990 resultados para Shrimp culture -- Bangladesh


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The study was an endeavor to bring forward a concise, factual description of the salient features of the present status of artisanal fisheries resources and its management for sustainable development of fishing communities in Teknaf coast, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. This study was conducted through 14 fishing villages of 4 Unions in Teknaf Upazila. As a hub of various fisheries deeds, a comprehensive coastal fisheries census, conducted on the coast during the study period, revealed that about 566 fishing fleet of two types, 1263 fishing gears of seven kinds, 6466 fishermen were being involved in fishing at Naaf river estuary. The catch composition of the coastal fishing was found 52 finfish species, 10 shrimp and 3 crabs. The unique potentialities provided by mostly affluent fisheries resources are needed to be tapped and channelized in the appropriate direction for maintaining a paragon of these fisheries resources of coastal area and for pursuing ecologically sustainable development via environment friendly intrinsic exploration and exploitation. “Community Based Fisheries Co-management” program should initiate immediately for the fisherman community of Naaf river estuary of Teknaf coastal region. This will go along way to help sustain the coastal fisheries resources with active participation of the fishermen


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Experimental stocking density of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in larval rearing was conducted in A.G. Aqua Hatchery, Chakaria, Bangladesh to study the effect of different stocking densities on growth, survival rate and diseases stress under hatchery condition. The research work was conducted using six cemented rectangular tanks having 3m3 capacity (1.5mX2mX1m) each. Stocking density were maintained in three experimental setup as 200, 150 and 100ind/L of the T1, T2 and T3 respectively with one replicate each. The larvae were fed with Artemia nauplii, Custard, Maxima and brine shrimp flakes. Water quality was maintained by exchanging 20-30% (12ppt saline water) daily. During the study period, temperature, pH, DO, salinity, nitrite-nitrogen, ammonia and alkalinity were maintained from 28.5-31.5ºC, 7.5-7.8, 5.8-5.9mg/L, 12-13ppt, 0.14-0.2 mg/L, 0.22-0.3mg/L, and 140-160mg/L respectively. The growth rates of larvae at 11th stage were recorded in terms of body length 0.115, 0.136, and 0.169 mm/day whereas body weight were observed 0.000115, 0.000180, and 0.000240g/day. The survival rate of larvae were found 21.8%, 30.4% and 51.3% in treatments T1, T2 and T3 respectively. PL was obtained as 43, 45, and 51PL/L and days required of 41, 38 and 34 days in stocking density of 200, 150, and 100ind/L respectively. It was found that the minimum of 34 days was required to attain the PL (12th stage) using the stocking density of 100 individuals/L. Cannibalism, Zoothamnium, Exuvia Entrapment Disease (EED), and Bacterial Necrosis (BN) were found to be the threat to the commercial hatchery operation that might responsible for potential larval damages which can be reduced by lowering the stocking densities in larval rearing tank that also increased the survival and growth rate.


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During the rainy season in extensive river floodplains and deltaic lowlands, floods render the land unavailable for crop production for several months each year. These waters are considerably underutilized in terms of managed aquatic productivity. This raises the opportunity to enclose parts of these floodwater areas to produce a crop of specifically stocked aquatic organisms aside from the naturally occurring ‘wild’ species that are traditionally fished and are not affected by the culture activity, resulting in more high-quality, nutrient-dense food production and enhanced farm income for all stakeholders, notably the poor. The WorldFish Center and its national partners recently tested the concurrent rice-fish culture in the shallower flooded areas and the alternating rice-fish culture in the deep-flooded areas of Bangladesh and Viet Nam through a community-based management system. Results indicate that community-based fish culture in rice fields can increase fish production by about 600 kg/ha/year in shallow flooded areas and up to 1.5 t/ha/year in deep-flooded areas, without a reduction in the rice yield or wild fish catch.


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Between 1999 and 2003, the WorldFish Center in Solomon Islands conducted research into the feasibility of a new fishery based on the capture and culture of postlarval coral reef fish for the live fish trade. The work was carried out in two phases: a research phase from late 1999 to the end of 2002; and a “finetuning” phase in 2003. Most of the species were of value to the marine aquarium trade, with very few live reef food fish recorded. The most valuable ornamentals were the banded cleaner shrimp, Stenopus species. Cleaner shrimp were harvested using crest nets, the method being modified with the addition of a solid, water-retaining cod-end designed to increase survival at capture. Grow-out techniques were improved by rearing the shrimp separately in jars to prevent aggression. The jars were painted black to protect the shrimp from sunlight. An economic model using experimental catch data and farm gate prices indicates that the fishery based on shrimp, supplemented with small numbers of lobster and fish is economically viable. The next step will be setting up a demonstration farm in a village in the Western Province of Solomon Islands.


