953 resultados para Self-Monitoring


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O trabalho relata, de maneira sistematizada e crítica, a experiência de um Projeto de Extensão no período de 2010 a 2011. Teve como foco ações de educação em saúde como estratégia para melhorar a adesão das pessoas com diabetes mellitus e insulinodependentes, de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde do município de São Paulo, ao Programa Automonitoramento Glicêmico. Além disso, pretendeu-se contribuir na reorganização do processo de trabalho em relação ao Programa na unidade. Foram utilizadas estratégias de educação em saúde em grupos educativos e visitas domiciliares, assim, possibilitando cuidados mais singulares. Dados dos usuários foram organizados em planilha e em pastas para as equipes de Saúde da Família, facilitando na identificação dos usuários, inclusive os faltosos, e auxiliando na descentralização do cuidado. Com as ações de educação em saúde, pretendeu-se contribuir para um cuidado mais integral e emancipatório aos usuários, para um contínuo refletir dos trabalhadores quanto a suas práticas.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the competency of people with diabetes mellitus to perform the insulin administration process, before and after telephone monitoring. METHODS: A quantitative, observational, longitudinal, comparative study. Participants were 26 people enrolled in the at-home capillary glycemia self-monitoring program. Data collection occurred in three phases, in January and February of 2010, for a period of 30 days for each person, by means of interview guided by a data collection instrument and an intervention manual. RESULTS: Of the 38 (100%) questions referring to the insulin administration process, telephone monitoring was demonstrated to be efficient in 30 (78.9%), but in 19 (50%) the intervention was statistically significant (p<0.05), in 11 (28.9%) there were no errors in responses to the final competency evaluation, and seven (18.4%) were not amenable to intervention. CONCLUSION: Telephone mornitoring was effective, as a nursing intervention strategy for the insulin administration process in the home.


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Brazil is expected to have 19.6 million patients with diabetes by the year 2030. A key concept in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is establishing individualized glycemic goals based on each patient’s clinical characteristics, which impact the choice of antihyperglycemic therapy. Targets for glycemic control, including fasting blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose, and glycated hemoglobin (A1C), are often not reached solely with antihyperglycemic therapy, and insulin therapy is often required. Basal insulin is considered an initial strategy; however, premixed insulins are convenient and are equally or more effective, especially for patients who require both basal and prandial control but desire a more simplified strategy involving fewer daily injections than a basal-bolus regimen. Most physicians are reluctant to transition patients to insulin treatment due to inappropriate assumptions and insufficient information. We conducted a nonsystematic review in PubMed and identified the most relevant and recently published articles that compared the use of premixed insulin versus basal insulin analogues used alone or in combination with rapid-acting insulin analogues before meals in patients with T2DM. These studies suggest that premixed insulin analogues are equally or more effective in reducing A1C compared to basal insulin analogues alone in spite of the small increase in the risk of nonsevere hypoglycemic events and nonclinically significant weight gain. Premixed insulin analogues can be used in insulin-naïve patients, in patients already on basal insulin therapy, and those using basal-bolus therapy who are noncompliant with blood glucose self-monitoring and titration of multiple insulin doses. We additionally provide practical aspects related to titration for the specific premixed insulin analogue formulations commercially available in Brazil.


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Der Dimensionierung emotionaler Expressivität auf Fragebogenebene wurde in zwei Untersuchungen nachgegangen. Gross und John (1998) untersuchten die Items bestehender Fragebogen auf ihre dimensionale Struktur hin und ermittelten die fünf Facetten positive und negative Expressivität, Impulsstärke, Darstellungsfähigkeit (expressive confidence) und Verstellungstendenz (masking), wobei die drei erstgenannten in einem hierarchischen Modell einen engeren Zusammenhang mit einander aufwiesen (Kern-Expressivität) als die beiden anderen. Untersuchung 1 ging den Fragen nach, ob sich die gleichen Dimensionen auch mit deutschen Adaptationen der Fragebogen finden lassen, und ob sich die dimensionale Struktur ändert, wenn weitere Fragebogen aus dem Bereich der Expressivität hinzugenommen werden. Die Dimensionen von Gross und John (1998) konnten nur zum Teil repliziert werden. Dies und die Ergebnisse des erweiterten Itempools führten zur Formulierung eines modifizierten (erweiterten) Modells der Facetten emotionaler Expressivität. In Untersuchung 2 wurden Items für einen Fragebogen zu Facetten emotionaler Expressivität (FFEE) formuliert, welche die im modifizierten Modell spezifizierten Dimensionen erheben sollten. Die drei postulierten übergeordneten Bereiche Kern-Expressivität, soziale Expressivität und kognitive Expressivität konnten auch empirisch gefunden werden. Darüber hinaus differenzierten sich die negativen Items der Kern-Expressivität stärker als die positiven. Die Zusammenhänge mit externen Expressivitäts-Fragebogen, den globalen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen Extraversion und Neurotizismus und den Angstbewältigungsdimensionen Vigilanz und kognitive Vermeidung bestätigten die Validität des FFEE. Theoretische Implikationen und Ansatzpunkte für weitere Forschungen wurden diskutiert.


