804 resultados para Secular change, Body proportions, Japan, Children, BMI


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A obesidade comum é atualmente um dos problemas de saúde pública mais importante no mundo, frequentemente associada a outros distúrbios tais como hipertensão, diabetes, doenças cardiovasculares e câncer. Apesar da alta prevalência de obesidade em diversas populações, muitos dos estudos relacionados aos seus fatores de risco genéticos foram realizados com indivíduos de ascendência europeia ou asiática, mas foram poucos os realizados com populações de origem africana ou nativas americanas. Nosso trabalho tem por objetivo geral investigar potenciais fatores de risco genéticos associados ao sobrepeso e à obesidade em populações afrodescendentes remanescentes de quilombos do Vale do Ribeira - SP, comunidades rurais semi-isoladas, previamente bem caracterizadas do ponto de vista clínico, genealógico e genético-populacional. Nossa amostra constituiu-se de 759 indivíduos, pertencentes a doze populações de remanescentes de quilombos (Abobral, São Pedro, Galvão, Ivaporunduva, Pedro Cubas, André Lopes, Nhunguara, Sapatu, Pilões, Maria Rosa, Poça e Reginaldo), dos quais foram obtidos amostras de DNA, dados clínicos, informações genealógicas e medidas antropométricas. A investigação dos fatores de risco genéticos associados ao sobrepeso/obesidade foi realizada por duas abordagens: (1) estudo de associação baseado em famílias (N = 584, 59 famílias) e (2) estudo de associação populacional com indivíduos não aparentados (N=305). Foram selecionados para estudo nove polimorfismos em oito genes candidatos: LEP rs2167270, LEPR rs1137101, ADRB2 rs1042713, PPARG rs1801282, PLIN1 rs2289487, RETN rs1862513, INSIG2 rs7566605, FTO rs1121980 e FTO rs1421085. As análises de associação baseadas em família indicaram que, nessas populações, apenas o polimorfismo PLIN1 rs2289487 está associado significativamente com o grupo de risco em relação à razão cintura-quadril (RCQ >=0,85 para mulheres e >=0,90 para homens; P=0,013). Aparentemente não existem trabalhos anteriores que verificaram a associação deste polimorfismo com a obesidade por essa metodologia. As análises do estudo populacional com indivíduos não aparentados mostraram associação significativa entre: (i) o alelo G no polimorfismo LEPR rs1137101 e a variação do índice de massa corporal (IMC; P=0,027); (ii) o alelo G do polimorfismo LEPR rs1137101 e o fenótipo de sobrepeso/obesidade (IMC>=25 Kg/m²; P=0,027); (iii) o alelo G no polimorfismo ADRB2 rs1042713 e o fenótipo de risco (IMC>=25 Kg/m²; P=0,029); (iv) o polimorfismo PLIN1 rs2289487 (genótipo GG) e os menores valores do IMC (P=0,025); (v) o polimorfismo FTO rs1121980 (alelo G) e o fenótipo de risco (IMC>=25 Kg/m²), assim como a variação do IMC (P=0,037 e P=0,022 respectivamente); e (vi) o alelo A no polimorfismo FTO rs1421085 e maiores valores da circunferência da cintura (Cc; P=0,016) e da razão cintura-quadril (RCQ; P=0,030). Tomados em conjunto, nossos resultados sugerem a participação dos genes LEP, LEPR, ADRB2, PLIN1 e FTO no aumento da predisposição ao sobrepeso e à obesidade nas populações remanescentes de quilombos. Por fim, as elevadas estimativas de herdabilidade dos três fenótipos investigados (IMC=33%, Cc=33% e RCQ=70%) reforçam a relevância do papel dos fatores genéticos no acúmulo de gordura corporal. O trabalho apresentado é resultado de uma investigação cuidadosa sobre os componentes genéticos associados à regulação do peso corporal em uma população brasileira afrodescendente (com características históricas, ambientais e genéticas peculiares), corroborando a hipótese de que a obesidade comum nas populações quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira é condicionada por um mecanismo poligênico modulado por fatores ambientais importantes como o sedentarismo e a transição nutricional


