398 resultados para Siamese Twins


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OBJETIVO: Caracterizar mulheres e recém-nascidos que foram submetidos ao processo de reprodução assistids. MÉTODO: Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo para coleta de dados e prospectivo para análise, em mulheres submetidas a duas diferentes técnicas de reprodução assistida no Centro de Reprodução Humana do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein no período de janeiro de 1995 a Dezembro de 2003. Foram selecionados todos os casos de sucesso e término do parto que ocorreram na Instituição no período. RESULTADOS: no período analisado, ocorreram 2448 procedimentos, sendo 439 de fertilização in vitro e 2009 de injeção intracitoplasmática de esperma. A taxa de sucesso variou de 25 a 30%. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os dois métodos estudados quanto aos resultados perinatais. Maior morbidade foi observada entre os nascimentos múltiplos em relação aos únicos. CONCLUSÕES: as técnicas de reprodução assistida não interferiram nos resultados perinatais. A prematuridade foi o fator determinante de maior morbimortalidade entre os múltiplos


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Background: Patients with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) often present strong exercise intolerance and muscle weakness. However, the role of exercise training in this disease has not been investigated. Purpose: this longitudinal case study reports on the effects of exercise training on a 7-year-old patient with JDM and on her unaffected monozygotic twin sister, who served as a control. Methods: Both the patient who was diagnosed with JDM as well as her healthy twin underwent a 16-week exercise training program comprising aerobic and strengthening exercises. We assessed one repetition-maximum (1-RM) leg-press and bench-press strength, balance, mobility and muscle function, blood markers of inflammation and muscle enzymes, aerobic conditioning, and disease activity scores. As a result, the healthy child had an overall greater absolute strength, muscle function and aerobic conditioning compared to her JDM twin pair at baseline and after the trial. However, the twins presented comparable relative improvements in 1-RM bench press, 1-RM leg press, VO(2peak), and time-to-exhaustion. The healthy child had greater relative increments in low-back strength and handgrip, whereas the child with JDM presented a higher relative increase in ventilatory anaerobic threshold parameters and functional tests. Quality of life, inflammation, muscle damage and disease activity scores remained unchanged. Results and Conclusion: this was the first report to describe the training response of a patient with non-active JDM following an exercise training regimen. The child with JDM exhibited improved strength, muscle function and aerobic conditioning without presenting an exacerbation of the disease.


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The growing interest in solar twins is motivated by the possibility of comparing them directly to the Sun. To carry on this kind of analysis, we need to know their physical characteristics with precision. Our first objective is to use asteroseismology and interferometry on the brightest of them: 18 Sco. We observed the star during 12 nights with HARPS for seismology and used the PAVO beam-combiner at CHARA for interferometry. An average large frequency separation 134.4+/-0.3 mu Hz and angular and linear radiuses of 0.6759 +/- 0.0062 mas and 1.010 +/- 0.009 R(circle dot) were estimated. We used these values to derive the mass of the star, 1.02 +/- 0.03 M(circle dot).


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Previous studies have shown that multiple ; birth children (MBC) are prone to early phonological ;difficulties and later literacy problems. However, to date, ;there has been no systematic long-term follow-up of MBC with phonological difficulties in the preschool years to determine whether these difficulties predict later literacy problems. In this study, 20 MBC whose early speech and language skills had been previously documented were compared to normative data and 20 singleton controls on tasks assessing phonological ; processing and literacy. The major findings indicated that MBC performed significantly more poorly on some tasks :df phonological processing than singleton controls did. Further, the early phonological skills of MBC (i.e., the number of inappropriate phonological processes used) correlated with poor performance on visual rhyme recognition, word repetition, and phoneme detection tasks 5 years later. There was no significant relationship between early biological factors (birth weight and gestation period) and performance on the phonological processing and literacy-related subtests. These results cl-support the hypothesis that MBC's early speech and language difficulties are not merely a transient phase;of; development, but a real disorder, with consequences for later academic achievement.


