903 resultados para Sexual Offenders
Why does species richness vary so greatly across lineages? Traditionally, variation in species richness has been attributed to deterministic processes, although it is equally plausible that it may result from purely stochastic processes. We show that, based on the best available phylogenetic hypothesis, the pattern of cladogenesis among agamid lizards is not consistent with a random model, with some lineages having more species, and others fewer species, than expected by chance. We then use phylogenetic comparative methods to test six types of deterministic explanation for variation in species richness: body size, life history, sexual selection, ecological generalism, range size and latitude. Of eight variables we tested, only sexual size dimorphism and sexual dichromatism predicted species richness. Increases in species richness are associated with increases in sexual dichromatism but reductions in sexual size dimorphism. Consistent with recent comparative studies, we find no evidence that species richness is associated with small body size or high fecundity. Equally, we find no evidence that species richness covaries with ecological generalism, latitude or range size.
The evolution of sexual dimorphism may occur when natural and sexual selection result in different optimum trait values for males and females. Perhaps the most prominent examples of sexual dimorphism occur in sexually selected traits, for which males usually display exaggerated trait levels, while females may show reduced expression of the trait. In some species, females also exhibit secondary sexual traits that may either be a consequence of a correlated response to sexual selection on males or direct sexual selection for female secondary sexual traits. In this experiment, we simultaneously measure the intersex genetic correlations and the relative strength of sexual selection on males and females for a set of cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila serrata. There was significant directional sexual selection on both male and female cuticular hydrocarbons: the strength of sexual selection did not differ among the sexes but males and females preferred different cuticular hydrocarbons. In contrast with many previous studies of sexual dimorphism, intersex genetic correlations were low. The evolution of sexual dimorphism in D. serrata appears to have been achieved by sex-limited expression of traits controlled by genes on the X chromosome and is likely to be in its final stages.
AIM: To describe the prevalence and forms of sexual dysfunction experienced by Australians, and compare these with people in the United States. METHODS: A cross sectional, telephone interview survey of a randomly selected sample of men (n = 876) and women (n = 908) aged between 18 and 59 years on the electoral roll in all states and territories of Australia (response rate = 61%) was conducted between November 1999 and April 2000. RESULTS: Large proportions of Australian men (55.0%) and women (60.5%) reported at least one sexual problem within the preceding year. More serious sexual dysfunction (> 3 symptoms) was observed in 13.2% of men and 19.7% of women. DISCUSSION: Australia and the USA are similar with regard to the high rate of symptoms of sexual dysfunction observed in the population. The low rate of treatment points to both patient and doctor reluctance to discuss sexual performance and practices.
Este artigo analisa duas faces do poder perverso nas organizações modernas: o assédio moral e o sexual. No momento em que as empresas buscam uma orientação mais ética e a melhoria do ambiente de trabalho, a discussão desses temas se faz prioridade. O texto apresenta, ainda, resultados de pesquisas realizadas na França e no Brasil.
La utilización del preservativo en las relaciones sexuales con penetración constituye la única medida preventiva eficaz para evitar la transmisión sexual del VIH y otras ETS. Incrementar su uso adecuado y sistemático es por tanto el objetivo de las campañas de prevención dirigidas a disminuir los riesgos en la actividad sexual, especialmente en los adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, dentro de los que se está experimentando el mayor incremento de contagio. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el nivel de uso del preservativo masculino e identificar los principales conocimientos y actitudes vinculados a su uso de una muestra de 389 alumnos/as, estudiantes universitarios de primer curso de la Universidad de Vigo, Campus de Ourense con una edad media de 19.04 años. Los resultados muestran que el uso sistemático del preservativo agrupa el 45% de los sujetos de la muestra y no se detectando diferencias significativas en función del sexo (t=,021 p=,816). La mayoría de las relaciones sexuales de los jóvenes de la muestra se mantienen dentro de relaciones afectivas, y el uso del preservativo como anticonceptivo hace que éste sea suplantado por la píldora a mayor estabilidad percibida de la relación. Se verifica que el mayor uso del preservativo está vinculado a su percepción de utilidad como anticonceptivo y a la creencia de que tranquilizan y dan seguridad en la relación sexual, por lo tanto, en creer que posibilitan tener relaciones sexuales sin riesgos. Por otro lado, al cuestionar a las dos funciones por separado se verifica que el mayor el porcentaje de sujetos que recurre a las métodos anticonceptivos como forma de evitar embarazos (31%) que el de los que hacen uso de los mismos como medio para evitar enfremedades de transmisión sexual (3,1%), diferencias que han de ser adecuadamente incorporadas en los programas de prevención para potenciar de uso del preservativo, ya que constiyue el único profiláctico útil para prevenir E.T.S.
