948 resultados para Sexual function


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The objective of this work was to evaluate reproductive function in adult male rats exposed to ethanol since puberty. Male Wistar rats, 50 days old, received a liquid diet with 36% of the daily calories derived from ethanol or an isocaloric control diet for 55 days. The ethanol treatment impaired sexual behavior and only 22% of these rats reached ejaculation. The fertility of ethanol-treated animals was significantly reduced, mainly after natural mating. Serum testosterone levels, daily sperm production and sperm count in the epididymis were also significantly diminished after ethanol treatment, associated with an acceleration of the sperm transit time in the cauda epididymidis, decrease in sperm motility and increased percentage of abnormal shaped sperm cells. The results showed that chronic consumption of ethanol beginning at puberty impairs the reproductive function of adult male rats. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Previous studies in rats suggested that picrotoxin, a GABA(A) receptor antagonist, may cause long-term changes in male reproductive physiology and behavior in rats exposed during prenatal and postnatal periods. The present study has further examined this phenomenon. Wistar rat dams were dosed subcutaneously with 0.75 mg/kg picrotoxin in saline, or vehicle alone, during the perinatal period (day 19 of gestation, immediately after parturition, and once a day during the first 5 days of lactation). Birth weight and sexual maturation of pups were unchanged; however, plasma testosterone levels and sexual behavior was altered in male offspring. Although fertile, these males showed altered mating behavior in terms of a decrease in the mean number of mounts during a 30-min observation period with normal females. Some showed homosexual behavior when castrated and pretreated with exogenous estrogen. These findings suggest that perinatal exposure to picrotoxin alters sexual dimorphism in the developing rat brain, manifesting as altered reproductive performance and sexual behavior of males. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper appraises the influence of chelipeds on sexual and maturation phasis of the crab Hepatus pudibundus (Herbst, 1785), collected in Ubatuba (SP) region. The allometric constants obtained from the regression (carapace width X cheliped weight) adjusted to a power function (Y=aX(b)) were analysed. It was verified that males show larger chelipeds than females. The mean percentage of the chelipeds weight differs in sex and maturation.


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The present study examined the effects of letrozole exposure during brain sexual differentiation on endocrine, behavioural and neurochemical parameters in male rat descendants. Pregnant female rats received 1 mg kg(-1) day(-1) letrozole or vehicle by oral gavage on gestational Days 21 and 22. Exposure to letrozole reduced anogenital distance in males on postnatal Day (PND) 22. At adulthood (PND 75), plasma testosterone levels and hypothalamic dopaminergic activity were increased, but sexual competence was impaired, because fewer successful sexual behaviours (mount, intromission and principally ejaculation) were observed. The impairment of reproductive function by prenatal exposure to an aromatase inhibitor reinforces the importance of adequate oestrogenic activity during perinatal sexual differentiation for complete masculinisation of the hypothalamus.


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Eutherian mammals share a common ancestor that evolved into two main placental types, i.e., hemotrophic (e.g., human and mouse) and histiotrophic (e.g., farm animals), which differ in invasiveness. Pregnancies initiated with assisted reproductive techniques (ART) in farm animals are at increased risk of failure; these losses were associated with placental defects, perhaps due to altered gene expression. Developmentally regulated genes in the placenta seem highly phylogenetically conserved, whereas those expressed later in pregnancy are more species-specific. To elucidate differences between hemotrophic and epitheliochorial placentae, gene expression data were compiled from microarray studies of bovine placental tissues at various stages of pregnancy. Moreover, an in silico subtractive library was constructed based on homology of bovine genes to the database of zebrafish - a nonplacental vertebrate. In addition, the list of placental preferentially expressed genes for the human and mouse were collected using bioinformatics tools (Tissue-specific Gene Expression and Regulation [TiGER] - for humans, and tissue-specific genes database (TiSGeD) - for mice and humans). Humans, mice, and cattle shared 93 genes expressed in their placentae. Most of these were related to immune function (based on analysis of gene ontology). Cattle and women shared expression of 23 genes, mostly related to hormonal activity, whereas mice and women shared 16 genes (primarily sexual differentiation and glycoprotein biology). Because the number of genes expressed by the placentae of both cattle and mice were similar (based on cluster analysis), we concluded that both cattle and mice were suitable models to study the biology of the human placenta. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The so-called endocrine disruptors have been described as compounds which interfere with the estrogen action in their receptors and may exert a crucial role in the development of the reproductive tract and in the brain sexual differentiation. Thus, conducts and/or exposure to these drugs in the perinatal period that apparently do not endanger the neonate may cause side effects. During embrionary development, the gonads, through discharge of a small quantity of reproductive hormones, will guarantee the phenotype of male or female at birth, as well as actuate in specific areas sexual differentiation of the central nervous system. Several experimental models have shown an interference of drugs acting as endocrine disruptors in hypothalamic sexual differentiation. Thus, reproductive function is impaired by exposure to estrogen in the perinatal life of rats and the mechanisms involved in this effect are distinct for males and females. Perinatal exposure to drugs which may be considered endocrine disrupters may induce an incomplete masculinization and defeminization of the central nervous system. Alterations in these processes, if present, generally are perceived only at puberty or adult reproductive life. These later alterations may include anomalies in the process of fertility or in sexual behavior.