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Recent reports have shown neurodegenerative disorders to be associated with abnormal expansions of a CAG trinucleotide repeat allele at various autosomal loci. While normal chromosomes have 14 to 44 repeats, disease chromosomes may have 60 to 84 repeats. The number of CAG repeats on mutant chromosomes correlates with increasing severity of disease or decreasing age at onset of symptoms. Since we are interested in identifying the many quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing brain functioning, we examined the possibility that the number of CAG repeats in the normal size range at these loci are relevant to "normal" neural functioning. We have used 150 pairs of adolescent (aged 16 years) twins and their parents to examine allele size at the MJD, SCA1, and DRPLA loci in heterozygous normal individuals. These are part of a large ongoing project using cognitive and physiological measures to investigate the genetie influences on cognition, and an extensive protocol of tests is employed to assess some of the key components of intellectual functioning. This study selected to examine full-scale psychometric IQ (FSIQ) and a measure of information processing (choice reaction time) and working memory (slow wave amplitude). CAG repeat size was determined on an ABI Genescan system following multiplex PCR amplification. Quantitative genetic analyses were performed to determine QTL effects of MJD, SCA1, and DRPLA on cognitive functioning. Analyses are in progress and will be discussed.


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OBJECTIVE: This study ascertains the relative contributions of genetics and environment in determining methane emission in humans and rats. There is considerable interest in the factors determining the microbial species that inhabit the colon. Methanogens, which are archaebacteria, are an easily detected colonic luminal bacteria because they respire methane. They are present in some but not all human colons and lower animal hindguts. Opinion varies on the nature of the factors influencing this ecology with some studies proposing the existence of host genetic influences. METHODS: Methane emission was measured in human twin pairs by gas chromatography, and structural equation modeling was used to determine the proportion of genetic and environmental determinants. The importance of the timing of environmental effects and rat strain on the trait of methane emission were ascertained by experiments with cohabiting methanogenic and nonmethanogenic rats. RESULTS: Analysis of breath samples from 274 adolescent twin pairs and their families indicated that the major influences on the trait of methane emission are the result of shared (53%, 95% confidence interval 39-61) and unique environmental (47%, 95% confidence interval 38-56) effects. No significant autosomal genetic effects were detected, but as observed in other studies, men (37%) were less likely to excrete methane in their breath than women (63%). Investigation of methane emission in rats indicated that environmental effects in this animal are most potent during the weaning period, with stable gut microbial ecology thereafter for some but not all rat strains. CONCLUSIONS: These results are consistent with shared and unique environmental factors being the main determinants of the ecology of this colonic microbe. (Am J Gastroenterol 2000;95:2872-2879. (C) 2000 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology).


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This study examined if (1) there is an association in the general population between cannabis use, DSM-IV abuse and dependence, and other substance use and DSM-IV substance abuse/dependence; (2) if so, is it explained by demographic characteristics or levels of neuroticism? It used data from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being (NSMHWB), a stratified, multistage probability sample of 10641 adults, representative of the general population. DSM-IV diagnoses of substance abuse and dependence were derived using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). There was a strong bivariate association between involvement with cannabis use in the past 12 months and other substance use, abuse and dependence. In particular, cannabis abuse and dependence were highly associated with increased risks of other substance dependence. These associations remained after including other variables in multiple regression. Cannabis use without disorder was strongly related to other drug use, an association that was not explained by other variables considered here. The high likelihood of other substance use and substance use disorders needs to be considered among persons seeking treatment for cannabis use problems. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of genetically heterogeneous diseases with progressive degeneration of the retina. The condition can be inherited as an autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked trait. Methods: We report on two female twin pairs. One twin of each pair is affected with RP, the other twin is unaffected, both clinically and functionally. Molecular analysis in both twins included zygosity determination, arrayed primer extension chip analysis for autosomal recessive and dominant RP, sequencing of the entire RPGR gene, and analysis of X-chromosome inactivation status. Results: Both unrelated twin pairs were genetically identical. Of the potential pathogenetic mechanisms, skewed X-inactivation was excluded on leukocytes. Autosomal recessive RP and autosomal dominant RP arrayed primer extension chip analysis result was completely normal, excluding known mutations in known genes as the cause of disease in the affected twins. Sequencing excluded mutations in RPGR. A postzygotic recessive or dominant genetic mutation of an RP gene is not impossible. A postfertilization error as a potential cause of uniparental isodisomy is unlikely albeit not entirely impossible. Conclusion: The authors report on the second and third unrelated identical twin pair discordant for RP. The exact cause of the condition and the explanation of the clinical discordance remain elusive. RETINA 31:1164-1169, 2011