O tratamento multidisciplinar da espinha bífida resultou num considerável aumento do número de doentes a atingirem a idade adulta. A vida sexual de um doente com espinha bífida está afectada não só pelas limitações físicas inerentes à doença, mas também pelos impactos psicológico e social desta doença. Trata-se de um tema de proporções pouco conhecidas, particularmente na população portuguesa de doentes com espinha bífida, na qual julgamos nunca ter sido feito um estudo do género. Dos 497 doentes sócios da ASBIHP, 219 têm idades superiores a 15 anos. Destes, um total de 27 doentes disponibilizaram-se a participar neste estudo tendo para tal respondido a um questionário por eles distribuído. Resultados: Apesar de ter sido fornecido algum tipo de educação sexual a quase todos os doentes, a maioria gostaria de receber informação específica sobre espinha bífida. De todos os doentes que participaram neste estudo, apenas 33,3 % viviam um relacionamento íntimo actual, apenas 22,2 % tiveram actividade sexual no último ano e apenas 25,9 % estavam satisfeitos com a sua actividade sexual actual. Incontinência e falta de auto-confiança foram considerados obstáculos importantes. Quando relacionados os vários factores conclui-se que os doentes jovens, de sexo masculino, com deambulação limitada a cadeira de rodas, mau controlo da incontinência urinária e fecal e com necessidade de utilização de fraldas ou pensos tiveram maiores dificuldades em estabelecer relacionamentos íntimos e em ter uma vida sexual activa e satisfatória. Conclusões: A sexualidade é importante para os doentes com espinha bífida. A educação sexual e a vigilância das dificuldades que estes doentes têm em atingir uma vida sexual activa e satisfatória, devem fazer parte dos objectivos dos profissionais de saúde que assistem estes doentes.
RESUMO: O presente estudo tem como objectivo avaliar a relação, por género, entre a infidelidade, o ciúme e a satisfação sexual. Para tal foi utilizada uma amostra de 186 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos, que preencheram um protocolo que incluía como medidas de avaliação um questionário de dados demográficos,um de envolvimentos românticos e sexuais, um de reacções emocionais à infidelidade do parceiro, o Multidimensional Jealousy Scale (Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989), o Big Five Inventory (Benet-Martinez & Oliver, 1998) e o Index Sexual Satisfaction (Hudson, Harrison & Crosscup, 1981). Foram encontradas diferenças entre géneros face à infidelidade, sendo que os homens consideram pior uma infidelidade sexual e as mulheres uma infidelidade emocional. A insatisfação sexual associou-se positivamente ao ciúme, em ambos os sexos, contudo, nas mulheres associou-se positivamente a duas dimensões do ciúme enquanto nos homens apenas se associou a uma. O ciúme associou-se de forma positiva com alguns sentimentos como traição, engano, ódio, rejeição ou desilusão, face à infidelidade, em ambos os sexos, o que parece indicar que ambos os sexos reagem aos dois tipos de infidelidade, contudo diferenciam-se na experiência dos sentimentos a ela associados. ABSTRACT: This study aims to assess the relationship, by gender, between infidelity, jealousy and sexual satisfaction. To this end it was used a sample of 186 individuals of both sexes, who completed a protocol that included evaluating measures such as one questionnaire assessing demographic data, one of sexual and romantic entanglements, and another one of emotional reactions to infidelity of the partner, Multidimensional Jealousy Scale (Pfeiffer & Wong,1989), the Big Five Inventory (Benet-Martinez & Oliver, 1998) and Sexual Satisfaction Index (Hudson, Harrison & Crosscup, 1981). Gender differences were found in relation to infidelity, while men consider worse sexual infidelity, women consider it emotional infidelity. Sexual dissatisfaction was positively associated with jealousy in both sexes, however, in women it was positively associated with the two dimensions of jealousy while in men it was associated with only one. Jealousy was associated positively with some feelings of betrayal, deceit, hate, rejection or disappointment towards infidelity for both sexes, suggesting that both sexes respond to the two types of infidelity, however they differ when experiencing feelings associated with it.
OBJECTIVE: To compare HIV seronegative (HIV-) and HIV seropositive (HIV+) males in terms of sexual behavior with female and male partners of different types. METHOD: Cross-sectional study. From August 1994 to February 1995, a sample of 236 respondents (150 HIV- and 86 HIV+) recruited from public health centers in the State of S. Paulo (Brazil), answered a questionnaire, including questions on demographic aspects, HIV and AIDS related knowledge, sexual orientation, use of alcohol and other drugs, sexual behavior with regular and casual female and male partners, and perceived risk of HIV infection. Sexual behavior with regular and casual female and male partners within the previous three months, was investigated. RESULTS: A lower proportion of HIV+ engaged in sexual contact with regular female partners (p < .01) and in vaginal intercourse with this type of partner (p < .01). A lower proportion of HIV+ engaged in overall sexual activity (p < .001) and reported lower frequency of penetrative sexual practices (p < .05). A high level of condom use with female and male partners was identified with no significant differences being found between the two serostatus groups. Some risky sexual behavior was identified, however, especially with regular partners, suggesting that some men were continuing to practice unsafe sex. CONCLUSIONS: The high level of condom use identified suggests that safer sex advice has been taken up. Condom use was not universal, however, and some men continue to place themselves at risk, especially with regular partners. Prevention programs should strive not only to encourage HIV- to practice safer sex, but also to encourage HIV+ to do so in order to prevent further transmission of the virus.