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Fish culture experiments were conducted to compare and evaluate the feeding pattern and strategies, daily ration, gastric evacuation rates, dietary breadth, similarity and overlap of silver barb, Barbodes gonionotus, and tilapia, Oreochromis sp. (natural hybrid of O. mossambicus x O. niloticus) in a rice-fish system. B. gonionotus was found to be a macrophtophagous column feeder while Oreochromis sp. was a detrivorous benthophagic browser. Ontogenic shifts in diet were clearly observed in B. gonionotus while absent in Oreochromis sp. For both species, daily food ration for the small fish was twice as large as that for the large fish. Mean rates of gastric evacuation were 0.18 h super(1) for small and 0.05 h super(1) for large B. gonionotus and 0.09 h super(1) and 0.14h super(1) for small and large Oreochromis sp., respectively. In terms of intraspecific dietary width, the smaller sized individuals of both species had a wider dietary niche than the larger conspecifics. Larger fish increased their specialization and reliance on few food items with increasing size and competitive ability. When both species were reared together, B. gonionotus showed a wider niche width than tilapia. Wider interspecific niche width of B. gonionotus compared to that of tilapia and significant interspecific dietary overlap is likely to result in suppression of the growth of tilapia in mixed culture due to: 1) a high degree of specialization and reliance of tilapia on food of low-nutrient value, and 2) slower gastric evacuation rates as compared to B. gonionotus, which would allow B. gonionotus to outgrow similar sized tilapia.


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Freshwater pearl culture is growing as a source of employment and income in many Southeast Asian countries. Bangladesh, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam have initiated freshwater pearl culture projects in recent years. In India, the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture is carrying out research on identification of suitable local pearl mussel species (Genera Lamellidens)defining appropriate surgical implantation procedures, developing post-operative care procedures and captive pond culture of mussels.


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Details are given of pond trials conducted in Bangladesh regarding the culture of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii ). Integrated rice and prawn farming systems were also experimented and results indicated that the prawn could be a suitable species for such integration. Such systems, pond or integrated, are suggested to be best practiced in the southeastern and southwestern areas of the country where there is tidal water exchange and post-larvae are naturally available.


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The feasibility of semi-intensive culture of Penaeus monodon in low saline environment was investigated by comparing the growth and production in low (0.16-6.52 ppt) and high (4.60-19.42 ppt) saline areas at two stocking densities (10.5 and 16 individuals/m super(2)). After 135 days of culture, yield of shrimp in low and high stocking densities was 1563.37 kg/ha and 2274 kg/ha, respectively, in low saline ponds, and 1173.00 and 1974.00 kg/ha, respectively in high saline ponds. Food conversion ratio (FCR, 1.31-1.58) and specific growth rate (SGR 21.04-21.19%) were higher in low saline ponds as compared to high saline ponds (FCR, 1.35-1.68; SGR, 19.22-19.88%). Growth of shrimp was satisfactory in low saline ponds even when salinity decreased after 60 days of culture to almost freshwater level (0.16 ppt) indicating the variability of semi-intensive culture of P. monodon in low saline environment.


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Small indigenous fish species (SIS) are an important source of essential macro- and micronutrients that can play an important role in the elimination of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies in the populations of many South and Southeast Asian countries. Of the 260 freshwater fish species in Bangladesh, more than 140 are classified as SIS and are an integral part of the rural Bangladeshi diet. As many SIS are eaten whole, with organs and bones, they contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, and iron and zinc. Some SIS, such as mola, are also rich in vitamin A. SIS are often cooked with vegetables and a little oil, so they contribute to the food diversity of the rural poor.SIS are recognized as a major animal-source food group, contributing to improved food and nutrition security and livelihoods of the people of South and Southeast Asia. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together policy makers, extension agents, researchers, non-governmental and development organizations to share knowledge about small fish, their contribution to better nutrition, production technologies, and strategies for wider dissemination of pond culture and wetland based-production and conservation technologies. The workshop is expected to generate ideas for further research and development of sustainable technologies for production, management and conservation of SIS for the benefit of the people of Bangladesh as well as the South and Southeast Asian region.


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Bangladesh has no naturally occurring Artemia, and all the growing shrimp hatcheries of the country depend entirely on import of cysts from foreign countries. Following successful inoculation of Artemia and production of cysts for the first time in this country in a coastal saltpan (at Chanua, Banskhali) by the senior author (in 1989-90), a similar second attempt was made under this programme in a saltpan (1000 m super(2)) of Demoshia, Chakaria, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh between January and April 1992. A total of 1639.9 g (dry weight) of cysts (i.e. 5.46 kg DW/ha/month) have been produced using the Red Jungle Brand, whereas the previous attempt obtained 517 g of cysts (i.e. 2.07 kg DW/ha/month) using the Great Salt Lake Brand.