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The circulation and internal structure of the oceans exert a strong influence on Earth's climate because they control latitudinal heat transport and the segregation of carbon between the atmosphere and the abyss (Sigman et al., 2010, doi:10.1038/nature09149). Circulation change, particularly in the Atlantic Ocean, is widely suggested (Bartoli et al., 2005, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.06.020; Haug and Tiedemann, 1998, doi:10.1038/31447; Woodard et al., 2014, doi:10.1126/science.1255586; McKay et al., 2012, doi:10.1073/pnas.1112248109) to have been instrumental in the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation when large ice sheets first developed on North America and Eurasia during the late Pliocene, approximately 2.7 million years ago (Bailey et al., 2013, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.06.004). Yet the mechanistic link and cause/effect relationship between ocean circulation and glaciation are debated. Here we present new records of North Atlantic Ocean structure using the carbon and neodymium isotopic composition of marine sediments recording deep water for both the Last Glacial to Holocene (35-5 thousand years ago) and the late Pliocene to earliest Pleistocene (3.3-2.4 million years ago). Our data show no secular change. Instead we document major southern-sourced water incursions into the deep North Atlantic during prominent glacials from 2.7 million years ago. Our results suggest that Atlantic circulation acts as a positive feedback rather than as an underlying cause of late Pliocene Northern Hemisphere glaciation. We propose that, once surface Southern Ocean stratification (Sigman, et al., 2004, doi:10.1038/nature02357) and/or extensive sea-ice cover (McKay et al., 2012, doi:10.1073/pnas.1112248109) was established, cold-stage expansions of southern-sourced water such as those documented here enhanced carbon dioxide storage in the deep ocean, helping to increase the amplitude of glacial cycles.


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To better understand the links between the carbon cycle and changes in past climate over tectonic timescales we need new geochemical proxy records of secular change in silicate weathering rates. A number of proxies are under development, but some of the most promising (e.g. palaeoseawater records of Li and Nd isotope change) can only be employed on such large samples of mono-specific foraminifera that application to the deep sea sediment core archive becomes highly problematic. "Dentoglobigerina" venezuelana presents a potentially attractive target for circumventing this problem because it is a typically large (> 355 ?m diameter), abundant and cosmopolitan planktic foraminifer that ranges from the early Oligocene to early Pliocene. Yet considerable taxonomic and ecological uncertainties associated with this taxon must first be addressed. Here, we assess the taxonomy, palaeoecology, and ontogeny of "D." venezuelana using stable isotope (oxygen and carbon) and Mg/Ca data measured in tests of late Oligocene to early Miocene age from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 925, on Ceara Rise, in the western equatorial Atlantic. To help constrain the depth habitat of "D." venezuelana relative to other species we report the stable isotope composition of selected planktic foraminifera species within Globigerina, Globigerinoides, Paragloborotalia and Catapsydrax. We define three morphotypes of "D." venezuelana based on the morphology of the final chamber and aperture architecture. We determine the trace element and stable isotope composition of each morphotype for different size fractions, to test the validity of pooling these morphotypes for the purposes of generating geochemical proxy datasets and to assess any ontogenetic variations in depth habitat. Our data indicate that "D." venezuelana maintains a lower thermocline depth habitat at Ceara Rise between 24 and 21 Ma. Comparing our results to published datasets we conclude that this lower thermocline depth ecology for the Oligo-Miocene is part of an Eocene-to-Pliocene evolution of depth habitat from surface to sub-thermocline for "D." venezuelana. Our size fraction data advocate the absence of photosymbionts in "D." venezuelana and suggest that juveniles calcify higher in the water column, descending into slightly deeper water during the later stages of its life cycle. Our morphotype data show that d18O and d13C variation between morphotypes is no greater than within-morphotype variability. This finding will permit future pooling of morphotypes in the generation of the "sample hungry" palaeoceanographic records.


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In the first third of the 20th century, Spain entered into modernity thanks to the positive state of its economic, cultural and social domains after the First World War. The objective of this article is to understand the role of artistic advertisements in the transformation of Spanish society that occurred during the decade of the ‘20s. My study of the illustrated magazine La Esfera has revealed that illustrated advertisements spread fashion, fostered sports and outdoors life, created the habit of smoking among women and had an educational influence that was powerful enough to change hygienic practices among children.


