( P<0.01) in IT(100%) run at 19.8 (0.9) km(.)h(-1) [66.2 (4.6) ml(.)min(-1.)kg(-1)] than in IT(105%) run at 20.8 (1.0) km(.)h(-1) [71.1 (4.9) ml(.)min(-1.)kg(-1)] or in the incremental test [71.2 (4.2) ml(.)min(-1.)kg(-1)]. The time sustained above 90% of VO(2max) in IT(105%) [338 (149) s] was significantly higher ( P<0.05) than in IT(100%) [168 (131) s]. The average T(lim) was 244 (39) s, tau(1) was 15.8 (5.9) s and td(2) was 96 (13) s. tau(1) was correlated with the difference in time spent above 90% of VO(2max) ( r=0.91; P<0.01) between IT(105%) and IT(100%). In conclusion, athletes with a slower VO(2) kinetics in a vVO(2max) constant-velocity test benefited more from the 5% rise of IT work intensity, exercising for longer above 90% of VO(2max) when the IT intensity was increased from 100 to 105% of vVO(2max).
The goals of the present study were to evaluate the kinetics of blood parasitism by examination of fresh blood, blood culture (BC) and PCR assays and their correlation with heart parasitism during two years of infection in Beagle dogs inoculated with the Be-78, Y and ABC Trypanosoma cruzi strains. Our results showed that the parasite or its kDNA is easily detected during the acute phase in all infected animals. On the other hand, a reduced number of positive tests were verified during the chronic phase of the infection. The frequency of positive tests was correlated with T. cruzi strain. The percentage of positive BC and blood PCR performed in samples from animals inoculated with Be-78 and ABC strains were similar and significantly larger in relation to animals infected with the Y strain.Comparison of the positivity of PCR tests performed using blood and heart tissue samples obtained two years after infection showed two different patterns associated with the inoculated T. cruzi strain: (1) high PCR positivity for both blood and tissue was observed in animals infected with Be-78 or ABC strains; (2) lower and higher PCR positivity for the blood and tissue, respectively, was detected in animals infected with Y strains. These data suggest that the sensitivity of BC and blood PCR was T. cruzi strain dependent and, in contrast, the heart tissue PCR revealed higher sensitivity regardless of the parasite stock.