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With the stimulus of the very high international market value of penaeid shrimp, new pond areas for shrimp farming are rapidly being added in Bangladesh. Unfortunately, this expansion is occurring with the loss of some natural mangrove forests and with soils and sediments that are far from ideal for aquaculture. In this study, two representative shrimp farming areas were surveyed and pH, in profile depth, was recorded. It was found that the shrimp farming areas of the Chakaria Sundarban are more acidic than those of the Khulna-Satkhira region due to the acid sulfate soils.


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A year round investigation in the estuaries of Barguna district revealed that for each Penaeus monodon postlarvae (PL), about 37 larvae of other shrimp species, 12 finfishes and 10 macrozooplankters are destroyed during the process of shrimp seed collection. Although abundance of P. monodon PL was not recorded throughout the year, a significant number of other shrimp spp., fin fishes including macrozooplankters are being damaged by the shrimp seed collectors. This indiscriminate destruction of aquatic organisms during P. monodon PL collection is serious threat to aquatic biodiversity.


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Three different stocking rates in a semi-intensive pilot shrimp project was adopted in duplicates of three treatments designated as T1, T2 and T3 having initial per meter square stocking density of shrimp of 40, 44 and 51 respectively of 0.025g size post larva. The study was conducted for 84 days. Commercial pelleted diets designated as starter - 1, 2, 3 and grower were fed at a satiation level during the study period with a feeding frequency of 4 to 5 times per day. Feed rationing was based on the survivability, body weight and tray checking. 5-25% of the pond water was exchanged daily. Sampling was done for growth after every 2nd week. Monthly sampling was done for mortality in the ponds. Mean weight gain of the shrimp in treatments T1, T2 and T3 were 16.96 ± 1.14, 16.04 ± 1.38 and 14.08 ± 1.17g respectively and T1 with a low stocking density showed a significantly best growth among the treatments. Total mortality in treatments T1, T2 and T3 were as 30.00, 39.77 and 31.37% respectively. Significantly higher feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.87 was obtained with shrimp in treatment T3 followed by shrimp in T1 and T2 with FCR values of 1.70 and 1.41 respectively. A positive correlation of growth and salinity was observed during the study. Total production per unit area was the highest in the treatment T3 (4928 kg/ha) and followed by T1 (4747 kg/ha) and T2 (4251 kg/ha). The result show significantly negative correlation between individual growth and density.


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A study on mixed culture of mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio Lin.), tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Lin.), silver carp (Hypophthalmicthys molitrix Val.) and Thai sharpunti (Puntius gonionotus Bleeker) in the ratio of 1:2:2:5 was conducted in 12 seasonal mini ponds (30 m² each) for 105 days. There were six treatments each with two replicates and each pond was stocked with a total of 100 fishes. Rice bran and mustard oil cake were used as supplemental feed either in combination or alone in presence or absence of fertilizer. Fertilizers were used in the form of organic, inorganic or both. The best growth performance of mirror carp, tilapia and Thai sharpunti was obtained in treatment III which received both fertilizer (organic+inorganic) and rice bran while the highest growth of silver carp was obtained in treatment VI receiving only inorganic fertilizer. However, the overall best production (2450 Kg/ha) and economic return for the culture period was obtained in treatment VI followed by treatment III. The results are discussed in the light of water quality parameters.


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An experiment was carried out with 1 0 days old Clarias gariepinus fry over a period of 42 days to determine the effects of different feeds on growth and survival of African catfish fry in glass tanks. The experiment was designed into four treatments each having three replications. Thus treatment 1 (T1) was named as Tank Tubifex (TT) and treatment 2 (T2) as Tank Sabinco (TS), treatment 3 as Pond Tubifex (PT), and treatment 4 (T4) as Pond Sabinco (PS). Live Tubifex (protein levels 64.48%) was supplied to treatments 1 and 3 and rest of the treatments were supplied Sabinco starter-1 (protein levels 40.13%). The highest and the lowest growth in total length and weight were 12.90cm, 18.77g and 6.17cm, 4.04g recorded from the treatments 3 and 2, respectively. Growth of catfish fry under treatment 3 in terms of both length and weight were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of the other treatments. However treatment 2 showed the significantly lowest (P<0.01) growth performance among the various treatments. The highest survival rate (92%) was also obtained with treatment 3. Tubifex proved to be the best larval feed in respect of growth and survival rate.