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INTRODUCTION Young people with psychosis typically have higher rates of premature cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders compared to non-psychotic peers. This has been primarily due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet composition, misuse of harmful substances and higher rates of obesity and smoking. When prescribed obesogenic antipsychotic medication, a weight gain of >12 kg within 2 years is typical. PURPOSE: To examine the benefits of a 12 wk exercise and lifestyle intervention entitled ‘Supporting Health and Promoting Exercise’ (SHAPE) for young people recently diagnosed with psychosis. METHODS Participants (n=26; 8 females; mean age 27.7 ± 5.1) engaged in weekly 45’ education sessions on healthy lifestyle behaviors, including: managing anxiety and depression, mindfulness and relaxation training, substance misuse, smoking cessation, healthy eating and nutritional advice, dental and sexual health care. This was followed by a 45’ exercise session including activities such as circuit and resistance training, yoga, and badminton, led by qualified exercise instructors. Anthropometric data were measured at baseline, 12 wk and 12 month post-intervention. Lifestyle behaviors and clinical measurements, including resting heart rate, blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, HbA1c and prolactin, were assessed at baseline and 12 months post-intervention as part of their routine clinical care plan. Significant differences over time were assessed using Paired Sample t-tests. RESULTS SHAPE participants (n=26) presented with first episode psychosis (n=11), schizophrenia (n=11), bipolar disorder (n=2), at risk mental state (n=1), and persistent delusion disorder (n=1) of which 52% were prescribed highly obesogenic antipsychotic medications (Clozapine and Olanzepine). Mean baseline data suggests participants were at an increased health risk due to elevated values in mean BMI (70% were overweight or obese), waist circumference, resting heart rate, and triglycerides (see Table 1 & 2). Over 50% reported smoking daily and 85% had elevated resting blood pressure (>120/80 mm Hg). At 12 wk post-intervention, no changes were observed in mean BMI or waist circumference (see Table 1); 19 participants either maintained (mean 0.5 kg: range ± 2 kg) or decreased (mean -5.7 kg: range 2-7 kg) weight; 7 participants increased weight (mean 4.9 kg: range 2.0-9.6 kg). At 12 month post-intervention (n=16), no change was evident in mean BMI, waist circumference, or any other clinical variable (see Table 2). Positive impacts on lifestyle behaviors included 7 participants eating ~400g of fruit/vegetables daily, 2 ceased substance use, 2 ceased alcohol use, 4 ceased smoking and 5 were less sedentary. CONCLUSION At the start of the programme, participants were already at an increased risk for cardiometabolic disorders. Findings suggest that SHAPE supported young people with psychosis to: -attenuate their physical health risk following a 12 wk exercise and lifestyle intervention which were sustained at 12 months follow up. -make positive lifestyle behavior changes leading to sustained improvements in weight maintenance and physical health.


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Objetivou-se conhecer as implicações do cuidado à criança e ao adolescente vítimas de queimaduras para a prática da enfermagem. Realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória com abordagem qualitativa. Participaram dez profissionais da equipe de enfermagem de um Centro de Referência a Pacientes Queimados do sul do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados no segundo semestre de 2012 por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados pela técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Em relação aos sentimentos frente ao cuidado verificou-se que esses vivenciam ansiedade e tensão frente à dor do paciente, têm a sensação de doação querendo “fazer mais”, tristeza e abalo, sensação de utilidade e de competência ao ver os efeitos do cuidado, impotência por não terem controle sobre a situação vivenciada, revolta e raiva por não compreenderem o porquê este acidente aconteceu e pena dos pacientes e de seus familiares devido o seu sofrimento. Como facilidades para o cuidado referiram a ajuda mútua entre os membros da equipe aliada ao tempo de atuação no setor, o desenvolvimento de um bom relacionamento com a família da criança / adolescente, a sinceridade da criança ao manifestar seus sentimentos, uma identificação e afinidade maior para cuidar crianças e adolescentes e o adolescente ser mais aberto e entender com facilidade a linguagem utilizada no setor. Referiram como dificuldades à falta de preparo e a pouca habilidade para cuidar de crianças/ adolescentes com dor, o desconhecimento acerca do paciente, a falta de habilidades técnicas para realizar procedimentos em crianças/ adolescentes, lidar com o familiar, lidar com a necessidade de manipular o corpo do adolescente, comunicar-se com crianças que não sabem expressar-se, pacientes que não falam o português e adolescentes que possuem linguagem própria, explicar para o paciente a magnitude do trauma sofrido e conversar com esses acerca das sequelas, deformidades e limitações com as quais terão que (con)viver. Quanto às estratégias para se instrumentalizar para o cuidado utilizam a leitura sobre queimaduras e curativos, leituras de materiais de outras áreas da saúde, uso de técnicas de abordagem e interação com pacientes e familiares, a prática diária no setor e a busca de apoio na equipe e na instituição, realizando atividades de educação continuada. Quanto às estratégias utilizadas para cuidar referiram o estabelecimento de vínculo e de uma relação dialógica, o uso de brincadeiras e atividades lúdicas, o fornecimento de apoio, a introdução da família no processo de cuidado, o uso da criatividade, a valorização do aspecto psicológico do paciente, a adaptação do cuidado de acordo com a faixa etária do paciente e o uso da escuta atenta e sensível. A partir dos dados concluiu-se que o cuidado de enfermagem a crianças e adolescentes vítimas de queimaduras é complexo bem como causador de impacto para os profissionais atuantes em Centros de Queimados. Acredita-se que o estudo possibilitará discutir e refletir acerca da prática profissional da enfermagem no Centro de Queimados frente ao cuidado à criança e ao Adolescente vítima de queimaduras.