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The main purpose of this study was to provide an estimate for the onset of morphological sexual maturity in the freshwater crab Trichodactylus fluviatilis, from a population located in south-eastern Brazil, based on the relative growth relationships, as well as the characterization of ''handedness''. Monthly collections were carried out at night, from January 2006 to January 2007, in a small water body. In the laboratory, the crabs were sexed; the following body structures were measured and the estimate of onset of sexual maturity was given by the logistic function, as y a/(1\+becx), for 50% of the population to reach the adult phase (CW50carapace width). Right propodus length and abdomen width were the best-fit relationships to represent the onset of sexual maturity for males and females, respectively. Based on the logistic function, the onset of sexual maturity was estimated to occur at around 18mm CW for both sexes. The relative growth recorded for this species is consistent with the model for brachyuran crabs (Hartnoll RG. 1982, Growth. In: Bliss, DE, editor. The biology of Crustacea: embryology, morphology and genetics. New York: Academic Press. p. 111-196), except for the abdomen growth, which is likely to be an adaptive condition related to protection of the newly hatched young. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Três espécies de sabiás se substituem ecologicamente nas florestas primárias e secundárias na Amazônia Oriental: Turdus albicollis, T. fumigatus e T. leucomelas . Estas três espécies são monocromáticas, isto é, machos e fêmeas possuem plumagem semelhante. O que não se conhecia é se estas espécies são também monomórficas, isto é, se machos e fêmeas possuem tamanho igual. Estudos nas florestas mexicanas indicam que algumas aves monocromáticas Neotropicais são de fato cripticamente dimórficas, ou seja, machos e fêmeas diferem estatisticamente em tamanho quando técnicas estatísticas apropriadas são usadas. Este trabalho teve três objetivos principais: (a) avaliar o padrão de dimorfismo sexual quanto ao tamanho em T. albicollis phaeopygus, T. fumigatus fumigatus e T. leucomelas albiventer; (b) contribuir para o estudo do dimorfismo sexual quanto ao tamanho em aves monocromáticas Neotropicais e (c) fornecer subsídios para o estudo ecológico-evolutivo do gênero Turdus , em particular, e da família Turdidae, em geral. A hipótese de trabalho era que as três espécies de Turdus analisadas seriam cripticamente dimórficas, tais como os outros passeriformes florestais estudados nas florestas mexicanas. Concluiu-se que das três espécies estudadas, duas são monomórficas ( T. f. fumigatus e T. a. phaeopygus ) e uma é cripticamente dimórfica ( T. l. albiventer ). Na única espécie cripticamente dimórfica, machos diferem significativamente das fêmeas quanto ao comprimento da asa, cauda, tarso e unha do quarto dedo. Mesmo assim, a função linear discriminante gerada, não permite uma sexagem segura dos espécimes. A razão de as três espécies de Turdus mostrarem-se monomórficas ou cripticamente dimórficas talvez esteja associada ao seu comportamento pré-reprodutivo. Durante o período de acasalamento, a vocalização seria um instrumento mais importante de atração de fêmeas e determinação do território do que a plumagem ou o tamanho. Assim, existiria forte pressão seletiva sobre a vocalização dos machos é fraca ou inexistente pressão seletiva sobre o tamanho do corpo. Sugere-se a realização de mais estudos de dimorfismo sexual em outras espécies de Turdus e de análise filogenética deste gênero, para se esclarecer a evolução dos padrões de dimorfismo sexual em sabiás.


