990 resultados para Segneri, Paolo, 1624-1694
Contient : « Relation de ce qui se passa à la Conférence pour la paix, à Vervins, l'an 1598, depuis le sixiesme febvrier jusques au premier may, par le secrétaire du cardinal de Florence, légat a latere du pape Clément VIII à ladicle Conférence ; ceste traduction en françois est pour suppléer aux fautes qui se trouvent à la coppie en italien. » [Cf. Lelong, Bibliothèque historique de la France, t. III, n° 29358.] ; « Discours de [Michel] THÉVENIN, secrétaire d'Estat de Charles III, duc de Lorraine, mis par escript l'an 1624, par lequel il s'efforce de monstrer que les masles de la Maison de Lorraine doivent estre préférez aux filles et autres femelles plus proches en degré, en la succession des duchez de Lorraine et de Bar, et que ces duchez sont de la souveraineté de l'Empire d'Alemagne, et de mesme nature que la pluspart des duchez et comtez qui en relèvent. » [Cf. Lelong, Bibliothèque historique de la France, t. II, n° 29015.]
Cotes A 1 à D 22.
Contient : Rome (1513-1658). — Pièces diverses, relatives aux affaires de Rome, 1513-1527 (f. 1) ; « Lettre du Roy au cardinal de Rambouillet, sur le sujet de la liberté du comte Gaiasse », 1571 ; « Commentarius caussarum belli a Paulo IIII, Pont. Max., in Italia suscepti anno 1556 », pièce anciennement paginée 509-528 ; Manifeste en faveur de Marc-Antoine Colonna, 1572 ; Minutes de lettres de Charles IX, à l'occasion de la maladie de Pie V, 1572 ; « Relatione dell'illustrissimo seignore Giovanni Dolfino, cavalliere e procuratore di Santo-Marco, ritornato d'ambasciatore à Roma l'anno 1598 » ; « Discours de l'Estat de l'Esglise et court de Rome », 1604, par J. Bosc ; Pièces relatives à divers conclaves ; Relations de la mort et éloges de Clément VIII (f. 173), — et du cardinal Baronius (f. 174) ; Pièces relatives à l'élection de Grégoire XV, 1621 ; « Relation des affaires de la cour de Rome..., faite par le sr de Brèves », 1623 ; Pièces relatives à l'élection d'Urbain VIII, 1623 ; Relation de la cour de Rome, 1624 ; Pièces relatives à l'élection d'Innocent X, 1644 ; « Mémoire, fait durant la maladie du pape Innocent X, des noms des cardinaux, de leurs aages et qualitez », 1655 ; Pièces relatives à l'élection d'Alexandre VII, 1655 ; « Relatione del clarissimo Mgr Bernardo Navagiero, che fu poi cardinale, ritornando da Roma ambasciatore à papa Paolo quarto, l'anno 1558 » ; « Il sussesso della morte di signori Carafi, con la declaratione et il modo che morirono » ; Mémoire sur la Cour pontificale au temps de Paul V, vers 1615 (f. 457) ; Venise (XVIe siècle-1627). — « Discours de l'évesque de Rodez [Georges d'Armagnac], ambassadeur pour le Roy à Venise... » (f. 291) ; « Mémoire pour... faire sçavoir les payemens ordonnez à la seigneurie de Venise et au duc de Florence, sur les prests par eux faicts au Roy », 1573 (f. 293), — et autres pièces concernant Venise et principalement les relations de Venise avec la France (f. 294) ; Pièces relatives aux différends entre les papes Clément VIII et Paul V et les Vénitiens, 1600-1607 ; « Relation de Venize, de l'année 1627 » ; Gênes (1575-1629). — « Relazione di Genova », 1575, mémoire très détaillé (f. 367) ; « Relatione della cità et dominio Genovese », 1580 ; Autre relation, adressée à Charles IX ; « Instruction baillée à Monsieur de Sabran, envoyé... vers le duc et la seigneurie de Gênes », 1629 (f. 440) ; Lucques . — « Mémoire de l'Estat de Lucques, depuis 1303 jusques en 1400... » (f. 446)
Cette thèse prend son point de départ d'une théorie élaborée par Linda Hutcheon. Elle propose que la métafiction est souvent exploitée à travers quatre genres. L’un deux est l'érotisme. Ainsi, à partir de cette idée, cet ouvrage va examiner plus profondément les liens et les implications entre ce concept de la métafiction, qui sera revu et résumé, et l'érotisme. Les trois romans choisis, A Sport and a Pastime de James Salter, Teorema de Pier Paolo Pasolini et Trou de mémoire de Hubert Aquin, serviront de lieux d'analyse afin de révéler le rapport étroit qu'entretiennent la métafiction et l'érotisme.