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Principal attrition is a national problem particularly in large urban school districts. Research confirms that schools that serve high proportions of children living in poverty have the most difficulty attracting and retaining competent school leaders. Principals who are at the helm of high poverty schools have a higher turnover rate than the national average of three to four years and higher rates of teacher attrition. This leadership turnover has a fiscal impact on districts and negatively affects student achievement. Research identifies a myriad of reasons why administrators leave the role of principal: some leave the position for retirement; some exit based on difficulty of the role and lack of support; and some simply leave for other opportunities within and outside of the profession altogether. As expectations for both teacher and learner performance drive the national education agenda, understanding how to keep effective principals in their jobs is critical. This study examined the factors that principals in a large urban district identified as potentially affecting their decisions to stay in the position. The study utilized a multi-dimensional, web-based questionnaire to examine principals’ perceptions regarding contributing factors that impact tenure. Results indicated that: • having a quality teaching staff and establishing a positive work-life balance were important stay factors for principals; • having an effective supervisor and collegial support from other principals, were helpful supports; and • having adequate resources, time for long-term planning, and teacher support and resources were critical working conditions. Taken together, these indicators were the most frequently cited factors that would keep principals in their positions. The results were used to create a framework that may serve as a potential guide for addressing principal retention.


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Research clearly shows that physical activity (PA) is an important factor to develop and maintain good health and adequate body functions in older people. In this context, the purpose of this study was to determine aerobic performance and morphological modifications after a 4 month physical activity program (PAP) in elderly. METHODS Forty subjects divided in two groups (control, n=20; and experimental, n=20) were evaluated twice, at the beginning and after a 4-month-activity program period. This program called “+ age + health” consists of 3 week sessions of one hour each, based on walking and aerobic exercises. The control group had, at its first evaluation, the followings characteristics: average body mass 68kg±15, 28±5 BMI, 37%±5 body fat, 2.2kg±0.4 bone mass, 42%±9 lean body mass and did 129 repetitions ± 46 on a 2-Minute Step Test (2MST). The assessment of anthropometric and morphological variables was measured through an electrical bioimpedance scale (TANITA - BC 545). Aerobic endurance was evaluated from a 2MST.RESULTS In the control group only the percentage of body fat changed significantly, and increased over time. In the experimental group we found a positive relationship between PAP and the majority of morphological variables. The percentage of variation changed in: body fat (-4.3%±7.6, p=0.014), bone mass (2.4%±3.1, p=0.004) and 2MST (33.6%±63.1, p=0.023). In the remaining variables there were no significant modifications. The significant modification in 2MST after the activity period means that the aerobic performance can be improved in elderly, and attenuates the negative effects of age. Moreover, the benefits of PAP can be seen by positive alterations registered in lean body mass and in the percentage of body fat.