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Few studies have focused on the language acquisition of higher multiple birth sets. In this study, the communication skills of 51 triplet children are described. The measures used were: mean length of utterance; type-token ratio; conversational nets; phoneme repertoire; and number of different types of phonological processes used. The data gained were used to compare the communication skills of triplets with those of twins, singletons and normative data available in the literature. Siblings within triplet sets were also compared using language samples obtained from adult-child interactions and when the three children were playing together. The results indicated that the triplets' early communication skills were different from those of both singletons and twins. The triplets' difficulties included delayed syntactic development, limited use of different language functions and delayed phonological development. In contrast, twins' communication profile is characterised by disordered phonological development.


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Objective: Using longitudinal and prospective measures of trauma during childhood, the authors assessed the risk of developing psychotic symptoms associated with maltreatment, bullying, and accidents in a nationally representative U. K. cohort of young twins. Method: Data were from the Environmental Risk Longitudinal Twin Study, which follows 2,232 twin children and their families. Mothers were interviewed during home visits when children were ages 5, 7, 10, and 12 on whether the children had experienced maltreatment by an adult, bullying by peers, or involvement in an accident. At age 12, children were asked about bullying experiences and psychotic symptoms. Children`s reports of psychotic symptoms were verified by clinicians. Results: Children who experienced maltreatment by an adult (relative risk=3.16, 95% CI=1.92-5.19) or bullying by peers (relative risk=2.47, 95% CI=1.74-3.52) were more likely to report psychotic symptoms at age 12 than were children who did not experience such traumatic events. The higher risk for psychotic symptoms was observed whether these events occurred early in life or later in childhood. The risk associated with childhood trauma remained significant in analyses controlling for children`s gender, socioeconomic deprivation, and IQ; for children`s early symptoms of internalizing or externalizing problems; and for children`s genetic liability to developing psychosis. In contrast, the risk associated with accidents was small (relative risk=1.47, 95% CI=1.02-2.13) and inconsistent across ages. Conclusions: Trauma characterized by intention to harm is associated with children`s reports of psychotic symptoms. Clinicians working with children who report early symptoms of psychosis should inquire about traumatic events such as maltreatment and bullying.


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Objective: To evaluate whether including children with onset of symptoms between ages 7 and 12 years in the ADHD diagnostic category would: (a) increase the prevalence of the disorder at age 12, and (b) change the clinical and cognitive features, impairment profile, and risk factors for ADHD compared with findings in the literature based on the DSM-IV definition of the disorder. Method: A birth cohort of 2,232 British children was prospectively evaluated at ages 7 and 12 years for ADHD using information from mothers and teachers. The prevalence of diagnosed ADHD at age 12 was evaluated with and without the inclusion of individuals who met DSM-IV age-of-onset criterion through mothers` or teachers` reports of symptoms at age 7. Children with onset of ADHD symptoms before versus after age 7 were compared on their clinical and cognitive features, impairment profile, and risk factors for ADHD. Results: Extending the age-of-onset criterion to age 12 resulted in a negligible increase in ADHD prevalence by age 12 years of 0.1%. Children who first manifested ADHD symptoms between ages 7 and 12 did not present correlates or risk factors that were significantly different from children who manifested symptoms before age 7. Conclusions: Results from this prospective birth cohort might suggest that adults who are able to report symptom onset by age 12 also had symptoms by age 7, even if they are not able to report them. The data suggest that the prevalence estimate, correlates and risk factors of ADHD will not be affected if the new diagnostic scheme extends the age-of-onset criterion to age 12. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 2010;49(3):210-216.