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La formazione, in ambito sanitario, è considerata una grande leva di orientamento dei comportamenti, ma la metodologia tradizionale di formazione frontale non è la più efficace, in particolare nella formazione continua o “long-life education”. L’obiettivo primario della tesi è verificare se l’utilizzo della metodologia dello “studio di caso”, di norma utilizzata nella ricerca empirica, può favorire, nel personale sanitario, l’apprendimento di metodi e strumenti di tipo organizzativo-gestionale, partendo dalla descrizione di processi, decisioni, risultati conseguiti in contesti reali. Sono stati progettati e realizzati 4 studi di caso con metodologia descrittiva, tre nell’Azienda USL di Piacenza e uno nell’Azienda USL di Bologna, con oggetti di studio differenti: la continuità di cura in una coorte di pazienti con stroke e l’utilizzo di strumenti di monitoraggio delle condizioni di autonomia; l’adozione di un approccio “patient-centred” nella presa in carico domiciliare di una persona con BPCO e il suo caregiver; la percezione che caregiver e Medici di Medicina Generale o altri professionisti hanno della rete aziendale Demenze e Alzheimer; la ricaduta della formazione di Pediatri di Libera Scelta sull’attività clinica. I casi di studio sono stati corredati da note di indirizzo per i docenti e sono stati sottoposti a quattro referee per la valutazione dei contenuti e della metodologia. Il secondo caso è stato somministrato a 130 professionisti sanitari all’interno di percorso di valutazione delle competenze e dei potenziali realizzato nell’AUSL di Bologna. I referee hanno commentato i casi e gli strumenti di lettura organizzativa, sottolineando la fruibilità, approvando la metodologia utilizzata, la coniugazione tra ambiti clinico-assistenziali e organizzativi, e le teaching note. Alla fine di ogni caso è presente la valutazione di ogni referee.


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Background: The cerebral network that is active during rest and is deactivated during goal-oriented activity is called the default mode network (DMN). It appears to be involved in self-referential mental activity. Atypical functional connectivity in the DMN has been observed in schizophrenia. One hypothesis suggests that pathologically increased DMN connectivity in schizophrenia is linked with a main symptom of psychosis, namely, misattribution of thoughts. Methods: A resting-state pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling (ASL) study was conducted to measure absolute cerebral blood flow (CBF) in 34 schizophrenia patients and 27 healthy controls. Using independent component analysis (ICA), the DMN was extracted from ASL data. Mean CBF and DMN connectivity were compared between groups using a 2-sample t test. Results: Schizophrenia patients showed decreased mean CBF in the frontal and temporal regions (P < .001). ICA demonstrated significantly increased DMN connectivity in the precuneus (x/y/z = -16/-64/38) in patients than in controls (P < .001). CBF was not elevated in the respective regions. DMN connectivity in the precuneus was significantly correlated with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale scores (P < .01). Conclusions: In schizophrenia patients, the posterior hub-which is considered the strongest part of the DMN-showed increased DMN connectivity. We hypothesize that this increase hinders the deactivation of the DMN and, thus, the translation of cognitive processes from an internal to an external focus. This might explain symptoms related to defective self-monitoring, such as auditory verbal hallucinations or ego disturbances.


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Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: Improving Family Functioning through Family Preservation Services: Results of the Los Angeles Experiment. Family Preservation Journal. William Meezan and Jacquelyn McCroskey Idiographic Self-Monitoring Instruments to Empower Client Participation and Evaluate Outcome in Intensive Family Preservation Services. Barbara Peo Early Evaluating Family Preservation in Nevada: A University-State Agency Collaboration. Christine Bitoni and Joy Salmon The Family Partners Credit Card: A Token Economy System Adapted for Intensive Family Preservation Services to Enable Families to Manage Difficult Behavior of Adolescents. Jude Nichols and Barbara Peo Early Toward the Development of Ethical Guidelines for Family Preservation. David A Dosser Jr., Richard J. Shaffer, Michaux M. Shaffer, DeVault Clevenger, and Dustin K. Jefferies