Se plantea la posibilidad de una formalización del modelo didáctico subyacente al método psico-social para la enseñanza de adultos de Paolo Freire a fin de encontrar un método que encarne los intereses específicos del alumno analfabeto adulto y que responda a su forma de entender el mundo, normalmente relacionada con una situación socioeconómica determinada.
Group show, curated by Invisible Exports Gallery. Featuring work by Michael Bilsborough, Lizzi Bougatsos, BREYER P-ORRIDGE, Asger Carlsen, Troels Carlsen, Walt Cassidy, Andy Coolquitt, Vaginal Davis, Carlton DeWoody, Joey Frank, Paul Gabrielli, Ludovica Gioscia, Luis Gispert, Terence Hannum, Karen Heagle, Timothy Hull, Doug Ischar, Brian Kenny, Jeremy Kost, Aaron Krach, Yeni Mao, Leigha Mason, Mark McCoy, Robert Melee, Lucas Michael, Jennifer Needleman, Brent Owens, Paul P., Paolo Di Paolo, Franklin Preston, John Russell, Xaviera Simmons, Duston Spear, Scott Treleaven, Ramon Vega, Jordan Wolfson, Dustin Yellin
This paper discusses, within the prevaling Brazilian situation, the possibility of applying 'Causal Tree' (CT) method in investigating occupational accidents by safety personnel in the public health services and workers' unions. The method was developed during the seventies in France, for use by plant safety personnel. The authors used this method in Botucatu, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in order to investigate 40 serious occupational accidents that occurred in industrial plants during the second half of 1993, that had been registered by Social Security. In these cases, the predominance of situations in which the lack of safety measures were identified by inspection indicates that in most instances, the use of CT is unnecessary. However, the authors discuss its use by safety personnel from the public health services and workers' unions to investigate certain accidents to contribute to the knowledge base and help overcome the cultural based guilt which, in Brazil, has turned the victim into the person responsible for the accident.
This doctoral dissertation faces the debated topic of the traditions of Republicanism in the Modern Age assuming, as a point of view, the problem of the "mixed" government. The research therefore dwells upon the use of this model in Sixteenth-Century Italy, also in connection with the historical events of two standard Republics such as Florence and Venice. The work focuses on Donato Giannotti (1492-1573), Gasparo Contarini (1483-1542) and Paolo Paruta (1540-1598), as the main figures in order to reconstruct the debate on "mixed" constitution: in them, decisive in the attention paid to the peculiar structure of the Venetian Republic, the only of a certain dimension and power to survive after 1530. The research takes into account also the writings of Traiano Boccalini (1556-1613): he himself, though being involved in the same topics of debate, sets for some aspects his considerations in the framework of a new theme, that of Reason of State.