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Background: Current diagnostic criteria cannot capture the full range of bipolar spectrum. This study aims to clarify the natural co-segregation of manic-depressive symptoms occurring in the general population. Methods: Using data from the Sao Paulo Catchment Area Study, latent class analysis (LCA) was applied to eleven manic and fourteen depressive symptoms assessed through CIDI 1.1 in 1464 subjects from a community-based study in Sao Paulo, Brazil. All manic symptoms were assessed, regardless of presence of euphoria or irritability, and demographics, services used, suicidality and CIDI/DSM-IIIR mood disorders used to external validate the classes. Results: The four obtained classes were labeled Euthymics (EU; 49.1%), Mild Affectives (MA; 31.1%), Bipolars (BIP; 10.7%), and Depressives (DEP; 9%). BIP and DEP classes represented bipolar and depressive spectra, respectively. Compared to DEP class, BIP exhibited more atypical depressive characteristics (hypersomnia and increase in appetite and/or weight gain), risk of suicide, and use of services. Depressives had rates of atypical symptoms and suicidality comparable to oligosymptomatic MA class subjects. Limitations: The use of lay interviewers and DSM-IIIR diagnostic criteria, which are more restrictive than the currently used DSM-IV TR. Conclusions: Findings of high prevalence of bipolar spectrum and of atypical symptoms and suicidality as indicators of bipolarity are of great clinical importance, due to different treatment needs, and higher severity. Lifetime sub-affective and syndromic manic symptoms are clinically significant, arguing for the need Of revising DSM bipolar spectrum categories. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Genomic imprinting alterations have been shown to be associated with assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) in animals. At present, data obtained in humans are inconclusive; however, some epidemiological studies have demonstrated an increased incidence of imprinting disorders in children conceived by ARTs. In the present study, we focused on the effect of ARTs [IVF and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)] on the epigenetic reprogramming of the maternally methylated imprinting control region KvDMR1 in clinically normal children. Qualitative and quantitative methylation at KvDMR1 were assessed by the methylation-specific PCR approach and by the methylation-sensitive enzymatic digestion associated with real-time PCR method, respectively. DNA was obtained from peripheral blood of 12/18 and umbilical cord blood and placenta of 6/18 children conceived by IVF or ICSI. The methylation patterns observed in this group were compared with the patterns observed in 30 clinically normal naturally conceived children (negative controls) and in 3 naturally conceived Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome patients (positive controls). Hypomethylation at KvDMR1 was observed in 3/18 clinically normal children conceived by ARTs (2 conceived by IVF and 1 by ICSI). A discordant methylation pattern was observed in the three corresponding dizygotic twins. Our findings corroborate the hypothesis of vulnerability of maternal imprinting to ARTs. Furthermore, the discordant methylation at KvDMR1 observed between dizygotic twins could be consequent to one of the following possibilities: (i) a differential vulnerability of maternal imprints among different embryos; or (ii) epimutations that occurred during gametogenesis resulting in the production of oocytes without the correct primary imprint at KvDMR1.


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We have examined MC1R variant allele frequencies in the general population of South East Queensland and in a collection of adolescent dizygotic and monozygotic twins and family members to define statistical associations with hair and skin color, freckling, and mole count. Results of these studies are consistent with a linear recessive allelic model with multiplicative penetrance in the inheritance of red hair. Four alleles, D84E, R151C, R160W, and D294H, are strongly associated with red hair and fair skin with multinomial regression analysis showing odds ratios of 63, 118, 50, and 94, respectively. An additional three low-penetrance alleles V60L, V92M, and R163Q have odds ratios 6, 5, and 2 relative to the wild-type allele. To address the cellular effects of MC1R variant alleles in signal transduction, we expressed these receptors in permanently transfected HEK293 cells. Measurement of receptor activity via induction of a cAMP-responsive luciferase reporter gene found that the R151C and R160W receptors were active in the presence of NDP-MSH ligand, but at much reduced levels compared with that seen with the wild-type receptor. The ability to stimulate phosphorylation of the cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) transcription factor was also apparent in all stimulated MC1R variant allele-expressing HEK293 cell extracts as assessed by immunoblotting. In contrast, human melanoma cell lines showed wide variation in the their ability to undergo cAMP-mediated CREB phosphorylation. Culture of human melanocytes of known MC1R genotype may provide the best experimental approach to examine the functional consequences for each MC1R variant allele. With this objective, we have established more than 300 melanocyte cell strains of defined MC1R genotype.