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BACKGROUND: Enhancing physical activity in overweight and obese individuals is an important means to promote health in this target population. The Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), which was the theoretical framework of this study, focuses on individual self-regulation variables for successful health behavior change. One key self-regulation variable of this model is action control with its three subfacets awareness of intentions, self-monitoring and regulatory effort. The social context of individuals, however, is usually neglected in common health behavior change theories. In order to integrate social influences into the HAPA, this randomized controlled trial investigated the effectiveness of a dyadic conceptualization of action control for promoting physical activity. METHODS/DESIGN: This protocol describes the design of a single-blind randomized controlled trial, which comprises four experimental groups: a dyadic action control group, an individual action control group and two control groups. Participants of this study are overweight or obese, heterosexual adult couples who intend to increase their physical activity. Blocking as means of a gender-balanced randomization is used to allocate couples to conditions and partners to either being the target person of the intervention or to the partner condition. The ecological momentary intervention takes place in the first 14 days after baseline assessment and is followed by another 14 days diary phase without intervention. Follow-ups are one month and six months later. Subsequent to the six-months follow-up another 14 days diary phase takes place.The main outcome measures are self-reported and accelerometer-assessed physical activity. Secondary outcome measures are Body Mass Index (BMI), aerobic fitness and habitual physical activity. DISCUSSION: This is the first study examining a dyadic action control intervention in comparison to an individual action control condition and two control groups applying a single-blind randomized control trial. Challenges with running couples studies as well as advantages and disadvantages of certain design-related decisions are discussed. This RCT was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (PP00P1_133632/1) and was registered on 27/04/2012 at http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN15705531.


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BACKGROUND: Enhancing physical activity in overweight and obese individuals is an important means to promote health in this target population. The Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), which was the theoretical framework of this study, focuses on individual self-regulation variables for successful health behavior change. One key self-regulation variable of this model is action control with its three subfacets awareness of intentions, self-monitoring and regulatory effort. The social context of individuals, however, is usually neglected in common health behavior change theories. In order to integrate social influences into the HAPA, this randomized controlled trial investigated the effectiveness of a dyadic conceptualization of action control for promoting physical activity. METHODS/DESIGN: This protocol describes the design of a single-blind randomized controlled trial, which comprises four experimental groups: a dyadic action control group, an individual action control group and two control groups. Participants of this study are overweight or obese, heterosexual adult couples who intend to increase their physical activity. Blocking as means of a gender-balanced randomization is used to allocate couples to conditions and partners to either being the target person of the intervention or to the partner condition. The ecological momentary intervention takes place in the first 14 days after baseline assessment and is followed by another 14 days diary phase without intervention. Follow-ups are one month and six months later. Subsequent to the six-months follow-up another 14 days diary phase takes place.The main outcome measures are self-reported and accelerometer-assessed physical activity. Secondary outcome measures are Body Mass Index (BMI), aerobic fitness and habitual physical activity. DISCUSSION: This is the first study examining a dyadic action control intervention in comparison to an individual action control condition and two control groups applying a single-blind randomized control trial. Challenges with running couples studies as well as advantages and disadvantages of certain design-related decisions are discussed. This RCT was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (PP00P1_133632/1) and was registered on 27/04/2012 at http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN15705531.


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ntroduction: The ProAct study has shown that a pump switch to the Accu-Chek® Combo system (Roche Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) in type 1 diabetes patients results in stable glycemic control with significant improvements in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in patients with unsatisfactory baseline HbA1c and shorter pump usage time. Patients and Methods: In this post hoc analysis of the ProAct database, we investigated the glycemic control and glycemic variability at baseline by determination of several established parameters and scores (HbA1c, hypoglycemia frequency, J-score, Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia Indexes, and Index of Glycemic Control) in participants with different daily bolus and blood glucose measurement frequencies (less than four day, four or five per day, and more than five per day, in both cases). The data were derived from up to 299 patients (172 females, 127 males; age [mean±SD], 39.4±15.2 years; pump treatment duration, 7.0±5.2 years). Results: Participants with frequent glucose readings had better glycemic control than those with few readings (more than five readings per day vs. less than four readings per day: HbA1c, 7.2±1.1% vs. 8.0±0.9%; mean daily blood glucose, 151±22 mg/dL vs. 176±30 mg/dL; percentage of readings per month >300 mg/dL, 10±4% vs. 14±5%; percentage of readings in target range [80-180 mg/dL], 59% vs. 48% [P<0.05 in all cases]) and had a lower glycemic variability (J-score, 49±13 vs. 71±25 [P<0.05]; Hyperglycemia Index, 0.9±0.5 vs. 1.9±1.2 [P<0.05]; Index of Glycemic Control, 1.9±0.8 vs. 3.1±1.6 [P<0.05]; Hypoglycemia Index, 0.9±0.8 vs. 1.2±1.3 [not significant]). Frequent self-monitoring of blood glucose was associated with a higher number of bolus applications (6.1±2.2 boluses/day vs. 4.5±2.0 boluses/day [P<0.05]). Therefore, a similar but less pronounced effect on glycemic variability in favor of more daily bolus applications was observed (more than five vs. less than four bolues per day: J-score, 57±17 vs. 63±25 [not significant]; Hypoglycemia Index, 1.0±1.0 vs. 1.5±1.4 [P<0.05]; Hyperglycemia Index, 1.3±0.6 vs. 1.6±1.1 [not significant]; Index of Glycemic Control, 2.3±1.1 vs. 3.1±1.7 [P<0.05]). Conclusions: Pump users who perform frequent daily glucose readings have a better glycemic control with lower glycemic variability.