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O dimorfismo sexual nas espécies de guaribas é bem conhecido em animais adultos. Sabe-se que em todas as espécies do gênero Alouatta os machos são consideravelmente maiores e mais pesados que as fêmeas. Entretanto, o dimorfismo sexual não é homogêneo em todas as espécies de guaribas, e A. seniculus é considerada a espécie mais dimórfica do gênero. Além disso, muito pouco se sabe a respeito da ontogenia do dimorfismo sexual nestas espécies. O propósito deste trabalho foi avaliar a ontogenia do dimorfismo sexual em cinco espécies de guaribas intimamente relacionadas: Alouatta seniculus, A. juara, A. macconnelli, A. puruensis e A. nigerrima, e estabelecer um método para a identificação de classes etárias mais precisas nestes animais. Foram mensuradas 25 variáveis cranianas e três do osso hióide de 329 espécimes, e foi examinada a coloração da pelagem de 192 indivíduos de todas as idades, para análises com enfoque ontogenético. Teste t de Student foi aplicado para a verificação de dimorfismo sexual nas classes etárias, e Análise da Função Discriminante (AFD) foi empregada para se observar a significância dos agrupamentos etários em relação às variáveis craniométricas. ANOVA, seguida do Teste de Tukey para comparação múltipla entre médias, foram aplicados para a verificação de crescimento das medidas cranianas dos adultos de A. macconnelli. O reconhecimento de cinco classes etárias entre os adultos foi feito através da avaliação do desgaste oclusal e do grau de fechamento das suturas cranianas. Embora reconhecíveis pelas características de desgaste oclusal e soldadura das suturas, não foi possível a distinção das classes etárias de adultos através de variáveis cranianas. Em todas as AFDs aplicadas aos conjuntos de adultos, as equações resultantes não demonstraram significância estatística. Nenhuma classe etária anterior à idade adulta apresentou dimorfismo sexual nas dimensões cranianas, e características sexualmente dimórficas só foram percebidas a partir da idade AD1. A espécie com maior grau de dimorfismo sexual foi A. macconnelli, e as características sexualmente dimórficas do crânio aparecem de forma mais precoce nesta espécie. Em comparação com A. macconnelli, A. nigerrima possui um número consideravelmente menor de variáveis sexualmente dimórficas na fase adulta. Isso pode sugerir diferenças no comportamento social desta espécie, já que o dimorfismo sexual é influenciado em grande parte pela competição entre os machos pelo acesso aos recursos e à cópula. A variável com maior índice de dimorfismo sexual foi o comprimento do canino, que nas fêmeas equivale a cerca de 60% do comprimento do canino dos machos. O dimorfismo sexual é intenso nas variáveis da região da face e do aparato mastigatório, enquanto que nas estruturas associadas ao neurocrânio essa diferença praticamente não existe, o que mostra que as pressões por dimensões maiores nos machos não afetam a região neural do crânio. Em A. macconnelli, há evidências de crescimento em dimensões cranianas depois de alcançada a fase adulta. Esse fato foi observado em sete variáveis das fêmeas e cinco variáveis dos machos. Isso pode ter conseqüências em estudos sistemáticos e populacionais que, por exemplo, utilizem amostras com crânios de diferentes classes de adultos. As diferenças ontogenéticas na coloração da pelagem são muito sutis, e normalmente estão relacionadas a processos de despigmentação em campos cromatogênicos específicos, apesar de haver muita variação do padrão mais freqüente. Essas variações têm, na maioria dos casos, origem individual. As alterações ontogenéticas na forma do crânio são mais intensas nos machos que nas fêmeas, e dão ao crânio dos machos um aspecto proporcionalmente mais estreito no sentido láterolateral, e mais achatado em sua altura. Os problemas de amostragem existentes foram agravados pelo procedimento de estratificação das amostras em classes sexuais e etárias, havendo prejuízo nas análises de várias classes etárias.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article approaches the definition of sexual drive proposed by Freud in the Three Essays and how the psychoanalytic conception of human sexuality has been theoretically presented from this first exposition: both as a construct of the species and as an individual construct. It seeks to show how the very metapsychological definition of drive (Trieb) – in 1905 and also in Freud’s 1915 Instincts and their Vicissitudes – interlaced biological contributions and the psychoanalytic clinic in the formulation of an original concept of the human sexuality. The paper also discusses how, because of this duplicity, there is sometimes a developmental interpretation of sexuality in the Three Essays. In the first two of the Three essays, Freud tried to expand the possibilities of sexual behavior, analyzing the drives in the diversity of perversions and in children’s sexuality, while in the third essay the focus was on the adult sexual drive from the moment it organizes itself around an object (hence being no longer auto-erotic) and the reproduction function. Certain experts have occasionally questioned whether the 1905 article attributed a biological teleology to the human sexuality by assigning reproduction as the eventual purpose of the sexual drive – that is, a reproductive goal achieved through the sexual intercourse (coitus). Our study seeks to show how the physiological point of view proposed by Freud in his 1915 article on Instincts sheds some light on how the very biological origin of the drives denies this supposed exclusive reproductive purpose of sexuality. The duplicity of Freud’s concept of drive – as expressed in the enigmatic sentence where he states that this is a concept situated on the border between the psychical and the physical – is then discussed taking into account this intercrossing between the biological and the psychical presented in the Three Essays. The points of view proposed by Freud in 1915 for the definition of the concept of drive – the physiological and the biological points of view – are suggested as conceptual tools to the understanding of this twofold character of human sexuality, according to psychoanalysis.