The research project presented in this dissertation is about text and memory. The title of the work is "Text and memory between Semiotics and Cognitive Science: an experimental setting about remembering a movie". The object of the research is the relationship between texts or "textuality" - using a more general semiotic term - and memory. The goal is to analyze the link between those semiotic artifacts that a culture defines as autonomous meaningful objects - namely texts - and the cognitive performance of memory that allows to remember them. An active dialogue between Semiotics and Cognitive Science is the theoretical paradigm in which this research is set, the major intend is to establish a productive alignment between the "theory of text" developed in Semiotics and the "theory of memory" outlined in Cognitive Science. In particular the research is an attempt to study how human subjects remember and/or misremember a film, as a specific case study; in semiotics, films are “cinematographic texts”. The research is based on the production of a corpus of data gained through the qualitative method of interviewing. After an initial screening of a fulllength feature film each participant of the experiment has been interviewed twice, according to a pre-established set of questions. The first interview immediately after the screening: the subsequent, follow-up interview three months from screening. The purpose of this design is to elicit two types of recall from the participants. In order to conduce a comparative inquiry, three films have been used in the experimental setting. Each film has been watched by thirteen subjects, that have been interviewed twice. The corpus of data is then made by seventy-eight interviews. The present dissertation displays the results of the investigation of these interviews. It is divided into six main parts. Chapter one presents a theoretical framework about the two main issues: memory and text. The issue of the memory is introduced through many recherches drown up in the field of Cognitive Science and Neuroscience. It is developed, at the same time, a possible relationship with a semiotic approach. The theoretical debate about textuality, characterizing the field of Semiotics, is examined in the same chapter. Chapter two deals with methodology, showing the process of definition of the whole method used for production of the corpus of data. The interview is explored in detail: how it is born, what are the expected results, what are the main underlying hypothesis. In Chapter three the investigation of the answers given by the spectators starts. It is examined the phenomenon of the outstanding details of the process of remembering, trying to define them in a semiotic way. Moreover there is an investigation of the most remembered scenes in the movie. Chapter four considers how the spectators deal with the whole narrative. At the same time it is examined what they think about the global meaning of the film. Chapter five is about affects. It tries to define the role of emotions in the process of comprehension and remembering. Chapter six presents a study of how the spectators account for a single scene of the movie. The complete work offers a broad perspective about the semiotic issue of textuality, using both a semiotic competence and a cognitive one. At the same time it presents a new outlook on the issue of memory, opening several direction of research.
Nella mia tesi di dottorato mi propongo di indagare la metamorfosi del romanzo nella letteratura italiana contemporanea attraverso il lavoro di Paolo Volponi, che può essere descritto come un’«opera mondo», in accordo con la formula critica coniata da Franco Moretti. Volponi intende superare il divario fra l’io e il mondo e ricomporre il corpo come una mediazione umanistica di ragione e sensi. La sua opera può essere definita ‘epica’ perché recupera la tradizione del romanzo cavalleresco e la parodia esercitata su questa tradizione letteraria da Cervantes nel Don Chisciotte. Ma, come l’Ulysses di Joyce, è un’epica «moderna» perché fondata su una totalità disgiunta e sul conflitto dialogico, in una linea che accomuna la moltiplicazione dei punti di vista, propria del romanzo polifonico secondo Bachtin, alla pluralità di prospettive del discorso scientifico. Dopo un primo capitolo teorico, nel secondo e nel terzo capitolo della tesi i romanzi di Volponi vengono studiati in rapporto al filone dell’«epica moderna» e al genere satirico, che ha un suo modello fondativo nell’opera di Giacomo Leopardi. Il quarto capitolo si focalizza sulle ultime raccolte poetiche, che mostrano la tendenza a recuperare il linguaggio formulare e la matrice orale della poesia delle origini, servendosene per rappresentare in funzione contrappuntistica l’universo globale dell’età contemporanea.
L’obiettivo principale di questa ricerca è quello di affrontare le questioni critiche poste all’esegesi da uno dei passi paolini più discussi. Grazie all’impiego delle categorie connesse all’esperienza religiosa, si vuole argomentare la possibilità di leggere il viaggio celeste in termini di modello culturale attraverso il quale interpretare un’esperienza di contatto con il soprannaturale. L’approccio individuato può consentire di rivalutare la funzione di tale narrazione non solo nel contesto di 2 Corinzi, bensì anche in relazione ai paralleli letterari di matrice tanto giudaica e protocristiana quanto greco-romana. Conseguenza di simile analisi ad ampio raggio è il riconoscimento dell’importanza attribuita da Paolo ad esperienze di questo tipo, come testimoniato da alcuni brani centrali delle sue lettere.