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Schizophrenia patients show abnormalities in a broad range of task demands. Therefore, an explanation common to all these abnormalities has to be sought independently of any particular task, ideally in the brain dynamics before a task takes place or during resting state. For the neurobiological investigation of such baseline states, EEG microstate analysis is particularly well suited, because it identifies subsecond global states of stable connectivity patterns directly related to the recruitment of different types of information processing modes (e.g., integration of top-down and bottom-up information). Meanwhile, there is an accumulation of evidence that particular microstate networks are selectively affected in schizophrenia. To obtain an overall estimate of the effect size of these microstate abnormalities, we present a systematic meta-analysis over all studies available to date relating EEG microstates to schizophrenia. Results showed medium size effects for two classes of microstates, namely, a class labeled C that was found to be more frequent in schizophrenia and a class labeled D that was found to be shortened. These abnormalities may correspond to core symptoms of schizophrenia, e.g., insufficient reality testing and self-monitoring as during auditory verbal hallucinations. As interventional studies have shown that these microstate features may be systematically affected using antipsychotic drugs or neurofeedback interventions, these findings may help introducing novel diagnostic and treatment options.


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Research on lifestyle physical activity interventions suggests that they help individuals meet the new recommendations for physical activity made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The purpose of this research was to describe the rates of adherence to two lifestyle physical activity intervention arms and to examine the association between adherence and outcome variables, using data from Project PRIME, a lifestyle physical activity intervention based on the transtheoretical model and conducted by the Cooper Institute of Aerobics Research, Dallas, Texas. Participants were 250 sedentary healthy adults, aged 35 to 70 years, primarily non-Hispanic White, and in the contemplation and preparation stages of readiness to change. They were randomized to a group (PRIME G) or a mail- and telephone-delivered condition (PRIME C). Adherence measures included attending class (PRIME G), completing a monthly telephone call with a health educator (PRIME C), and completing homework assignments and self-monitoring minutes of moderate- to vigorous physical activity (both groups). In the first results paper, adherence over time and between conditions was examined: Attendance in group, completing the monthly telephone call, and homework completion decreased over time, and participants in PRIME G were more likely to complete homework than those in PRIME C. Paper 2 aimed to determine whether the adherence measures predicted achievement of the CDC/ACSM physical activity guideline. In separate models for the two conditions, a latent variable measuring adherence was found to predict achievement of the guideline. Paper 3 examined the association between adherence measures and the transtheoretical model's processes of change within each condition. For both, participants who completed at least two thirds of the homework assignments improved their use of the processes of change more than those who completed less than that amount. These results suggest that encouraging adherence to a lifestyle physical activity intervention, at least among already motivated volunteers, may increase the likelihood of beneficial changes in the outcomes. ^