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This paper will discuss some aspects of the problem of child sexual abuse, specifically incest, drawing on psychoanalysis and in particular the psychoanalytic proposed by Françoise Dolto allowing their concepts of castration simboligênica, symbolic function, image and body language unconsciously take incest as the object of study to propose a psychoanalytic clinic devoted to listening to the subject, going beyond the legal concerns of policies on reporting and complaints, but not meddle in them, reflecting on the role of the psychologist and psychoanalyst in the clinic for children of sexual abuse.


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This study investigated the role of neonatal sex steroids in rats on sexual dimorphism in bone, as well as on leptin and corticosterone concentrations throughout the lifespan. Castration of males and androgenization of females were used as models to investigate the role of sex steroids shortly after birth. Newborn Wistar rats were divided into four groups, two male groups and two female groups. Male pups were cryoanesthetized and submitted to castration or sham-operation procedures within 24 h after birth. Female pups received a subcutaneous dose of testosterone propionate (100 mu g) or vehicle. Rats were euthanized at 20, 40, or 120 postnatal days. Body weight was also measured at 20, 40, and 120 days of age, and blood samples and femurs were collected. The length and thickness of the femurs were measured and the areal bone mineral density (areal BMD) was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Biomechanical three-point bending testing was used to evaluate bone breaking strength, energy to fracture, and extrinsic stiffness. Blood samples were submitted to a biochemical assay to estimate calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, leptin, and corticosterone levels. Weight gain, areal BMD and bone biomechanical properties increased rapidly with respect to age in all groups. In control animals, skeletal sexual dimorphism, leptin concentration, and dimorphic corticosterone concentration patterns were evident after puberty. However, androgen treatment induced changes in growth, areal BMD, and bone mass properties in neonatal animals. In addition, neonatally-castrated males had bone development and mechanical properties similar to those of control females. These results suggest that the exposure to neonatal androgens may represent at least one covariate that mediates dimorphic variation in leptin and corticosterone secretions. The study indicates that manipulation of the androgen environment during the critical period of sexual differentiation of the brain causes long-lasting changes in bone development, as well as serum leptin and corticosterone concentrations. In addition, this study provides useful models for the investigation of bone disorders induced by hypothalamic hypogonadism. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.