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Introdução: A aspiração de corpo estranho (ACE) é uma emergência pediátrica e uma causa importante de morte acidental na criança. A maioria dos casos ocorre com objetos orgânicos e inorgânicos de pequenas dimensões, sobretudo em idade pré-escolar. A ACE cursa com amplo espectro de manifestações e o seu diagnóstico representa muitas vezes um desafio. Caso clínico: Descrevemos o caso clínico de uma criança de dois anos que recorreu ao Serviço de Urgência por tosse, disfonia e disfagia. Ao exame objetivo apresentava acessos de tosse estridulosa, tiragem supra-esternal ligeira e auscultação pulmonar com sibilos inspiratórios/expiratórios e roncos dispersos bilateralmente. A telerradiografia do tórax evidenciava um reforço hilar bilateral, mais notável à direita. A avaliação por Otorrinolaringologia, incluindo a nasolaringofibroscopia, não de- mostrou alterações. A broncoscopia revelou a presença de corpo estranho vegetal condicionando obstrução superior a 50% do lúmen do brônquio principal direito. Conclusão: Pretendemos com este caso salientar a necessidade de manter alto índice de suspeição perante a possibilidade de ACE, pois o atraso no seu reconhecimento condiciona o seu tratamento e o eventual aparecimento de sequelas irreversíveis.


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Background: Pregnancy is associated with increases in fasting triglycerides and total cholesterol.1 ApoE isoforms are known to influence the concentration of cholesterol, with apoE2 homozygosity lowering and apoE4 homozygosity raising the cholesterol concentration compared with E3 homozygosity.2 The lipid profiles ApoE status and prevalence of small dense LDL species were evaluated for subjects attending an antenatal clinic. Results: Samples from 690 women aged between 16 and 42 years of age were analyzed during and after pregnancy. The fasting plasma triglyceride concentration (in mmol/L) was significantly higher in pregnancy (median = 1.5, IQR 1.0-2.0 vs median = 0.6, IQR 0.5-0.8 respectively, p < 0.0001). Similarly, the total cholesterol (in mmol/L) was increased during pregnancy (median=4.1, IQR 3.6-4.7 vs median 3.5, IQR 3.1-3.5, respectively p=0.0167). The median LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol did not change. Higher proportions of small density LDL species were seen during pregnancy compared to after pregnancy. The distribution of the LDL species during pregnancy and 6 weeks post-partum were significantly different p<0.0001 with the smaller species being much higher during pregnancy. Conclusion: ApoE4 genotype was associated with increased total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol concentrations during pregnancy. Pregnancy results in a reversible remodeling of LDL to smaller species, the significance of which is unknown but may indicate a predisposition to atherosclerosis


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The quality of the image of 18F-FDG PET/CT scans in overweight patients is commonly degraded. This study evaluates, retrospectively, the relation between SNR, weight and dose injected in 65 patients, with a range of weights from 35 to 120 kg, with scans performed using the Biograph mCT using a standardized protocol in the Nuclear Medicine Department at Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Five ROI’s were made in the liver, assumed to be an organ of homogenous metabolism, at the same location, in five consecutive slices of the PET/CT scans to obtain the mean uptake (signal) values and its standard deviation (noise). The ratio of both gave us the Signal-to- Noise Ratio in the liver. With the help of a spreadsheet, weight, height, SNR and Body Mass Index were calculated and graphs were designed in order to obtain the relation between these factors. The graphs showed that SNR decreases as the body weight and/or BMI increased and also showed that, even though the dose injected increased, the SNR also decreased. This is due to the fact that heavier patients receive higher dose and, as reported, heavier patients have less SNR. These findings suggest that the quality of the images, measured by SNR, that were acquired in heavier patients are worst than thinner patients, even though higher FDG doses are given. With all this taken in consideration, it was necessary to make a new formula to calculate a new dose to give to patients and having a good and constant SNR in every patient. Through mathematic calculations, it was possible to reach to two new equations (power and exponential), which would lead to a SNR from a scan made with a specific reference weight (86 kg was the considered one) which was independent of body mass. The study implies that with these new formulas, patients heavier than the reference weight will receive higher doses and lighter patients will receive less doses. With the median being 86 kg, the new dose and new SNR was calculated and concluded that the quality of the image remains almost constant as the weight increases and the quantity of the necessary FDG remains almost the same, without increasing the costs for the total amount of FDG used in all these patients.