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Background. Diabetes places a significant burden on the health care system. Reduction in blood glucose levels (HbA1c) reduces the risk of complications; however, little is known about the impact of disease management programs on medical costs for patients with diabetes. In 2001, economic costs associated with diabetes totaled $100 billion, and indirect costs totaled $54 billion. ^ Objective. To compare outcomes of nurse case management by treatment algorithms with conventional primary care for glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients in a low-income Mexican American community-based setting, and to compare the cost effectiveness of the two programs. Patient compliance was also assessed. ^ Research design and methods. An observational group-comparison to evaluate a treatment intervention for type 2 diabetes management was implemented at three out-patient health facilities in San Antonio, Texas. All eligible type 2 diabetic patients attending the clinics during 1994–1996 became part of the study. Data were obtained from the study database, medical records, hospital accounting, and pharmacy cost lists, and entered into a computerized database. Three groups were compared: a Community Clinic Nurse Case Manager (CC-TA) following treatment algorithms, a University Clinic Nurse Case Manager (UC-TA) following treatment algorithms, and Primary Care Physicians (PCP) following conventional care practices at a Family Practice Clinic. The algorithms provided a disease management model specifically for hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and microalbuminuria that progressively moved the patient toward ideal goals through adjustments in medication, self-monitoring of blood glucose, meal planning, and reinforcement of diet and exercise. Cost effectiveness of hemoglobin AI, final endpoints was compared. ^ Results. There were 358 patients analyzed: 106 patients in CC-TA, 170 patients in UC-TA, and 82 patients in PCP groups. Change in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was the primary outcome measured. HbA1c results were presented at baseline, 6 and 12 months for CC-TA (10.4%, 7.1%, 7.3%), UC-TA (10.5%, 7.1%, 7.2%), and PCP (10.0%, 8.5%, 8.7%). Mean patient compliance was 81%. Levels of cost effectiveness were significantly different between clinics. ^ Conclusion. Nurse case management with treatment algorithms significantly improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes, and was more cost effective. ^


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Purpose of the study. The purpose of this randomized controlled clinical trial was to determine if a brief intervention would improve foot self-care behaviors in adult patients with Type 2 diabetes who presented to the emergency department for non-emergent care in a predominantly Hispanic southwestern border community. ^ Methods. A pre-post-test, three-group design was used to compare the foot self-care behaviors of patients who received usual care to those who received lower extremity amputation (LEA) risk assessment and to those who received LEA risk assessment plus a brief foot self-care intervention. After being randomized into 3 groups (N = 167), baseline assessments of demographics, diabetes history, acculturation, and the Summary of Diabetes Self Care Activities (SDSCA) questionnaire and Modified Insulin Management Diabetes Self Efficacy Scale (MIMDSES) were completed in English or Spanish. At one-month, 144 (84%) participants were available for follow-up by the research assistant masked to group assignment. ^ Results. At baseline, significant differences in foot self-care behaviors and self monitoring blood glucose were noted based on ethnicity and gender. Men had significantly lower confidence in their ability to manage their diabetes overall. There was a significant difference between baseline and follow up self reported foot self-care behaviors within the intervention group (t (47) = −4.32, p < .01) and the control group (t (46) = −2.06, p < .05). There were no significant differences between groups for self-reported foot self-care behaviors. There was a significant difference in observed foot self-care behaviors between groups (F(2,135) = 2.99, p < .05). Self-efficacy scores were positively correlated with self-reported self-care behaviors. ^ Conclusions. This predominantly Hispanic population with type 2 diabetes reported performing diabetes self-care behaviors less than five days a week. There were within group changes, but no significant between group changes in reported self-care behaviors. However, at the one month follow up, there were significant differences between groups in observed foot self-care behaviors with the intervention group demonstrating the most accurate behaviors. Differences based on gender and ethnicity emphasize the need to individualize diabetes education. Priorities for culturally competent diabetes education, approaches to increasing self-efficacy and future research directions are suggested. ^


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Introducción: En España, cerca del 14% de la población es diabética y el 95% corresponde a DM2. Un pobre control glucémico provoca un aumento de la morbilidad y mortalidad. Tres son los pilares en el tratamiento de la DM2: la dieta, la medicación y el ejercicio físico, sin embargo, el potencial de la prescripción de entrenamiento físico no ha sido totalmente explotado. Objetivo: Analizar el efecto de las distintas modalidades de ejercicio físico (AE, RT, Combo, INT) en el control glucémico en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Métodos: La búsqueda bibliográfica se realizó en 3 bases de datos electrónicas (Pubmed, Scopus y Proquest), incluyendo publicaciones desde enero de 2011 hasta mayo de 2014, que realizaran la intervención con AE, RT, Combo o INT, y que midieran la glucemia a través de la glucosa capilar, CGMS o HbA1c. Resultados: Del total de 386 artículos encontrados, 14 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Estos artículos fueron clasificados atendiendo a la modalidad de ejercicio físico de la intervención (AE, RT, Combo, INT), y en función de si analizaban el control glucémico como consecuencia del entrenamiento a largo plazo o tras una sesión de entrenamiento. Conclusiones: El AE, RT, Combo e INT muestran eficacia en el control glucémico tanto en el entrenamiento prolongado como en las 24-48h post-entrenamiento. Es necesaria la prescripción de un entrenamiento estructurado con una frecuencia, volumen e intensidad determinados para lograr beneficios en el control glucémico. El combo es la modalidad que obtiene mejores resultados a través del entrenamiento a largo plazo.