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A lógica fuzzy admite infinitos valores lógicos intermediários entre o falso e o verdadeiro. Com esse princípio, foi elaborado neste trabalho um sistema baseado em regras fuzzy, que indicam o índice de massa corporal de animais ruminantes com objetivo de obter o melhor momento para o abate. O sistema fuzzy desenvolvido teve como entradas as variáveis massa e altura, e a saída um novo índice de massa corporal, denominado Índice de Massa Corporal Fuzzy (IMC Fuzzy), que poderá servir como um sistema de detecção do momento de abate de bovinos, comparando-os entre si através das variáveis linguísticas )Muito BaixaM, ,BaixaB, ,MédiaM, ,AltaA e Muito AltaM. Para a demonstração e aplicação da utilização deste sistema fuzzy, foi feita uma análise de 147 vacas da raça Nelore, determinando os valores do IMC Fuzzy para cada animal e indicando a situação de massa corpórea de todo o rebanho. A validação realizada do sistema foi baseado em uma análise estatística, utilizando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson 0,923, representando alta correlação positiva e indicando que o método proposto está adequado. Desta forma, o presente método possibilita a avaliação do rebanho, comparando cada animal do rebanho com seus pares do grupo, fornecendo desta forma um método quantitativo de tomada de decisão para o pecuarista. Também é possível concluir que o presente trabalho estabeleceu um método computacional baseado na lógica fuzzy capaz de imitar parte do raciocínio humano e interpretar o índice de massa corporal de qualquer tipo de espécie bovina e em qualquer região do País.


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"A família tem grande poder de influência e de transformação na vida de crianças e adolescentes. Os estudos recentes referem que o suporte familiar parece influenciar o desenvolvimento de comportamentos agressivos. Afirmam ainda a existência de uma relação entre o comportamento de bullying e o suporte que os jovens recebem das suas famílias. Assim, partindo da hipótese de que na fase da adolescência dos filhos, o suporte social dos pais poderá estar na origem de diferentes tipos de comportamentos agressivos/vitimizantes, o objetivo deste estudo é o de explorar as propriedades psicométricas do Questionário de Suporte Parental (QSP-6) – versão reduzida para Adolescentes (Clouse, 2007). Deste modo, apresentamos os resultados obtidos a partir de uma amostra de 728 adolescentes e jovens (372 do sexo feminino e 356 do sexo masculino) com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 21 anos. A estrutura relacional dos 18 itens foi avaliada por uma Análise Fatorial Exploratória (AFE) sobre a matriz de correlações, com extração dos fatores pelo método das componentes principais, seguido de rotação varimax. Os estudos psicométricos do QSP-6 revelam, de forma global, bons índices de fiabilidade e validade do instrumento."


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OBJECTIVE: Although dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is the preferred method to estimate adiposity, body mass index (BMI) is often used as a proxy. However, the ability of BMI to measure adiposity change among youth is poorly evidenced. This study explored which metrics of BMI change have the highest correlations with different metrics of DEXA change. METHODS: Data were from the Quebec Adipose and Lifestyle Investigation in Youth cohort, a prospective cohort of children (8-10 years at recruitment) from Québec, Canada (n=557). Height and weight were measured by trained nurses at baseline (2008) and follow-up (2010). Metrics of BMI change were raw (ΔBMIkg/m(2) ), adjusted for median BMIBMIpercentage) and age-sex-adjusted with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth curves expressed as centiles (ΔBMIcentile) or z-scores (ΔBMIz-score). Metrics of DEXA change were raw (total fat mass; ΔFMkg), per cent (ΔFMpercentage), height-adjusted (fat mass index; ΔFMI) and age-sex-adjusted z-scores (ΔFMz-score). Spearman's rank correlations were derived. RESULTS: Correlations ranged from modest (0.60) to strong (0.86). ΔFMkg correlated most highly with ΔBMIkg/m(2) (r = 0.86), ΔFMI with ΔBMIkg/m(2) and ΔBMIpercentage (r = 0.83-0.84), ΔFMz-score with ΔBMIz-score (r = 0.78), and ΔFMpercentage with ΔBMIpercentage (r = 0.68). Correlations with ΔBMIcentile were consistently among the lowest. CONCLUSIONS: In 8-10-year-old children, absolute or per cent change in BMI is a good proxy for change in fat mass or FMI, and BMI z-score change is a good proxy for FM z-score change. However change in BMI centile and change in per cent fat mass perform less well and are not recommended.